6 research outputs found

    Alpha suppression and connectivity modulations in left temporal and parietal cortices index partial awareness of words

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    The partial awareness hypothesis is a theoretical proposal that recently provided a reconciling solution to graded and dichotomous accounts of consciousness. It suggests that we can become conscious of distinct properties of an object independently, ranging from low-level features to complex forms of representation. We investigated this hypothesis using classic visual word masking adapted to a near-threshold paradigm. The masking intensity was adjusted to the individual perception threshold, at which individual alphabetical letters, but not words, could be perceived in approximately half of the trials. We confined perception to a pre-lexical stage of word processing that corresponded to a clear condition of partial awareness. At this level of representation, the stimulus properties began to emerge within consciousness, yet they did not escalate to full stimulus awareness. In other words, participants were able to perceive individual letters, while remaining unaware of the whole letter strings presented. Cortical activity measured with MEG was compared between physically identical trials that differed in perception (perceived, not perceived). We found that compared to no awareness, partial awareness of words was characterized by suppression of oscillatory alpha power in left temporal and parietal cortices. The analysis of functional connectivity with seeds based on the power effect in these two regions revealed sparse connections for the parietal seed, and strong connections between the temporal seed and other regions of the language network. We suggest that the engagement of language regions indexed by alpha power suppression is responsible for establishing and maintaining conscious representations of individual pre-lexical units

    Formation of neocortical memory circuits for unattended written word forms : neuromagnetic evidence

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    To master linguistic communication, humans must acquire large vocabularies quickly and effortlessly. Efficient word learning might be facilitated by the ability to rapidly acquire novel word forms even outside the focus of attention, occurring within minutes of repetitive exposure and suggesting fast and automatic lexicon acquisition. However, this phenomenon has been studied in the auditory modality only, and it is unknown whether similar mechanisms also exist in the visual domain. We tested this by presenting participants with novel written word forms while the focus of their attention was on a non-linguistic dual colour-detection task. Matched familiar word forms served as a control. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we scrutinised changes in neuromagnetic responses to familiar and to novel word forms over approximately 15 minutes of exposure. We found, for the first time, a visual analogue of automatic rapid build-up of neural memory circuits for unattended novel lexical items, seen as a rapid enhancement of early (similar to 100 ms post-onset) activation in the left anterior-superior temporal lobe. Our results suggest that the brain quickly forms cortical representations for new written forms, and indicate that the automatic neural mechanisms subserving rapid online acquisition of novel linguistic information might be shared by both auditory and visual modalities.Peer reviewe

    A neuronal gamma oscillatory signature during morphological unification in the left occipitotemporal junction

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    Morphology is the aspect of language concerned with the internal structure of words. In the past decades, a large body of masked priming (behavioral and neuroimaging) data has suggested that the visual word recognition system automatically decomposes any morphologically complex word into a stem and its constituent morphemes. Yet the reliance of morphology on other reading processes (e.g., orthography and semantics), as well as its underlying neuronal mechanisms are yet to be determined. In the current magnetoencephalography study, we addressed morphology from the perspective of the unification framework, that is, by applying the Hold/Release paradigm, morphological unification was simulated via the assembly of internal morphemic units into a whole word. Trials representing real words were divided into words with a transparent (true) or a nontransparent (pseudo) morphological relationship. Morphological unification of truly suffixed words was faster and more accurate and additionally enhanced induced oscillations in the narrow gamma band (60–85 Hz, 260–440 ms) in the left posterior occipitotemporal junction. This neural signature could not be explained by a mere automatic lexical processing (i.e., stem perception), but more likely it related to a semantic access step during the morphological unification process. By demonstrating the validity of unification at the morphological level, this study contributes to the vast empirical evidence on unification across other language processes. Furthermore, we point out that morphological unification relies on the retrieval of lexical semantic associations via induced gamma band oscillations in a cerebral hub region for visual word form processing

    Alpha-band suppression in the visual word form area as a functional bottleneck to consciousness.

