3,842 research outputs found

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems


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    As the computer is rapidly finding its way into classrooms around the world at all levels of education,teachers are trying to find effective ways to integrate this technology into their curriculum. While the effectiveness of using word processing in the teaching of writing is acknowledged, there is still no general consensus on how to use, or even whether to use, asynchronous electronic mail, leaving a number of questions unanswered. For example, when given comparable academic tasks, do students produce similar texts in the two media or do they write differently according to the medium used? In order to determine whether the medium has an effect on the language that the students produce, a discourse analysis of comparable word processed and e-mail writing assignments was carried out, focusing on twelve cohesive features and on text length. The students involved in the study were enrolled in a higher-intermediate English as a Foreign Language course at a university in the United States. The results indicate that two of the cohesive features, as well as text length, differentiated e-mail and word-processed writing. It was also found that, while they tended to write shorter texts in both media, Arab students tended to use more of some of the cohesive features than Asian students

    Austronesian and other languages of the Pacific and South-east Asia : an annotated catalogue of theses and dissertations

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    The Today Tendency of Sentiment Classification

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    Sentiment classification has already been studied for many years because it has had many crucial contributions to many different fields in everyday life, such as in political activities, commodity production, and commercial activities. There have been many kinds of the sentiment analysis such as machine learning approaches, lexicon-based approaches, etc., for many years. The today tendency of the sentiment classification is as follows: (1) Processing many big data sets with shortening execution times (2) Having a high accuracy (3) Integrating flexibly and easily into many small machines or many different approaches. We will present each category in more details

    PersoNER: Persian named-entity recognition

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    © 1963-2018 ACL. Named-Entity Recognition (NER) is still a challenging task for languages with low digital resources. The main difficulties arise from the scarcity of annotated corpora and the consequent problematic training of an effective NER pipeline. To abridge this gap, in this paper we target the Persian language that is spoken by a population of over a hundred million people world-wide. We first present and provide ArmanPerosNERCorpus, the first manually-annotated Persian NER corpus. Then, we introduce PersoNER, an NER pipeline for Persian that leverages a word embedding and a sequential max-margin classifier. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is capable of achieving interesting MUC7 and CoNNL scores while outperforming two alternatives based on a CRF and a recurrent neural network


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    Most information found in the Internet is available in English version. However, most people in the world are non-English speaker. Hence, it will be of great advantage to have reliable Machine Translation tool for those people. There are many approaches for developing Machine Translation (MT) systems, some of them are direct, rule-based/transfer, interlingua, and statistical approaches. This thesis focuses on developing an MT for less resourced languages i.e. languages that do not have available grammar formalism, parser, and corpus, such as some languages in South East Asia. The nonexistence of bilingual corpora motivates us to use direct or transfer approaches. Moreover, the unavailability of grammar formalism and parser in the target languages motivates us to develop a hybrid between direct and transfer approaches. This hybrid approach is referred as a hybrid transfer approach. This approach uses the Annotated Disjunct (ADJ) method. This method, based on Link Grammar (LG) formalism, can theoretically handle one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many word(s) translations. This method consists of transfer rules module which maps source words in a source sentence (SS) into target words in correct position in a target sentence (TS). The developed transfer rules are demonstrated on English → Indonesian translation tasks. An experimental evaluation is conducted to measure the performance of the developed system over available English-Indonesian MT systems. The developed ADJ-based MT system translated simple, compound, and complex English sentences in present, present continuous, present perfect, past, past perfect, and future tenses with better precision than other systems, with the accuracy of 71.17% in Subjective Sentence Error Rate metric

