13 research outputs found

    Parallel-sampling ADC architecture for power-efficient broadband multi-carrier systems

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    Hybrid MIMO Architectures for Millimeter Wave Communications: Phase Shifters or Switches?

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    Hybrid analog/digital MIMO architectures were recently proposed as an alternative for fully-digitalprecoding in millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless communication systems. This is motivated by the possible reduction in the number of RF chains and analog-to-digital converters. In these architectures, the analog processing network is usually based on variable phase shifters. In this paper, we propose hybrid architectures based on switching networks to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the structures based on phase shifters. We define a power consumption model and use it to evaluate the energy efficiency of both structures. To estimate the complete MIMO channel, we propose an open loop compressive channel estimation technique which is independent of the hardware used in the analog processing stage. We analyze the performance of the new estimation algorithm for hybrid architectures based on phase shifters and switches. Using the estimated, we develop two algorithms for the design of the hybrid combiner based on switches and analyze the achieved spectral efficiency. Finally, we study the trade-offs between power consumption, hardware complexity, and spectral efficiency for hybrid architectures based on phase shifting networks and switching networks. Numerical results show that architectures based on switches obtain equal or better channel estimation performance to that obtained using phase shifters, while reducing hardware complexity and power consumption. For equal power consumption, all the hybrid architectures provide similar spectral efficiencies.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Acces

    Broadband Direct RF Digitization Receivers

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    Post Conversion Correction of Non-Linear Mismatches for Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters

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    Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters (TI-ADCs) utilize an architecture which enables conversion rates well beyond the capabilities of a single converter while preserving most or all of the other performance characteristics of the converters on which said architecture is based. Most of the approaches discussed here are independent of architecture; some solutions take advantage of specific architectures. Chapter 1 provides the problem formulation and reviews the errors found in ADCs as well as a brief literature review of available TI-ADC error correction solutions. Chapter 2 presents the methods and materials used in implementation as well as extend the state of the art for post conversion correction. Chapter 3 presents the simulation results of this work and Chapter 4 concludes the work. The contribution of this research is three fold: A new behavioral model was developed in SimulinkTM and MATLABTM to model and test linear and nonlinear mismatch errors emulating the performance data of actual converters. The details of this model are presented as well as the results of cumulant statistical calculations of the mismatch errors which is followed by the detailed explanation and performance evaluation of the extension developed in this research effort. Leading post conversion correction methods are presented and an extension with derivations is presented. It is shown that the data converter subsystem architecture developed is capable of realizing better performance of those currently reported in the literature while having a more efficient implementation

    Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital-Converters: Modeling, Blind Identification and Digital Correction of Frequency Response Mismatches

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    Analog-to-digital-conversion enables utilization of digital signal processing (DSP) in many applications today such as wireless communication, radar and electronic warfare. DSP is the favored choice for processing information over analog signal processing (ASP) because it can typically offer more flexibility, computational power, reproducibility, speed and accuracy when processing and extracting information. Software defined radio (SDR) receiver is one clear example of this, where radio frequency waveforms are converted into digital form as close to the antenna as possible and all the processing of the information contained in the received signal is extracted in a configurable manner using DSP. In order to achieve such goals, the information collected from the real world signals, which are commonly analog in their nature, must be converted into digital form before it can be processed using DSP in the respective systems. The common trend in these systems is to not only process ever larger bandwidths of data but also to process data in digital format at ever higher processing speeds with sufficient conversion accuracy. So the analog-to-digital-converter (ADC), which converts real world analog waveforms into digital form, is one of the most important cornerstones in these systems.The ADC must perform data conversion at higher and higher rates and digitize ever-increasing bandwidths of data. In accordance with the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, the conversion rate of the ADC must be suffcient to accomodate the BW of the signal to be digitized, in order to avoid aliasing. The conversion rate of the ADC can in general be increased by using parallel ADCs with each ADC performing the sampling at mutually different points in time. Interleaving the outputs of each of the individual ADCs provides then a higher digitization output rate. Such ADCs are referred to as TI-ADC. However, the mismatches between the ADCs cause unwanted spurious artifacts in the TI-ADC’s spectrum, ultimately leading to a loss in accuracy in the TI-ADC compared to the individual ADCs. Therefore, the removal or correction of these unwanted spurious artifacts is essential in having a high performance TI-ADC system.In order to remove the unwanted interleaving artifacts, a model that describes the behavior of the spurious distortion products is of the utmost importance as it can then facilitate the development of efficient digital post-processing schemes. One major contribution of this thesis consists of the novel and comprehensive modeling of the spurious interleaving mismatches in different TI-ADC scenarios. This novel and comprehensive modeling is then utilized in developing digital estimation and correction methods to remove the mismatch induced spurious artifacts in the TI-ADC’s spectrum and recovering its lost accuracy. Novel and first of its kind digital estimation and correction methods are developed and tested to suppress the frequency dependent mismatch spurs found in the TI-ADCs. The developed methods, in terms of the estimation of the unknown mismatches, build on statistical I/Q signal processing principles, applicable without specifically tailored calibration signals or waveforms. Techniques to increase the analog BW of the ADC are also analyzed and novel solutions are presented. The interesting combination of utilizing I/Q downconversion in conjunction with TI-ADC is examined, which not only extends the TI-ADC’s analog BW but also provides flexibility in accessing the radio spectrum. Unwanted spurious components created during the ADC’s bandwidth extension process are also analyzed and digital correction methods are developed to remove these spurs from the spectrum. The developed correction techniques for the removal of the undesired interleaving mismatch artifacts are validated and tested using various HW platforms, with up to 1 GHz instantaneous bandwidth. Comprehensive test scenarios are created using measurement data obtained from HW platforms, which are used to test and evaluate the performance of the developed interleaving mismatch estimation and correction schemes, evidencing excellent performance in all studied scenarios. The findings and results presented in this thesis contribute towards increasing the analog BW and conversion rate of ADC systems without losing conversion accuracy. Overall, these developments pave the way towards fulfilling the ever growing demands on the ADCs in terms of higher conversion BW, accuracy and speed

