295 research outputs found

    Optimization of Container Handling Systems

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    Distributed multi-agent pathfinding in horizontal transportation

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    Horizontal transportation in maritime container terminals plays a crucial role in ensuring safe, efficient, and cost-effective operations. Heavy working machines, such as straddle carriers, trucks, and automated guided vehicles, transport containers between cranes, creating complex routing problems known as multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problems. Existing solutions may not adequately address the unique challenges presented by container terminals, necessitating the development of new algorithms. This thesis aims to develop and demonstrate a distributed MAPF algorithm for horizontal transportation in container terminals. The MAPF problem is first formulated as a binary linear programming (BLP) model by expressing the actions in the container terminal using a directed pseudograph. Optimal solutions are obtained using PYOMO, an open-source Python-based optimization software. The Augmented Lagrangian, a graph pathfinding algorithm, and a stochastic element are then employed to create a sub-optimal, distributed algorithm. The developed algorithm is evaluated against an optimal solution and a reference method that prioritizes calculating the path for one agent at a time while taking into account previously calculated paths. A simulator is set up to emulate horizontal transportation in a maritime container terminal, by modeling the terminal as a graph in MATLAB. In the simulator, MAPF algorithms are applied in combination with a high-level coordinator assigning destinations. The experimental part of this thesis investigates the trade-off between solution time (iterations) and solution quality by tuning algorithm parameters and evaluating the performance of the distributed algorithm in comparison to the priority-based method under two different map layouts, particularly addressing the presence of a bottleneck. The results demonstrate the need to adapt the algorithm's parameters and strategies according to specific environments and map layouts, to ensure good performance across various scenarios. The main contribution of this thesis lies in the development of a adaptable, distributed MAPF solution that can ultimately address diverse scenarios and environments. Merikonttiterminaaleissa konttien vaakatasoinen kuljettaminen on keskeinen tekijä turvallisen, tehokkaan ja kustannustehokkaan toiminnan varmistamisessa. Raskaat työkoneet, kuten konttilukit, kuorma-autot ja automaattisti ohjatut ajoneuvot (AGV:t), kuljettavat kontteja nosturien välillä, luoden monimutkaisia reititysongelmia, joita kutsutaan monitoimija-reitinhaku (MAPF) -ongelmiksi. Olemassa olevat ratkaisut eivät riittävästi käsittele konttiterminaaleille asetettuja erityisiä haasteita, mikä edellyttää uusien hajautettujen MAPF-algoritmien kehittämistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää ja esitellä hajautettu MAPF-algoritmi vaakasuuntaiseen kuljetukseen konttiterminaaleissa. MAPF-ongelma mallinnetaan ensin binääriseksi lineaariseksi ohjelmointimalliksi (BLP), jossa konttiterminaalissa liikkuminen mallinnetaan suunnattuna pseudograafina. Optimaalisia ratkaisuja tutkitaan käyttämällä PYOMO-ohjelmistoa, joka on avoimen lähdekoodin Python-pohjainen optimointiohjelmisto. Tämän jälkeen laajennettua Lagrangen kertoimien menetelmää, graafin polunetsintä algoritmia ja stokastistista elementtiä käytetään luomaan lähes optimaalinen, hajautettavissa oleva algoritmi. Kehitettyä algoritmia arvioidaan vertaamalla sitä optimaaliseen ratkaisuun ja viite-menetelmään, joka priorisoi polkujen laskemista yhden agentin kerrallaan ottaen huomioon aiemmin lasketut polut. Simulaattori rakennetaan jäljittelemään vaakasuuntaista kuljetusta merikonttiterminaaleissa, mallintamalla terminaali graafina MATLABissa. Simulaattorissa MAPF-algoritmeja sovelletaan yhdessä korkean tason koordinaattorin kanssa, joka määrittelee määränpäät. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osuudessa tarkastellaan ratkaisuajan (iteraatioiden) ja ratkaisun laadun välistä tasapainoa kokeilemalla erilaisia parametreja ja arvioimalla hajautetun algoritmin suorituskykyä verrattuna prioriteettipohjaiseen menetelmään kahden erilaisen karttapohjan päällä, keskittyen erityisesti pullonkaulan lisäämisen tuomiin vaikutuksiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että algoritmin parametrien ja strategioiden mukauttaminen erityisiin ympäristöihin ja karttapohjiin on tarpeen, jos halutaan varmistua tulosten olevan mahdollisimman lähellä optimaalisuutta erilaisissa skenaarioissa. Tämän diplomityön pääasiallinen kontribuutio on joustavan, hajautetun MAPF-ratkaisun kehittäminen, jolla voidaan tulevaisuudessa käsitellä erilaisia tilanteita ja ympäristöjä

    Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012

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    Developing New Methods for Efficient Container Stacking Operations

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    Containerized transportation has become an essential part of the intermodal freight transport. Millions of containers pass through container terminals on an annual basis. Handling a large number of containers arriving and leaving terminals by different modalities including the new mega-size ships significantly affects the performance of terminals. Container terminal operators are always looking for new technologies and smart solutions to maintain efficiency. They need to know how different operations at the terminal interact and affect the performance of the terminal as a whole. Among all operations, the stacking area is of special importance since almost every container must be stacked in this area for a period of time. If the stacking operations of the terminal are not well managed, then the response time of the terminal significantly increases and consequently the performance decreases. In this dissertation, we propose, develop, and test optimization methods to support the decisions of container terminal operators in the stacking area. First, we study how to sequence storage and retrieval containers to be carried out by a single or two automated stacking cranes in a block of containers. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the cranes. Finally, we study how to minimize the expected number of reshuffles when incoming containers have to be stacked in a block of containers. A reshuffle is the removal of a container stacked on top of a desired container. Reshuffling containers is one of the daily operations at a container terminal which is time consuming and increases a ship's berthing time

    Essays on Port, Container, and Bulk Chemical Logistics Optimization

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    The essays in this thesis are concerned with two main themes in port logistics. The first theme is the coordination of transport arrivals with the distribution processes and the use of storage facilities. We study this for both containerized and bulk chemical transport. The second theme is the uncertainty associated with the arrival time of ships with bulk chemicals and the impact on port logistics. Each essay describes a case study where quantitative methods, especially simulation, are used. The operation of container terminals and in particular the way in which containers are stacked in a yard is influenced by information about the departure of a container. We find that even inaccurate information is valuable and helps to reduce unproductive moves. Next, we present the ``floating stocks'' distribution concept which uses intermodal transport to deploy inventories in a supply chain in advance of retailer demand. We demonstrate that a main drawback of intermodal transport, a longer transit time, can be mitigated using this concept. This concept also influences the choice of a port: we provide a quantitative interpretation of routing flexibility in port selection

    Optimization of yard operations in container terminals from an energy efficiency approach

