39 research outputs found

    A robust 2.4 GHz time-of-arrival based ranging system with sub-meter accuracy: feasibility study and realization of low power CMOS receiver

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    Draadloze sensornetwerken worden meer en meer aangewend om verschillende soorten informatie te verzamelen. De locatie, waar deze informatie verzameld is, is een belangerijke eigenschap en voor sommige toepassingen, zoals het volgen van personen of goederen, zelfs de meest belangrijke en mogelijkmakende factor. Om de positie van een sensor te bepalen, is een technologie nodig die de afstand tot een gekend referentiepunt schat. Door verschillende afstandsmetingen te combineren, is het mogelijk de absolute locatie van de node te berekenen

    Multi-Band Outphasing Power Amplifier Design for Mobile and Base Stations

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    New generations of wireless communication systems require linear efficient RF power amplifiers (PAs) for higher transmission data rates and longer battery life. On the contrary, conventional PAs are normally designed for peak efficiency under maximum output power (Pout). Thus, in power back-off, the overall efficiency degrades significantly and the average efficiency is much lower than the efficiency at maximum Pout. Chireix outphasing PA, also called LINC (Linear amplification using Non-linear Components), is one of the most promising techniques to improve the efficiency at power back-off. In this method, a variable envelope input signal is first decomposed into two constant-envelope phase-modulated signals and then amplified using two highly efficient non-linear PAs. The output signals are combined preferably in a loss-less power combiner to build the desired output signal. In this way, the PA exhibits high efficiency with good linearity. In this thesis, first we analyze a complex model of outphasing combiner considering its nonidealities such as reflection and loss in transmission lines (TL). Then we propose a compact model with analytical formula that is validated through several comparative tests using ADS and Spectre RF. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of reactive load in Chireix combiner with stubs (a parallel inductor and capacitor), while distinguishing between its capacitive and inductive parts. It is demonstrated that only the capacitive part of the reactive load degrades the performances. Based on this, a new architecture (Z LINC) is proposed where the power combiner is designed to provide a zero capacitive load to the PAs whatever the outphasing angle. The theory describing the operations of the system is developed and a 900 MHz classical LINC and Z-LINC PAs are designed and measured. In addition, a miniaturization technique is proposed which employs λ/8 or smaller TLs instead of conventional λ/4 TLs in outphasing power combiner. This technique is applied to implement a 900 MHz PA using LDMOS power transistors. Besides single-band PAs, dual-band PAs are more and more needed because of an increasing demand for wireless communication terminals to handle multi-band operation. In chapter 5, a new compact design approach for dual-band transmitters based on a reconfigurable outphasing combiner is proposed. The objective is to avoid the cumbersome implementations where several PAs and matching network are used in parallel. The technique is applied to design a dual band PA with a fully integrated power combiner in 90 nm CMOS technology. An inverter-based class D PA topology, particularly suitable for outphasing and multimode operations is presented. The TLs in the combiner, realized using a network of on-chip series inductors and parallel capacitors, are reconfigurable from λ/4 in 1800 MHz to λ/8 in 900 MHz. In order to maximize the efficiency, the on-chip inductors are implemented using high quality factor on chip slab inductors. The measured maximum Pout at 900/1800 MHz are 24.3 and 22.7 dBm with maximum efficiencies of 51% and 34% respectively

    Apport de l'échantillonnage aléatoire à temps quantifié pour le traitement en bande de base dans un contexte radio logicielle restreinte

