898 research outputs found

    It's online, it's news: appropriation of viral narratives by the digital press

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    At the crossway between information and entertainment, memes and newsgames are some of the news formats which, made viral in social networks, complement the informational experience and compete with the traditional news media in constructing alternative readings of the real. If in the light of Bakhtin (2002), journalism can be understood as a secondary discursive genre that feeds on primary genres (pp. 61-62), how is one to understand the circulation of these discourses produced from journalistic events in social networks? On the other hand, how are these narratives appropriated by the media? What functions do they play in media discourse? In this article we present some examples of products created from events of political impact. Thereafter, we discuss, by the analysis of a set of news stories, how the digital press, in the Iberian context, makes use of them. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the reflection on how the news media relate to these new narratives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hacking an Ambiguity Detection Tool to Extract Variation Points: an Experience Report

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    Natural language (NL) requirements documents can be a precious source to identify variability information. This information can be later used to define feature models from which different systems can be instantiated. In this paper, we are interested in validating the approach we have recently proposed to extract variability issues from the ambiguity defects found in NL requirement documents. To this end, we single out ambiguities using an available NL analysis tool, QuARS, and we classify the ambiguities returned by the tool by distinguishing among false positives, real ambiguities, and variation points. We consider three medium sized requirement documents from different domains, namely, train control, social web, home automation. We report in this paper the results of the assessment. Although the validation set is not so large, the results obtained are quite uniform and permit to draw some interesting conclusions. Starting from the results obtained, we can foresee the tailoring of a NL analysis tool for extracting variability from NL requirement documents

    Consistency-Preserving Evolution Planning on Feature Models

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    A software product line (SPL) enables large-scale reuse in a family of related software systems through configurable features. SPLs represent a long-term investment so that their ongoing evolution becomes paramount and requires careful planning. While existing approaches enable to create an evolution plan for an SPL on feature-model (FM) level, they assume the plan to be rigid and do not support retroactive changes. In this paper, we present a method that enables to create and retroactively adapt an FM evolution plan while preventing undesired impacts on its structural and logical consistency. This method is founded in structural operational semantics and linear temporal logic. We implement our method using rewriting logic, integrate it within an FM tool suite and perform an evaluation using a collection of existing FM evolution scenarios

    «Ay malos pasos et tremedales ». Water as conditioning factor of the medieval settlement patter at the episcopal lordship of Sigüenza (Guadalajara)

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    El objetivo del trabajo es relacionar el poblamiento medieval de los valles del extremo oriental de la Sierra norte de Guadalajara con las limitaciones y posibilidades derivados de la existencia de agua en abundancia. Debido a la configuración hidrogeológica de este territorio hay una capa freática inestable y abundan los manantiales, torrenteras, arroyos y ríos que no siempre contienen agua dulce, sino que muy a menudo las aguas van cargadas de salmuera. Esto ha sido un condicionante, tanto positivo como negativo, para la puesta en práctica de determinadas actividades productivas agropecuarias, incluyendo la propia obtención de la sal. Aunque el marco cronológico abordado será el llamado largo milenio medieval, pondremos especialmente atención a lo que ocurre durante el proceso de conquista y colonización feudal, cuando se forma el señorío episcopal de Sigüenza, entre los siglos XII-XIII.The aim of the work is to relate the medieval settlements pattern at the valleys of the eastern end of Sierra Norte of Guadalajara with the limitations and possibilities derived from the existence of abundant water. Due to the hydrogeological characterization of this territory, there is an unstable water table as well as many springs, torrents, streams and rivers that do not always contain fresh water, but very often it is loaded with brine. This has been a condition, both positive and negative, for certain peasant productive activities, including the obtaining of salt. Although the chronological framework will be the so-called long medieval millennium, we pay special attention to what happens during the process of feudal conquest and colonization, when the episcopal dominion of Sigüenza was formed between the 12th and 13th centuries.pp. 167-20

