11 research outputs found

    Building Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery

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    The proxy has been widely and successfully used to cache the static Web objects fetched by a client so that the subsequent clients requesting the same Web objects can be served directly from the proxy instead of other sources faraway, thus reducing the server\u27s load, the network traffic and the client response time. However, with the dramatic increase of streaming media objects emerging on the Internet, the existing proxy cannot efficiently deliver them due to their large sizes and client real time requirements.;In this dissertation, we design, implement, and evaluate cost-effective and high performance proxy-based Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery. Addressing the conflicting performance objectives for streaming media delivery, we first propose an efficient segment-based streaming media proxy system model. This model has guided us to design a practical streaming proxy, called Hyper-Proxy, aiming at delivering the streaming media data to clients with minimum playback jitter and a small startup latency, while achieving high caching performance. Second, we have implemented Hyper-Proxy by leveraging the existing Internet infrastructure. Hyper-Proxy enables the streaming service on the common Web servers. The evaluation of Hyper-Proxy on the global Internet environment and the local network environment shows it can provide satisfying streaming performance to clients while maintaining a good cache performance. Finally, to further improve the streaming delivery efficiency, we propose a group of the Shared Running Buffers (SRB) based proxy caching techniques to effectively utilize proxy\u27s memory. SRB algorithms can significantly reduce the media server/proxy\u27s load and network traffic and relieve the bottlenecks of the disk bandwidth and the network bandwidth.;The contributions of this dissertation are threefold: (1) we have studied several critical performance trade-offs and provided insights into Internet media content caching and delivery. Our understanding further leads us to establish an effective streaming system optimization model; (2) we have designed and evaluated several efficient algorithms to support Internet streaming content delivery, including segment caching, segment prefetching, and memory locality exploitation for streaming; (3) having addressed several system challenges, we have successfully implemented a real streaming proxy system and deployed it in a large industrial enterprise


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    The performance gap between processors and storage systems has been increasingly critical overthe years. Yet the performance disparity remains, and further, storage energy consumption israpidly becoming a new critical problem. While smarter caching and predictive techniques domuch to alleviate this disparity, the problem persists, and data storage remains a growing contributorto latency and energy consumption.Attempts have been made at data layout maintenance, or intelligent physical placement ofdata, yet in practice, basic heuristics remain predominant. Problems that early studies soughtto solve via layout strategies were proven to be NP-Hard, and data layout maintenance todayremains more art than science. With unknown potential and a domain inherently full of uncertainty,layout maintenance persists as an area largely untapped by modern systems. But uncertainty inworkloads does not imply randomness; access patterns have exhibited repeatable, stable behavior.Predictive information can be gathered, analyzed, and exploited to improve data layouts. Ourgoal is a dynamic, robust, sustainable predictive engine, aimed at improving existing layouts byreplicating data at the storage device level.We present a comprehensive discussion of the design and construction of such a predictive engine,including workload evaluation, where we present and evaluate classical workloads as well asour own highly detailed traces collected over an extended period. We demonstrate significant gainsthrough an initial static grouping mechanism, and compare against an optimal grouping method ofour own construction, and further show significant improvement over competing techniques. We also explore and illustrate the challenges faced when moving from static to dynamic (i.e. online)grouping, and provide motivation and solutions for addressing these challenges. These challengesinclude metadata storage, appropriate predictive collocation, online performance, and physicalplacement. We reduced the metadata needed by several orders of magnitude, reducing the requiredvolume from more than 14% of total storage down to less than 12%. We also demonstrate how ourcollocation strategies outperform competing techniques. Finally, we present our complete modeland evaluate a prototype implementation against real hardware. This model was demonstrated tobe capable of reducing device-level accesses by up to 65%

    Performance Improvement of Multithreaded Java Applications Execution on Multiprocessor Systems