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    The work presented in this Ph.D. dissertation deals with the design of multistandard radio receivers that process signals with heterogeneous specifications. The originality of these research activities comes from the application of random sampling at the baseband stage of a software defined radio receiver. The purpose behind the choice of random sampling is to take advantage of its alias-free feature. The originality of this work is the analytic proof of the alias attenuation feature of the time quantized random sampling, the implementation version of the random sampling. A second contribution concerns also the analytic study of the simplest implementation version of the random sampling, the time quantized pseudo-random sampling (TQ-PRS). Theoretical formulas allow the estimation of the alias attenuation in terms of time quantization factor and oversampling ratio. Alias attenuation measurement permits to design the baseband stage of the proposed multistandard radio receiver architecture. The design concerns different configuration of the baseband stage according to the performances of the used analog-to-digital converters (ADC). The TQPRS allows decreasing the anti-aliasing filter order or the sampling frequency. The design of the baseband stage reveals a difference on the choice of the time quantization factor for each standard. The power consumption budget analysis demonstrates a power consumption gain of 30% regarding the power consumption of the analog baseband stage. This gain becomes 27.5% when the TQ-PRS clock and the digital canal selection stages are considered.Ces travaux de recherche s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la conception de récepteurs multistandard optimisés pouvant traiter des signaux à spécifications hétérogènes. L’idée est d’appliquer l’échantillonnage aléatoire au niveau de l’étage en bande de base d’un récepteur radio logicielle restreinte afin de tirer profit de son pouvoir d’anti-repliement. La nouveauté dans ces travaux est l’étude analytique de la réduction du repliement spectral par l’échantillonnage aléatoire à temps quantifié, candidat favorable à l’implémentation matérielle. Une deuxième contribution concerne aussi l’étude analytique de l’échantillonnage pseudo-aléatoire à temps quantifié (TQ-PRS) dont l’importance réside en sa grande facilité d’implémentation matérielle. Les formulations théoriques ont permis d’estimer l’atténuation des répliques en fonction du facteur de la quantification temporelle et du facteur du sur-échantillonnage. Les mesures de l’atténuation du repliement spectral ont permis de dimensionner l’étage en bande de base d’une architecture de réception multistandard. Le dimensionnement s’intéresse à différentes configurations de l’étage en bande de base régies par les performances du convertisseur analogique numérique (ADC) utilisé.Les travaux de recherche ont démontré que l’application du TQ-PRS au niveau de l’ADC mène soit à une réduction de l’ordre du filtre anti-repliement soit à une réduction de la fréquence d’échantillonnage. Un bilan global de la consommation de puissance a permis un gain de 30% de la consommation de l’étage en bande de base analogique. En tenant compte du générateur de l’horloge TQ-PRS et de l’étage de sélection numérique du canal, ce gain devient 25%