    Representación metafórica del coronavirus en caricaturas españolas y brasileñas

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    The worldwide outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic has been profusely covered by the mass media in 2020. This research focuses on the metaphorical content of cartoons from prominent Spanish and Brazilian newspapers published online in March and April 2020. In these satirical drawings the virus is portrayed through two main modes of representation: i) pictorial and ii) verbal. The conceptual metaphors conveyed in each cartoon were identified, analysed, and classified into four source domain scenarios: i) arts and literature, ii) conflicts, iii) sports, and iv) games, and other. Mainly, two theories coming from Cognitive Linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and the Multimodal Metaphor Theory, have been used to approach this contrastive study in which the metaphorical representation of Covid-19 serves to offer a humorous and persuasive point of view about the impact of the pandemic in the Spanish and Brazilian society and the way the most important politicians of each country dealt with the sanitary crisis.El estallido mundial del Covid-19 ha sido cubierto abundantemente por los medios de comunicación en 2020. Esta investigación se centra en el contenido metafórico de las caricaturas publicadas online en marzo y abril de 2020 en importantes periódicos españoles y brasileños. En estos dibujos satíricos el virus es retratado por medio de dos modos de representación: i) pictórico y ii) verbal. Las metáforas conceptuales subyacentes en cada caricatura fueron identificadas, analizadas y clasificadas en cuatro escenarios de dominio fuente: i) artes y literatura, ii) conflictos, iii) deportes y iv) juegos y otros. Principalmente, dos teorías procedentes de la lingüística cognitiva: teoría de la metáfora conceptual y teoría de la metáfora multimodal, han sido utilizadas para abordar este estudio contrastivo en el cual la representación del Covid-19 sirve para ofrecer una perspectiva humorística y persuasiva sobre el impacto de la pandemia en España y Brasil y de cómo los políticos de cada país afrontaron la crisis sanitaria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suddenly last summer: how the tourist tsunami hit Lisbon

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    En el presente artículo fijamos nuestra atención en la capital de Portugal, Lisboa, y su reciente proceso de turistificación, que ha forzado a una revisión colectiva de la identidad de la ciudad y sus narrativas patrimoniales, para encajar los crecientes contrastes entre marginalidad y centralidad, circulación y calma, abandono y atención pública, indigencia y afluencia, spleen y euforia. Después de introducir nuestro foco teórico en el problema de los “comunales urbanos” y de presentar nuestra metodología cualitativa, pasamos a describir el proceso histórico que ha conducido a la transformación de Lisboa: desde el mega-evento de la Expo’98 cuando Lisboa era todavía un destino turístico periférico, hasta la presente economía urbana, especializada en el turismo y los servicios. Vamos a centrarnos especialmente en los proyectos y políticas implantadas “desde arriba” durante aquellos años y en la crisis financiera de 2008, usada para liberalizar varios aspectos de la economía.In this paper, we focus our attention in Portugal’s capital city, Lisbon, and in the recent process of its touristification, which is forcing a collective revision of the city’s identity and its patrimonial narratives, to make sense of the growing contrasts between marginality and centrality, circulation and calm, abandonment and limelight, indigence and affluence, spleen and euphoria. After introducing our theoretical focus on the problem of “urban commons” and the qualitative methodology used in the article, we describe the historical process that led to the transformation of Lisbon: from the Expo’98 megaevent when Lisbon was a peripheral tourism destiny, to the present urban economy that is specialized in tourism and services. We will focus especially in the top-down projects and policies developed during those years and the use of 2008 financial crisis to liberalize many aspects of economy

    The humour factor: social media reactions to Franco's exhumation from the Valley of the Fallen

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    This article analyses the social reaction to Francisco Francos exhumation from his burial place in the Valley of the Fallen at the end of 2019. This decision was taken by virtue of compliance with the so-called Historical Memory Law approved in 2007 and generated a great social debate. A part from opinions in favour and against that decision coming from the political spectrum of the left and right, respectively, we observed a new attitude, that of humour, present in tweets and memes. By analyzing a collection of memes that circulated in Twitter and WhatsApp groups, our research shows that the new media have brought in content and symbolism that ridicule the late dictator, trivialise the treatment given to the Caudillo [Leader] of Spain for nearly four decades and contribute to an uninhibited interpretation of memory policies.This article is part of the project results RTI2018-093599-B-I00 supported by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER “A way to make Europe” and by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M24), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)

    Prescribing Behavior through Describing Life Stages in Alfonso X's Setenario

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