72 research outputs found

    Hybrid optimization algorithm to solve the nonconvex multiarea economic dispatch problem

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    In this paper, multiarea economic dispatch (MAED) problems are solved by a novel straightforward process. The solved MAED problems include transmission losses, tie-line constraints, multiple fuels, valve-point effects, and prohibited operating zones in which small, medium, and large scale test systems are involved. The methodology of tackling the problems consists in a new hybrid combination of JAYA and TLBO algorithms simultaneously to take the advantages of both to solve even nonsmooth and nonconvex MAED problems. In addition, a new and simple process is used to tackle with the interaction between areas. The objective is to economically supply demanded loads in all areas while satisfying all of the constraints. Indeed, by combining JAYA and TLBO algorithms, the convergence speed and the robustness have been improved. The computational results on small, medium, and large-scale test systems indicate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in terms of accuracy, robustness, and convergence speed. The obtained results of the proposed JAYA-TLBO algorithm are compared with those obtained from ten well-known algorithms. The results depict the capability of the proposed JAYA-TLBO based approach to provide a better solution.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Optimal Allocation/Sizing of DGs/Capacitors in Reconfigured Radial Distribution System using Quasi-Reflected Slime Mould Algorithm

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    Increased load demands worsen distribution system problems such as greater line losses, voltage deviation and a plethora of other concerns. This current work presents an approach stressing simultaneous optimal allocation and sizing of capacitor banks and distributed generations, as well as optimal radial distribution system (RDS) reconfiguration, to address these difficulties. The above objectives are accomplished through the maiden application of the proposed quasi-reflection-based slime mould algorithm (QRSMA). The efficacy of QRSMA is established by testing it on different benchmark functions. A new modified backward forward load flow approach is also proposed and validated by comparing its results to those obtained using MATPOWER software for IEEE 69, 85, and 118 bus RDSs. The proposed load flow technique is independent of the sequential bus numbering scheme and may be applied to any RDS network topology. The proposed QRSMA is tested on 118 bus RDS and to prove its effectiveness; its results are compared to those of other studied algorithms. The study takes into account both fixed and variable loading scenarios. A cost-benefit analysis of the strategy is also performed in order to make the methodology more realistic.publishedVersio

    An effective solution to the optimal power flow problem using meta-heuristic algorithms

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    Financial loss in power systems is an emerging problem that needs to be resolved. To tackle the mentioned problem, energy generated from various generation sources in the power network needs proper scheduling. In order to determine the best settings for the control variables, this study formulates and solves an optimal power flow (OPF) problem. In the proposed work, the bird swarm algorithm (BSA), JAYA, and a hybrid of both algorithms, termed as HJBSA, are used for obtaining the settings of optimum variables. We perform simulations by considering the constraints of voltage stability and line capacity, and generated reactive and active power. In addition, the used algorithms solve the problem of OPF and minimize carbon emission generated from thermal systems, fuel cost, voltage deviations, and losses in generation of active power. The suggested approach is evaluated by putting it into use on two separate IEEE testing systems, one with 30 buses and the other with 57 buses. The simulation results show that for the 30-bus system, the minimization in cost by HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA is 860.54 /h,862.31,/h, 862.31, /h and 900.01 /h,respectively,whileforthe57bussystem,itis5506.9/h, respectively, while for the 57-bus system, it is 5506.9 /h, 6237.4, /hand7245.6/h and 7245.6 /h for HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA, respectively. Similarly, for the 30-bus system, the power loss by HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA is 9.542 MW, 10.102 MW, and 11.427 MW, respectively, while for the 57-bus system, the value of power loss is 13.473 MW, 20.552, MW and 18.638 MW for HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA, respectively. Moreover, HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA cause reduction in carbon emissions by 4.394 ton/h, 4.524, ton/h and 4.401 ton/h, respectively, with the 30-bus system. With the 57-bus system, HJBSA, JAYA, and BSA cause reduction in carbon emissions by 26.429 ton/h, 27.014, ton/h and 28.568 ton/h, respectively. The results show the outperformance of HJBSA

    Swarm Intelligence and Metaphorless Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear Equation Systems

