1,350 research outputs found

    Estimating strength of rubberized concrete using evolutionary multivariate adaptive regression splines

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    This study proposes an artificial intelligence (AI) model to predict the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of rubberized concrete. This Evolutionary Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (EMARS) model is a hybrid of the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) within which MARS addresses learning and curve fitting and ABC implements optimization to determine the fittest parameter settings with minimal prediction error. K-fold cross validation was utilized to compare EMARS performance against four other benchmark data mining techniques including MARS, Back-propagation Neural Network (BPNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN), and Genetic Programming (GP). Comparison results showed EMARS to be the best model for predicting rubberized concrete strength and study results demonstrated EMARS as a reliable tool for civil engineers in the concrete construction industry

    Hybrid ABC optimized MARS-based modeling of the milling tool wear from milling run experimental data

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    Milling cutters are important cutting tools used in milling machines to perform milling operations, which are prone to wear and subsequent failure. In this paper, a practical new hybrid model to predict the milling tool wear in a regular cut, as well as entry cut and exit cut, of a milling tool is proposed. The model was based on the optimization tool termed artificial bee colony (ABC) in combination with multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) technique. This optimization mechanism involved the parameter setting in the MARS training procedure, which significantly influences the regression accuracy. Therefore, an ABC–MARS-based model was successfully used here to predict the milling tool flank wear (output variable) as a function of the following input variables: the time duration of experiment, depth of cut, feed, type of material, etc. Regression with optimal hyperparameters was performed and a determination coefficient of 0.94 was obtained. The ABC–MARS-based model's goodness of fit to experimental data confirmed the good performance of this model. This new model also allowed us to ascertain the most influential parameters on the milling tool flank wear with a view to proposing milling machine's improvements. Finally, conclusions of this study are exposed

    Energy performance forecasting of residential buildings using fuzzy approaches

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    The energy consumption used for domestic purposes in Europe is, to a considerable extent, due to heating and cooling. This energy is produced mostly by burning fossil fuels, which has a high negative environmental impact. The characteristics of a building are an important factor to determine the necessities of heating and cooling loads. Therefore, the study of the relevant characteristics of the buildings, regarding the heating and cooling needed to maintain comfortable indoor air conditions, could be very useful in order to design and construct energy-efficient buildings. In previous studies, different machine-learning approaches have been used to predict heating and cooling loads from the set of variables: relative compactness, surface area, wall area, roof area, overall height, orientation, glazing area and glazing area distribution. However, none of these methods are based on fuzzy logic. In this research, we study two fuzzy logic approaches, i.e., fuzzy inductive reasoning (FIR) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), to deal with the same problem. Fuzzy approaches obtain very good results, outperforming all the methods described in previous studies except one. In this work, we also study the feature selection process of FIR methodology as a pre-processing tool to select the more relevant variables before the use of any predictive modelling methodology. It is proven that FIR feature selection provides interesting insights into the main building variables causally related to heating and cooling loads. This allows better decision making and design strategies, since accurate cooling and heating load estimations and correct identification of parameters that affect building energy demands are of high importance to optimize building designs and equipment specifications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) for Modeling Student Status at Universitas Terbuka

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    Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) used to model the active student’s status in the Department of Statistics at Universitas Terbuka and determine the factors that influence the response variable. This study consists of 9 variables, namely gender, age, education, marital status, job, initial registration year, number of registrations, credits, and GPA, but after modeling using the MARS method, the explanatory variable can affect the response variable is the initial registration year. Several registrations, GPA, and credits. Based on the results of the R output and using a 95% confidence interval, each base 1 to 10 function is partially significant with the p-value of the base 1-10 function being smaller than 0.05 and simultaneously with a smaller p-value. of 0.05, so that the above model has a significant effect partially or simultaneously on the response variable. From these results, it is concluded that the MARS model is suitable for determining the factors that affect the active status of students


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    The complexity of many-core processors continues to grow as a larger number of heterogeneous cores are integrated on a single chip. Such systems-on-chip contains computing structures ranging from complex out-of-order cores, simple in-order cores, digital signal processors (DSPs), graphic processing units (GPUs), application specific processors, hardware accelerators, I/O subsystems, network-on-chip interconnects, and large caches arranged in complex hierarchies. While the industry focus is on putting higher number of cores on a single chip, the key challenge is to optimally architect these many-core processors such that performance, energy and area constraints are satisfied. The traditional approach to processor design through extensive cycle accurate simulations are ill-suited for designing many-core processors due to the large microarchitecture design space that must be explored. Additionally it is hard to optimize such complex processors and the applications that run on them statically at design time such that performance and energy constraints are met under dynamically changing operating conditions. The dissertation establishes statistical machine learning based modeling framework that enables the efficient design and operation of many-core processors that meets performance, energy and area constraints. We apply the proposed framework to rapidly design the microarchitecture of a many-core processor for multimedia, computer graphics rendering, finance, and data mining applications derived from the Parsec benchmark. We further demonstrate the application of the framework in the joint run-time adaptation of both the application and microarchitecture such that energy availability constraints are met

