643 research outputs found

    Event-based Vision: A Survey

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that differ from conventional frame cameras: Instead of capturing images at a fixed rate, they asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes, and output a stream of events that encode the time, location and sign of the brightness changes. Event cameras offer attractive properties compared to traditional cameras: high temporal resolution (in the order of microseconds), very high dynamic range (140 dB vs. 60 dB), low power consumption, and high pixel bandwidth (on the order of kHz) resulting in reduced motion blur. Hence, event cameras have a large potential for robotics and computer vision in challenging scenarios for traditional cameras, such as low-latency, high speed, and high dynamic range. However, novel methods are required to process the unconventional output of these sensors in order to unlock their potential. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of event-based vision, with a focus on the applications and the algorithms developed to unlock the outstanding properties of event cameras. We present event cameras from their working principle, the actual sensors that are available and the tasks that they have been used for, from low-level vision (feature detection and tracking, optic flow, etc.) to high-level vision (reconstruction, segmentation, recognition). We also discuss the techniques developed to process events, including learning-based techniques, as well as specialized processors for these novel sensors, such as spiking neural networks. Additionally, we highlight the challenges that remain to be tackled and the opportunities that lie ahead in the search for a more efficient, bio-inspired way for machines to perceive and interact with the world

    Research at the learning and vision mobile robotics group 2004-2005

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    Spanish Congress on Informatics (CEDI), 2005, Granada (España)This article presents the current trends on wheeled mobile robotics being pursued at the Learning and Vision Mobile Robotics Group (IRI). It includes an overview of recent results produced in our group in a wide range of areas, including robot localization, color invariance, segmentation, tracking, audio processing and object learning and recognition.This work was supported by projects: 'Supervised learning of industrial scenes by means of an active vision equipped mobile robot.' (J-00063), 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929).Peer Reviewe

    Visual road following using intrinsic images

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    We present a real-time visual-based road following method for mobile robots in outdoor environments. The approach combines an image processing method, that allows to retrieve illumination invariant images, with an efficient path following algorithm. The method allows a mobile robot to autonomously navigate along pathways of different types in adverse lighting conditions using monocular vision

    Electronic Image Stabilization for Mobile Robotic Vision Systems

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    When a camera is affixed on a dynamic mobile robot, image stabilization is the first step towards more complex analysis on the video feed. This thesis presents a novel electronic image stabilization (EIS) algorithm for small inexpensive highly dynamic mobile robotic platforms with onboard camera systems. The algorithm combines optical flow motion parameter estimation with angular rate data provided by a strapdown inertial measurement unit (IMU). A discrete Kalman filter in feedforward configuration is used for optimal fusion of the two data sources. Performance evaluations are conducted by a simulated video truth model (capturing the effects of image translation, rotation, blurring, and moving objects), and live test data. Live data was collected from a camera and IMU affixed to the DAGSI Whegs™ mobile robotic platform as it navigated through a hallway. Template matching, feature detection, optical flow, and inertial measurement techniques are compared and analyzed to determine the most suitable algorithm for this specific type of image stabilization. Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade optical flow using Shi-Tomasi good features in combination with inertial measurement is the EIS algorithm found to be superior. In the presence of moving objects, fusion of inertial measurement reduces optical flow root-mean-squared (RMS) error in motion parameter estimates by 40%. No previous image stabilization algorithm to date directly fuses optical flow estimation with inertial measurement by way of Kalman filtering

    Image features for visual teach-and-repeat navigation in changing environments

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    We present an evaluation of standard image features in the context of long-term visual teach-and-repeat navigation of mobile robots, where the environment exhibits significant changes in appearance caused by seasonal weather variations and daily illumination changes. We argue that for long-term autonomous navigation, the viewpoint-, scale- and rotation- invariance of the standard feature extractors is less important than their robustness to the mid- and long-term environment appearance changes. Therefore, we focus our evaluation on the robustness of image registration to variable lighting and naturally-occurring seasonal changes. We combine detection and description components of different image extractors and evaluate their performance on five datasets collected by mobile vehicles in three different outdoor environments over the course of one year. Moreover, we propose a trainable feature descriptor based on a combination of evolutionary algorithms and Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features, which we call GRIEF (Generated BRIEF). In terms of robustness to seasonal changes, the most promising results were achieved by the SpG/CNN and the STAR/GRIEF feature, which was slightly less robust, but faster to calculate

    Understanding a Dynamic World: Dynamic Motion Estimation for Autonomous Driving Using LIDAR

