11 research outputs found

    Predictions on wheat crop yielding through fuzzy set theory and optimization techniques

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    Agricultural field’s production is commonly measured through the performance of the crops in terms of sow amount, climatology, and the type of crop, among other. Therefore, prediction on the performance of the crops canaid cultivators to make better informed decisions and help the agricultural field. This research work presents a prediction on wheat crop using the fuzzy set theory and the use of optimization techniques, in both; traditional methods and evolutionary meta-heuristics. The performance prediction in this research has its core on the following parameters: biomass, solar radiation, rainfall, and infield’s water extractions. Besides, the needed standards and the efficiency index (EFI) used come from already developed models; such standards include: the root-mean-square error (RMSE), the standard deviation, and the precision percentage. The applicationof a genetic algorithm on a Takagi-Sugeno system requires and highly precise prediction on wheat cropping;being, 0.005216 the error estimation, and 99,928 the performance percentage

    About identification of features that affect the estimation of citrus harvest

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    Accurate models for early harvest estimation in citrus production generally involve expensive variables. The goal of this research work was to develop a model to provide early and accurate estimations of harvest using low-cost features. Given the original data may derive from tree measurements, meteorological stations, or satellites, they have varied costs. The studied orchards included tangerines (Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis) and sweet oranges (C. sinensis) located in northeastern Argentina. Machine learning methods combined with different datasets were tested to obtain the most accurate harvest estimation. The final model is based on support vector machines with low-cost variables like species, age, irrigation, red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December, NDVI in December, rain during ripening, and humidity during fruit growth. Highlights: Red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December are helpful values to predict orange harvest. SVM is an efficient method to predict harvest. A ranking method to A ranking-based method has been developed to identify the variables that best predict orange production.  Accurate models for early harvest estimation in citrus production generally involve expensive variables. The goal of this research work was to develop a model to provide early and accurate estimations of harvest using low-cost features. Given the original data may derive from tree measurements, meteorological stations, or satellites, they have varied costs. The studied orchards included tangerines (Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis) and sweet oranges (C. sinensis) located in northeastern Argentina. Machine learning methods combined with different datasets were tested to obtain the most accurate harvest estimation. The final model is based on support vector machines with low-cost variables like species, age, irrigation, red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December, NDVI in December, rain during ripening, and humidity during fruit growth. Highlights: Red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December are helpful values to predict orange harvest. SVM is an efficient method to predict harvest. A ranking method to A ranking-based method has been developed to identify the variables that best predict orange production

    Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Models in Predicting Motor Assessment Scale of Stroke Patients Using Non-Motorized Rehabilitation Device

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    Various predictive models, both linear and non-linear, such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), were frequently employed for predicting the clinical scores of stroke patients. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these predictive models is somewhat impacted by how features are selected from the data to serve as inputs for the model. Hence, it's crucial to explore an ideal feature selection method to attain the most accurate prediction performance. This study primarily aims to evaluate the performance of two non-motorized three-degree-of-freedom devices, namely iRest and ReHAD using MLR, PLS and ANN predictive models and to examine the usefulness of including a hand grip function with the assessment device. The results reveal that ReHAD coupled with non-linear model (i.e. ANN) has a better prediction performance compared to iRest and at once proving that by including the hand grip function into the assessment device may increase the prediction accuracy in predicting Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) score of stroke subjects. Furthermore, these findings imply that there is a substantial association between kinematic variables and MAS scores, and as such the ANN model with a feature selection of twelve kinematic variables can predict stroke patients' MAS scores

    Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Models in Predicting Motor Assessment Scale of Stroke Patients Using Non-Motorized Rehabilitation Device

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    Various predictive models, both linear and non-linear, such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), were frequently employed for predicting the clinical scores of stroke patients. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these predictive models is somewhat impacted by how features are selected from the data to serve as inputs for the model. Hence, it's crucial to explore an ideal feature selection method to attain the most accurate prediction performance. This study primarily aims to evaluate the performance of two non-motorized three-degree-of-freedom devices, namely iRest and ReHAD using MLR, PLS and ANN predictive models and to examine the usefulness of including a hand grip function with the assessment device. The results reveal that ReHAD coupled with non-linear model (i.e. ANN) has a better prediction performance compared to iRest and at once proving that by including the hand grip function into the assessment device may increase the prediction accuracy in predicting Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) score of stroke subjects. Furthermore, these findings imply that there is a substantial association between kinematic variables and MAS scores, and as such the ANN model with a feature selection of twelve kinematic variables can predict stroke patients' MAS scores

    Enhancing Short-Term Berry Yield Prediction for Small Growers Using a Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Model

