50 research outputs found

    Professional activity, information demands, training and updating needs of occupational medicine physicians in Italy: National survey.

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    Objectives: Occupational medicine is a discipline continually evolving in response to technological advances, changes in workplaces and production processes, emergence of new occupational risks and diseases and modifications in regulatory framework for occupational health and safety. Therefore, the recurrent revaluation of professional activity, information demands and education and training needs of occupational physicians is essential in order to identify methodologies and tools that may contribute to improvement of their professional knowledge and competency. In this regard, we conducted the first large-scale national survey of Italian occupational medicine physicians to define their demographic and professional activity and to assess their information demands, training and updating needs. Material and Methods: A random sample of occupational physicians, listed in the national register of the Italian Ministry of Health, was selected to complete a voluntary survey. Subjects recruited in this study were asked to complete 3 different sections (personal and professional information, training and updating needs, professional activity and practice characteristics) of a questionnaire for a total of 35 questions. Results: Most of participants were specialized in occupational medicine, worked for a large number of companies and carried out health surveillance on a total number of workers that exceeds 1500. Occupational physicians would like to have a higher training offer towards practical aspects of health surveillance, risks assessment, manual handling of loads, chemical substances and upper limb biomechanical overload. Interestingly, statistically significant differences were observed subdividing the sample into different groups according to the legal requirements to perform the professional activity of occupational physicians in Italy or according to particular aspects of their professional activity. Conclusions: This study has provided interesting findings that may help to guide future discussion on alternative and additional instruments and/or methodologies that may be adopted to implement the quality and effectiveness of occupational medicine practice. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(5):837–85

    A global survey on occupational health services in selected international commission on occupational health (ICOH) member countries

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    Background: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), and the European Union (EU) have encouraged countries to organize occupational health services (OHS) for all working people irrespective of the sector of economy, size of enterprise or mode of employment of the worker. The objective of this study was to survey the status of OHS in a sample of countries from all continents. Methods: A questionnaire focusing on the main aspects of OHS was developed on the basis of ILO Convention No. 161 and several other questionnaire surveys used in various target groups of OHS. The questionnaire was sent to 58 key informants: ICOH National Secretaries. Results: A total of 49 National Secretaries responded (response rate 84.5%), from countries that employ 70% of the total world labour force. The majority of the respondent countries, 67%, had drawn up an OHS policy and implement it with the help of national occupational safety and health (OSH) authorities, institutes of occupational health or respective bodies, universities, and professional associations. Multidisciplinary expert OHS resources were available in the majority (82%) of countries, but varied widely in quantitative terms. The average OHS coverage of workers was 24.8%, with wide variation between countries. In over two thirds (69%) of the countries, the content of services was mixed, consisting of preventive and curative services, and in 29% preventive only. OHS financing was organized according to a mixed model among 63% and by employers only among 33% of the respondents. Conclusions: The majority of countries have drawn up policies, strategies and programmes for OHS. The infrastructures and institutional and human resources for the implementation of strategies, however, remain insufficient in the majority of countries (implementation gap). Qualitatively, the content and multidisciplinary nature of OHS corresponds to international guidance, but the coverage, comprehensiveness and content of services remain largely incomplete due to a lack of infrastructure and shortage of multiprofessional human resources (capacity gap). The estimated coverage of services in the study group was low; only a quarter of the total employed population (coverage gap).Peer reviewe

    Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel / PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus

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    Protostars interact with their surroundings through jets and winds impacting on the envelope and creating shocks, but the nature of these shocks is still poorly understood. Our aim is to survey far-infrared molecular line emission from a uniform and significant sample of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects in order to characterize shocks and the possible role of ultraviolet radiation in the immediate protostellar environment. Herschel/PACS spectral maps of 22 objects in the Perseus molecular cloud were obtained as part of the `William Herschel Line Legacy' survey. Line emission from H2_\mathrm{2}O, CO, and OH is tested against shock models from the literature. Observed line ratios are remarkably similar and do not show variations with source physical parameters. Observations show good agreement with the shock models when line ratios of the same species are compared. Ratios of various H2_\mathrm{2}O lines provide a particularly good diagnostic of pre-shock gas densities, nH∼105n_\mathrm{H}\sim10^{5} cm−3^{-3}, in agreement with typical densities obtained from observations of the post-shock gas. The corresponding shock velocities, obtained from comparison with CO line ratios, are above 20 km\,s−1^{-1}. However, the observations consistently show one-to-two orders of magnitude lower H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-CO and H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-OH line ratios than predicted by the existing shock models. The overestimated model H2_\mathrm{2}O fluxes are most likely caused by an overabundance of H2_\mathrm{2}O in the models since the excitation is well-reproduced. Illumination of the shocked material by ultraviolet photons produced either in the star-disk system or, more locally, in the shock, would decrease the H2_\mathrm{2}O abundances and reconcile the models with observations. Detections of hot H2_\mathrm{2}O and strong OH lines support this scenario.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Poteri, relazioni, guerra nel regno di Ferrante d’Aragona

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    [English]: This volume collects a series of studies revolving around the edition of Milanese and Florentine diplomatic correspondence from Naples in the Aragonese age, particularly in the years of Ferrante d'Aragona (1458-94). They range from the history of war and territory to prosopography, from the reconstruction of relation networks in courts to international politics, from feudal geography to the conflicts between monarchy and aristocracy. This results in an important increase in our knowledge of the Kingdom of Naples, made possible by the extensive and systematic study of the diplomatic sources, which is evaluated in its different degrees of reliability also thanks to the support of the other sources available − from both within and without the kingdom − used in the full range of its informative potential./ [Italiano]: Il volume raccoglie una serie di studi nati attorno all’impresa di edizione delle corrispondenze diplomatiche milanesi e fiorentine da Napoli in età aragonese, in particolare negli anni di Ferrante d’Aragona (1458-’94). Essi spaziano dalla storia della guerra e del territorio alla prosopografia, dalla ricostruzione delle reti di relazione negli ambienti cortigiani alla politica internazionale, dalla geografia feudale ai conflitti tra la monarchia e l’aristocrazia. Ne risulta un importante incremento delle nostre conoscenze sul regno di Napoli, reso possibile dallo studio ampio e sistematico della fonte diplomatica, che viene valutata nei suoi differenti gradi di attendibilità con il concorso delle altre fonti disponibili, regnicole e non, e utilizzata nella varietà delle sue potenzialità informative

    Epistolari dal Due al Seicento. Modelli, questioni ecdotiche, edizioni, cantieri aperti (Gargnano del Garda, 29 settembre - 1° ottobre 2014)

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    Nei secoli passati, la lettera era l'unico mezzo di comunicazione: familiare, amichevole, d'ufficio o di servizio, ma anche strumento di dibattito politico e culturale. Lo studio degli epistolari dei singoli ma anche delle reti di comunicazione e di scambio è uno dei grandi temi della ricerca europea contemporanea. Vi si inserisce questo secondo volume dei "Quaderni di Gargnano", che - volgendosi sia alla produzione latina sia a quella volgare dal Due al Seicento - si sofferma su problemi metodologici e casi significativi, con impostazioni e tagli diversi: dall'ecdotica alla filologia, dall'archivistica, alla storia, alla storia delle discipline