    Design of broadband inductor-less RF front-ends with high dynamic range for G.hn

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    System-on-Chip (SoC) was adopted in recent years as one of the solutions to reduce the cost of integrated systems. When the SoC solution started to be used, the final product was actually more expensive due to lower yield. The developments in integrated technology through the years allowed the integration of more components in lesser area with a better yield. Thus, SoCs became a widely used solution to reduced the cost of the final product, integrating into a single-chip the main parts of a system: analog, digital and memory. As integrated technology kept scaling down to allow a higher density of transistors and thus providing more functionality with the same die area, the analog RF parts of the SoC became a bottleneck to cost reduction as inductors occupy a large die area and do not scale down with technology. Hence, the trend moves toward the research and design of inductor-less SoCs that further reduce the cost of the final solution. Also, as the demand for home networking high-data-rates communication systems has increased over the last decade, several standards have been developed to satisfy the requirements of each application, the most popular being wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. However, poor signal propagation across walls make WLANs unsuitable for high-speed applications such as high-definition in-home video streaming, leading to the development of wired technologies using the existing in-home infrastructure. The ITU-T G.hn recommendation (G.9960 and G.9961) unifies the most widely used wired infrastructures at home (coaxial cables, phone lines and power lines) into a single standard for high-speed data transmission of up to 1 Gb/s. The G.hn recommendation defines a unified networking over power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables with different plans for baseband and RF. The RF-coax bandplan, where this thesis is focused, uses 50 MHz and 100 MHz bandwidth channels with 256 and 512 carriers respectively. The center frequency can range from 350 MHz to 2450 MHz. The recommendation specifies a transmission power limit of 5 dBm for the 50 MHz bandplan and 8~dBm for the 100 MHz bandplan, therefore the maximum transmitted power in each carrier is the same for both bandplans. Due to the nature of an in-home wired environment, receivers that can handle both very large and very small amplitude signals are required; when transmitter and receiver are connected on the same electric outlet there is no channel attenuation and the signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio (SNDR) is dominated by the receiver linearity, whereas when transmitter and receiver are several rooms apart channel attenuation is high and the SNDR is dominated by the receiver noise figure. The high dynamic range specifications for these receivers require the use of configurable-gain topologies that can provide both high-linearity and low-noise for different configurations. Thus, this thesis has been aimed at researching high dynamic range broadband inductor-less topologies to be used as the RF front-end for a G.hn receiver complying with the provided specifications. A large part of the thesis has been focused on the design of the input amplifier of the front-end, which is the most critical stage as the noise figure and linearity of the input amplifier define the achievable overall specifications of the whole front-end. Three prototypes has been manufactured using a 65 nm CMOS process: two input RFPGAs and one front-end using the second RFPGA prototype.El "sistema en un chip" (SoC) fue adoptado recientemente como una de las soluciones para reducir el coste de sistemas integrados. Cuando se empezó a utilizar la solución SoC, el producto final era más caro debido al bajo rendimiento de producción. Los avances en tecnología integrada a lo largo de los años han permitido la integración de más componentes en menos área con mejoras en rendimiento. Por lo tanto, SoCs pasó a ser una solución ampliamente utilizada para reducir el coste del producto final, integrando en un único chip las principales partes de un sistema: analógica, digital y memoria. A medida que las tecnologías integradas se reducían en tamaño para permitir una mayor densisdad de transistores y proveer mayor funcionalidad con la misma área, las partes RF analógicas del SoC pasaron a ser la limitación en la reducción de costes ya que los inductores ocupan mucha área y no escalan con la tecnología. Por lo tanto, las tendencias en investigación se mueven hacia el diseño de SoCs sin inductores que todavía reducen más el coste final del producto. También, a medida que la demanda en sistemas de comunicación domésticos de alta velocidad ha crecido a lo largo de la última década, se han desarrollado varios estándares para satisfacer los requisitos de cada aplicación, siendo las redes sin hilos (WLANs) basadas en el estándar IEEE 802.11 las más populares. Sin embargo, una pobre propagación de señal a través de las paredes hacen que las WLANs sean inadecuadas para aplicaciones de alta-velocidad como transmisión de vídeo de alta definición en tiempo real, resultando en el desarrollo de tecnologías con hilos utilizando la infraestructura existente en los domicilios. La recomendación ITU-T G.hn (G.9960 and G.9961) unifica las principales infraestructuras con hilos domésticas (cables coaxiales, línias de teléfono y línias de electricidad) en un sólo estándar para la transmisión de datos hasta 1 Gb/s. La recomendación G.hn define una red unificada sobre línias de electricidad, de teléfono y coaxiales con diferentes esquemas para banda base y RF. El esquema RF-coax en el cual se basa esta tesis, usa canales con un ancho de banda de 50 MHz y 100 MHz con 256 y 512 portadoras respectivamente. La frecuencia centra puede variar desde 350 MHz hasta 2450 MHz. La recomendación especifica un límite en la potencia de transmisión de 5 dBm para el esquema de 50 MHz y 8 dBm para el esquema de 100 MHz, de tal forma que la potencia máxima por portadora es la misma en ambos esquemas. Debido a la estructura de un entorno doméstico con hilos, los receptores deben ser capaces de procesar señales con amplitud muy grande o muy pequeña; cuando transmisor y receptor están conectados en la misma toma eléctrica no hay atenuación de canal y el ratio de señal a rudio más distorsión (SNDR) está dominado por la linealidad del receptor, mientras que cuando transmisor y receptor están separados por varias habitaciones la atenuación es elevada y el SNDR está dominado por la figura de ruido del receptor. Los elevados requisitos de rango dinámico para este tipo de receptores requieren el uso de topologías de ganancia configurable que pueden proporcionar tanto alta linealidad como bajo ruido para diferentes configuraciones. Por lo tanto, esta tesis está encarada a la investigación de topologías sin inductores de banda ancha y elevado rango dinámico para ser usadas a la entrada de un receptor G.hn cumpliendo con las especificaciones proporcionadas. Una gran parte de la tesis se ha centrado en el diseño del amplificador de entrada al ser la etapa más crítica, ya que la figura de ruido y linealidad del amplificador de entrada definen lás máximas especificaciones que el sistema puede conseguir. Se han fabricado 3 prototipos con un proceso CMOS de 65 nm: 2 amplificadores y un sistema completo con amplificador y mezclador.Postprint (published version