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    El disseny del llenguatge Java, que inclou aspectes importants com són la seva portabilitat i neutralitat envers l'arquitectura, les seves capacitats multithreading, la seva familiaritat (degut a la seva semblança amb C/C++), la seva robustesa, les seves capacitats en seguretat i la seva naturalesa distribuïda, fan que sigui un llenguatge potencialment interessant per ser utilitzat en entorns paral·lels com són els entorns de computació d'altes prestacions (HPC), on les aplicacions poden treure profit del suport que ofereix Java a l'execució multithreaded per realitzar càlculs en paral·lel, o en entorns e-business, on els servidors Java multithreaded (que segueixen l'especificació J2EE) poden treure profit de les capacitats multithreading de Java per atendre de manera concurrent un gran nombre de peticions.No obstant, l'ús de Java per la programació paral·lela ha d'enfrontar-se a una sèrie de problemes que fàcilment poden neutralitzar el guany obtingut amb l'execució en paral·lel. El primer problema és el gran overhead provocat pel suport de threads de la JVM quan s'utilitzen threads per executar feina de gra fi, quan es crea un gran nombre de threads per suportar l'execució d'una aplicació o quan els threads interaccionen estretament mitjançant mecanismes de sincronització. El segon problema és la degradació en el rendiment produïda quan aquestes aplicacions multithreaded s'executen en sistemes paral·lels multiprogramats. La principal causa d'aquest problemes és la manca de comunicació entre l'entorn d'execució i les aplicacions, la qual pot induir a les aplicacions a fer un ús descoordinat dels recursos disponibles.Aquesta tesi contribueix amb la definició d'un entorn per analitzar i comprendre el comportament de les aplicacions Java multithreaded. La contribució principal d'aquest entorn és que la informació de tots els nivells involucrats en l'execució (aplicació, servidor d'aplicacions, JVM i sistema operatiu) està correlada. Aquest fet és molt important per entendre com aquest tipus d'aplicacions es comporten quan s'executen en entorns que inclouen servidors i màquines virtuals, donat que l'origen dels problemes de rendiment es pot trobar en qualsevol d'aquests nivells o en la seva interacció.Addicionalment, i basat en el coneixement adquirit mitjançant l'entorn d'anàlisis proposat, aquesta tesi contribueix amb mecanismes i polítiques de planificació orientats cap a l'execució eficient d'aplicacions Java multithreaded en sistemes multiprocessador considerant les interaccions i la coordinació dels mecanismes i les polítiques de planificació en els diferents nivells involucrats en l'execució. La idea bàsica consisteix en permetre la cooperació entre les aplicacions i l'entorn d'execució en la gestió de recursos establint una comunicació bi-direccional entre les aplicacions i el sistema. Per una banda, les aplicacions demanen a l'entorn d'execució la quantitat de recursos que necessiten. Per altra banda, l'entorn d'execució pot ser inquirit en qualsevol moment per les aplicacions ser informades sobre la seva assignació de recursos. Aquesta tesi proposa que les aplicacions utilitzin la informació proporcionada per l'entorn d'execució per adaptar el seu comportament a la quantitat de recursos que tenen assignats (aplicacions auto-adaptables). Aquesta adaptació s'assoleix en aquesta tesi per entorns HPC per mitjà de la mal·leabilitat de les aplicacions, i per entorns e-business amb una proposta de control de congestió que fa control d'admissió basat en la diferenciació de connexions SSL per prevenir la degradació del rendiment i mantenir la Qualitat de Servei (QoS).Els resultats de l'avaluació demostren que subministrar recursos de manera dinàmica a les aplicacions auto-adaptables en funció de la seva demanda millora el rendiment de les aplicacions Java multithreaded tant en entorns HPC com en entorns e-business. Mentre disposar d'aplicacions auto-adaptables evita la degradació del rendiment, el subministrament dinàmic de recursos permet satisfer els requeriments de les aplicacions en funció de la seva demanda i adaptar-se a la variabilitat de les seves necessitats de recursos. D'aquesta manera