    A Pointillism Approach for Natural Language Processing of Social Media

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    Natural language processing tasks typically start with the basic unit of words, and then from words and their meanings a big picture is constructed about what the meanings of documents or other larger constructs are in terms of the topics discussed. Social media is very challenging for natural language processing because it challenges the notion of a word. Social media users regularly use words that are not in even the most comprehensive lexicons. These new words can be unknown named entities that have suddenly risen in prominence because of a current event, or they might be neologisms newly created to emphasize meaning or evade keyword filtering. Chinese social media is particularly challenging. The Chinese language poses challenges for natural language processing based on the unit of a word even for formal uses of the Chinese language, social media only makes word segmentation in Chinese even more difficult. Thus, even knowing what the boundaries of words are in a social media corpus is a difficult proposition. For these reasons, in this document I propose the Pointillism approach to natural language processing. In the pointillism approach, language is viewed as a time series, or sequence of points that represent the grams\u27 usage over time. Time is an important aspect of the Pointillism approach. Detailed timing information, such as timestamps of when posts were posted, contain correlations based on human patterns and current events. This timing information provides the necessary context to build words and phrases out of trigrams and then group those words and phrases into topical clusters. Rather than words that have individual meanings, the basic unit of the pointillism approach is trigrams of characters. These grams take on meaning in aggregate when they appear together in a way that is correlated over time. I anticipate that the pointillism approach can perform well in a variety of natural language processing tasks for many different languages, but in this document my focus is on trend analysis for Chinese microblogging. Microblog posts have a timestamp of when posts were posted, that is accurate to the minute or second (though, in this dissertation, I bin posts by the hour). To show that trigrams supplemented with frequency information do collect scattered information into meaningful pieces, I first use the pointillism approach to extract phrases. I conducted experiments on 4-character idioms, a set of 500 phrases that are longer than 3 characters taken from the Chinese-language version of Wiktionary, and also on Weibo\u27s hot keywords. My results show that when words and topics do have a meme-like trend, they can be reconstructed from only trigrams. For example, for 4-character idioms that appear at least 99 times in one day in my data, the unconstrained precision (that is, precision that allows for deviation from a lexicon when the result is just as correct as the lexicon version of the word or phrase) is 0.93. For longer words and phrases collected from Wiktionary, including neologisms, the unconstrained precision is 0.87. I consider these results to be very promising, because they suggest that it is feasible for a machine to reconstruct complex idioms, phrases, and neologisms with good precision without any notion of words. Next, I examine the potential of the pointillism approach for extracting topical trends from microblog posts that are related to environmental issues. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is utilized to find the trigrams which have the same independent signal source, i.e., topics. Contrast this with probabilistic topic models, which leverage co-occurrence to classify the documents into the topics they have learned, so it is hard for it to extract topics in real-time. However, pointillism approach can extract trends in real-time, whether those trends have been discussed before or not. This is more challenging because in phrase extraction, order information is used to narrow down the candidates, whereas for trend extraction only the frequency of the trigrams are considered. The proposed approach is compared against a state of the art topic extraction technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), on 9,147 labelled posts with timestamps. The experimental results show that the highest F1 score of the pointillism approach with ICA is 4% better than that of LDA. Thus, using the pointillism approach, the colorful and baroque uses of language that typify social media in challenging languages such as Chinese may in fact be accessible to machines. The thesis that my dissertation tests is this: For topic extraction for scenarios where no adequate lexicon is available, such as social media, the Pointillism approach uses timing information to out-perform traditional techniques that are based on co-occurrence

    Unsupervised neural machine translation between the Portuguese language and the Chinese and Korean languages