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    The current state of empirical investigations refers to consciousness as an all-or-none phenomenon. However, a recent theoretical account opens up this perspective by proposing a partial level (between nil and full) of conscious perception. In the well-studied case of single-word reading, short-lived exposure can trigger incomplete word-form recognition wherein letters fall short of forming a whole word in one's conscious perception thereby hindering word-meaning access and report. Hence, the processing from incomplete to complete word-form recognition straightforwardly mirrors a transition from partial to full-blown consciousness. We therefore hypothesized that this putative functional bottleneck to consciousness (i.e. the perceptual boundary between partial and full conscious perception) would emerge at a major key hub region for word-form recognition during reading, namely the left occipito-temporal junction. We applied a real-time staircase procedure and titrated subjective reports at the threshold between partial (letters) and full (whole word) conscious perception. This experimental approach allowed us to collect trials with identical physical stimulation, yet reflecting distinct perceptual experience levels. Oscillatory brain activity was monitored with magnetoencephalography and revealed that the transition from partial-to-full word-form perception was accompanied by alpha-band (7-11 Hz) power suppression in the posterior left occipito-temporal cortex. This modulation of rhythmic activity extended anteriorly towards the visual word form area (VWFA), a region whose selectivity for word-forms in perception is highly debated. The current findings provide electrophysiological evidence for a functional bottleneck to consciousness thereby empirically instantiating a recently proposed partial perspective on consciousness. Moreover, the findings provide an entirely new outlook on the functioning of the VWFA as a late bottleneck to full-blown conscious word-form perception

    Inattentional Blindness: Neural Correlates and Theoretical Progress

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    Consciousness has remained one of the most perplexing enigmas of science and philosophy. Modern neuroscientific research seeks to understand how consciousness emerges within biological systems through identifying the necessary mechanisms that enable sensory information to be consciously experienced. Inattentional blindness (IB), the failure to notice something right in front of you, offers a profound means of studying consciousness, as it highlights the indistinct boundary between the conscious and the unconscious. The primary goal of the current thesis was to contribute to a scientific understanding of consciousness through advancing knowledge on IB. To this end, two reviews and four empirical studies were conducted. The first review provides a qualitative synthesis of empirical literature on IB that has employed neuroscientific methodology. Findings suggest that neural correlates of consciousness under conditions of IB may favour early sensory views of consciousness, however more research is needed. The second review provides a systematic review of the behavioural literature on IB, with focus on its two leading theories. Findings highlight that no theory can yet fully account for IB, and a model of IB is proposed based on the partial awareness hypothesis. Study one investigates the relation between alpha-band neural activity and IB via electroencephalography (EEG). Results indicate that a reduction in alpha activity in the pre- and post-stimulus interval correlates with consciousness of the critical stimulus during IB. Study two employs transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) to examine a causal role of alpha activity in IB. Findings indicate that, relative to control conditions, those stimulated at alpha frequency were more likely to be subject to IB. Study three extends on study two by implementing auditory tone trains at various frequencies during IB. Results show no difference in rates of IB based on auditory tone frequency. Study four then addresses the degree to which semantic processing, as indexed via the N400, can occur under conditions of IB. Findings show that no significant N400 activity is observed when the eliciting stimuli are rendered unconscious via IB. Overall, the implications of the current thesis are that alpha activity has a reliable, and potentially causal, relationship with IB; that a coherent explanation of IB is yet to exist, but may be found in reconsidering the traditional view of visual consciousness more broadly; and that the endowment of meaning to sensory information may be a key function of consciousness

