7,520 research outputs found

    Konseling dan Mekanisme Koping Ibu Bersalin

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    Masalah persalinan masih menjadi keprihatinan karena tingginya angka kematian ibu (AKI) di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan negara Asean yang lain. Selain itu persalinan yang sebenarnya merupakan peristiwa fisiologis dapat menjadi patologis dan membahayakan ibu maupun bayi. Konseling diperlukan ibu akan bersalin agar mampu mengatur diri dalam menghadapi Peruba­han-Perubahan yang terjadi dalam dirinya dan merasa aman selama persalinan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji apakah bagaimana manfaat pemberian konseling terhadap mekanisme koping ibu bersalin. Rancangan penelitian adalah rancangan preeksperimental, membandingkan kelompok (StaticGroup Comparison). Penelitian berlangsung November 2007 sampai Agustus 2009. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu primipara yang bersalin di Puskesmas T dan Puskesmas M Kota Yogyakarta sejumlah 538. Subyek penelitian 218 terdiri dari 109 kelompok perlakuan dan 109 pembanding. Karakteristik subyek distribusinya hampir merata antara kelompok perlakuan dan pemband­ing. Prosentase yang paling besar untuk usia 2025 tahun (>69%), suku Jawa (>95%), pendidikan SLTA (>69%), menikah (>85%), usia kehamilan 3640 minggu (>80%). Hasil penelitian menunjuk­kan mekanisme koping ada beda bermakna p=0.000

    A modelling and simulation of a sensorless control of five-phase PMSM drives using multi-dimension space vector modulation

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    This paper introduces a new method to track the saturation saliency for position measurement of a five-phase PMSM motor fed by a five-phase inverter through measuring the dynamic current response of the motor line currents due to the IGBT switching actions. The new method uses only the fundamental PWM waveform obtained using the multi-phase space vector pulse width modulation (i.e there is no modification to the operation of the five-phase inverter) similar to the fundamental PWM method proposed for a three-leg inverter. Simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy for saliency tracking of a five-phase PMSM motor driven by five-phase inverter over a wide speed ranges under different load conditions

    Researching Violence Against Women in Aotearoa/New Zealand

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    This paper discusses strategies for research with women who have been victimised in their intimate relationships with their partners. I will discuss the specific issues that concern the vulnerability of women victimised by intimate partner violence: experiences of intimate violence, stereotyping, minimisation, sexual violence, protection of children, the meaning of safety. Examples from the accounts of women who whose partners had been prosecuted for violence against them, and those who had sought legal interventions like protection orders, will illustrate how each of these issues needs to be taken into account when conducting research with abused women. Strategies that we have used to deal with these issues in studies conducted in the Domestic Violence Interventions and Services Research Programme will be discussed, with illustrations of the complexities of putting them into practice.Keyword: domestic violence, intimate relationships, victimization, and New Zealand wome

    Qualitative Research in Psychology

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    Qualitative research is a research method studying subjective meaning of participant\u27s world about an object researched. Steps of qualitative research in psychology are: researchers select research topic, researchers formulate research questions, researchers design the study, researchers collect data, researchersanalyses data, researchers generate findings, researchers validate findings, and researchers write research report. Some of the qualitative research designs are grounded research, phenomenology research, case study research, and ethnography research. In some situations, researchers often meet questions that reach beyond the prescription of the APA ethical guidelines concerning human participants. Researchers of qualitative research in psychology can generalize their research findings to other people, times, or treatments to the degree to which they are similar to other people, times, or treatments in the original research (naturalistic generalization). There are some strategies for expanding qualitative research as a research approach so the methodology can be accepted as one significant method in understanding psychological phenomena

    Job Satisfaction and Employee\u27s Self-Schema at Workplace: a Literature Review

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    The purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and self-schema amongst employees at the workplace. The results of the study revealed that self-schema derived from feelings and attitudes of employees based on their satisfaction at the workplace; and, explained that employees\u27 schemas are various, completely. This study likewise considered on job satisfaction as a main organizational factor that increases the amount of performance and presence of employees at the workplace. Also, it focused on self-schema that pivotal role in employees believes about themselves. Moreover, lack of attention to job satisfaction that influenced on employees\u27 scheme appeared some abnormal organizational behaviors at workplace. Thus, the present study supports job satisfaction to achieve appropriate scheme among employees at the workplace

    The Impact of Income on Academic Staff Job Satisfaction at Public Research Universities, Malaysia

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    The presence of job satisfaction as a vital factor amongst academic staff in university is too considerable. Furthermore, recognizing principal factors that influence on job satisfaction assumed much significant, because of these factors appear various normal and abnormal behavior at workplace. In this case, the present study focused on income as external factor that impacts on job satisfaction and examines the association between these two factors among academic staffs at public universities in Malaysia. The sample of the study was 440 academic staff that worked in public universities and completed the job descriptive index inventory. Additionally, the result showed there is significant relationship between income and the amount of job satisfaction that analyzed by ANOVA test. As well, the existing paper supports the effect of income on job satisfaction among academic staff.Key word: Income, job satisfaction, and university academic staf

