17 research outputs found

    A lower bound on web services composition

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    A web service is modeled here as a finite state machine. A composition problem for web services is to decide if a given web service can be constructed from a given set of web services; where the construction is understood as a simulation of the specification by a fully asynchronous product of the given services. We show an EXPTIME-lower bound for this problem, thus matching the known upper bound. Our result also applies to richer models of web services, such as the Roman model

    Service composition in stochastic settings

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    With the growth of the Internet-of-Things and online Web services, more services with more capabilities are available to us. The ability to generate new, more useful services from existing ones has been the focus of much research for over a decade. The goal is, given a specification of the behavior of the target service, to build a controller, known as an orchestrator, that uses existing services to satisfy the requirements of the target service. The model of services and requirements used in most work is that of a finite state machine. This implies that the specification can either be satisfied or not, with no middle ground. This is a major drawback, since often an exact solution cannot be obtained. In this paper we study a simple stochastic model for service composition: we annotate the tar- get service with probabilities describing the likelihood of requesting each action in a state, and rewards for being able to execute actions. We show how to solve the resulting problem by solving a certain Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the service and requirement specifications. The solution to this MDP induces an orchestrator that coincides with the exact solution if a composition exists. Otherwise it provides an approximate solution that maximizes the expected sum of values of user requests that can be serviced. The model studied although simple shades light on composition in stochastic settings and indeed we discuss several possible extensions

    An Introduction to Simulation-Based Techniques for Automated Service Composition

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    This work is an introduction to the author's contributions to the SOC area, resulting from his PhD research activity. It focuses on the problem of automatically composing a desired service, given a set of available ones and a target specification. As for description, services are represented as finite-state transition systems, so to provide an abstract account of their behavior, seen as the set of possible conversations with external clients. In addition, the presence of a finite shared memory is considered, that services can interact with and which provides a basic form of communication. Rather than describing technical details, we offer an informal overview of the whole work, and refer the reader to the original papers, referenced throughout this work, for all details

    Timed Specification For Web Services Compatibility Analysis

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    AbstractWeb services are becoming one of the main technologies for designing and building complex inter-enterprise business applications. Usually, a business application cannot be fulfilled by one Web service but by coordinating a set of them. In particular, to perform a coordination, one of the important investigations is the compatibility analysis. Two Web services are said compatible if they can interact correctly. In the literature, the proposed frameworks for the services compatibility checking rely on the supported sequences of messages. The interaction of services depends also on other properties, such that the exchanged data flow. Thus, considering only supported sequences of messages seems to be insufficient. Other properties on which the services interaction can rely on, are the temporal constraints. In this paper, we focus our interest on the compatibility analysis of Web services regarding their (1) supported sequences of messages, (2) the exchanged data flow, (3) constraints related to the exchanged data flow and (4) the temporal requirements. Based on these properties, we study three compatibility classes: (i) absolute compatibility, (ii) likely compatibility and (iii) absolute incompatibility

    Symbolic Supervisory Control of Distributed Systems with Communications

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    We consider the control of distributed systems composed of subsystems communicating asynchronously; the aim is to build local controllers that restrict the behavior of a distributed system in order to satisfy a global state avoidance property. We model distributed systems as \emph{communicating finite state machines} with reliable unbounded FIFO queues between subsystems. Local controllers can only observe the behavior of their proper subsystem and do not see the queue contents. To refine their control policy, controllers can use the FIFO queues to communicate by piggy-backing extra information (some timestamps and their state estimates) to the messages sent by the subsystems. We provide an algorithm that computes, for each local subsystem (and thus for each controller), during the execution of the system, an estimate of the current global state of the distributed system. We then define a synthesis algorithm to compute local controllers. Our method relies on the computation of (co-)reachable states. Since the reachability problem is undecidable in our model, we use abstract interpretation techniques to obtain overapproximations of (co-)reachable states. An implementation of our algorithms provides an empirical evaluation of our method

    On the aggregation problem for synthesized web services

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    start The paper formulates and investigates the aggregation problem for synthesized mediators of Web services (SWMs). An SWM is a finite-state transducer defined in terms of templates for component services. Upon receiving an artifact, an SWM selects a set of available services from a library to realize its templates, and invokes those services to operate on the artifact, in parallel; it produces a numeric value as output (e.g., the total price of a package) by applying synthesis rules. Given an SWM, a library and an input artifact, the aggregation problem is to find a mapping from the component templates of the SWM to available services in the library that maximizes (or minimizes) the output. As opposed to the composition syntheses of Web services, the aggregation problem aims to optimize the realization of a given mediator, to best serve the users ’ need. We analyze this problem, and show that its complexity depends on the underlying graph structure of the mediator: while it is undecidable when such graphs contain even very simple cycles, it is solvable in single-exponential time (in the size of the specification) for SWMs whose underlying graphs are acyclic. We prove several results of this kind, with matching lower bounds (NP and PSPACE), and analyze restrictions that lead to polynomial-time solutions

    Symbolic Supervisory Control of Distributed Systems with Communications

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    We consider the control of distributed systems composed of subsystems communicating asynchronously; the aim is to build local controllers that restrict the behavior of a distributed system in order to satisfy a global state avoidance property. We model distributed systems as \emph{communicating finite state machines} with reliable unbounded FIFO queues between subsystems. Local controllers can only observe the behavior of their proper subsystem and do not see the queue contents. To refine their control policy, controllers can use the FIFO queues to communicate by piggy-backing extra information (some timestamps and their state estimates) to the messages sent by the subsystems. We provide an algorithm that computes, for each local subsystem (and thus for each controller), during the execution of the system, an estimate of the current global state of the distributed system. We then define a synthesis algorithm to compute local controllers. Our method relies on the computation of (co-)reachable states. Since the reachability problem is undecidable in our model, we use abstract interpretation techniques to obtain overapproximations of (co-)reachable states. An implementation of our algorithms provides an empirical evaluation of our method

    On the aggregation problem for synthesized Web services

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    The paper introduces and investigates the aggregation problem for synthesized mediators of Web services (SWMs). An SWM is a deterministic finite-state transducer defined in terms of templates for component services. Upon receiving an artifact, an SWM selects a set of available services from a library to realize its templates, and invokes those services to operate on the artifact, in parallel; it produces a numeric value as output (e.g., the total price of a package) by applying synthesis rules. Given an SWM, a library and an input artifact, the aggregation problem is to find a mapping from the component templates of the SWM to available services in the library that maximizes (or minimizes) the output. As opposed to the composition syntheses of Web services, the aggregation problem aims to optimize the realization of a given mediator, to best serve the users ’ need. We analyze this problem, and show that its complexity depends on the underlying graph of the mediator: while it is undecidable when such graphs contain even very simple cycles, it is solvable in single-exponential time in the size of the specification (i.e., the total size of the input SWM, library and artifact) for SWMs whose underlying graphs are acyclic. We prove several results of this kind, with matching lower bounds (NP and PSPACE), and analyze restrictions that lead to polynomial-time solutions. In addition, we study the aggregation problem for nondeterministic SWMs (NSWMs). We show that the aggregation problem for NSWMs with various underlying graphs retains the same complexity as its deterministic counterparts. We also provide complexity bounds for determining whether SWMs and NSWMs terminate