    Stochastic and complex dynamics in mesoscopic brain networks

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    The aim of this thesis is to deepen into the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the generation of complex and stochastic dynamics, as well as emerging phenomena, in the human brain. We study typical features from the mesoscopic scale, i.e., the scale in which the dynamics is given by the activity of thousands or even millions of neurons. At this scale the synchronous activity of large neuronal populations gives rise to collective oscillations of the average voltage potential. These oscillations can easily be recorded using electroencephalography devices (EEG) or measuring the Local Field Potentials (LFPs). In Chapter 5 we show how the communication between two cortical columns (mesoscopic structures) can be mediated efficiently by a microscopic neural network. We use the synchronization of both cortical columns as a probe to ensure that an effective communication is established between the three neural structures. Our results indicate that there are certain dynamical regimes from the microscopic neural network that favor the correct communication between the cortical columns: therefore, if the LFP frequency of the neural network is of around 40Hz, the synchronization between the cortical columns is more robust compared to the situation in which the neural network oscillates at a lower frequency (10Hz). However, microscopic topological characteristics of the network also influence communication, being a small-world structure the one that best promotes the synchronization of the cortical columns. Finally, this Chapter shows how the mediation exerted by the neural network cannot be substituted by the average of its activity, that is, the dynamic properties of the microscopic neural network are essential for the proper transmission of information between all neural structures. The oscillatory brain electrical activity is largely dependent on the interplay between excitation and inhibition. In Chapter 6 we study how groups of cortical columns show complex patterns of cortical excitation and inhibition taking into account their topological features and the strength of their couplings. These cortical columns segregate between those dominated by excitation and those dominated by inhibition, affecting the synchronization properties of networks of cortical columns. In Chapter 7 we study a dynamic regime by which complex patterns of synchronization between chaotic oscillators appear spontaneously in a network. We show what conditions must a set of coupled dynamical systems fulfill in order to display heterogeneity in synchronization. Therefore, our results are related to the complex phenomenon of synchronization in the brain, which is a focus of study nowadays. Finally, in Chapter 8 we study the ability of the brain to compute and process information. The novelty here is our use of complex synchronization in the brain in order to implement basic elements of Boolean computation. In this way, we show that the partial synchronization of the oscillations in the brain establishes a code in terms of synchronization / non-synchronization (1/0, respectively), and thus all simple Boolean functions can be implemented (AND, OR, XOR, etc.). We also show that complex Boolean functions, such as a flip-flop memory, can be constructed in terms of states of dynamic synchronization of brain oscillations.L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi és aprofundir en la comprensió dels mecanismes responsables de la generació de dinàmica complexa i estocàstica, així com de fenòmens emergents, en el cervell humà. Estudiem la fenomenologia característica de l'escala mesoscòpica, és a dir, aquella en la que la dinàmica característica ve donada per l'activitat de milers de neurones. En aquesta escala l'activitat síncrona de grans poblacions neuronals dóna lloc a un fenomen col·lectiu pel qual es produeixen oscil·lacions del seu potencial mitjà. Aquestes oscil·lacions poden ser fàcilment enregistrades mitjançant aparells d'electroencefalograma (EEG) o enregistradors de Potencials de Camp Local (LFP). En el Capítol 5 mostrem com la comunicació entre dos columnes corticals (estructures mesoscòpiques) pot ser conduïda de forma eficient per una xarxa neuronal microscòpica. De fet, emprem la sincronització de les dues columnes corticals per comprovar que s'ha establert una comunicació efectiva entre les tres estructures neuronals. Els resultats indiquen que hi ha règims dinàmics de la xarxa neuronal microscòpica que afavoreixen la correcta comunicació entre les columnes corticals: si la freqüència típica de LFP a la xarxa neuronal està al voltant dels 40Hz la sincronització entre les columnes corticals és més robusta que a una menor freqüència (10Hz). La topologia de la xarxa microscòpica també influeix en la comunicació, essent una estructura de tipus món petit (small-world) la que més afavoreix la sincronització. Finalment, la mediació de xarxa neuronal no pot ser substituïda per la mitjana de la seva activitat, és a dir, les propietats dinàmiques microscòpiques són imprescindibles per a la correcta transmissió d'informació entre totes les escales cerebrals. L'activitat elèctrica oscil·latòria cerebral ve donada en gran mesura per la interacció entre excitació i inhibició neuronal. En el Capítol 6 estudiem com grups de columnes corticals mostren patrons complexos d'excitació i inhibició segons quina sigui la seva topologia i d'acoblament. D'aquesta manera les columnes corticals se segreguen entre aquelles dominades per l'excitació i aquelles dominades per la inhibició, influint en les capacitats de sincronització de xarxes de columnes corticals. En el Capítol 7 estudiem un règim dinàmic segons el qual patrons complexos de sincronització apareixen espontàniament en xarxes d'oscil·ladors caòtics. Mostrem quines condicions s'han de donar en un conjunt de sistemes dinàmics acoblats per tal de mostrar heterogeneïtat en la sincronització, és a dir, coexistència de sincronitzacions. D'aquesta manera relacionem els nostres resultats amb el fenomen de sincronització complexa en el cervell. Finalment, en el Capítol 8 estudiem com el cervell computa i processa informació. La novetat aquí és l'ús que fem de la sincronització complexa de columnes corticals per tal d'implementar elements bàsics de computació Booleana. Mostrem com la sincronització parcial de les oscil·lacions cerebrals estableix un codi neuronal en termes de sincronització/no sincronització (1/0, respectivament) amb el qual totes les funcions Booleanes simples poden ésser implementades (AND, OR, XOR, etc). Mostrem, també, com emprant xarxes mesoscòpiques extenses les capacitats de computació creixen proporcionalment. Així funcions Booleanes complexes, com una memòria del tipus flip-flop, pot ésser construïda en termes d'estats de sincronització dinàmica d'oscil·lacions cerebrals.Postprint (published version