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    In a society that is heavily reliant on personal transportation, autonomous vehicles present an increasingly intriguing technology. They have the potential to save lives, promote efficiency, and enable mobility. However, before this vision becomes a reality, there are a number of challenges that must be solved. One key challenge involves problems in dynamic motion estimation, as it is critical for an autonomous vehicle to have an understanding of the dynamics in its environment for it to operate safely on the road. Accordingly, this thesis presents several algorithms for dynamic motion estimation for autonomous vehicles. We focus on methods using light detection and ranging (LIDAR), a prevalent sensing modality used by autonomous vehicle platforms, due to its advantages over other sensors, such as cameras, including lighting invariance and fidelity of 3D geometric data. First, we propose a dynamic object tracking algorithm. The proposed method takes as input a stream of LIDAR data from a moving object collected by a multi-sensor platform. It generates an estimate of its trajectory over time and a point cloud model of its shape. We formulate the problem similarly to simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), allowing us to leverage existing techniques. Unlike prior work, we properly handle a stream of sensor measurements observed over time by deriving our algorithm using a continuous-time estimation framework. We evaluate our proposed method on a real-world dataset that we collect. Second, we present a method for scene flow estimation from a stream of LIDAR data. Inspired by optical flow and scene flow from the computer vision community, our framework can estimate dynamic motion in the scene without relying on segmentation and data association while still rivaling the results of state-of-the-art object tracking methods. We design our algorithms to exploit a graphics processing unit (GPU), enabling real-time performance. Third, we leverage deep learning tools to build a feature learning framework that allows us to train an encoding network to estimate features from a LIDAR occupancy grid. The learned feature space describes the geometric and semantic structure of any location observed by the LIDAR data. We formulate the training process so that distances in this learned feature space are meaningful in comparing the similarity of different locations. Accordingly, we demonstrate that using this feature space improves our estimate of the dynamic motion in the environment over time. In summary, this thesis presents three methods to aid in understanding a dynamic world for autonomous vehicle applications with LIDAR. These methods include a novel object tracking algorithm, a real-time scene flow estimation method, and a feature learning framework to aid in dynamic motion estimation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the performance of all our proposed methods on a collection of real-world datasets.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147587/1/aushani_1.pd

    Visual Perception For Robotic Spatial Understanding

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    Humans understand the world through vision without much effort. We perceive the structure, objects, and people in the environment and pay little direct attention to most of it, until it becomes useful. Intelligent systems, especially mobile robots, have no such biologically engineered vision mechanism to take for granted. In contrast, we must devise algorithmic methods of taking raw sensor data and converting it to something useful very quickly. Vision is such a necessary part of building a robot or any intelligent system that is meant to interact with the world that it is somewhat surprising we don\u27t have off-the-shelf libraries for this capability. Why is this? The simple answer is that the problem is extremely difficult. There has been progress, but the current state of the art is impressive and depressing at the same time. We now have neural networks that can recognize many objects in 2D images, in some cases performing better than a human. Some algorithms can also provide bounding boxes or pixel-level masks to localize the object. We have visual odometry and mapping algorithms that can build reasonably detailed maps over long distances with the right hardware and conditions. On the other hand, we have robots with many sensors and no efficient way to compute their relative extrinsic poses for integrating the data in a single frame. The same networks that produce good object segmentations and labels in a controlled benchmark still miss obvious objects in the real world and have no mechanism for learning on the fly while the robot is exploring. Finally, while we can detect pose for very specific objects, we don\u27t yet have a mechanism that detects pose that generalizes well over categories or that can describe new objects efficiently. We contribute algorithms in four of the areas mentioned above. First, we describe a practical and effective system for calibrating many sensors on a robot with up to 3 different modalities. Second, we present our approach to visual odometry and mapping that exploits the unique capabilities of RGB-D sensors to efficiently build detailed representations of an environment. Third, we describe a 3-D over-segmentation technique that utilizes the models and ego-motion output in the previous step to generate temporally consistent segmentations with camera motion. Finally, we develop a synthesized dataset of chair objects with part labels and investigate the influence of parts on RGB-D based object pose recognition using a novel network architecture we call PartNet

    Object Tracking

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    Object tracking consists in estimation of trajectory of moving objects in the sequence of images. Automation of the computer object tracking is a difficult task. Dynamics of multiple parameters changes representing features and motion of the objects, and temporary partial or full occlusion of the tracked objects have to be considered. This monograph presents the development of object tracking algorithms, methods and systems. Both, state of the art of object tracking methods and also the new trends in research are described in this book. Fourteen chapters are split into two sections. Section 1 presents new theoretical ideas whereas Section 2 presents real-life applications. Despite the variety of topics contained in this monograph it constitutes a consisted knowledge in the field of computer object tracking. The intention of editor was to follow up the very quick progress in the developing of methods as well as extension of the application

    Real-Time Object Recognition using a Multi-Framed Temporal Approach

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    Computer Vision involves the extraction of data from images that are analyzed in order to provide information crucial to many modern technologies. Object recognition has proven to be a difficult task and programming reliable object recognition remains elusive. Image processing is computationally intensive and this issue is amplified on mobile platforms with processor restrictions. The real-time constraints demanded by robotic soccer in RoboCup competition serve as an ideal format to test programming that seeks to overcome these challenges. This paper presents a method for ball recognition by analyzing the movement of the ball. Major findings include enhanced ball discrimination by replacing the analysis of static images with absolute change in brightness in conjunction with the classification of apparent motion change
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