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    Tese de Mestrado, Informática, 2023, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasO propósito desta dissertação é apresentar um estudo comparativo e de reprodução sobre técnicas de Tradução Automática Neuronal Não-Supervisionada (Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation) para o par de línguas Português (PT) →Chinês (ZH) e Português (PT) → Coreano (KR) tirando partido de ferramentas e recursos online. A escolha destes pares de línguas prende-se com duas grandes razões. A primeira refere-se à importância no panorama global das línguas asiáticas, nomeadamente do chinês, e também pela infuência que a língua portuguesa desempenha no mundo especialmente no hemisfério sul. A segunda razão é puramente académica. Como há escassez de estudos na área de Processamento Natural de Linguagem (NLP) com línguas não-germânicas (devido à hegemonia da língua inglesa), procurou-se desenvolver um trabalho que estude a infuência das técnicas de tradução não supervisionada em par de línguas poucos estudadas, a fm de testar a sua robustez. Falada por um quarto da população mundial, a língua chinesa é o“Ás”no baralho de cartas da China. De acordo com o International Chinese Language Education Week, em 2020 estimava-se que 200 milhões pessoas não-nativas já tinham aprendido chinês e que no ano corrente se encontravam mais de 25 milhões a estudá-la. Com a infuência que a língua chinesa desempenha, torna-se imperativo desenvolver ferramentas que preencham as falhas de comunicação. Assim, nesta conjuntura global surge a tradução automática como ponte de comunicação entre várias culturas e a China. A Coreia do Sul, também conhecida como um dos quatro tigres asiáticos, concretizou um feito extraordinário ao levantar-se da pobreza extrema para ser um dos países mais desenvolvidos do mundo em duas gerações. Apesar de não possuir a hegemonia económica da China, a Coreia do Sul exerce bastante infuência devido ao seu soft power na área de entretenimento, designado por hallyu. Esta“onda”de cultura pop coreana atraí multidões para a aprendizagem da cultura. De forma a desvanecer a barreira comunicativa entre os amantes da cultura coreana e os nativos, a tradução automática é um forte aliado porque permite a interação entre pessoas instantaneamente sem a necessidade de aprender uma língua nova. Apesar de Portugal não ter ligações culturais com a Coreia, há uma forte ligação com a região administrativa especial de Macau (RAEM) onde o português é uma das línguas ofciais, sendo que a Tradução Automática entre ambas as línguas ofciais é uma das áreas estratégicas do governo local tendo sido estabelecido um laboratório de Tradução Automática no Instituto Politécnico de Macau que visa construir um sistema que possa ser usado na função pública de auxílio aos tradutores. Neste trabalho foram realizadas duas abordagens: (i) Tradução Automática Neuronal Não Supervisionada (Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation) e; (ii) abordagem pivô (pivot approach). Como o foco da dissertação é em técnicas nãosupervisionadas, nenhuma das arquiteturas fez uso de dados paralelos entre os pares de línguas em questão. Nomeadamente, na primeira abordagem usou-se dados monolingues. Na segunda introduziu-se uma terceira língua pivô que é utilizada para estabelecer a ponte entre a língua de partida e a de chegada. Esta abordagem à tradução automática surgiu com a necessidade de criar sistemas de tradução para pares de línguas onde existem poucos ou nenhuns dados paralelos. Como demonstrado por Koehn and Knowles [2017a], a tradução automática neuronal precisa de grandes quantidades de dados a fm de ter um desempenho melhor que a Tradução Automática Estatística (SMT). No entanto, em pares de línguas com poucos recursos linguísticos isso não é exequível. Para tal, a arquitetura de tradução automática não supervisionada somente requer dados monolingues. A implementação escolhida foi a de Artetxe et al. [2018d] que é constituída por uma arquitetura encoder-decoder. Como contém um double-encoder, para esta abordagem foram consideradas ambas direções: Português ↔ Chinês e Português ↔ Coreano. Para além da reprodução para línguas dissimilares com poucos recursos, também foi elaborado um estudo de replicação do artigo original usando os dados de um dos pares de línguas estudados pelos autores: Inglês ↔ Francês. Outra alternativa para a falta de corpora paralelos é a abordagem pivô. Nesta abordagem, o sistema faz uso de uma terceira língua, designada por pivô, que liga a língua de partida à de chegada. Esta opção é tida em conta quando há existência de dados paralelos em abundância entre as duas línguas. A motivação deste método é fazer jus ao desempenho que as redes neuronais têm quando são alimentadas com grandes volumes de dados. Com a existência de grandes quantidades de corpora paralelos entre todas as línguas em questão e a pivô, o desempenho das redes compensa a propagação de erro introduzida pela língua intermediária. No nosso caso, a língua pivô escolhida foi o inglês pela forte presença de dados paralelos entre o pivô e as restantes três línguas. O sistema começa por traduzir de português para inglês e depois traduz a pivô para coreano ou chinês. Ao contrário da primeira abordagem, só foi considerada uma direção de Português → Chinês e Português → Coreano. Para implementar esta abordagem foi considerada a framework OpenNMT desenvolvida por [Klein et al., 2017]. Os resultados foram avaliados usando a métrica BLEU [Papineni et al., 2002b]. Com esta métrica foi possível comparar o desempenho entre as duas arquiteturas e aferir qual é o método mais efcaz para pares de línguas dissimilares com poucos recursos. Na direção Português → Chinês e Português → Coreano a abordagem pivô foi superior tendo obtido um BLEU de 13,37 pontos para a direção Português → Chinês e um BLEU de 17,28 pontos na direção Português → Coreano. Já com a abordagem de tradução automática neural não supervisionada o valor mais alto obtido na direção Português → Coreano foi de um BLEU de 0,69, enquanto na direção de Português → Chinês foi de 0,32 BLEU (num total de 100). Os valores da tradução não supervisionada vão estão alinhados com os obtidos por [Guzmán et al., 2019], [Kim et al., 2020]. A explicação dada para estes valores baixos prende-se com a qualidade dos cross-lingual embeddings. O desempenho dos cross-lingual embeddings tende a degradar-se quando mapeia pares de línguas distantes e, sendo que modelo de tradução automática não supervisionado é inicializado com os cross-lingual embeddings, caso estes sejam de baixa qualidade, o modelo não converge para um ótimo local, resultando nos valores obtidos na dissertação. Dos dois métodos testados, verifica-se que a abordagem pivô é a que tem melhor performance. Tal como foi possível averiguar pela literatura corrente e também pelos resultados obtidos nesta dissertação, o método neuronal não-supervisionado proposto por Artetxe et al. [2018d] não é sufcientemente robusto para inicializar um sistema de tradução suportado por textos monolingues em línguas distantes. Porém é uma abordagem promissora porque permitiria colmatar uma das grandes lacunas na área de Tradução Automática que se cinge à falta de dados paralelos de boa qualidade. No entanto seria necessário dar mais atenção ao problema dos cross-lingual embeddings em mapear línguas distantes. Este trabalho fornece uma visão sobre o estudo de técnicas não supervisionadas para pares de línguas distantes e providencia uma solução para a construção de sistemas de tradução automática para os pares de língua português-chinês e português-coreano usando dados monolingues.This dissertation presents a comparative and reproduction study on Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation techniques in the pair of languages Portuguese (PT) → Chinese (ZH) and Portuguese (PT) → Korean(KR). We chose these language-pairs for two main reasons. The frst one refers to the importance that Asian languages play in the global panorama and the infuence that Portuguese has in the southern hemisphere. The second reason is purely academic. Since there is a lack of studies in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) regarding non-Germanic languages, we focused on studying the infuence of nonsupervised techniques in under-studied languages. In this dissertation, we worked on two approaches: (i) Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation; (ii) the Pivot approach. The frst approach uses only monolingual corpora. As for the second, it uses parallel corpora between the pivot and the non-pivot languages. The unsupervised approach was devised to mitigate the problem of low-resource languages where training traditional Neural Machine Translations was unfeasible due to requiring large amounts of data to achieve promising results. As such, the unsupervised machine translation only requires monolingual corpora. In this dissertation we chose the mplementation of Artetxe et al. [2018d] to develop our work. Another alternative to the lack of parallel corpora is the pivot approach. In this approach, the system uses a third language (called pivot) that connects the source language to the target language. The reasoning behind this is to take advantage of the performance of the neural networks when being fed with large amounts of data, making it enough to counterbalance the error propagation which is introduced when adding a third language. The results were evaluated using the BLEU metric and showed that for both language pairs Portuguese → Chinese and Portuguese → Korean, the pivot approach had a better performance making it a more suitable choice for these dissimilar low resource language pairs