s'aconsegueix una millor utilització dels recursos donat que els recursos que no utilitza una aplicació determinada poden ser distribuïts entre les altres aplicacions.The design of the Java language, which includes important aspects such as its portability and architecture neutrality, its multithreading facilities, its familiarity (due to its resemblance with C/C++), its robustness, its security capabilities and its distributed nature, makes it a potentially interesting language to be used in parallel environments such as high performance computing (HPC) environments, where applications can benefit from the Java multithreading support for performing parallel calculations, or e-business environments, where multithreaded Java application servers (i.e. following the J2EE specification) can take profit of Java multithreading facilities to handle concurrently a large number of requests.However, the use of Java for parallel programming has to face a number of problems that can easily offset the gain due to parallel execution. The first problem is the large overhead incurred by the threading support available in the JVM when threads are used to execute fine-grained work, when a large number of threads are created to support the execution of the application or when threads closely interact through synchronization mechanisms. The second problem is the performance degradation occurred when these multithreaded applications are executed in multiprogrammed parallel systems. The main issue that causes these problems is the lack of communication between the execution environment and the applications, which can cause these applications to make an uncoordinated use of the available resources.This thesis contributes with the definition of an environment to analyze and understand the behavior of multithreaded Java applications. The main contribution of this environment is that all levels in the execution (application, application server, JVM and operating system) are correlated. This is very important to understand how this kind of applications behaves when executed on environments that include servers and virtual machines, because the origin of performance problems can reside in any of these levels or in their interaction.In addition, and based on the understanding gathered using the proposed analysis environment, this thesis contributes with scheduling mechanisms and policies oriented towards the efficient execution of multithreaded Java applications on multiprocessor systems considering the interactions and coordination between scheduling mechanisms and policies at the different levels involved in the execution. The basis idea consists of allowing the cooperation between the applications and the execution environment in the resource management by establishing a bi-directional communication path between the applications and the underlying system. On one side, the applications request to the execution environment the amount of resources they need. On the other side, the execution environment can be requested at any time by the applications to inform them about their resource assignments. This thesis proposes that applications use the information provided by the execution environment to adapt their behavior to the amount of resources allocated to them (self-adaptive applications). This adaptation is accomplished in this thesis for HPC environments through the malleability of the applications, and for e-business environments with an overload control approach that performs admission control based on SSL connections differentiation for preventing throughput degradation and maintaining Quality of Service (QoS).The evaluation results demonstrate that providing resources dynamically to self-adaptive applications on demand improves the performance of multithreaded Java applications as in HPC environments as in e-business environments. While having self-adaptive applications avoids performance degradation, dynamic provision of resources allows meeting the requirements of the applications on demand and adapting to their changing resource needs. In this way, better resource utilization is achieved because the resources not used by some application may be distributed among other applications