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    The simplicity, flexibility, and ease of implementation have motivated the use of population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithms. By focusing on two classes of such algorithms, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the metaphorless Jaya algorithm, this thesis proposes to explore the capacity of these algorithms and their respective variants to solve difficult optimization problems, in particular systems of nonlinear equations converted into nonlinear optimization problems. For a numerical comparison to be made, the algorithms and their respective variants were implemented and tested several times in order to achieve a large sample that could be used to compare these approaches as well as find common methods that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithms. One of the approaches that was explored was dividing the solution search space into several subspaces, iteratively running an optimization algorithm on each subspace, and comparing those results to a greatly increased initial population. The insights from these previous experiments were then used to create a new hybrid approach to enhance the capabilities of the previous algorithms, which was then compared to preexisting alternatives.A simplicidade, flexibilidade e facilidade de implementa¸c˜ao motivou o uso de algoritmos metaheur´ısticos de optimiza¸c˜ao baseados em popula¸c˜oes. Focando-se em dois destes algoritmos, optimiza¸c˜ao por exame de part´ıculas (PSO) e no algoritmo Jaya, esta tese prop˜oe explorar a capacidade destes algoritmos e respectivas variantes para resolver problemas de optimiza¸c˜ao de dif´ıcil resolu¸c˜ao, em particular sistemas de equa¸c˜oes n˜ao lineares convertidos em problemas de optimiza¸c˜ao n˜ao linear. Para que fosse poss´ıvel fazer uma compara¸c˜ao num´erica, os algoritmos e respectivas variantes foram implementados e testados v´arias vezes, de modo a que fosse obtida uma amostra suficientemente grande de resultados que pudesse ser usada para comparar as diferentes abordagens, assim como encontrar m´etodos que melhorem a efic´acia e a eficiˆencia dos algoritmos. Uma das abordagens exploradas foi a divis˜ao do espa¸co de procura em v´arios subespa¸cos, iterativamente correndo um algoritmo de optimiza¸c˜ao em cada subespa¸co, e comparar esses resultados a um grande aumento da popula¸c˜ao inicial, o que melhora a qualidade da solu¸c˜ao, por´em com um custo computacional acrescido. O conhecimento resultante dessas experiˆencias foi utilizado na cria¸c˜ao de uma nova abordagem hibrida para melhorar as capacidades dos algoritmos anteriores, a qual foi comparada a alternativas pr´e-existentes

    Niching grey wolf optimizer for multimodal optimization problems

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    Metaheuristic algorithms are widely used for optimization in both research and the industrial community for simplicity, flexibility, and robustness. However, multi-modal optimization is a difficult task, even for metaheuristic algorithms. Two important issues that need to be handled for solving multi-modal problems are (a) to categorize multiple local/global optima and (b) to uphold these optima till the ending. Besides, a robust local search ability is also a prerequisite to reach the exact global optima. Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) is a recently developed nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm that requires less parameter tuning. However, the GWO suffers from premature convergence and fails to maintain the balance between exploration and exploitation for solving multi-modal problems. This study proposes a niching GWO (NGWO) that incorporates personal best features of PSO and a local search technique to address these issues. The proposed algorithm has been tested for 23 benchmark functions and three engineering cases. The NGWO outperformed all other considered algorithms in most of the test functions compared to state-of-the-art metaheuristics such as PSO, GSA, GWO, Jaya and two improved variants of GWO, and niching CSA. Statistical analysis and Friedman tests have been conducted to compare the performance of these algorithms thoroughly

    Adopting Scenario-Based approach to solve optimal reactive power Dispatch problem with integration of wind and solar energy using improved Marine predator algorithm

