117 research outputs found

    A Flexible Autonomous Robotic Observatory Infrastructure for Bentho-Pelagic Monitoring

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    This paper presents the technological developments and the policy contexts for the project “Autonomous Robotic Sea-Floor Infrastructure for Bentho-Pelagic Monitoring” (ARIM). The development is based on the national experience with robotic component technologies that are combined and merged into a new product for autonomous and integrated ecological deep-sea monitoring. Traditional monitoring is often vessel-based and thus resource demanding. It is economically unviable to fulfill the current policy for ecosystem monitoring with traditional approaches. Thus, this project developed platforms for bentho-pelagic monitoring using an arrangement of crawler and stationary platforms at the Lofoten-Vesterålen (LoVe) observatory network (Norway). Visual and acoustic imaging along with standard oceanographic sensors have been combined to support advanced and continuous spatial-temporal monitoring near cold water coral mounds. Just as important is the automatic processing techniques under development that have been implemented to allow species (or categories of species) quantification (i.e., tracking and classification). At the same time, real-time outboard processed three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning has been implemented to increase mission autonomy capability, delivering quantifiable information on habitat features (i.e., for seascape approaches). The first version of platform autonomy has already been tested under controlled conditions with a tethered crawler exploring the vicinity of a cabled stationary instrumented garage. Our vision is that elimination of the tether in combination with inductive battery recharge trough fuel cell technology will facilitate self-sustained long-term autonomous operations over large areas, serving not only the needs of science, but also sub-sea industries like subsea oil and gas, and mining

    High-frequency side-scan sonar fish reconnaissance by autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (2017): 240-255, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0301.A dichotomy between depth penetration and resolution as a function of sonar frequency, draw resolution, and beam spread challenges fish target classification from sonar. Moving high-frequency sources to depth using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) mitigates this and also co-locates transducers with other AUV-mounted short-range sensors to allow a holistic approach to ecological surveys. This widely available tool with a pedigree for bottom mapping is not commonly applied to fish reconnaissance and requires the development of an interpretation of pelagic reflective features, revisitation of count methods, image-processing rather than wave-form recognition for automation, and an understanding of bias. In a series of AUV mission test cases, side-scan sonar (600 and 900 kHz) returns often resolved individual school members, spacing, size, behavior, and (infrequently) species from anatomical features and could be intuitively classified by ecologists — but also produced artifacts. Fish often followed the AUV and thus were videographed, but in doing so removed themselves from the sonar aperture. AUV-supported high-frequency side-scan holds particular promise for survey of scarce, large species or for synergistic investigation of predators and their prey because the spatial scale of observations may be similar to those of predators.AUV missions were funded by an Office of Naval Research grant to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Rutgers University. The field work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-11-1-0160

    A New Coastal Crawler Prototype to Expand the Ecological Monitoring Radius of OBSEA Cabled Observatory

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    The use of marine cabled video observatories with multiparametric environmental data collection capability is becoming relevant for ecological monitoring strategies. Their ecosystem surveying can be enforced in real time, remotely, and continuously, over consecutive days, seasons, and even years. Unfortunately, as most observatories perform such monitoring with fixed cameras, the ecological value of their data is limited to a narrow field of view, possibly not representative of the local habitat heterogeneity. Docked mobile robotic platforms could be used to extend data collection to larger, and hence more ecologically representative areas. Among the various state-of-the-art underwater robotic platforms available, benthic crawlers are excellent candidates to perform ecological monitoring tasks in combination with cabled observatories. Although they are normally used in the deep sea, their high positioning stability, low acoustic signature, and low energetic consumption, especially during stationary phases, make them suitable for coastal operations. In this paper, we present the integration of a benthic crawler into a coastal cabled observatory (OBSEA) to extend its monitoring radius and collect more ecologically representative data. The extension of the monitoring radius was obtained by remotely operating the crawler to enforce back-and-forth drives along specific transects while recording videos with the onboard cameras. The ecological relevance of the monitoring-radius extension was demonstrated by performing a visual census of the species observed with the crawler’s cameras in comparison to the observatory’s fixed cameras, revealing non-negligible differences. Additionally, the videos recorded from the crawler’s cameras during the transects were used to demonstrate an automated photo-mosaic of the seabed for the first time on this class of vehicles. In the present work, the crawler travelled in an area of 40 m away from the OBSEA, producing an extension of the monitoring field of view (FOV), and covering an area approximately 230 times larger than OBSEA’s camera. The analysis of the videos obtained from the crawler’s and the observatory’s cameras revealed differences in the species observed. Future implementation scenarios are also discussed in relation to mission autonomy to perform imaging across spatial heterogeneity gradients around the OBSEA