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    This Thesis addresses common operational issues related to maritime container terminals. In the last decades, containerization of maritime transportation has grown very rapidly, forcing terminal operators to cope with unprecedented volumes of containers in a continuous manner. As a consequence, terminal efficiency is always a critical factor. In the near future, operators are also expected to face increasing operational costs deriving firstly from the energy crisis and secondly from new regulations enforcing ports to become more environmentally friendly. As a consequence, operational inefficiencies deriving from periods of congestion require innovative solutions and optimization techniques to improve the efficiency and productivity in the terminal yard. This Thesis addresses such problems by introducing an electric energy consumption model that characterizes energy expenditure of yard cranes. For each gantry, trolley and hoist movement of the cranes, the model takes into account the different resistances that must be overcome during the acceleration, constant speed and deceleration phases of each movement. The energy consumption model is coupled to two different discrete event simulation models of one parallel and one perpendicular container terminals, with the goal to analyze the handling operations and optimize energy efficiency and productivity. One additional innovative aspect of the works is that they include the effect of the volume of container traffic in the analysis with the aim to assess differences in the performance of the algorithms under a range of realistic scenarios, which is usually neglected in similar studies. Finally, in addition to stacking and retrieval operations, the works also introduce housekeeping operation, which are common in the real world but often disregarded in the literature. Such operations are relevant as they may be critical in terms of achieving good productivity, but on the other hand they amount for a significant portion of the overall energy consumption. In particular, the works of the Thesis deal have four particular objectives: (1) providing such flexible and customizable numerical models of discrete event type to simulate and analyze parallel and perpendicular terminals, (2) proposing a new stacking algorithm to reduce energy expenditure and improve automatic stacking crane productivity in perpendicular terminals; (3) optimizing the dimensions of a perpendicular layout; and (4) analyzing the distribution of containers in the yard layout as a function of the moment at which space for export containers is reserved while looking at the operational costs. In the first place, results show the models are capable of characterizing in detail the energy consumption associated to crane movements in both parallel and perpendicular terminals. With respect to perpendicular terminals, the proposed stacking algorithm is capable of improving the energy efficiency up to around 20% while achieving greater productivity at the same time. In addition, results show that the dimensions of a perpendicular terminal block can be optimized so as to improve the productivity; with respect to energy consumption, although a smaller block induces lesser electrical consumption, the random nature of housekeeping operations produce a significant degree of distortion in the results, revealing that such operations constitute a promising flied for future research. Finally, considering parallel terminals, a greater degree of clustering is observed as the reservation is made earlier. When considering the associated operational costs associated to yard cranes and yard trucks, greater clustering results in more efficient use of the energy, and therefore reservation may be desirable when possible to enhance terminal productivity.Esta Tesis aborda temas operativos comunes relacionados con terminales marítimas de contenedores. En las últimas décadas, la contenerización del transporte marítimo ha crecido exponencialmente, obligando a los operadores a hacer frente a volúmenes de contenedores sin precedentes de manera continuada. Como consecuencia, la eficiencia de las operaciones es siempre un factor crítico. En un futuro próximo, los operadores también deberán afrontar crecientes costes operativos derivados de la crisis energética, y también de nuevas regulaciones que obligan a los puertos a volverse más respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Por estos motivos, las ineficiencias operativas derivadas de períodos de congestión requieren soluciones innovadoras y técnicas de optimización para mejorar la eficiencia y productividad en los patios de contenedores. Esta tesis aborda estos problemas introduciendo un modelo de consumo de energía eléctrica que caracteriza el gasto de las grúas de patio. Para cada movimiento de "gantry", "hoist" y "spreader", el modelo tiene en cuenta las diferentes resistencias que deben superarse durante las fases de aceleración, velocidad constante y deceleración del movimiento. El modelo de consumo de energía se ha acoplado a dos modelos de simulación de eventos discretos de terminales de contenedores, una paralela y otra perpendicular, con el objetivo de analizar las operaciones de manipulación y optimizar la eficiencia energética y la productividad. Otro aspecto innovador de este trabajo es que analiza el efecto del volumen de tráfico de contenedores con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento de los algoritmos bajo un rango de escenarios realistas, lo que generalmente no se tiene en cuenta en estudios similares. Por último, además de las operaciones de apilamiento y salida de contenedores, la tesis también considera las operaciones de reordenamiento del patio, muy comunes en el mundo real, pero que a menudo no se tienen en cuenta en la literatura. Tales operaciones pueden ser críticas para lograr una buena productividad, pero por otra parte representan una parte importante del consumo total de energía. En particular, los trabajos desarrollados en esta Tesis tienen cuatro objetivos concretos: (1) proporcionar modelos numéricos flexibles y configurables de tipo eventos discretos para simular y analizar terminales paralelas y perpendiculares, (2) proponer un nuevo algoritmo de apilamiento para reducir el gasto de energía y mejorar la productividad de la grúa automático en terminales perpendiculares; (3) optimizar las dimensiones de un bloque de una terminal perpendicular; y (4) analizar la distribución de los contenedores en la disposición del patio en función del momento en que se reserva el espacio para los contenedores de exportación. Los resultados muestran que, en primer lugar, los modelos son capaces de caracterizar en detalle el consumo de energía asociado a los movimientos de las grúas en ambos tipos de terminales. Con respecto a las terminales perpendiculares, el algoritmo de apilado propuesto es capaz de mejorar la eficiencia energética hasta aproximadamente un 20%, al tiempo que se consigue una mayor productividad. Además, los resultados muestran que las dimensiones de un bloque perpendicular pueden optimizarse para mejorar la productividad; con respecto al consumo de energía, aunque un bloque más pequeño induce un menor consumo eléctrico, la naturaleza aleatoria de las operaciones de reordenación inducen un grado significativo de distorsión en los resultados, indicando que tales operaciones pueden ser objeto de futura investigación. Por último, respecto a las terminales paralelas, a medida que se adelanta la reserva de espacio los contenedores presentan un mayor grado de agrupación, lo que redunda en un uso más eficeficiente de la energía debido a los menores costos operacionales asociados a grúas y camiones de patio, por lo que la reserva puede ser aconsejable cuando sea posible para mejorar la productividad del termina

