42 research outputs found

    Three Metaheuristic Algorithms for Solving the Multi-item Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Product Returns and Remanufacturing

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    This paper proposes a new mixed integer programming model for multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times, safety stock and demand shortages in closed-loop supply chains. The returned products from customers can either be disposed or be remanufactured to be sold as new ones again. Due to the complexity of problem, three meta-heuristics algorithms named simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, vibration damping optimization (VDO) algorithm and harmony search (HS) algorithm have been used to solve this model. Additionally, Taguchi method is conducted to calibrate the parameter of the meta-heuristics and select the optimal levels of the algorithm’s performance influential factors. To verify and validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms in terms of solution quality, the obtained results were compared with those obtained from Lingo 8 software for a different problem. Finally, computational results of these algorithms were compared and analyzed by producing and solving some small, medium and large-size test problems. The results confirmed the efficiency of the HS algorithm against the other methods

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design

    La métaheuristique CAT pour le design de réseaux logistiques déterministes et stochastiques

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    De nos jours, les entreprises d’ici et d’ailleurs sont confrontées à une concurrence mondiale sans cesse plus féroce. Afin de survivre et de développer des avantages concurrentiels, elles doivent s’approvisionner et vendre leurs produits sur les marchés mondiaux. Elles doivent aussi offrir simultanément à leurs clients des produits d’excellente qualité à prix concurrentiels et assortis d’un service impeccable. Ainsi, les activités d’approvisionnement, de production et de marketing ne peuvent plus être planifiées et gérées indépendamment. Dans ce contexte, les grandes entreprises manufacturières se doivent de réorganiser et reconfigurer sans cesse leur réseau logistique pour faire face aux pressions financières et environnementales ainsi qu’aux exigences de leurs clients. Tout doit être révisé et planifié de façon intégrée : sélection des fournisseurs, choix d’investissements, planification du transport et préparation d’une proposition de valeur incluant souvent produits et services au fournisseur. Au niveau stratégique, ce problème est fréquemment désigné par le vocable « design de réseau logistique ». Une approche intéressante pour résoudre ces problématiques décisionnelles complexes consiste à formuler et résoudre un modèle mathématique en nombres entiers représentant la problématique. Plusieurs modèles ont ainsi été récemment proposés pour traiter différentes catégories de décision en matière de design de réseau logistique. Cependant, ces modèles sont très complexes et difficiles à résoudre, et même les solveurs les plus performants échouent parfois à fournir une solution de qualité. Les travaux développés dans cette thèse proposent plusieurs contributions. Tout d’abord, un modèle de design de réseau logistique incorporant plusieurs innovations proposées récemment dans la littérature a été développé; celui-ci intègre les dimensions du choix des fournisseurs, la localisation, la configuration et l’assignation de mission aux installations (usines, entrepôts, etc.) de l’entreprise, la planification stratégique du transport et la sélection de politiques de marketing et d’offre de valeur au consommateur. Des innovations sont proposées au niveau de la modélisation des inventaires ainsi que de la sélection des options de transport. En deuxième lieu, une méthode de résolution distribuée inspirée du paradigme des systèmes multi-agents a été développée afin de résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation de grande taille incorporant plusieurs catégories de décisions. Cette approche, appelée CAT (pour collaborative agent teams), consiste à diviser le problème en un ensemble de sous-problèmes, et assigner chacun de ces sous-problèmes à un agent qui devra le résoudre. Par la suite, les solutions à chacun de ces sous-problèmes sont combinées par d’autres agents afin d’obtenir une solution de qualité au problème initial. Des mécanismes efficaces sont conçus pour la division du problème, pour la résolution des sous-problèmes et pour l’intégration des solutions. L’approche CAT ainsi développée est utilisée pour résoudre le problème de design de réseaux logistiques en univers certain (déterministe). Finalement, des adaptations sont proposées à CAT permettant de résoudre des problèmes de design de réseaux logistiques en univers incertain (stochastique)

    Essays in Business Analytics

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    Essays on Shipment Consolidation Scheduling and Decision Making in the Context of Flexible Demand