    Investigating the host specificity of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli by sequencing gyrase subunit A

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    Abstract This research evaluated the association between socio demographic characteristics and housing satisfaction of Iranian immigrant’s homeowners in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Data was collected from 325 participants through self-administered questionnaire.  Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed  monthly income of first income earner, total earned income earner, price of residential unit, number of bed room, time owners have been in Malaysia,  had positive significant relationship with housing satisfaction of Iranian immigrants homeowners  in  the study region. Nevertheless, there was no significant association between age, number of bath room, number of dining room, number of living room, length of residence in current house, monthly income of second income earner, number of income earner, number of children, and size of household and housing satisfaction of the immigrant owners’ households. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that housing satisfaction differed between level of education, level of income, and level of price of residential unit. Independent t-test shown that there was significant difference between gender and housing satisfaction of the participants. These associations indicate that those who are females, higher income, higher education, higher residential unit with more room are more satisfied. It is recommended planners and policy makers should prominence on development of housing conditions of immigrant’s households to increase their housing satisfaction. Keywords:background characteristic, housing satisfaction, housing, immigrant’s homeowner’s household

    Sistem Identifikasi Citra Jenis Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica Val.) Menggunakan Metode Klasifikasi Minkowski Distance Family

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    Sistem pengenalan untuk identifikasi kunyit berbasis komputer merupakan proses memasukkan informasi berupa citra kunyit ke dalam komputer. Selanjutnya komputer menerjemahkan serta mengidentifikasi jenis kunyit tersebut dengan menggunakan metode klasifikasi Minkowski Distance Family. Proses klasifikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan empat metode metrik jarak Euclidean, City Block, Chebyshev dan Minkowski menggunakan pengurangan rerata citra sampel dengan vektor citra testing dengan membandingkan nilai minimum dari metode metrik tersebut. Pengujian unjuk kerja sistem dilakukan dengan melakukan variasi ukuran citra 10x10, 10x15, dan 10x20. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan perancangan sistem identifikasi kunyit yang memanfaatkan kamera digital untuk akuisisi data citra kunyit. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemrosesan awal, ekstrasi ciri dan pengklasifikasi. Pada pengembangan sistem ini terdiri 2 tahap yaitu tahap penentuan pola standar referensi dan pengujian. Data yang digunakan sebagai standar referensi sebanyak 5 sampel untuk masing-masing jenis kunyit yaitu turina dan lokal. Sedangkan untuk pengujian untuk kerja sistem menggunakan 15 sampel untuk masing- masing jenis kunyit

    Pengendali Motor Induksi 1 Fasa Dengan Metode PWM Sinusoida Berbasis Mikrokontroler 68HC11

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    Pada pengendalian motor induksi yang dilakukan secara konvensional tidak diperoleh pengaturan yang kontinyu dan linier, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang pengendalian motor induksi dengan teknik inverter. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pengembangan dan evaluasi unjuk kerja pengendalian motor induksi satu fasa dengan metode PWM sunusoida berbasis mikrokontroler. Pengendalian menggunakan rangkaian jembatan inverter jenis PWMVSI (DC-Link inverter) dengan teknik modulasi PWM menggunakan mikrokontroler 68HC11E9, dan diharapkan dapat menggerakkan motor induksi pada kecepatan yang berbeda-beda. Pada penelitian ini digunakan motor induksi satu fasa Z-406, 220 Volt, 50-60 Hz, 125W. Penelitian dimulai dengan pembuatan perangkat keras berupa inverter menggunakan MOSFET sebagai komponen pensaklaran dan diteruskan dengan menyusun rangkaian penggerak inverter satu fasa. Pola sinyal PWM sinusoida dibentuk dengan teknik perhitungan lima modulasi PWM yang berbeda. Dari pola gelombang tersebut dibuat program pembangkit pulsa PWM satu fasa dan perangkat pendukungnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengamatan bentuk gelombang PWM keluaran MCU, tegangan, arus keluaran inverter dan mengukur kecepatan putar motor untuk lima indeks modulasi, yaitu (1), (0,81), (0,59), (0,37), dan (0,15). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan kecepatan putar motor induksi untuk frekuensi tetap 50 Hz dengan 5 indeks modulasi berbeda dengan metode PWM sinusoida berbasis mikrokontroler dapat menghasilkan putaran motor yang bervariasi

    The Effect of Income on Job Satisfaction and Residential Satisfaction: a Literature Review

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    The aim of present literature review paper is to identify vital role of income on the amount of job satisfaction and residential satisfaction. The findings of this study express that these two inner feeling factors have fundamental role on individual\u27s life. In addition, this study focused on value of income and its effect on job satisfaction and residential satisfaction. Moreover, low levels of income leads to various difficulties such as low level of job satisfaction and decrease of residential satisfaction among individuals and threaten their behaviors and reactions at work. Likewise, this issue provides insufficient situation in private life and decrease the quality of life