    Modeling and acceleration of content delivery in world wide web

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    Aplicación de la simulación en tiempo real para mejorar la calidad de servicio del middleware

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    La utilización de aplicaciones de diferente naturaleza dentro de un mismo entorno, entorno heterogéneo, se está extendiendo gracias a la incorporación de técnicas de virtualización a los servidores. Compartir un servidor ofrece ventajas sobretodo en términos de eficiencia de energía, utilización del espacio o mantenimiento. La virtualización añade ventajas en la separación de las diferentes aplicaciones o entornos. Aún así los gestores de recursos para entornos heterogéneos tienen como principal dificultad ofrecer calidad de servicio (QoS) a diferentes aplicaciones, entornos o cargas. Una aplicación que realice streaming y otra que realice cálculo intensivo, normalmente , no colisionaran ya que los recursos utilizados son diferentes. Por el otro lado, colisionaran dos aplicaciones que trabajen con la CPU.Nuestra propuesta ofrece la posibilidad de introducir dentro de estos gestores de recursos la capacidad de predecir este tipo de entornos, en concreto transaccionales y Grid, para aumentar la QoS y el rendimiento. Las predicciones han de utilizar técnicas de simulación ya que la mayoria de las veces el sistema no será representable mediante técnicas analíticas, por ser un sistema saturado o tener características difíciles de representar.La simulación es una técnica utilizada para predecir el comportamiento de sistemas en multitud de áreas. Las simulaciones de componentes hardware son muy comunes, dado el coste de construcción de los sistemas simulados (procesadores, memorias...). Sin embargo, el uso de la simulación en entornos complejos, como es el middleware, y su aplicación en gestores de recursos tiene un uso muy bajo. Nosotros proponemos simulaciones ligeras capaces de obtener resultados utilizables en estos entornos.Entre las aportaciones y contribuciones de la tesis tenemos: (i) utilización de métodos de simulación para incrementar el rendimiento y la calidad de servicio de estos sistemas. (ii) ampliación de un sistema de monitorización global para aplicaciones mixtas (JAVA y C) que nos ofrece la posibilidad de conseguir información de lo que ocurre en el middleware y de relacionarlo con el sistema. (iii) creación de un gestor de recursos capaz de repartir los recursos en un entorno heterogéneo utilizando la predicción para tener en cuenta diferentes parámetros de calidad de servicio.En la tesis se muestran los mecanismos de creación de los distintos simuladores, las herramientas de obtención de datos y monitorización, así como mecanismos autónomos que pueden alimentarse de la predicción para producir mejores resultados. Los resultados obtenidos, con gran impacto en la QoS en el gestor creado para Globus, demuestran que los métodos aplicados en esta tesis pueden ser válidos para crear gestores de recursos inteligentes, alimentados de las predicciones del sistema para tomar decisiones. Finalmente, utilizamos las simulaciones realizadas incorporándolas dentro de un prototipo de gestor de recursos heterogéneo capaz de repartir los recursos entre un entorno transaccional y un entorno Grid dentro del mismo servidor.Using different applications inside the same environment, heterogeneous environment, is getting more and more usual due the incorporation of the virtualization inside servers. Sharing a server offer advantages in different levels: energy, space, management. Virtualization helps to separate different applications or environments. On the other hand, resource managers have as principal issue offer Quality of Service for different applications, environments or workloads. A streaming server and a CPU intensive application would not collide; the resources they need are different. However, two applications that need CPU processing power will collide.Our proposal offers the possibility to introduce inside the resource manager the capacity to predict these environments. We will work with transactional and Grid environments, and we will increase the QoS and the performance. We need to use simulation techniques for our predictions because a large number of times the system won't be able to be modelled with analytic techniques, for being a saturated system or having features that are hard to reproduce.Simulation is a technique used to predict the behaviour of multiple systems in a large number of areas. Hardware simulations are very common because the building/testing cost of the simulated system (processor, memory, cache,...) is high. However, using simulation in complex environments, as the middleware, and its use in resource management is low. We propose light simulations that can obtain results that can be used in these environments.We will enumerate our contributions: (i) Use simulations to increase the performance and the QoS of those systems. (ii) Improve a global monitoring system for mixed applications (JAVA and C) that gives us information about what happens in the middleware and in the system. (iii) Build a resource manager that can share the resources in a heterogeneous environment an use the prediction to ensure the different QoS parameters that we provide.In the thesis we show how we built the different simulators, the different tools to obtain information and monitorize the applications, and finally the autonomic mechanisms that can feed with the prediction to obtain better results. Results obtained, with great success in the case of the resource manager created for Globus, show and demonstrate that the applied methods in this thesis are suitable to create intelligent resource managers, fed with predictions of the system to take decisions. Finally, we add the built simulations inside a heterogeneous resource manager that shares resources between a transactional environment and a Grid environment inside the same server

    The User Attribution Problem and the Challenge of Persistent Surveillance of User Activity in Complex Networks