    Comparison of machine learning techniques for predicting energy loads in buildings

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    Machine learning methods can be used to help design energy-efficient buildings reducing energy loads while maintaining the desired internal temperature. They work by estimating a response from a set of inputs such as building geometry, material properties, project costs, local weather conditions, as well as environmental impacts. These methods require a training phase which considers a dataset drawn from selected variables in the problem domain. This paper evaluates the performance of four machine learning methods to predict cooling and heating loads of residential buildings. The dataset consists of 768 samples with eight input variables and two output variables derived from building designs. The methods were selected based on exhaustive research with cross validation. Four statistical measures and one synthesis index were used for the performance assessment and comparison. The proposed framework resulted in accurate prediction models with optimized parameters that can potentially avoid modeling and testing various designs, helping to economize in the initial phase of the project.Métodos de aprendizagem de máquina podem ser usados para auxiliar o projeto de edifícios energeticamente eficientes, reduzindo cargas de energia enquanto se mantém a temperatura interna desejada. Eles operam estimando uma resposta a partir de um conjunto de entradas tais como a geometria do edifício, propriedades do material, custos do projeto, condições do tempo no local e impacto ambiental. Esses métodos requerem uma fase de treinamento que considera uma base de dados construída a partir de variáveis selecionadas no domínio do problema. Este trabalho avalia o desempenho de quatro métodos de aprendizado de máquina na predição de cargas de resfriamento e aquecimento de edifícios residenciais. A base de dados do treinamento consiste de oito variáveis de entrada e duas variáveis de saída, todas derivadas de projetos de edifícios. Os métodos foram selecionados de acordo com uma pesquisa exaustiva e ajustados por uma estratégia com validação cruzada. Para a avaliação foram usadas quatro medidas estatísticas de desempenho e um índice de sintetização e resultados. Essa estratégia resultou em algoritmos com parâmetros otimizados e permitiu obter resultados competitivos com os apresentados na literatura

    Apply Active Learning in Short-term Data-driven Building Energy Modeling

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    In the United States, the buildings sector accounted for about 41% of primary energy consumption. Building control and operation strategies have a great impact on building energy efficiency and the development of building-grid integration. For better building control, and for buildings to be better integrated with the grid operation, high fidelity building energy forecasting model that can be used for short-term and real-time operation is in great need. With the wide adoption of building automation system (BAS) and Internet of things (IoT), massive measurements from sensors and other sources are continuously collected which provide data on equipment and building operations. This provides a great opportunity for data-driven building energy modeling. However, data-driven approach is heavily dependent on data, while the collected operation data are often constrained to limited applicability (or termed as “bias” in this paper) because most of the building operation data are generated under limited operational modes, weather conditions, and very limited setpoints (often one or two fixed values, such as a constant zone temperature setpoint). For nonlinear systems, a data-driven model generated from biased data has poor scalabilities (when used for a different building) and extendibility (when used for different weather and operation conditions). The fact impedes the development of data-driven forecasting model as well as model-based control in buildings. The design of task that aims to describe or explain the variation of information under conditions that are hypothesized to reflect the variation is termed as active learning in machine learning. The purpose is to choose or generate informative training data, either to defy data bias or to reduce labeling cost (when doing experiments in building is too expensive). Research on applying active learning in building energy modeling is relatively unexplored. From the few existing researches, most of them only consider single operational setpoint, which is impractical for most real buildings where multiple setpoints in chillers, air handling units and air-conditioning terminals are used for building operation and control. Moreover, disturbances, especially weather and occupancy, in most cases are not considered. In this research, a nonlinear fractional factorial design combined with block design is applied as the active learning strategy to generate building operation (setpoints) schedule. The data generated on operation schedule will be used as training data for building energy modeling. The testbed is a virtual DOE reference large-size office building with hierarchical setpoints: zone temperature setpoint, supply air static pressure setpoint and chiller leaving water temperature setpoint. D-Optimal will be used as the nonlinear fractional factorial design algorithm, and its parameters are further compared and discussed. At the same time, block design will be applied to divide different weather and occupancy into four blocks. And D-Optimal design will be applied in each block, in which way the disturbance will be taken into consideration. Results show that compared with normal operation data and data generated by full factorial design, the proposed active learning method can increase model accuracy in validation and testing period, indicating its effectiveness to improve model generalization

    Learning to extrapolate using continued fractions: Predicting the critical temperature of superconductor materials

