687 research outputs found

    Automated Analysis of Unattended Portable Oximetry by means of Bayesian Neural Networks to Assist in the Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

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    Producción CientíficaSleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a chronic sleep-related breathing disorder, which is currently considered a major health problem. In-lab nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG) is the gold standard diagnostic technique though it is complex and relatively unavailable. On the other hand, the analysis of blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) from nocturnal pulse oximetry (NPO) is a simple, noninvasive, highly available and effective alternative. This study focused on the design and assessment of a neural network (NN) aimed at detecting SAHS using information from at-home unsupervised portable SpO2 recordings. A Bayesian multilayer perceptron NN (MLP-NN) was proposed, fed with complementary oximetric features properly selected. A dataset composed of 320 unattended SpO2 recordings was analyzed (60% for training and 40% for validation). The proposed Bayesian MLP-NN achieved 94.2% sensitivity, 69.6% specificity, and 89.8% accuracy in the test set. Our results suggest that automated analysis of at-home portable NPO recordings by means of Bayesian MLP-NN could be an effective and highly available technique in the context of SAHS diagnosis.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA059U13)Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery Spanish Society (265/2012

    Evaluation of Machine-Learning Approaches to Estimate Sleep Apnea Severity from at-Home Oximetry Recordings

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    Producción CientíficaComplexity, costs, and waiting lists issues demand a simplified alternative for sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) diagnosis. The blood oxygen saturation signal (SpO2) carries useful information about SAHS and can be easily acquired from overnight oximetry. In this study, SpO2 single-channel recordings from 320 subjects were obtained at patients’ home. They were used to automatically obtain statistical, spectral, non-linear, and clinical SAHS-related information. Relevant and non-redundant data from these analyses were subsequently used to train and validate four machine-learning methods with ability to classify SpO2 signals into one out of the four SAHS-severity degrees (no-SAHS, mild, moderate, and severe). All the models trained (linear discriminant analysis, 1-vs-all logistic regression, Bayesian multi-layer perceptron, and AdaBoost), outperformed the diagnostic ability of the conventionally-used 3% oxygen desaturation index. An AdaBoost model built with linear discriminants as base classifiers reached the highest figures. It achieved 0.479 Cohen’s in the SAHS severity classification, as well as 92.9%, 87.4%, and 78.7% accuracies in binary classification tasks using increasing severity thresholds (apnea-hypopnea index: 5, 15, and 30 events/hour, respectively). These results suggest that machine learning can be used along with SpO2 information acquired at patients’ home to help in SAHS diagnosis simplification.This research has been supported by the project VA037U16 from the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, the project 265/2012 of the Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR), the projects RTC-2015-3446-1 and TEC2014-53196-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). D. Álvarez was in receipt of a Juan de la Cierva grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Portable detection of apnea and hypopnea events using bio-impedance of the chest and deep learning

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    Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep-related breathing disorders. It is diagnosed through an overnight sleep study in a specialized sleep clinic. This setup is expensive and the number of beds and staff are limited, leading to a long waiting time. To enable more patients to be tested, and repeated monitoring for diagnosed patients, portable sleep monitoring devices are being developed. These devices automatically detect sleep apnea events in one or more respiration-related signals. There are multiple methods to measure respiration, with varying levels of signal quality and comfort for the patient. In this study, the potential of using the bio-impedance (bioZ) of the chest as a respiratory surrogate is analyzed. A novel portable device is presented, combined with a two-phase Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning algorithm for automated event detection. The setup is benchmarked using simultaneous recordings of the device and the traditional polysomnography in 25 patients. The results demonstrate that using only the bioZ, an area under the precision-recall curve of 46.9% can be achieved, which is on par with automatic scoring using a polysomnography respiration channel. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are 58.4%, 76.2% and 72.8% respectively. This confirms the potential of using the bioZ device and deep learning algorithm for automatically detecting sleep respiration events during the night, in a portable and comfortable setup

    Classification of oximetry signals using Bayesian neural networks to assist in the detection of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

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    In the present study, multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks were applied to help in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) recordings from nocturnal pulse oximetry were used for this purpose. We performed time and spectral analysis of these signals to extract 14 features related to OSAS. The performance of two different MLP classifiers was compared: maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BY) MLP networks. A total of 187 subjects suspected of suffering from OSAS took part in the study. Their SaO2 signals were divided into a training set with 74 recordings and a test set with 113 recordings. BY-MLP networks achieved the best performance on the test set with 85.58% accuracy (87.76% sensitivity and 82.39% specificity). These results were substantially better than those provided by ML-MLP networks, which were affected by overfitting and achieved an accuracy of 76.81% (86.42% sensitivity and 62.83% specificity). Our results suggest that the Bayesian framework is preferred to implement our MLP classifiers. The proposed BY-MLP networks could be used for early OSAS detection. They could contribute to overcome the difficulties of nocturnal polysomnography (PSG) and thus reduce the demand for these studies


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    Automatic analysis of overnight airflow to help in the diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea

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    La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) pediátrica es una enfermedad respiratoria altamente prevalente e infradiagnosticada que puede afectar negativamente a las funciones fisiológicas y cognitivas de los niños, causándoles graves deficiencias neurocognitivas, cardiometabólicas y endocrinas. El método estándar para su diagnóstico es la polisomnografía nocturna, una prueba compleja, de elevado coste, altamente intrusiva y poco accesible, lo que genera largas listas de espera y retrasos en el diagnóstico. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar pruebas diagnósticas más sencillas. Una de estas alternativas es el análisis automático de señales cardiorrespiratorias. Así, esta tesis doctoral presenta un compendio de cuatro publicaciones que proponen el uso de novedosos métodos de procesado de señal (no lineal, espectral, bispectral, gráficos de recurrencia y wavelet) que permiten caracterizar exhaustivamente el comportamiento del flujo aéreo nocturno de los niños y simplificar el diagnóstico de la apnea obstructiva del sueño pediátrica.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDoctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicacione


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    Preemies, infants who are born too soon, have a higher incidence of Life-Threatening Events (LTE’s) such as apnea (cessation of breathing), bradycardia (slowing of heart rate) and hypoxemia (oxygen desaturation) also termed as ABD (Apnea, Bradycardia, and Desaturation) events. Clinicians at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) are facing the demanding task of assessing the risk of infants based on their physiological signals. The aim of this thesis is to develop a risk stratification algorithm using a machine-learning framework with the features related to pathological fluctuations derived from point process model that will be embedded into the current physiological recording system to assess the risk of life-threatening events well in advance of occurrence in individual infants in the NICU. We initially propose a point process algorithm of heart rate dynamics for risk stratification of preterm infants. Based on this analysis, point process indices were tested to determine whether they were useful as precursors for life-threatening events. Finally, a machine-learning framework using point process indices as precursors were designed and tested to classify the risk of preterm infants. This work helps to predict the number of bradycardia events, N, in the subsequent hours measuring point process indices for the current hour. The model proposed uses Quadratic Support Vector Machine (QSVM), a machine learning classifier, which can solve class optimization problems and execute data at an exponential speed with higher accuracy for risk assessment that might facilitate effective management and treatment for preterm infants in NICU. The findings are relevant to risk assessment by analyzing the fluctuations in physiological signals that can act as precursors for the future life-threatening events

    Design of an intelligent decision support system applied to the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or total obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, is currently one of the respiratory pathologies with the highest incidence worldwide. This situation has led to an increase in the demand for medical appointments and specific diagnostic studies, resulting in long waiting lists, with all the health consequences that this entails for the affected patients. In this context, this paper proposes the design and development of a novel intelligent decision support system applied to the diagnosis of OSA, aiming to identify patients suspected of suffering from the pathology. For this purpose, two sets of heterogeneous information are considered. The first one includes objective data related to the patient’s health profile, with information usually available in electronic health records (anthropometric information, habits, diagnosed conditions and prescribed treatments). The second type includes subjective data related to the specific OSA symptomatology reported by the patient in a specific interview. For the processing of this information, a machine-learning classification algorithm and a set of fuzzy expert systems arranged in cascade are used, obtaining, as a result, two indicators related to the risk of suffering from the disease. Subsequently, by interpreting both risk indicators, it will be possible to determine the severity of the patients’ condition and to generate alerts. For the initial tests, a software artifact was built using a dataset with 4400 patients from the Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital (Vigo, Galicia, Spain). The preliminary results obtained are promising and demonstrate the potential usefulness of this type of tool in the diagnosis of OSA.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/03

    An explainable deep-learning architecture for pediatric sleep apnea identification from overnight airflow and oximetry signals

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    Producción CientíficaDeep-learning algorithms have been proposed to analyze overnight airflow (AF) and oximetry (SpO2) signals to simplify the diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but current algorithms are hardly interpretable. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) algorithms can clarify the models-derived predictions on these signals, enhancing their diagnostic trustworthiness. Here, we assess an explainable architecture that combines convolutional and recurrent neural networks (CNN + RNN) to detect pediatric OSA and its severity. AF and SpO2 were obtained from the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT) public database (n = 1,638) and a proprietary database (n = 974). These signals were arranged in 30-min segments and processed by the CNN + RNN architecture to derive the number of apneic events per segment. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was computed from the CNN + RNN-derived estimates and grouped into four OSA severity levels. The Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) XAI algorithm was used to identify and interpret novel OSA-related patterns of interest. The AHI regression reached very high agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.9), while OSA severity classification achieved 4-class accuracies 74.51% and 62.31%, and 4-class Cohen’s Kappa 0.6231 and 0.4495, in CHAT and the private datasets, respectively. All diagnostic accuracies on increasing AHI cutoffs (1, 5 and 10 events/h) surpassed 84%. The Grad-CAM heatmaps revealed that the model focuses on sudden AF cessations and SpO2 drops to detect apneas and hypopneas with desaturations, and often discards patterns of hypopneas linked to arousals. Therefore, an interpretable CNN + RNN model to analyze AF and SpO2 can be helpful as a diagnostic alternative in symptomatic children at risk of OSA.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación /AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER (grants PID2020-115468RB-I00 and PDC2021-120775-I00)CIBER -Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red- (CB19/01/00012), Instituto de Salud Carlos IIINational Institutes of Health (HL083075, HL083129, UL1-RR-024134, UL1 RR024989)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R24 HL114473, 75N92019R002)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación- “Ramón y Cajal” grant (RYC2019-028566-I