    A Low Jitter Analog Circuit for Precisely Correcting Timing Skews in Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters

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    Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters are an attractive architecture for achieving a high speed, high resolution ADC in a power efficient manner. However, due to process and manufacturing variations, timing skews occur between the sampling clocks of the sub ADCs within the TI-ADC. These timing skews compromise the spurious free dynamic range of the converter. In addition, jitter on the sampling clocks, degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of the TI-ADC. Therefore, in order to maintain an acceptable spurious free dynamic range and signal to noise ratio, it is necessary to correct the timing skews while adding minimal jitter. Two analog-based architectures for correcting timing skews were investigated, with one being selected for implementation. The selected architecture and additional test circuitry were designed and fabricated in a 0.18µm CMOS process and tested using a 125 MSPS 16 bit ADC. The circuit achieves a correction precision on the order of 10’s of femtoseconds for timing skews as large as approximately 180 picoseconds, while adding less than 200 femtoseconds of rms jitter

    Compensation numérique pour convertisseur large bande hautement parallélisé.

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    Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (TIADC) seem to be the holy grail of analog-to-digital conversion. Theoretically, their sampling speed can be increased, very simply, by duplicating the sub-converters. The real world is different because mismatches between the converters strongly reduce the TIADC performance, especially when trying to push forward the sampling speed, or the resolution of the converter. Using background digital mismatch calibration can alleviate this limitation. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to studying the sources and effects of mismatches in a TIADC. Performance metrics such as the SNDR and the SFDR are derived as a function of the mismatch levels. In the second part, new background digital mismatch calibration techniques are presented. They are able to reduce the offset, gain, skew and bandwidth mismatch errors. The mismatches are estimated by using the statistical properties of the input signal and digital filters are used to reconstruct the correct output samples. In the third part, a 1.6 GS/s TIADC circuit, implementing offset, gain and skew mismatch calibration, demonstrates a reduction of the mismatch spurs down to a level of -70 dBFS, up to an input frequency of 750 MHz. The circuit achieves the lowest level of mismatches among TIADCs in the same frequency range, with a reasonable power and area, in spite of the overhead caused by the calibration.Les convertisseurs analogique-numérique à entrelacement temporel (TIADC) semblent être une solution prometteuse dans le monde de la conversion analogique-numérique. Leur fréquence d’échantillonnage peut théoriquement être augmentée en augmentant le nombre de convertisseurs en parallèle. En réalité, des désappariements entre les convertisseurs peuvent fortement dégrader les performances, particulièrement à haute fréquence d’échantillonnage ou à haute résolution. Ces défauts d’appariement peuvent être réduits en utilisant des techniques de calibration en arrière-plan. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des sources et effets des différents types de désappariements dans un TIADC. Des indicateurs de performance tels que le SNDR ou la SFDR sont exprimés en fonction du niveau des désappariements. Dans la deuxième partie, des nouvelles techniques de calibration sont proposées. Ces techniques permettent de réduire les effets des désappariements d’offset, de gain, d’instant d’échantillonnage et de bande passante. Les désappariements sont estimés en se basant sur des propriétés statistiques du signal et la reconstruction des échantillons de sortie se fait en utilisant des filtres numériques. La troisième partie démontre les performance d’un TIADC fonctionnant a une fréquence d’échantillonnage de 1.6 GE/s et comprenant les calibration d’offset, de gain et d’instant d’échantillonnage proposées. Les raies fréquentielles dues aux désappariements sont réduites à un niveau de -70dBc jusqu’à une fréquence d’entrée de 750 MHz. Ce circuit démontre une meilleure correction de désappariements que des circuits similaires récemment publiés, et ce avec une augmentation de puissance consommée et de surface relativement faible