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    This study presents a novel hybrid model that combines two different algorithms to increase the accuracy of short-term berry yield prediction using only previous yield data. The model integrates both autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) with Kalman filter refinement and neural network techniques, specifically support vector regression (SVR), and nonlinear autoregressive (NAR) neural networks, to improve prediction accuracy by correcting the errors generated by the system. In order to enhance the prediction performance of the ARIMA model, an innovative method is introduced that reduces randomness and incorporates only observed variables and system errors into the state-space system. The results indicate that the proposed hybrid models exhibit greater accuracy in predicting weekly production, with a goodness-of-fit value above 0.95 and lower root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) values compared with non-hybrid models. The study highlights several implications, including the potential for small growers to use digital strategies that offer crop forecasts to increase sales and promote loyalty in relationships with large food retail chains. Additionally, accurate yield forecasting can help berry growers plan their production schedules and optimize resource use, leading to increased efficiency and profitability. The proposed model may serve as a valuable information source for European food retailers, enabling growers to form strategic alliances with their customers

    Optimizing machine learning for agricultural productivity: A novel approach with RScv and remote sensing data over Europe

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    CONTEXT: Accurate estimating of crop yield is crucial for developing effective global food security strategies which can lead to reduce of hunger and more sustainable development. However, predicting crop yields is a complex task as it requires frequent monitoring of many weather and socio-economic factors over an extended period. Satellite remote sensing products have become a reliable source for climate-based variables. They are easier to obtain and provide detailed spatial and temporal coverage. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of implement a novel optimization algorithm, called Randomized Search cross validation (RScv), on various machine learning algorithms and measure the prediction accuracy enhancement. METHODS: Annual yields of four crops (Barley, Oats, Rye, and Wheat) were predicted across 20 European countries for 20 years (2000–2019). Two NASA missions, namely GPCP and GLDAS satellites, provided us with climate- and soil-based input variables. Those variables were employed as the input of four ensemble Machine Learning (ML) algorithms (Ada-Boost (AB), Gradient Boost (GB), Random Forest (RF) and Extra Tree (ET)) which are faster and more adoptable compare to classic AI algorithms. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Main results show that applying RScv improves the prediction ability of all ML models over the four crops. In particular, the RScv-AB reaches the overall highest accuracy for predicting yields (R2max = 0.9). Spatial evaluation of predicting errors depicts that the proposed models were more shifted toward underestimation. An uncertainty analysis was also carried out which shows that applying ML algorithms creates higher and lowers uncertainty in Barley and Wheat respectively. SIGNIFICANCE: Considering the robustness of the optimised ML models and the global coverage of remote sensing data, our current methodology demonstrates great transferability and can be applied in other regions across the globe with higher temporal extents. In addition, this tool could be beneficial to decision makers in various sectors to improve the water allocations, deal with climate change effects and keep sustainable agricultural development.Antonio Jodar-Abellan acknowledges financial support received form the Margarita Salas Postdoc Spanish Program

    A New Predictive Algorithm for Time Series Forecasting Based on Machine Learning Techniques: Evidence for Decision Making in Agriculture and Tourism Sectors

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    Accurate time series prediction techniques are becoming fundamental to modern decision support systems. As massive data processing develops in its practicality, machine learning (ML) techniques applied to time series can automate and improve prediction models. The radical novelty of this paper is the development of a hybrid model that combines a new approach to the classical Kalman filter with machine learning techniques, i.e., support vector regression (SVR) and nonlinear autoregressive (NAR) neural networks, to improve the performance of existing predictive models. The proposed hybrid model uses, on the one hand, an improved Kalman filter method that eliminates the convergence problems of time series data with large error variance and, on the other hand, an ML algorithm as a correction factor to predict the model error. The results reveal that our hybrid models obtain accurate predictions, substantially reducing the root mean square and absolute mean errors compared to the classical and alternative Kalman filter models and achieving a goodness of fit greater than 0.95. Furthermore, the generalization of this algorithm was confirmed by its validation in two different scenariosThe authors acknowledge the support provided by the companies that released the data used for the analysi

    Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Face of Climate Change : Estimating the Impact of Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Brazilian Soybean Yield

