826 research outputs found

    Cornelis Zwaan, 1928-1999

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    Cornelis (\Kees") Zwaan was a well-known solar physicist at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. To- gether with his graduate students he also ventured out to other cool stars, concentrating on their magnetic activity. He has been a member of the AAS and the Solar Physics Division and had close ties with many American astro- physicists. He died from cancer in his house at Doorn, The Netherlands on June 16, 1999. He had had major surgery in 1998, but recovered so fast that we and his other friends expected to have him with us much longer. The end came far too soon

    C. Zwaan 1928-1999

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    Cornelis ("Kees") Zwaan died in his house at Doorn, The Netherlands, on June 16, 1999 from cancer. He underwent major surgery in March 1998 but recovered so fast that we and his other friends expected to have him with us much longer. It is hard to realize that he is gone


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    Deterioration of voltage conditions is one of the frequent consequences of connecting an increasing number of photovoltaic sources to the low-voltage (LV) power grid. Under adverse conditions, i.e. low energy consumption and high insolation, microgeneration can cause voltage surges that violate acceptable limits. Research shows that the increase in voltage is the main limitation for connecting new energy microsources to the LV network and forces the reconstruction of the network. An alternative to costly modernizations can be the implementation of appropriate strategies for controlling network operation to maintain the voltage at the required level. The article presents an overview of the methods and concepts of voltage control in a low-voltage network developed so far to mitigate the undesirable phenomenon of voltage boosting. The focus was mainly on local methods—not requiring communication infrastructure—as best suited to the conditions of Polish distribution networks. Gathering the results of many tests and simulations carried out in different conditions and on different models allowed for the formulation of general conclusions and can be a starting point for further research on a control method that can be widely used in the national power system.Jedną z częstych konsekwencji przyłączania do sieci elektroenergetycznej niskiego napięcia (nn) coraz większej liczby źródeł fotowoltaicznych jest pogorszenie warunków napięciowych. W niesprzyjających warunkach – przy niskim poborze energii i wysokim nasłonecznieniu – mikrogeneracja może powodować podskoki napięcia przekraczające dopuszczalne granice. Badania pokazują, że wzrost napięcia stanowi podstawowe ograniczenie dla przyłączania nowych mikroźródeł energii do sieci nn i wymusza przebudowę sieci. Alternatywą dla kosztownych modernizacji może być wdrożenie odpowiednich strategii sterowania pracą sieci pozwalających utrzymać napięcie na wymaganym poziomie. W artykule zaprezentowano przegląd opracowanych dotychczas metod i koncepcji regulacji napięcia w sieci nn mających na celu opanowanie niepożądanego zjawiska podbicia napięcia. Skupiono się głównie na metodach lokalnych – nie wymagających do prawidłowego działania infrastruktury komunikacyjnej – jako najlepiej przystosowanych do warunków polskich sieci dystrybucyjnych. Zebranie wyników badań i symulacji, przeprowadzonych przy różnych założeniach i na różnych modelach, pozwoliło na sformułowanie ogólnych wniosków i może stanowić punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań nad metodą sterowania mogącą znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie w krajowym systemie elektroenergetycznym

    Obituary Dr. Hans Klinge (1928-1999)

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    Kees Zwaan (1928 - 1999) and JOSO

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    Kees (officially "Cornelis") Zwaan died in his house in Doorn, The Netherlands, on June 16, 1999. Much too soon and unexpected | at least by me until his final deterioration; I had always thought that he would live as long as his parents, the more so when he had recoverated remarkably fast and well from major cancer surgery a year earlier. Most of this year he spent on completing "Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity", a book co- authored with Karel Schrijver that is now in print (Cambridge University Press). Kees' total dedication to that large effort made me expect the same as I witness in other ocially retired but highly motivated curiosity-driven scientists: continuing interest into high age, with actually youthful enthousiasm and productivity

    Epsilon Sigma Phi Chi Records, 1928-1999

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    Contains records of the Chi Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi at the University of Maine. The record group includes constitution and bylaws, handbooks, membership information, secretary\u27s notebooks, 1974-1977, and files of officers in the 1970s and 1980s. Also includes Book of Annals, an unpublished history of the Chi Chapter, with biographical information and photographs of charter members, especially Arthur L. Deering, as well as of elected members from 1930 through the 1950s.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/findingaids/1024/thumbnail.jp

    La mirada al inocente : la relación poética entre José Agustín Goytisolo y Juan Gelman

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    En este trabajo, analizaremos la relación existente entre los primeros poemarios de los poetas José Agustín Goytisolo (1928 - 1999) y Juan Gelman (1930 - 2014). Se trata de obras que comparten años de publicación y escritura y una palpable intencionalidad social; nos referimos a Salmos al viento (1958), Claridad (1960) y Algo sucede (1968) de Goytisolo, en relación a Violín y otras cuestiones (1956), El juego en que andamos (1959), Velorio del solo (1961) y Gotán (1962) de Gelman. Así, podremos evidenciar los puntos en común en la cosmovisión poética de ambos autores a través de la mirada que vuelcan en estos primeros poemarios a los más inocentes de la sociedad.In this essay, we will analyze the relationships between the early poems from the poets José Agustín Agustín Goytisolo (1928 - 1999) and Juan Gelman (1930 - 2014). This works share the years of publication and writing and an obvious social purpose. We refer to Salmos al viento (1958), Claridad (1960) and Algo sucede (1968) from Goytisolo in relation to Violín y otras cuestiones (1956), El juego en que andamos (1959), Velorio del solo (1961) and Gotán (1962) from Gelman. So, we can show the key aspect in the poetry worldview of both writers through them ganze to the most innocents of the society

    Virágh Endre (1928–1999)

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    Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999): en los límites de la inteligencia

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