4,046 research outputs found

    A new protein linear motif benchmark for multiple sequence alignment software

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    BACKGROUND: Linear motifs (LMs) are abundant short regulatory sites used for modulating the functions of many eukaryotic proteins. They play important roles in post-translational modification, cell compartment targeting, docking sites for regulatory complex assembly and protein processing and cleavage. Methods for LM detection are now being developed that are strongly dependent on scores for motif conservation in homologous proteins. However, most LMs are found in natively disordered polypeptide segments that evolve rapidly, unhindered by structural constraints on the sequence. These regions of modular proteins are difficult to align using classical multiple sequence alignment programs that are specifically optimised to align the globular domains. As a consequence, poor motif alignment quality is hindering efforts to detect new LMs. RESULTS: We have developed a new benchmark, as part of the BAliBASE suite, designed to assess the ability of standard multiple alignment methods to detect and align LMs. The reference alignments are organised into different test sets representing real alignment problems and contain examples of experimentally verified functional motifs, extracted from the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) database. The benchmark has been used to evaluate and compare a number of multiple alignment programs. With distantly related proteins, the worst alignment program correctly aligns 48% of LMs compared to 73% for the best program. However, the performance of all the programs is adversely affected by the introduction of other sequences containing false positive motifs. The ranking of the alignment programs based on LM alignment quality is similar to that observed when considering full-length protein alignments, however little correlation was observed between LM and overall alignment quality for individual alignment test cases. CONCLUSION: We have shown that none of the programs currently available is capable of reliably aligning LMs in distantly related sequences and we have highlighted a number of specific problems. The results of the tests suggest possible ways to improve program accuracy for difficult, divergent sequences

    The Parallelism Motifs of Genomic Data Analysis

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    Genomic data sets are growing dramatically as the cost of sequencing continues to decline and small sequencing devices become available. Enormous community databases store and share this data with the research community, but some of these genomic data analysis problems require large scale computational platforms to meet both the memory and computational requirements. These applications differ from scientific simulations that dominate the workload on high end parallel systems today and place different requirements on programming support, software libraries, and parallel architectural design. For example, they involve irregular communication patterns such as asynchronous updates to shared data structures. We consider several problems in high performance genomics analysis, including alignment, profiling, clustering, and assembly for both single genomes and metagenomes. We identify some of the common computational patterns or motifs that help inform parallelization strategies and compare our motifs to some of the established lists, arguing that at least two key patterns, sorting and hashing, are missing

    ELM: the status of the 2010 eukaryotic linear motif resource

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    Linear motifs are short segments of multidomain proteins that provide regulatory functions independently of protein tertiary structure. Much of intracellular signalling passes through protein modifications at linear motifs. Many thousands of linear motif instances, most notably phosphorylation sites, have now been reported. Although clearly very abundant, linear motifs are difficult to predict de novo in protein sequences due to the difficulty of obtaining robust statistical assessments. The ELM resource at http://elm.eu.org/ provides an expanding knowledge base, currently covering 146 known motifs, with annotation that includes >1300 experimentally reported instances. ELM is also an exploratory tool for suggesting new candidates of known linear motifs in proteins of interest. Information about protein domains, protein structure and native disorder, cellular and taxonomic contexts is used to reduce or deprecate false positive matches. Results are graphically displayed in a ‘Bar Code’ format, which also displays known instances from homologous proteins through a novel ‘Instance Mapper’ protocol based on PHI-BLAST. ELM server output provides links to the ELM annotation as well as to a number of remote resources. Using the links, researchers can explore the motifs, proteins, complex structures and associated literature to evaluate whether candidate motifs might be worth experimental investigation

    Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Via Machine Learning Ensembles

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    We present ensemble methods in a machine learning (ML) framework combining predictions from five known motif/binding site exploration algorithms. For a given TF the ensemble starts with position weight matrices (PWM's) for the motif, collected from the component algorithms. Using dimension reduction, we identify significant PWM-based subspaces for analysis. Within each subspace a machine classifier is built for identifying the TF's gene (promoter) targets (Problem 1). These PWM-based subspaces form an ML-based sequence analysis tool. Problem 2 (finding binding motifs) is solved by agglomerating k-mer (string) feature PWM-based subspaces that stand out in identifying gene targets. We approach Problem 3 (binding sites) with a novel machine learning approach that uses promoter string features and ML importance scores in a classification algorithm locating binding sites across the genome. For target gene identification this method improves performance (measured by the F1 score) by about 10 percentage points over the (a) motif scanning method and (b) the coexpression-based association method. Top motif outperformed 5 component algorithms as well as two other common algorithms (BEST and DEME). For identifying individual binding sites on a benchmark cross species database (Tompa et al., 2005) we match the best performer without much human intervention. It also improved the performance on mammalian TFs. The ensemble can integrate orthogonal information from different weak learners (potentially using entirely different types of features) into a machine learner that can perform consistently better for more TFs. The TF gene target identification component (problem 1 above) is useful in constructing a transcriptional regulatory network from known TF-target associations. The ensemble is easily extendable to include more tools as well as future PWM-based information.Comment: 33 page