    Linguistic and memory structures in Tai-Lue oral narratives

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    Graphic organizers, activity, and the positioning of language and learners: An ethnographic case study

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    There were two main purposes for this research and one parallel purpose. One main purpose was to investigate how learners of English in an EFL/ESL context, who were also teachers of English and/or learning to be teachers of English, perceived and responded to different types of graphic organizers and associated activities. These graphic organizers and activities were presented at a university in Northern Thailand through an advanced reading comprehension course for preservice and inservice teachers taught by the primary researcher. The second main purpose was to explore, synthesize, and apply theories of mediated activity and research methods originating from or related to the work of the famous Russian troika of Vygotsky, Leont\u27ev, and Luria. The parallel purpose was to provide the participants with an insider\u27s perspective on qualitative case-study research that investigated their interactions and learning/teaching contexts. Participants in this study were nine MATEFL (Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language) students from China, the Netherlands, Turkey, the U.S., and Thailand. The overall research design was an interpretive, ethnographic case study. Within this research design principles of Vygotsky\u27s developmental method were used (i.e., genetic method). Data collected included interviews, ethnographic fieldnotes of the participants\u27 use of graphic organizers in their teaching contexts, graphic organizers generated by the participants, and video and audio data of classroom interactions; The results were divided into three sections. Principles of Vygotsky\u27s developmental approach were primarily used for the first two sections. These microgenetic analyses revealed the intersubjective and interwoven nature of gesture and graphic representations as these were used to mediate content knowledge. The third section of the Results provided a broader view of the nine participants\u27 engagement with graphic organizers. Participants were found to have distinctive styles and preferences for different graphic organizers. Distinctive styles and preferences were related to the participants\u27 communities of teaching and learning practice. Findings have implications for learning English as a second or foreign language, literacy, teacher education, multicultural and cross-cultural education, and non-verbal speech. Moreover, the research design and theoretical lens were presented as appropriate for investigating language and literacy contexts