15 research outputs found

    Design of a quality gauge to reduce waste in the component automotive perception of musculoskeletal risk in pallets storage tasks

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    This applied research is performed in the automotive industry in Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua Mexico; it is focused in the area of pre-shape for bending the pins of the transistors that are assembled into a device called AFC (Automotive Fan Control), which is used to operate the on-off cooling fan motor of a vehicle. The purpose of this work is to design a quality gauge (Gage Go no Go) by the method of QFD (quality function deployment) to verify the proper assembly of these components. Actually, the company does not have one of this test device. The results show that the QFD is a methodology which guarantees the successful design of this type of test devices.Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés), el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés) mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo

    Diseño de un calibrador de calidad para disminuir el desperdicio en el área de ensamble de un componente para automóvil

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    Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés), el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés) mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo

    Quality Function Deployment: More Than a Design Tool

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    Purpose – This study investigates to what extent QFD can be used in quality improvement rather than design activities. Design/methodology/approach – A framework was developed for implementation of QFD as a quality improvement tool. A case study approach is used to test this framework, and quality issues were analyzed using the framework in a ceramic tile manufacturing company. Findings – The results showed considerable improvements in the critical quality characteristics identified and sales rates, demonstrating the potential of QFD to be used in assessing and prioritizing areas of improvement, and converting them into measurable process or product requirements. Research limitations/implications – One case study was completed. More studies would be beneficial to support current findings. Practical implications – This framework provides structured approach and guidelines for practitioners in adapting QFD for quality improvements in existing products or processes. Originality/value – This study proposes a new framework to use QFD in quality improvement activities, expanding its application areas. Moreover, the results of the literature study performed provide a valuable collection of practical QFD implementation examples. Keywords Quality function deployment (QFD), quality improvement, customer complaints, voice of customer (VOC), house of quality (HOQ)

    Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Cokelat Dengan Integrasi Metode Kano Dan QFD

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    The company strives to produce quality products or services. Therefore, companies seek satisfaction or consumer needs so that consumers are satisfied. This study uses the Kano method and QFD. Kano aims to find out the attributes of chocolate products according to consumer desires. Furthermore, QFD gives priority to priority development. The research objective is to find out the product attributes that consumers want and provide information in an effort to improve quality. The results showed that there were 23 attributes which were consumers and 11 who were responsible for making new design designs, checking the composition and quality of raw materials, choosing fonts that were easy to read by consumers, adding filling nuts and eating in promotions via Instagram


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    Metode QFD bagi perusahaan yang berusaha meningkatkan daya saingnya melalui perbaikan kualitas dan produktifitasnya secara berkesinambungan adalah meningkatkan keandalan produk, meningkatkan kualitas produk, meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen, memperpendek time to market, mereduksi biaya perancangan, meningkatkan komunikasi, meningkatkan produktivitas dan meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan. Disamping itu QFD juga bertujuan untuk pengembangan produk yang dapat memuaskan konsumen dengan menterjemahkan keinginan konsumen ke dalam karakteristik teknis yang menjadi sasaran desain dan elemen pengendalian mutu untuk digunakan di seluruh proses produksi. Kemampuan menghasilkan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen merupakan faktor kunci yang harus dimiliki oleh perusahaan untuk dapat menghasilkan produk yang berdaya saing tinggi.Metode pengembangan produk QFD telah banyak diterapkan di bidang industri untuk memaksimalkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan berbasis pada perbaikan kualitas, dan lainnya, dan semuanya kembali sebagai sumber kendala. Perbaikan kualitas adalah faktor penting untuk sebuah perusahaan agar dapat mempertahankan keeksistensian perusahaannya di dunia industri. Di beberapa penelitian sebelumnya lebih banyak fokus pada faktor perbaikan kualitas yaitu bagaimana membantu perusahaan untuk mendapat kepuasaan dari konsumen, sedangkan faktor bagaimana agar perusahaan mampu meningkatkan daya saing kurang mendapat perhatian, kalaupun ada tidak dihitung dan dibahas secara detil

    L.A.R.G. supplier selection based on integrating house of quality, Taguchi loss function and M.O.P.A.