    Design of Low-Power Short-Distance Transceiver for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy Efficient VLSI Circuits for MIMO-WLAN

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    Mobile communication - anytime, anywhere access to data and communication services - has been continuously increasing since the operation of the first wireless communication link by Guglielmo Marconi. The demand for higher data rates, despite the limited bandwidth, led to the development of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication which is often combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Together, these two techniques achieve a high bandwidth efficiency. Unfortunately, techniques such as MIMO-OFDM significantly increase the signal processing complexity of transceivers. While fast improvements in the integrated circuit (IC) technology enabled to implement more signal processing complexity per chip, large efforts had and have to be done for novel algorithms as well as for efficient very large scaled integration (VLSI) architectures in order to meet today's and tomorrow's requirements for mobile wireless communication systems. In this thesis, we will present architectures and VLSI implementations of complete physical (PHY) layer application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) under the constraints imposed by an industrial wireless communication standard. Contrary to many other publications, we do not elaborate individual components of a MIMO-OFDM communication system stand-alone, but in the context of the complete PHY layer ASIC. We will investigate the performance of several MIMO detectors and the corresponding preprocessing circuits, being integrated into the entire PHY layer ASIC, in terms of achievable error-rate, power consumption, and area requirement. Finally, we will assemble the results from the proposed PHY layer implementations in order to enhance the energy efficiency of a transceiver. To this end, we propose a cross-layer optimization of PHY layer and medium access control (MAC) layer

    Bidirectional Wireless Telemetry for High Channel Count Optogenetic Microsystems

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    In the past few decades, there has been a significant progress in the development of wireless data transmission systems, from high data rate to ultra-low power applications, and from G-b per second to RFID systems. One specific area, in particular, is in wireless data transmission for implantable bio-medical applications. To understand how brain functions, neural scientists are in pursuit of high-channel count, high-density recordings for freely moving animals; yet wire tethering issue has put the mission on pause. Wireless data transmission can address this tethering problem, but there are still many challenges to be conquered. In this work, an ultra-low power ultra-wide band (UWB) transmitter with feedforward pulse generation scheme is proposed to resolve the long-existing problem in UWB transmitter. It provides a high-data rate capability to enable 1000 channels in broadband neural recording, assuming 10-bit resolution with a sampling rate of 20 kHz to accommodate both action potential (AP) and local field potential (LFP) recording, while remaining in ultra- low power consumption at 4.32 pJ/b. For the bi-directional communication between the wireless and recording/ stimulating module, a bit-wise time-division (B-TDD) duplex transceiver without cancellation scheme is presented. The receiver works at U-NII band (5.2GHz) and shares the same antenna with UWB transmitter. This significantly reduces the area consumption as well as power consumption for implantable systems. The system can support uplink at 200 Mbps for 1000 recording channels and downlink at 10 Mbps for 36 stimulation channels. With a 3.7 Volt 25mAh rechargeable battery, the system should be able to operate more than 1.5 hours straight for both recording and stimulation, assuming 1 LED channel with 100 µA, 10% duty-cycled stimulating current. The B-TDD transceiver is integrated with a dedicated recording/ stimulation optogenetic IC chip to demonstrate as a complete wireless system for implantable broadband optogenetic neural modulation and recording. The fully integrated system is less than 5 gram, which is suitable for rodent experiments.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155242/1/yujulin_1.pd