    Towards an optimal design for ecosystem-level ocean observatories

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    Four operational factors, together with high development cost, currently limit the use of ocean observatories in ecological and fisheries applications: 1) limited spatial coverage; 2) limited integration of multiple types of technologies; 3) limitations in the experimental design for in situ studies; and 4) potential unpredicted bias in monitoring outcomes due to the infrastructure’s presence and functioning footprint. To address these limitations, we propose a novel concept of a standardized “ecosystem observatory module” structure composed of a central node and three tethered satellite pods together with permanent mobile platforms. The module would be designed with a rigid spatial configuration to optimize overlap among multiple observation technologies each providing 360° coverage around the module, including permanent stereo-video cameras, acoustic imaging sonar cameras, horizontal multi-beam echosounders and a passive acoustic array. The incorporation of multiple integrated observation technologies would enable unprecedented quantification of macrofaunal composition, abundance and density surrounding the module, as well as the ability to track the movements of individual fishes and macroinvertebrates. Such a standardized modular design would allow for the hierarchical spatial connection of observatory modules into local module clusters and larger geographic module networks, providing synoptic data within and across linked ecosystems suitable for fisheries and ecosystem level monitoring on multiple scales.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Chapter 2 Towards an Optimal Design for Ecosystem-Level Ocean Observatories

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    Four operational factors, together with high development cost, currently limit the use of ocean observatories in ecological and fisheries applications: 1) limited spatial coverage; 2) limited integration of multiple types of technologies; 3) limitations in the experimental design for in situ studies; and 4) potential unpredicted bias in monitoring outcomes due to the infrastructure’s presence and functioning footprint. To address these limitations, we propose a novel concept of a standardized “ecosystem observatory module” structure composed of a central node and three tethered satellite pods together with permanent mobile platforms. The module would be designed with a rigid spatial configuration to optimize overlap among multiple observation technologies each providing 360° coverage of a cylindrical or hemi-spherical volume around the module, including permanent stereo-video cameras, acoustic imaging sonar cameras, horizontal multi-beam echosounders and a passive acoustic array. The incorporation of multiple integrated observation technologies would enable unprecedented quantification of macrofaunal composition, abundance and density surrounding the module, as well as the ability to track the movements of individual fishes and macroinvertebrates. Such a standardized modular design would allow for the hierarchical spatial connection of observatory modules into local module clusters and larger geographic module networks, providing synoptic data within and across linked ecosystems suitable for fisheries and ecosystem level monitoring on multiple scales

    Between a reef and a hard place: capacity to map the next coral reef catastrophe

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    Increasing sea surface temperature and extreme heat events pose the greatest threat to coral reefs globally, with trends exceeding previous norms. The resultant mass bleaching events, such as those evidenced on the Great Barrier Reef in 2016, 2017, and 2020 have substantial ecological costs in addition to economic and social costs. Advancing remote (nanosatellites, rapid revisit traditional satellites) and in-field (drones) technological capabilities, cloud data processing, and analysis, coupled with existing infrastructure and in-field monitoring programs, have the potential to provide cost-effective and timely information to managers allowing them to better understand changes on reefs and apply effective remediation. Within a risk management framework for monitoring coral bleaching, we present an overview of how remote sensing can be used throughout the whole risk management cycle and highlight the role technological advancement has in earth observations of coral reefs for bleaching events

    Implementing and Innovating Marine Monitoring Approaches for Assessing Marine Environmental Status

