735 research outputs found

    Design of Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Fog enabled Internet of Things- A Centralized Authentication Framework

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    Internet is a large network of networks that spans the entire globe. Internet is playing indispensable role in our daily lives. The physical things are connected to internet with the help of digital identity. With recent advancement of information and communication technologies IoT became vital part of human life. However, IoT is not having standardized architecture. Nowadays IoT is integrated with fog computing which extends platform of cloud computing by providing computing resources on edges of computer network. Fog computing is motivated by IOT and It is decentralized solution for IoT. In addition, Fog computing has supported features like geographic distribution, low latency, location awareness, operate on premise, installed on heterogeneous hardware. IoT with cloud computing does not have such features. Therefore, in this paper, at first we discuss about the distributed fog computing architecture. Subsequently, we address the problem of authentication and design a new authentication framework for fog enabled IOT environment. It is stated that the proposed authentication framework will be useful in many IoT applications such as healthcare system, transportation system, smart cities, home energy management etc

    A Novel Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Countering MITM and Impersonation Attack in Medical Facilities

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    Authentication is used to enfold the privacy of the patient to implement security onto the communication between patients and service providers. Several types of research have proposed support for anonymity for contextual privacy in medical systems that are still vulnerable to impersonation attack and Man-in-the-middle attack. By using powerful technology that is used in medical facilities, it can help in building an advanced system. However, the same powerful tools can also be used by the attackers to gain personal profits and to cause chaos. The proposed countermeasure that is to be taken to prevent this kind of attacks is by implementing mutual authentication between users, their devices/mobile devices, and the system’s cloud server, and also a key agreement scheme together with the help of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). A novel authentication scheme which consists of two phases, a signature generation, and authentication process. The ECC implementation is to ensure that the keys are thoroughly secured and is not copy- able, together with a Key generation scheme that shields the system against impersonation attacks. The usage of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), in a signature generation, on the other hand, provides users more secure way to hide the user private key and bring additional security layer before proceeding to authentication phase due to the existence of extra elements of domain parameters. Authentication is still considered as a crucial component in maintaining the security of any critical facilities that require the CIA tried and non- repudiation as a need to maintain their data. It does not only apply to medical centers, but any organizations that possess valuable data that is needed to be protected also requires strong authentication protocols. Thus, the trend for the need of novel authentication protocols will keep on rising as technology gets fancier and fancier

    Privacy-aware Security Applications in the Era of Internet of Things

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    In this dissertation, we introduce several novel privacy-aware security applications. We split these contributions into three main categories: First, to strengthen the current authentication mechanisms, we designed two novel privacy-aware alternative complementary authentication mechanisms, Continuous Authentication (CA) and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Our first system is Wearable-assisted Continuous Authentication (WACA), where we used the sensor data collected from a wrist-worn device to authenticate users continuously. Then, we improved WACA by integrating a noise-tolerant template matching technique called NTT-Sec to make it privacy-aware as the collected data can be sensitive. We also designed a novel, lightweight, Privacy-aware Continuous Authentication (PACA) protocol. PACA is easily applicable to other biometric authentication mechanisms when feature vectors are represented as fixed-length real-valued vectors. In addition to CA, we also introduced a privacy-aware multi-factor authentication method, called PINTA. In PINTA, we used fuzzy hashing and homomorphic encryption mechanisms to protect the users\u27 sensitive profiles while providing privacy-preserving authentication. For the second privacy-aware contribution, we designed a multi-stage privacy attack to smart home users using the wireless network traffic generated during the communication of the devices. The attack works even on the encrypted data as it is only using the metadata of the network traffic. Moreover, we also designed a novel solution based on the generation of spoofed traffic. Finally, we introduced two privacy-aware secure data exchange mechanisms, which allow sharing the data between multiple parties (e.g., companies, hospitals) while preserving the privacy of the individual in the dataset. These mechanisms were realized with the combination of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and Differential Privacy (DP) techniques. In addition, we designed a policy language, called Curie Policy Language (CPL), to handle the conflicting relationships among parties. The novel methods, attacks, and countermeasures in this dissertation were verified with theoretical analysis and extensive experiments with real devices and users. We believe that the research in this dissertation has far-reaching implications on privacy-aware alternative complementary authentication methods, smart home user privacy research, as well as the privacy-aware and secure data exchange methods

    Fortifying Public Safety: A Dynamic Role-Based Access Control Paradigm for Cloud-Centric IoT

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    The evolution of communication technologies, exemplified by the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, has significantly enhanced the speed and accessibility of Public Safety (PS) services, critical to ensuring the safety and security of our environment. However, these advancements also introduce inherent security and privacy challenges. In response, this research presents a novel and adaptable access control scheme tailored to PS services in cloud-supported IoT environments. Our proposed access control protocol leverages the strengths of Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) and Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption (IDBB), combining them to establish a robust security framework for cloud-supported IoT in the context of PS services. Through the implementation of an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) scheme between entities, we ensure entity authentication, data confidentiality, and integrity, addressing fundamental security requirements. A noteworthy aspect of our lightweight protocol is the delegation of user private key generation within the KP-ABE scheme to an untrusted cloud entity. This strategic offloading of computational and communication overhead preserves data privacy, as the cloud is precluded from accessing sensitive information. To achieve this, we employ an IDBB scheme to generate secret private keys for system users based on their roles, requiring the logical conjunction ('AND') of user attributes to access data. This architecture effectively conceals user identities from the cloud service provider. Comprehensive analysis validates the efficacy of the proposed protocol, confirming its ability to ensure system security and availability within acceptable parameters