    iLIR : a web resource for prediction of Atg8-family interacting proteins

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    Macroautophagy was initially considered to be a nonselective process for bulk breakdown of cytosolic material. However, recent evidence points toward a selective mode of autophagy mediated by the so-called selective autophagy receptors (SARs). SARs act by recognizing and sorting diverse cargo substrates (e.g., proteins, organelles, pathogens) to the autophagic machinery. Known SARs are characterized by a short linear sequence motif (LIR-, LRS-, or AIM-motif) responsible for the interaction between SARs and proteins of the Atg8 family. Interestingly, many LIR-containing proteins (LIRCPs) are also involved in autophagosome formation and maturation and a few of them in regulating signaling pathways. Despite recent research efforts to experimentally identify LIRCPs, only a few dozen of this class of—often unrelated—proteins have been characterized so far using tedious cell biological, biochemical, and crystallographic approaches. The availability of an ever-increasing number of complete eukaryotic genomes provides a grand challenge for characterizing novel LIRCPs throughout the eukaryotes. Along these lines, we developed iLIR, a freely available web resource, which provides in silico tools for assisting the identification of novel LIRCPs. Given an amino acid sequence as input, iLIR searches for instances of short sequences compliant with a refined sensitive regular expression pattern of the extended LIR motif (xLIR-motif) and retrieves characterized protein domains from the SMART database for the query. Additionally, iLIR scores xLIRs against a custom position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) and identifies potentially disordered subsequences with protein interaction potential overlapping with detected xLIR-motifs. Here we demonstrate that proteins satisfying these criteria make good LIRCP candidates for further experimental verification. Domain architecture is displayed in an informative graphic, and detailed results are also available in tabular form. We anticipate that iLIR will assist with elucidating the full complement of LIRCPs in eukaryotes

    The LabelHash algorithm for substructure matching

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    Background: There is an increasing number of proteins with known structure but unknown function. Determining their function would have a significant impact on understanding diseases and designing new therapeutics. However, experimental protein function determination is expensive and very time-consuming. Computational methods can facilitate function determination by identifying proteins that have high structural and chemical similarity. Results: We present LabelHash, a novel algorithm for matching substructural motifs to large collections of protein structures. The algorithm consists of two phases. In the first phase the proteins are preprocessed in a fashion that allows for instant lookup of partial matches to any motif. In the second phase, partial matches for a given motif are expanded to complete matches. The general applicability of the algorithm is demonstrated with three different case studies. First, we show that we can accurately identify members of the enolase superfamily with a single motif. Next, we demonstrate how LabelHash can complement SOIPPA, an algorithm for motif identification and pairwise substructure alignment. Finally, a large collection of Catalytic Site Atlas motifs is used to benchmark the performance of the algorithm. LabelHash runs very efficiently in parallel; matching a motif against all proteins in the 95 % sequence identity filtered non-redundant Protein Data Bank typically takes no more than a few minutes. The LabelHash algorithm is available through a web server and as a suite of standalone programs a

    Recognition of short functional motifs in protein sequences

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    The main goal of this study was to develop a method for computational de novo prediction of short linear motifs (SLiMs) in protein sequences that would provide advantages over existing solutions for the users. The users are typically biological laboratory researchers, who want to elucidate the function of a protein that is possibly mediated by a short motif. Such a process can be subcellular localization, secretion, post-translational modification or degradation of proteins. Conducting such studies only with experimental techniques is often associated with high costs and risks of uncertainty. Preliminary prediction of putative motifs with computational methods, them being fast and much less expensive, provides possibilities for generating hypotheses and therefore, more directed and efficient planning of experiments. To meet this goal, I have developed HH-MOTiF – a web-based tool for de novo discovery of SLiMs in a set of protein sequences. While working on the project, I have also detected patterns in sequence properties of certain SLiMs that make their de novo prediction easier. As some of these patterns are not yet described in the literature, I am sharing them in this thesis. While evaluating and comparing motif prediction results, I have identified conceptual gaps in theoretical studies, as well as existing practical solutions for comparing two sets of positional data annotating the same set of biological sequences. To close this gap and to be able to carry out in-depth performance analyses of HH-MOTiF in comparison to other predictors, I have developed a corresponding statistical method, SLALOM (for StatisticaL Analysis of Locus Overlap Method). It is currently available as a standalone command line tool