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    Danovaro, Roberto ... et al.-- 25 pages, 9 figures, 2 tablesMarine environmental monitoring has tended to focus on site-specific methods of investigation. These traditional methods have low spatial and temporal resolution and are relatively labor intensive per unit area/time that they cover. To implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), European Member States are required to improve marine monitoring and design monitoring networks. This can be achieved by developing and testing innovative and cost-effective monitoring systems, as well as indicators of environmental status. Here, we present several recently developed methodologies and technologies to improve marine biodiversity indicators and monitoring methods. The innovative tools are discussed concerning the technologies presently utilized as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use in routine monitoring. In particular, the present analysis focuses on: (i) molecular approaches, including microarray, Real Time quantitative PCR (qPCR), and metagenetic (metabarcoding) tools; (ii) optical (remote) sensing and acoustic methods; and (iii) in situ monitoring instruments. We also discuss their applications in marine monitoring within the MSFD through the analysis of case studies in order to evaluate their potential utilization in future routine marine monitoring. We show that these recently-developed technologies can present clear advantages in accuracy, efficiency and costThis manuscript is a result of DEVOTES (DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status) project, funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme, “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Theme (grant agreement no. 308392) (http://www.devotes-project.eu). Further financial assistance was provided to VS and ER by the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (Sustainability and Tourism in the Mediterranean—S&T Med Strategic Project)Peer Reviewe

    Uses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive

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    © 2016 Lynam, Uusitalo, Patrício, Piroddi, Queirós, Teixeira, Rossberg, Sagarminaga, Hyder, Niquil, Möllmann, Wilson, Chust, Galparsoro, Forster, Veríssimo, Tedesco, Revilla and Neville. In Europe and around the world, the approach to management of the marine environment has developed from the management of single issues (e.g., species and/or pressures) toward holistic Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) that includes aims to maintain biological diversity and protect ecosystem functioning. Within the European Union, this approach is implemented through the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC). Integrated Ecosystem Assessment is required by the Directive in order to assess Good Environmental Status (GES). Ecological modeling has a key role to play within the implementation of the MSFD, as demonstrated here by case studies covering a range of spatial scales and a selection of anthropogenic threats. Modeling studies have a strong role to play in embedding data collected at limited points within a larger spatial and temporal scale, thus enabling assessments of pelagic and seabed habitat. Furthermore, integrative studies using food web and ecosystem models are able to investigate changes in food web functioning and biological diversity in response to changes in the environment and human pressures. Modeling should be used to: support the development and selection of specific indicators; set reference points to assess state and the achievement of GES; inform adaptive monitoring programs and trial management scenarios. The modus operandi proposed shows how ecological modeling could support the decision making process leading to appropriate management measures and inform new policy

    New cost-effective technologies applied to the study of the glacier melting influence on physical and biological processes in Kongsfjorden area (Svalbard)

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    The Arctic region is greatly affected by climate change, with evident alterations in both physical and biological processes: temperatures are changing at a rate that is twice the global average and phytoplankton productivity is directly affected by ice melting. Continuous monitoring of this ecosystem is fundamental to gain greater understanding of the impact of changes on the natural environment, but the Global Ocean Observing System only provides partial coverage in these extreme areas, which are particularly difficult to reach. Technological progress in oceanographic measurement capabilities is indispensable for the implementation of marine observatories, especially in these remote regions. In recent years, autonomous systems and cost-effective technologies have proved to be valuable for increasing spatial and temporal coverage of data. This is the case with the innovative ArLoC (Arctic Low-Cost) probe, which was designed and developed for easy integration into various types of platforms, enabling continuous measurement of temperature, pressure and fluorescence of chlorophyll a. This work reports on the results of two scientific campaigns carried out in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard Islands) in 2018 in the framework of the UVASS (Unmanned Vehicles for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling) research project. The ArLoC probe was integrated onboard the PROTEUS (Portable RObotic TEchnology for Unmanned Surveys) unmanned semi-submersible vehicle and this allowed us to collect important data in the stretches of sea near tidewater glacier fronts. The acquired data showed several significant effects of glacier melting such as: high temperature and salinity gradients, which cause considerable variations in water mass stratification, and an increase in turbidity and the chlorophyll a concentration, which directly affects primary productivity and the trophic chain. During the surveys, ArLoC proved to be an easy-to-integrate, very reliable instrument, which permitted high spatial resolution investigation of ecological processes during glacier melting as never studied before