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    In the context of telecommunication networks, the user attribution problem refers to the challenge faced in recognizing communication traffic as belonging to a given user when information needed to identify the user is missing. This is analogous to trying to recognize a nameless face in a crowd. This problem worsens as users move across many mobile networks (complex networks) owned and operated by different providers. The traditional approach of using the source IP address, which indicates where a packet comes from, does not work when used to identify mobile users. Recent efforts to address this problem by exclusively relying on web browsing behavior to identify users were limited to a small number of users (28 and 100 users). This was due to the inability of solutions to link up multiple user sessions together when they rely exclusively on the web sites visited by the user. This study has tackled this problem by utilizing behavior based identification while accounting for time and the sequential order of web visits by a user. Hierarchical Temporal Memories (HTM) were used to classify historical navigational patterns for different users. Each layer of an HTM contains variable order Markov chains of connected nodes which represent clusters of web sites visited in time order by the user (user sessions). HTM layers enable inference generalization by linking Markov chains within and across layers and thus allow matching longer sequences of visited web sites (multiple user sessions). This approach enables linking multiple user sessions together without the need for a tracking identifier such as the source IP address. Results are promising. HTMs can provide high levels of accuracy using synthetic data with 99% recall accuracy for up to 500 users and good levels of recall accuracy of 95 % and 87% for 5 and 10 users respectively when using cellular network data. This research confirmed that the presence of long tail web sites (rarely visited) among many repeated destinations can create unique differentiation. What was not anticipated prior to this research was the very high degree of repetitiveness of some web destinations found in real network data

    Quantifying and Predicting the Influence of Execution Platform on Software Component Performance

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    The performance of software components depends on several factors, including the execution platform on which the software components run. To simplify cross-platform performance prediction in relocation and sizing scenarios, a novel approach is introduced in this thesis which separates the application performance profile from the platform performance profile. The approach is evaluated using transparent instrumentation of Java applications and with automated benchmarks for Java Virtual Machines

    A framework for real time collaborative editing in a mobile replicated architecture

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    Mobile collaborative work is a developing sub-area of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW). The future of this field will be marked by a significant increase in mobile device usage as a tool for co-workers to cooperate, collaborate and work on a shared workspace in real-time to produce artefacts such as diagrams, text and graphics regardless of their geographical locations. A real-time collaboration editor can utilise a centralised or a replicated architecture. In a centralised architecture, a central server holds the shared document as well as manages the various aspects of the collaboration, such as the document consistency, ordering of updates, resolving conflicts and the session membership. Every user's action needs to be propagated to the central server, and the server will apply it to the document to ensure it results in the intended document state. Alternatively, a decentralised or replicated architecture can be used where there is no central server to store the shared document. Every participating site contains a copy of the shared document (replica) to work on separately. Using this architecture, every user's action needs to be broadcast to all participating sites so each site can update their replicas accordingly. The replicated architecture is attractive for such applications, especially in wireless and ad-hoc networks, since it does not rely on a central server and a user can continue to work on his or her own local document replica even during disconnection period. However, in the absence of a dedicated server, the collaboration is managed by individual devices. This presents challenges to implement collaborative editors in a replicated architecture, especially in a mobile network which is characterised by limited resource reliability and availability. This thesis addresses challenges and requirements to implement group editors in wireless ad-hoc network environments where resources are scarce and the network is significantly less stable and less robust than wired fixed networks. The major contribution of this thesis is a proposed framework that comprises the proposed algorithms and techniques to allow each device to manage the important aspects of collaboration such as document consistency, conflict handling and resolution, session membership and document partitioning. Firstly, the proposed document consistency algorithm ensures the document replicas held by each device are kept consistent despite the concurrent updates by the collaboration participants while taking into account the limited resource of mobile devices and mobile networks. Secondly, the proposed conflict management technique provides users with conflict status and information so that users can handle and resolve conflicts appropriately. Thirdly, the proposed membership management algorithm ensures all participants receive all necessary updates and allows users to join a currently active collaboration session. Fourthly, the proposed document partitioning algorithm provides flexibility for users to work on selected parts of the document and reduces the resource consumption. Finally, a basic implementation of the framework is presented to show how it can support a real time collaboration scenario

    Quantifying and Predicting the Influence of Execution Platform on Software Component Performance

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    The performance of software components depends on several factors, including the execution platform on which the software components run. To simplify cross-platform performance prediction in relocation and sizing scenarios, a novel approach is introduced in this thesis which separates the application performance profile from the platform performance profile. The approach is evaluated using transparent instrumentation of Java applications and with automated benchmarks for Java Virtual Machines