2,423 research outputs found

    Un environnement de spécification et de découverte pour la réutilisation des composants logiciels dans le développement des logiciels distribués

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    Notre travail vise Ă  Ă©laborer une solution efficace pour la dĂ©couverte et la rĂ©utilisation des composants logiciels dans les environnements de dĂ©veloppement existants et couramment utilisĂ©s. Nous proposons une ontologie pour dĂ©crire et dĂ©couvrir des composants logiciels Ă©lĂ©mentaires. La description couvre Ă  la fois les propriĂ©tĂ©s fonctionnelles et les propriĂ©tĂ©s non fonctionnelles des composants logiciels exprimĂ©es comme des paramĂštres de QoS. Notre processus de recherche est basĂ© sur la fonction qui calcule la distance sĂ©mantique entre la signature d'un composant et la signature d'une requĂȘte donnĂ©e, rĂ©alisant ainsi une comparaison judicieuse. Nous employons Ă©galement la notion de " subsumption " pour comparer l'entrĂ©e-sortie de la requĂȘte et des composants. AprĂšs sĂ©lection des composants adĂ©quats, les propriĂ©tĂ©s non fonctionnelles sont employĂ©es comme un facteur distinctif pour raffiner le rĂ©sultat de publication des composants rĂ©sultats. Nous proposons une approche de dĂ©couverte des composants composite si aucun composant Ă©lĂ©mentaire n'est trouvĂ©, cette approche basĂ©e sur l'ontologie commune. Pour intĂ©grer le composant rĂ©sultat dans le projet en cours de dĂ©veloppement, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© l'ontologie d'intĂ©gration et les deux services " input/output convertor " et " output Matching ".Our work aims to develop an effective solution for the discovery and the reuse of software components in existing and commonly used development environments. We propose an ontology for describing and discovering atomic software components. The description covers both the functional and non functional properties which are expressed as QoS parameters. Our search process is based on the function that calculates the semantic distance between the component interface signature and the signature of a given query, thus achieving an appropriate comparison. We also use the notion of "subsumption" to compare the input/output of the query and the components input/output. After selecting the appropriate components, the non-functional properties are used to refine the search result. We propose an approach for discovering composite components if any atomic component is found, this approach based on the shared ontology. To integrate the component results in the project under development, we developed the ontology integration and two services " input/output convertor " and " output Matching "

    A lightweight, graph-theoretic model of class-based similarity to support object-oriented code reuse.

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    The work presented in this thesis is principally concerned with the development of a method and set of tools designed to support the identification of class-based similarity in collections of object-oriented code. Attention is focused on enhancing the potential for software reuse in situations where a reuse process is either absent or informal, and the characteristics of the organisation are unsuitable, or resources unavailable, to promote and sustain a systematic approach to reuse. The approach builds on the definition of a formal, attributed, relational model that captures the inherent structure of class-based, object-oriented code. Based on code-level analysis, it relies solely on the structural characteristics of the code and the peculiarly object-oriented features of the class as an organising principle: classes, those entities comprising a class, and the intra and inter-class relationships existing between them, are significant factors in defining a two-phase similarity measure as a basis for the comparison process. Established graph-theoretic techniques are adapted and applied via this model to the problem of determining similarity between classes. This thesis illustrates a successful transfer of techniques from the domains of molecular chemistry and computer vision. Both domains provide an existing template for the analysis and comparison of structures as graphs. The inspiration for representing classes as attributed relational graphs, and the application of graph-theoretic techniques and algorithms to their comparison, arose out of a well-founded intuition that a common basis in graph-theory was sufficient to enable a reasonable transfer of these techniques to the problem of determining similarity in object-oriented code. The practical application of this work relates to the identification and indexing of instances of recurring, class-based, common structure present in established and evolving collections of object-oriented code. A classification so generated additionally provides a framework for class-based matching over an existing code-base, both from the perspective of newly introduced classes, and search "templates" provided by those incomplete, iteratively constructed and refined classes associated with current and on-going development. The tools and techniques developed here provide support for enabling and improving shared awareness of reuse opportunity, based on analysing structural similarity in past and ongoing development, tools and techniques that can in turn be seen as part of a process of domain analysis, capable of stimulating the evolution of a systematic reuse ethic

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    The Fourth Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Technology, Privacy, and Human Emotions

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    Police and local political officials in Tampa FL argued that the FaceIt system promotes safety, but privacy advocates objected to the city\u27s recording or utilizing facial images without the victims\u27 consent, some staging protests against the FaceIt system. Privacy objects seem to be far more widely shared than this small protest might suggest

    The Fourth Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Technology, Privacy, and Human Emotions

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    Police and local political officials in Tampa FL argued that the FaceIt system promotes safety, but privacy advocates objected to the city\u27s recording or utilizing facial images without the victims\u27 consent, some staging protests against the FaceIt system. Privacy objects seem to be far more widely shared than this small protest might suggest

    BlogForever D3.2: Interoperability Prospects

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    This report evaluates the interoperability prospects of the BlogForever platform. Therefore, existing interoperability models are reviewed, a Delphi study to identify crucial aspects for the interoperability of web archives and digital libraries is conducted, technical interoperability standards and protocols are reviewed regarding their relevance for BlogForever, a simple approach to consider interoperability in specific usage scenarios is proposed, and a tangible approach to develop a succession plan that would allow a reliable transfer of content from the current digital archive to other digital repositories is presented

    Public Service Motivation: A Cross-National Examination of East Asian Countries

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    The study of public service motivation (PSM) has been thriving since Perry and Wise firstly defined the concept in 1990. The United States and developed European nations have dominated the researches in this area, while empirical studies outside Western societies are less common. Furthermore, most studies are based on a single-nation analysis. Is public service motivation also relevant in East Asia? To what degree do East Asian cultures cultivate public service motivation? Do the national contexts affect the extent of public service motivation? The purpose of the current research study is to investigate the theoretical and practical plausibility of public service motivation in East Asian society. In particular, this study examines the relationship between occupational locos (government and non-government) and occupational focus (public service and non-public service) on preference for work motives associated with public service motivation. By studying public service motivation in East Asian countries with cultures influenced by Confucianism, we consider the influence of national context on public service motivation. Survey data from three East Asian countries (Japan, Taiwan and South Korea) are taken from the International Social Survey Programme’s 2005 Work Orientations III module. Using logistic regression analysis, we found that public service motivation distinguishes employees in the government and non-government sectors, as well individuals in public service and non-public service occupations, but the function is not strongly supported as hypothesized. The role that Confucianism plays in East Asian cultures likely complicated the picture as it pertains to public service motivation. We find that previous research findings on public service motivation in Western societies are not fully applicable to other areas in the world. Additional research is needed to develop a deeper understanding of the relevance of public service motivation in East Asia