    Digitally-Modulated Transmitter for Wireless Communications

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    With the increased digital processing capabilities of sub-micron CMOS nodes, pushing the digital world towards the antenna is becoming attractive, enabling higher reconfigurability of the transmitter, therefore, more degrees of freedom to end-users. More specifically, by adopting an RF-DAC (DAC working at RF frequency) instead of the traditional Power Amplifier block allows for increased performance of the whole transmitter. Hence, a polar transmitter is being studied and an implementation in 130 nm CMOS node is expected

    Compact modelling in RF CMOS technology

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    With the continuous downscaling of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the RF performance of metal-oxide-semiconductor field transistors (MOSFETs) has considerably improved over the past years. Today, the standard CMOS technology has become a popular choice for realizing radio frequency (RF) applications. The focus of the thesis is on device compact modelling methodologies in RF CMOS. Compact models oriented to integrated circuit (ICs) computer automatic design (CAD) are the key component of a process design kit (PDK) and the bridge between design houses and foundries. In this work, a novel substrate model is proposed for accurately characterizing the behaviour of RF-MOSFETs with deep n-wells (DNW). A simple test structure is presented to directly access the substrate parasitics from two-port measurements in DNWs. The most important passive device in RFIC design in CMOS is the spiral inductor. A 1-pi model with a novel substrate network is proposed to characterize the broadband loss mechanisms of spiral inductors. Based on the proposed 1-pi model, a physics-originated fully-scalable 2-pi model and model parameter extraction methodology are also presented for spiral inductors in this work. To test and verify the developed active and passive device models and model parameter extraction methods, a series of RF-MOSFETs and planar on-chip spiral inductors with different geometries manufactured by employing standard RF CMOS processes were considered. Excellent agreement between the measured and the simulated results validate the compact models and modelling technologies developed in this work

    Radio-frequency integrated-circuit design for CMOS single-chip UWB systems

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    Low cost, a high-integrated capability, and low-power consumption are the basic requirements for ultra wide band (UWB) system design in order for the system to be adopted in various commercial electronic devices in the near future. Thus, the highly integrated transceiver is trended to be manufactured by companies using the latest silicon based complimentary metal-oxide-silicon (CMOS) processes. In this dissertation, several new structural designs are proposed, which provide solutions for some crucial RF blocks in CMOS for UWB for commercial applications. In this dissertation, there is a discussion of the development, as well as an illustration, of a fully-integrated ultra-broadband transmit/receive (T/R) switch which uses nMOS transistors with deep n-well in a standard 0.18-μm CMOS process. The new CMOS T/R switch exploits patterned-ground-shield on-chip inductors together with MOSFET’s parasitic capacitances in order to synthesize artificial transmission lines which result in low insertion loss over an extremely wide bandwidth. Within DC-10 GHz, 10-18 GHz, and 18-20 GHz, the developed CMOS T/R switch exhibits insertion loss of less than 0.7, 1.0 and 2.5 dB and isolation between 32-60 dB, 25-32 dB, and 25-27 dB, respectively. The measured 1-dB power compression point and input third-order intercept point reach as high as 26.2 and 41 dBm, respectively. Further, there is a discussion and demonstration of a tunable Carrier-based Time-gated UWB transmitter in this dissertation which uses a broadband multiplier, a novel fully integrated single pole single throw (SPST) switch designed by the CMOS process, where a tunable instantaneous bandwidth from 500 MHz to 4 GHz is exhibited by adjusting the width of the base band impulses in time domain. The SPST switch utilizes the synthetic transmission line concept and multiple reflections technique in order to realize a flat insertion loss less than 1.5 dB from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz and an extremely high isolation of more than 45 dB within this frequency range. A fully integrated complementary LC voltage control oscillator (VCO), designed with a tunable buffer, operates from 4.6 GHz to 5.9 GHz. The measurement results demonstrate that the integrated VCO has a very low phase noise of –117 dBc/ Hz at 1 MHz offset. The fully integrated VCO achieves a very high figure of merit (FOM) of 183.5 using standard CMOS process while consuming 4 mA DC current