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    While climate change is known to pose a variety of highly relevant economic risks, there are still many probable implications and economic fields with a lack of available data and research. This thesis explores the potential interrelations of climate change and global supply change management based on the case of Brazilian soybean supply. The main research question, how a change in temperature and precipitation affects Brazilian soybean yield, is investigated using historical weather and soybean yield data. A panel data crop yield regression model was developed to estimate the impact of changing weather variables on yield productivity. The results suggest that a one-degree Celsius increase in average annual temperature in Brazil leads to a 13.8% decrease in average soybean yield, a 100-millimeter increase in annual precipitation is associated with a 1.5% increase in average soybean yield, and lastly, a one-degree Celsius increase in the average temperature during the driest quarter of the year was found to lead to a 1.6% decrease in average annual soybean yield in Brazil. By contextualizing these results within the global sustainable soybean supply chain management theory, this thesis further adds valuable insights to the existing new climate economy literature and the relevant discussion of the economic implications of climate change. Lastly, this thesis aims to advocate for how increasing available climate data and analysis can limit potentially harmful consequences and encourage further research in the still-developing field of sustainable supply chain management to provide more information to policymakers and decision-makers.nhhma

    Semantic Segmentation based deep learning approaches for weed detection

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    Global increase in herbicide use to control weeds has led to issues such as evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, off-target herbicide movement, etc. Precision agriculture advocates Site Specific Weed Management (SSWM) application to achieve precise and right amount of herbicide spray and reduce off-target herbicide movement. Recent advancements in Deep Learning (DL) have opened possibilities for adaptive and accurate weed recognitions for field based SSWM applications with traditional and emerging spraying equipment; however, challenges exist in identifying the DL model structure and train the model appropriately for accurate and rapid model applications over varying crop/weed growth stages and environment. In our study, an encoder-decoder based DL architecture was proposed that performs pixel-wise Semantic Segmentation (SS) classifications of crop, soil, and weed patches in the fields. The objective of this study was to develop a robust weed detection algorithm using DL techniques that can accurately and reliably locate weed infestations in low altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery with acceptable application speed. Two different encoder-decoder based SS models of LinkNet and UNet were developed using transfer learning techniques. We performed various measures such as backpropagation optimization and refining of the dataset used for training to address the class-imbalance problem which is a common issue in developing weed detection models. It was found that LinkNet model with ResNet18 as the encoder section and use of ‘Focal loss’ loss function was able to achieve the highest mean and class-wise Intersection over Union scores for different class categories while performing predictions on unseen dataset. The developed state-of-art model did not require a large amount of data during training and the techniques used to develop the model in our study provides a propitious opportunity that performs better than the existing SS based weed detections models. The proposed model integrates a futuristic approach to develop a model that could be used for weed detection on aerial imagery from UAV and perform real-time SSWM applications Advisor: Yeyin Sh

    Detecting Soil pH from Open Source Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Angul and Balangir districts, Odisha State

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    International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is implementing ‘Odisha Bhoochetana’, an agricultural development project in Angul and Balangir districts in India. Under this project, soil health improvement activity was initiated by collecting soil samples from selected villages of the districts. Soil information before sowing helps farmers not only to choose a crop but also in planning crop nutritional inputs. Soil sampling, collection, and analysis is a costly and laborintensive activity that cannot cover the entire farmlands, hence it was conceived to use high-speed open-source platforms like Google Earth Engine in this research to estimate soil characteristics remotely using high-resolution open-source satellite data. The objective of this research was to estimate soil pH from Sentinel1, Sentinel 2, and Landsat satellite-derived indices; Data from Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, and Landsat satellite missions were used to generate indices and as proxies in a statistical model to estimate soil pH. Step-wise multiple regression, Artificial Neural networks (ANN) and Random forest (RF) regression, and Class-wise random forest were used to develop predictive models for soil pH. Step-wise multiple regression, ANN, and RF regression are single class models while class-wise RF models are an integration of RF-Acidic, RF-Alkaline, and RF- Neutral models (based on soil pH). The step-wise regression model retained the bands and indices that were highly correlated with soil pH. Spectral regions that were retained in the step-wise regression are B2, B11, Brightness Index, Salinity Index 2, Salinity Index 5 of Sentinel 2 data; VH/VV index of Sentinel 1 and TIR1 (thermal infrared band1) Landsat with p-value <0.001. Amongst the four statistical models developed, the class-wise RF model performed better than other models with a cumulative R 2 and RMSE of 0.78 and 0.35 respectively. The better performance of class-wise RF models over single class models can be attributed to different spectral characteristics of different soil pH groups. Though neural networks performed better than the stepwise multiple regression model, they are limited to a regression while the random forest model was capable of regression and classification. The large tracts of acidic soils (datasets) in the study area contributed to the training of the model accordingly leading to neutral and alkaline soils that were misclassified hindering the single class model performance. However, the class-wise RF model was able to address this issue with different models for different soil pH classes dramatically improving prediction. Our results show that the spectral bands and indices can be used as proxies to soil pH with individual classes of acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils. This study has shown the potential in using big data analytics to predict soil pH leading to the accurate mapping of soils and help in decision support