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    The penetration of renewable energy resources into electric power networks has been increased considerably to reduce the dependence of conventional energy resources, reducing the generation cost and greenhouse emissions. The wind and photovoltaic (PV) based systems are the most applied technologies in electrical systems compared to other technologies of renewable energy resources. However, there are some complications and challenges to incorporating these resources due to their stochastic nature, intermittency, and variability of output powers. Therefore, solving the optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem with considering the uncertainties of renewable energy resources is a challenging task. Application of the Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) for solving complex multimodal and non-linear problems such as ORPD under system uncertainties may cause entrapment into local optima and suffer from stagnation. The aim of this paper is to solve the ORPD problem under deterministic and probabilistic states of the system using an improved marine predator algorithm (IMPA). The IMPA is based on enhancing the exploitation phase of the conventional MPA. The proposed enhancement is based on updating the locations of the populations in spiral orientation around the sorted populations in the first iteration process, while in the final stage, the locations of the populations are updated their locations in adaptive steps closed to the best population only. The scenario-based approach is utilized for uncertainties representation where a set of scenarios are generated with the combination of uncertainties the load demands and power of the renewable resources. The proposed algorithm is validated and tested on the IEEE 30-bus system as well as the captured results are compared with those outcomes from the state-of-the-art algorithms. A computational study shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the other reported algorithms

    PMT : opposition based learning technique for enhancing metaheuristic algorithms performance

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising performance in solving sophisticated real-world optimization problems. Nevertheless, many metaheuristic algorithms are still suffering from a low convergence rate because of the poor balance between exploration (i.e. roaming new potential search areas) and exploitation (i.e., exploiting the existing neighbors). In some complex problems, the convergence rate can still be poor owing to becoming trapped in local optima. Opposition-based learning (OBL) has shown promising results to address the aforementioned issue. Nonetheless, OBL-based solutions often consider one particular direction of the opposition. Considering only one direction can be problematic as the best solution may come in any of a multitude of directions. Addressing these OBL limitations, this research proposes a new general OBL technique inspired by a natural phenomenon of parallel mirrors systems called the Parallel Mirrors Technique (PMT). Like existing OBL-based approaches, the PMT generates new potential solutions based on the currently selected candidate. Unlike existing OBL-based techniques, the PMT generates more than one candidate in multiple solution-space directions. To evaluate the PMT’s performance and adaptability, the PMT was applied to four contemporary metaheuristic algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, and Whale Optimization Algorithm, to solve 15 well-known benchmark functions as well as 2 real world problems based on the welded beam design and pressure vessel design. Experimentally, the PMT shows promising results by accelerating the convergence rate against the original algorithms with the same number of fitness evaluations comparing to the original metaheuristic algorithms in benchmark functions and real-world optimization problems

    Review of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Power Systems Problems

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    Metaheuristic optimization algorithms are tools based on mathematical concepts that are used to solve complicated optimization issues. These algorithms are intended to locate or develop a sufficiently good solution to an optimization issue, particularly when information is sparse or inaccurate or computer capability is restricted. Power systems play a crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting renewable energy sources. Using metaheuristics to optimize the performance of modern power systems is an attractive topic. This research paper investigates the applicability of several metaheuristic optimization algorithms to power system challenges. Firstly, this paper reviews the fundamental concepts of metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Then, six problems regarding the power systems are presented and discussed. These problems are optimizing the power flow in transmission and distribution networks, optimizing the reactive power dispatching, optimizing the combined economic and emission dispatching, optimal Volt/Var controlling in the distribution power systems, and optimizing the size and placement of DGs. A list of several used metaheuristic optimization algorithms is presented and discussed. The relevant results approved the ability of the metaheuristic optimization algorithm to solve the power system problems effectively. This, in particular, explains their wide deployment in this field

    Modified analytical approach for PV-DGs integration into radial distribution network considering loss sensitivity and voltage stability

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    Abstract: Achieving the goals of distribution systems operation often involves taking vital decisions with adequate consideration for several but often contradictory technical and economic criteria. Hence, this paper presents a modified analytical approach for optimal location and sizing of solar PV-based DG units into radial distribution network (RDN) considering strategic combination of important power system planning criteria. The considered criteria are total planning cost, active power loss and voltage stability, under credible distribution network operation constraints. The optimal DG placement approach is derived from the modification of the analytical approach for DG placement using line-loss sensitivity factor and the multiobjective constriction factor-based particle swarm optimization is adopted for optimal sizing. The effectiveness of the proposed procedure is tested on the IEEE 33-bus system modeled using Matlab considering three scenarios. The results are compared with existing reports presented in the literature and the results obtained from the proposed approach shows credible improvement in the RDN steady-state operation performance for line-loss reduction, voltage profile improvement and voltage stability improvement