    Control of free-ranging automated guided vehicles in container terminals

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    Container terminal automation has come to the fore during the last 20 years to improve their efficiency. Whereas a high level of automation has already been achieved in vertical handling operations (stacking cranes), horizontal container transport still has disincentives to the adoption of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) due to a high degree of operational complexity of vehicles. This feature has led to the employment of simple AGV control techniques while hindering the vehicles to utilise their maximum operational capability. In AGV dispatching, vehicles cannot amend ongoing delivery assignments although they have yet to receive the corresponding containers. Therefore, better AGV allocation plans would be discarded that can only be achieved by task reassignment. Also, because of the adoption of predetermined guide paths, AGVs are forced to deploy a highly limited range of their movement abilities while increasing required travel distances for handling container delivery jobs. To handle the two main issues, an AGV dispatching model and a fleet trajectory planning algorithm are proposed. The dispatcher achieves job assignment flexibility by allowing AGVs towards to container origins to abandon their current duty and receive new tasks. The trajectory planner advances Dubins curves to suggest diverse optional paths per origin-destination pair. It also amends vehicular acceleration rates for resolving conflicts between AGVs. In both of the models, the framework of simulated annealing was applied to resolve inherent time complexity. To test and evaluate the sophisticated AGV control models for vehicle dispatching and fleet trajectory planning, a bespoke simulation model is also proposed. A series of simulation tests were performed based on a real container terminal with several performance indicators, and it is identified that the presented dispatcher outperforms conventional vehicle dispatching heuristics in AGV arrival delay time and setup travel time, and the fleet trajectory planner can suggest shorter paths than the corresponding Manhattan distances, especially with fewer AGVs.Open Acces

    Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores

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    [ES] Dada la alta competitividad del sector portuario, asi como la alta especializacion de los traficos, se intenta dar un valor an~adido a los clientes, y en especial a las navieras, que buscan tiempos de estancia bajos para poder maximizar la rentabilidad del buque. Por otro lado, y centrandose en el trafico de contenedores maritimos, los operadores de las terminales buscan una eficiencia en las operaciones, y en algunos casos, ademas, un aumento de la capacidad. Actualmente existe una tendencia de llevar a cabo la consecucion de los objetivos anteriores a partir de la automatizacion de la terminal. Esta tendencia de automatizacion ha crecido muy rapidamente desde la apertura en 1993 de la primera terminal de este tipo. Es por ello, que, este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la evolucion de estas, enfocandose en los avances mas recientes, teniendo varias perspectivas. En primer lugar, se examina el avance en los distintos elementos que componen la terminal de contenedores automatizada, para posteriormente ver que problemas se han resuelto en el ambito academico. Finalmente se realizara un analisis de las terminales automatizadas y semiautomatizadas existentes.[CA] Donada l'alta competitivitat del sector portuari, aixi com l'alta especialitzacio dels tra`nsits, s'intenta donar un valor afegit als clients, i especialment a les navilieres, que busquen temps d'estada baixos per a poder maximitzar la rendibilitat del vaixell. D'altra banda, i centrant-se en el tra`nsit de contenidors maritims, els operadors de les terminals busquen una eficie`ncia en les operacions, i en alguns casos, a mes, un augment de la capacitat. Actualment existeix una tende`ncia de dur a terme la consecucio dels objectius anteriors a partir de l'automatitzacio de la terminal. Aquesta tende`ncia d'automatitzacio ha crescut molt ra`pidament des de l'obertura en 1993 de la primera terminal d'aquest tipus. Es per aixo`, que, aquest treball te com a objectiu estudiar l'evolucio d'aquestes, enfocant-se en els avancos mes recents, tenint diverses perspectives. En primer lloc, s'examina l'avanc en els diferents elements que componen la terminal de contenidors automatitzada, per a posteriorment veure quins problemes s'han resolt en l'a`mbit acade`mic. Finalment es realitzara` una ana`lisi de les terminals automatitzades i semiautomatitzades existents.[EN] The high competitiveness of port industry coupled with the specialization of maritime have resulted in rising the added value they place toward customers. The ones most affected are usually the shipping companies which seek short turnarounds to maximize the ship's cost-efficiency. Furthermore, -and focusing in the traffic of containers- terminal operator's aim is to ensure operations are efficient, and in some cases, to increase capacity. Current trends try to accomplish both goals with the automation of port container terminals. That trend of automation has rapidly expanded since its inception in 1993. This project will therefore study the evolution of said innovations, centring itself in the progress achieved recently. Firstly, this paper will discuss the evolution of the various elements that compose an automated terminal. Secondly, all problems present within said elements and already solved by the academia will be examined. Finally, an analysis of all existing automated and semi-automates terminals will be done.Baviera García, M. (2019). Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/131784Archivo delegad

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    A Decision Support System for the Storage Space Allocation Problem under the Effect of Disturbances: a Case of the Port of Arica (Chile)

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    Lo scopo del lavoro è provare a risolvere il container allocation problem: come disporre i container in maniera più efficace all'interno di un terminal? Dopo un attento esame della letteratura, sono state sviluppate diverse strategie di allocazione basate sulla fuzzy logic. Tali strategie sono poi state combinate per dare vita ad un sistema che sia in grado di reagire a eventi che possono alterare le normali operazioni all'interno del terminal.ope