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    In Artificial Intelligence we often seek to identify an unknown target function of many variables y=f(x)y=f(\mathbf{x}) giving a limited set of instances S={(x(i),y(i))}S=\{(\mathbf{x^{(i)}},y^{(i)})\} with x(i)D\mathbf{x^{(i)}} \in D where DD is a domain of interest. We refer to SS as the training set and the final quest is to identify the mathematical model that approximates this target function for new x\mathbf{x}; with the set T={x(j)}DT=\{ \mathbf{x^{(j)}} \} \subset D with TST \neq S (i.e. thus testing the model generalisation). However, for some applications, the main interest is approximating well the unknown function on a larger domain DD' that contains DD. In cases involving the design of new structures, for instance, we may be interested in maximizing ff; thus, the model derived from SS alone should also generalize well in DD' for samples with values of yy larger than the largest observed in SS. In that sense, the AI system would provide important information that could guide the design process, e.g., using the learned model as a surrogate function to design new lab experiments. We introduce a method for multivariate regression based on iterative fitting of a continued fraction by incorporating additive spline models. We compared it with established methods such as AdaBoost, Kernel Ridge, Linear Regression, Lasso Lars, Linear Support Vector Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Random Forests, Stochastic Gradient Descent and XGBoost. We tested the performance on the important problem of predicting the critical temperature of superconductors based on physical-chemical characteristics.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI

    Drought forecasting in eastern Australia using multivariate adaptive regression spline, least square support vector machine and M5Tree model

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    Drought forecasting using standardized metrics of rainfall is a core task in hydrology and water resources management. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a rainfall-based metric that caters for different time-scales at which the drought occurs, and due to its standardization, is well-suited for forecasting drought at different periods in climatically diverse region. This study advances drought modelling using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), least square support vector machine (LSSVM), and M5Tree models by forecasting SPI in eastern Australia. MARS model incorporated rainfall as mandatory predictor with month (periodicity), Southern Oscillation Index, Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index and Indian Ocean Dipole, ENSO Modoki and Nino 3.0, 3.4 and 4.0 data added gradually. The performance was evaluated with root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (r2). Best MARS model required different input combinations, where rainfall, sea surface temperature and periodicity were used for all stations, but ENSO Modoki and Pacific Decadal Oscillation indices were not required for Bathurst, Collarenebri and Yamba, and the Southern Oscillation Index was not required for Collarenebri. Inclusion of periodicity increased the r2 value by 0.5–8.1% and reduced RMSE by 3.0–178.5%. Comparisons showed that MARS superseded the performance of the other counterparts for three out of five stations with lower MAE by 15.0–73.9% and 7.3–42.2%, respectively. For the other stations, M5Tree was better than MARS/LSSVM with lower MAE by 13.8–13.4% and 25.7–52.2%, respectively, and for Bathurst, LSSVM yielded more accurate result. For droughts identified by SPI ≤ − 0.5, accurate forecasts were attained by MARS/M5Tree for Bathurst, Yamba and Peak Hill, whereas for Collarenebri and Barraba, M5Tree was better than LSSVM/MARS. Seasonal analysis revealed disparate results where MARS/M5Tree was better than LSSVM. The results highlight the importance of periodicity in drought forecasting and also ascertains that model accuracy scales with geographic/seasonal factors due to complexity of drought and its relationship with inputs and data attributes that can affect the evolution of drought events

    Introduction to metamodeling for reducing computational burden of advanced analyses with health economic models : a structured overview of metamodeling methods in a 6-step application process

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    Metamodels can be used to reduce the computational burden associated with computationally demanding analyses of simulation models, though applications within health economics are still scarce. Besides a lack of awareness of their potential within health economics, the absence of guidance on the conceivably complex and time-consuming process of developing and validating metamodels may contribute to their limited uptake. To address these issues, this paper introduces metamodeling to the wider health economic audience and presents a process for applying metamodeling in this context, including suitable methods and directions for their selection and use. General (i.e., non-health economic specific) metamodeling literature, clinical prediction modeling literature, and a previously published literature review were exploited to consolidate a process and to identify candidate metamodeling methods. Methods were considered applicable to health economics if they are able to account for mixed (i.e., continuous and discrete) input parameters and continuous outcomes. Six steps were identified as relevant for applying metamodeling methods within health economics, i.e. 1) the identification of a suitable metamodeling technique, 2) simulation of datasets according to a design of experiments, 3) fitting of the metamodel, 4) assessment of metamodel performance, 5) conduct the required analysis using the metamodel, and 6) verification of the results. Different methods are discussed to support each step, including their characteristics, directions for use, key references, and relevant R and Python packages. To address challenges regarding metamodeling methods selection, a first guide was developed towards using metamodels to reduce the computational burden of analyses of health economic models. This guidance may increase applications of metamodeling in health economics, enabling increased use of state-of-the-art analyses, e.g. value of information analysis, with computationally burdensome simulation models