    New design of lightweight authentication protocol in wearable technology

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    Today, the use of wearable devices is becoming a thing inherent in the daily activities of urban communities. In practice, wearable communications may contain sensitive information regarding a user's health record, so authentication and confidentiality of data exchanged must be guaranteed. In addition, the success of authentication between users, wearable devices and smartphones is very important because there are various threats of attack on the authentication process. Based on previous studies, it was found that the security functionality of user impersonation attack is not owned by lightweight authentication protocols in the current wearable communication environment. So this research undertakes the design of a lightweight authentication protocol to be immune to user impersonation attacks to supplement the lack of security functionality in previous protocols with the support of performing a formal analysis using the Scyther Tool. The research method used is a Research Library supported by conducting protocol security test experiment. The developed protocol utilizes a modified and customized S-NCI key establishment protocol scheme to meet all targeted security functionality. The research resulted that the lightweight authentication protocol generated was immune to the impersonation attacks of users, then was able to add two new functionalities that added wearable devices and added smartphones

    Towards Security and Privacy in Networked Medical Devices and Electronic Healthcare Systems

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    E-health is a growing eld which utilizes wireless sensor networks to enable access to effective and efficient healthcare services and provide patient monitoring to enable early detection and treatment of health conditions. Due to the proliferation of e-health systems, security and privacy have become critical issues in preventing data falsification, unauthorized access to the system, or eavesdropping on sensitive health data. Furthermore, due to the intrinsic limitations of many wireless medical devices, including low power and limited computational resources, security and device performance can be difficult to balance. Therefore, many current networked medical devices operate without basic security services such as authentication, authorization, and encryption. In this work, we survey recent work on e-health security, including biometric approaches, proximity-based approaches, key management techniques, audit mechanisms, anomaly detection, external device methods, and lightweight encryption and key management protocols. We also survey the state-of-the art in e-health privacy, including techniques such as obfuscation, secret sharing, distributed data mining, authentication, access control, blockchain, anonymization, and cryptography. We then propose a comprehensive system model for e-health applications with consideration of battery capacity and computational ability of medical devices. A case study is presented to show that the proposed system model can support heterogeneous medical devices with varying power and resource constraints. The case study demonstrates that it is possible to signicantly reduce the overhead for security on power-constrained devices based on the proposed system model

    An ICMetric based multiparty communication framework

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    Cryptographic algorithms have always relied on stored keys for the provision of security services. Since these keys are stored on a system this makes them prone to attack. Efforts to increase the key size makes brute forcing difficult but does not eliminate key theft. This thesis proposes a comprehensive security framework for groups of devices. The research makes four major contributions to improve the security of devices in the multiparty environment. The proposed framework uses the novel Integrated Circuit Metric (ICMetric) technology which proposes utilizing measurable properties and features of a device to create a device identification. This device identification called the ICMetric is used to create cryptographic keys which are then used in the designed cryptosystems. The first contribution of the thesis is the creation of an ICMetric using sensors found in modern smart devices. The research explores both explicit and implicit features which can be used to generate of an ICMetric. The second contribution of this research is the creation of a group ICMetric which is computed using the device ICMetric. The computation of the device ICMetric is a particular challenge as it has to be computed without violating the properties of the ICMetric technology. The third contribution is the demonstration that an ICMetric can be used for the creation of symmetric key. The fourth contribution of this research is an efficient RSA based asymmetric key generation scheme for the multiparty environment. Designing a system using widely accepted cryptographic primitives does not guarantee a secure system therefore the security of proposed schemes has been studied under the standard model. The schemes presented in this thesis attempt to improve the security of devices in the group environment. The schemes demonstrate that key theft deterrent technologies can be incorporated into cryptographic schemes to offer higher levels of security and privacy

    Security and privacy issues of physical objects in the IoT: Challenges and opportunities

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT), security and privacy issues of physical objects are crucial to the related applications. In order to clarify the complicated security and privacy issues, the life cycle of a physical object is divided into three stages of pre-working, in-working, and post-working. On this basis, a physical object-based security architecture for the IoT is put forward. According to the security architecture, security and privacy requirements and related protecting technologies for physical objects in different working stages are analyzed in detail. Considering the development of IoT technologies, potential security and privacy challenges that IoT objects may face in the pervasive computing environment are summarized. At the same time, possible directions for dealing with these challenges are also pointed out

    KALwEN: a new practical and interoperable key management scheme for body sensor networks

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    Key management is the pillar of a security architecture. Body sensor networks (BSNs) pose several challenges–some inherited from wireless sensor networks (WSNs), some unique to themselves–that require a new key management scheme to be tailor-made. The challenge is taken on, and the result is KALwEN, a new parameterized key management scheme that combines the best-suited cryptographic techniques in a seamless framework. KALwEN is user-friendly in the sense that it requires no expert knowledge of a user, and instead only requires a user to follow a simple set of instructions when bootstrapping or extending a network. One of KALwEN's key features is that it allows sensor devices from different manufacturers, which expectedly do not have any pre-shared secret, to establish secure communications with each other. KALwEN is decentralized, such that it does not rely on the availability of a local processing unit (LPU). KALwEN supports secure global broadcast, local broadcast, and local (neighbor-to-neighbor) unicast, while preserving past key secrecy and future key secrecy (FKS). The fact that the cryptographic protocols of KALwEN have been formally verified also makes a convincing case. With both formal verification and experimental evaluation, our results should appeal to theorists and practitioners alike