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    Nowadays, companies are able to obtain the key to success in global competition by choosing the right suppliers who are more align with their strategies. It is clear that applying appropriate attitudes and criteria have a great importance in choosing suppliers in the process of decision-making by chain managers and especially purchasing managers. In this study tried to apply Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green (L.A.R.G.) approach in a model designed to select the consistence supplier. Accordingly, at first, while reviewing and exploiting the literature, the most main logistics needs of the company concerned in the light of the objectives that followed on the fields of the LARG attitudes, are refined and selected, then their degree of significance is determined through Multi-Objective Performance Analysis (M.O.P.A.). The house of quality (H.O.Q.) matrix is applied to determine the importance degree of the technical characteristics of the suppliers and Taguchi loss function is applied to determine the degree of their performance deviation from the target value in each one of the technical characteristics (ultimate judgment about their competency). The considered suppliers are ranked based on the results of the loss function analysis. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to analyse the impact of different conditions on suppliers’ranking and validation of the ranking results were Satisfied by applying the T.O.P.S.I.S. method

    Ödeme kaydedici cihazlar için kullanılan bulut sisteminin bütünleşik bulanık dematel ve bulanık kalite fonksiyon yayılımı yöntemleri ile iyileştirilmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada, ödeme kaydedici cihazlar için oluşturulan bulut sisteminin bulanık kalite fonksiyon yayılımı (KFY) yöntemi ve bulanık DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) yöntemi ile iyileştirilmesi çalışması yapılmıştır. Ödeme kaydedici cihazlar üzerinde gerçekleşen işlemleri, işlemlere ait verileri görebilmek için entegrasyon çeşitlerinden herhangi biri ile entegratör firmaya bağlı kalarak cihazın haberleşmesi gerekmektedir. Yapılan çalışmada mevcut yöntemlerden farklı olarak herhangi bir entegrasyon firmasına bağlı kalmadan cihaz üzerinde yapılan işlemlerin internet üzerinden erişimi sağlanması için bulanık KFY yöntemi ile birlikte bulanık DEMATEL yöntemi kullanılarak bir yazarkasa firmasını yapmış olduğu eski yapı geliştirilmiştir. Bulanık KFY yöntemi uygulanarak iyileştirilecek olan yapının etkinlik ve verimliliğin arttırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bulanık KFY yönteminde elde edilecek değerlerin gerçeğe daha yakın olabilmesi, etkileyen ve etkilenen değerlerin birbiri arasındaki ilişkiden dolayı bulanık DEMATEL yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada cihaz üzerinde yapılan işlemlerin takibi için entegratör firmaya bağlı kalınması problemi ortadan kaldırılıp tek bir kullanıcıya bağlı olmadan istenilen yerde, istenilen zamanda, güvenli bir şekilde istenilen cihaz hakkında detaylı bilgi alınması sağlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda kullanım kolaylığının, istenilen bilgiye anında erişilebilirliğin ve anlaşılırlığın sağlanması için çözümler oluşturulup KFY yöntemi ile sistem geliştirilmesi ve iyileştirilmesi yapılmıştır. Ödeme kaydedici cihaz sahibi olan herkesin istek ve talepleri doğrultusunda birçok yeni özellik bulut sistemine eklenip müşteri talepleri karşılanmıştır.In this study, enhancement of the cloud system created for payment devices by the fuzzy quality function deployment (Fuzzy QFD) and fuzzy DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) methods has been done. In order to be able to see the transactions performed on the payment devices and the data belonging to the transactions, it is necessary to communicate with the device provided that being connected to the integrator firm. In the study, an old infrastructure of a cash register company has been enhanced by using fuzzy QFD method in order to access the transactions made on the device over internet without being connected to any integration company. It is aimed to increase the efficiency of the infrastructure by applying the fuzzy QFD method. Fuzzy DEMATEL method is being used in order to get the values obtained by fuzzy QFD method closer to reality. In the study, the problem of necessity of being connected to the integrator company in order to access the transactions made on the device was eliminated. It is provided to get detailed information from the desired device safely at the desired location and time without being connected to a single user. As a result of the study, solutions for the old infrastructure were developed to improve the ease of use, instant accessibility and clarity of the requested information by fuzzy QFD method. In accordance with the requests and demands of everyone who owns payment device, many new features have been added to the cloud system to meet customer demands