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    This dissertation contains three essays related to shipment consolidation scheduling and decision making in the presence of flexible demand. The first essay is presented in Section 1. This essay introduces a new mathematical model for shipment consolidation scheduling for a two-echelon supply chain. The problem addresses shipment coordination and consolidation decisions that are made by a manufacturer who provides inventory replenishments to multiple downstream distribution centers. Unlike previous studies, the consolidation activities in this problem are not restricted to specific policies such as aggregation of shipments at regular times or consolidating when a predetermined quantity has accumulated. Rather, we consider the construction of a detailed shipment consolidation schedule over a planning horizon. We develop a mixed-integer quadratic optimization model to identify the shipment consolidation schedule that minimizes total cost. A genetic algorithm is developed to handle large problem instances. The other two essays explore the concept of flexible demand. In Section 2, we introduce a new variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP): the vehicle routing problem with flexible repeat visits (VRP-FRV). This problem considers a set of customers at certain locations with certain maximum inter-visit time requirements. However, they are flexible in their visit times. The VRP-FRV has several real-world applications. One scenario is that of caretakers who provide service to elderly people at home. Each caretaker is assigned a number of elderly people to visit one or more times per day. Elderly people differ in their requirements and the minimum frequency at which they need to be visited every day. The VRP-FRV can also be imagined as a police patrol routing problem where the customers are various locations in the city that require frequent observations. Such locations could include known high-crime areas, high-profile residences, and/or safe houses. We develop a math model to minimize the total number of vehicles needed to cover the customer demands and determine the optimal customer visit schedules and vehicle routes. A heuristic method is developed to handle large problem instances. In the third study, presented in Section 3, we consider a single-item cyclic coordinated order fulfillment problem with batch supplies and flexible demands. The system in this study consists of multiple suppliers who each deliver a single item to a central node from which multiple demanders are then replenished. Importantly, demand is flexible and is a control action that the decision maker applies to optimize the system. The objective is to minimize total system cost subject to several operational constraints. The decisions include the timing and sizes of batches delivered by the suppliers to the central node and the timing and amounts by which demanders are replenished. We develop an integer programing model, provide several theoretical insights related to the model, and solve the math model for different problem sizes

    An adjustable sample average approximation algorithm for the stochastic production-inventory-routing problem

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    We consider a stochastic single item production-inventory-routing problem with a single producer, multiple clients, and multiple vehicles. At the clients, demand is allowed to be backlogged incurring a penalty cost. Demands are considered uncertain. A recourse model is presented, and valid inequalities are introduced to enhance the model. A new general approach that explores the sample average approximation (SAA) method is introduced. In the sample average approximation method, several sample sets are generated and solved independently in order to obtain a set of candidate solutions. Then, the candidate solutions are tested on a larger sample, and the best solution is selected among the candidates. In contrast to this approach, called static, we propose an adjustable approach that explores the candidate solutions in order to identify common structures. Using that information, part of the first-stage decision variables is fixed, and the resulting restricted problem is solved for a larger size sample. Several heuristic algorithms based on the mathematical model are considered within each approach. Computational tests based on randomly generated instances are conducted to test several variants of the two approaches. The results show that the new adjustable SAA heuristic performs better than the static one for most of the instances.publishe

    Bilevel facility location problems: theory and applications.

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    In this doctoral thesis we focus on studying facility location problems considering customer preferences. In these problems, there is a set of customers or users who demand a service or product that must be supplied by one or more facilities. By facilities it is understood some object or structure that offers some service to customers. One of the most important assumptions is that customers have established their own preferences over the facilities and should be taken into account in the customer-facility assignment. In real life, customers choose facilities based on costs, preferences, a predetermined contract, or a loyalty coefficient, among others. That is, they are free to choose the facilities that will serve them. The situation described above is commonly modeled by bilevel programming, where the upper level corresponds to location decisions to optimize a predefined criteria, such as, minimize location and distribution costs or maximize the demand covered by the facilities; and the lower level is associated to -customer allocation- to optimize customer preferences. The hierarchy among both levels is justified because the decision taken in the upper level directly affects the decision’s space in the lower level

    Mathematical Methods and Operation Research in Logistics, Project Planning, and Scheduling

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    In the last decade, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brought flexible supply chains and flexible design projects to the forefront. Nevertheless, the recent pandemic, the accompanying economic problems, and the resulting supply problems have further increased the role of logistics and supply chains. Therefore, planning and scheduling procedures that can respond flexibly to changed circumstances have become more valuable both in logistics and projects. There are already several competing criteria of project and logistic process planning and scheduling that need to be reconciled. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that even more emphasis needs to be placed on taking potential risks into account. Flexibility and resilience are emphasized in all decision-making processes, including the scheduling of logistic processes, activities, and projects