8,211 research outputs found

    WiseEye: next generation expandable and programmable camera trap platform for wildlife research

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    Funding: The work was supported by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1. The work of S. Newey and RJI was part funded by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS). Details published as an Open Source Toolkit, PLOS Journals at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169758Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Local status and power in area-based health improvement partnerships

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    This is the authors' PDF version of an article published in Health© 2014. The definitive version is available at http://hea.sagepub.comArea-based initiatives (ABIs) have formed an important part of public policy towards more socio-economically deprived areas in many countries. Co-ordinating service provision within and across sectors has been a common feature of these initiatives. Despite sustained policy interest in ABIs, little empirical work has explored relations between ABI providers and partnership development within this context remains under-theorised. This paper addresses both of these gaps by exploring partnerships as a social and developmental process, drawing on concepts from figurational sociology to explain how provider relations develop within an ABI. Qualitative methods were used to explore, prospectively, the development of an ABI targeted at a town in the north west of England. A central finding was that, although effective delivery of ABIs is premised on a high level of coordination between service providers, the pattern of interdependencies between providers limits the frequency and effectiveness of cooperation. In particular, the interdependency of ABI providers with others in their organisation (what is termed here ‘organisational pull’) constrained the ways in which they worked with providers outside of their own organisations. ‘Local’ status, which could be earned over time, enabled some providers to exert greater control over the way in which provider relations developed during the course of the initiative. These findings demonstrate how historically constituted social networks, within which all providers are embedded, shape partnership development. The theoretical insight developed here suggests a need for more realistic expectations among policy makers about how and to what extent provider partnerships can be managed. Keywords: partnership, collaboration, community services, area-based initiatives, organisational pull, figurational sociologyNational Health Service (NHS

    A prospective cohort study measuring cost-benefit analysis of the Otago Exercise Programme in Community Dwelling Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Det er en sammenheng mellom bachelorstudentenes karakterpoeng fra videregÄende skole og resultater til eksamen i anatomi, fysiologi, biokjemi (AFB). Enkelte studenter med lavere opptakskarakterer enn landsgjennomsnittet oppnÄdde bedre eksamensresultat enn det nasjonale gjennomsnittsresultatet i AFB for 2016. Hensikten med studien var Ä undersÞke hvordan bachelorstudenter i sykepleie med lave opptakspoeng og gode eksamensresultater i AFB lÊrte og tilegnet seg emnet. Studien har et kvalitativ forskningsdesign og det ble gjennomfÞrt semistrukturerte intervju av 12 bachelorstudenter i sykepleie, som ble analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Funnene er beskrevet ut fra tre hovedkategorier: A) Relevansen til sykepleieryrket styrker lÊring, B) tilhÞrighet har betydning for lÊring, og C) lÊring skjer i samarbeid med andre. Vi fant at studentene lÊrte AFB mer inngÄende i samhandling med andre studenter. Samlinger pÄ campus er viktig for studenters lÊring, til tross for at det er stort fokus pÄ fleksible utdanninger og digitale pedagogiske metoder. Selvstendig arbeid kombinert med lÊring i et sosialt studentfellesskap, oppgis som motivasjonsfaktorer til mÄlrettet arbeid med studiene. Studentene erfarer mestringsforventning, i et miljÞ som preges av anerkjennelse og samtidig gir opplevelse av tilhÞrighet. Studentene vektlegger studienes relevans sett i lys av det profesjonsyrket som de utdanner seg til, som en betydningsfull motivasjonsfaktor for lÊring.publishedVersio

    Impairment of Sexual Life in 3,485 Dermatological Outpatients From a Multicentre Study in 13 European Countries

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    Skin conditions may have a strong impact on patients' sexual life, and thus influence personal relationships. Sexual issues are difficult to discuss directly in clinical practice, and a mediated instrument may be useful to capture such information. In this study item 9 of the Dermatology Life Quality Index was used to collect information on sexual impact of several skin conditions in 13 European countries. Among 3,485 patients, 23.1% reported sexual problems. The impairment was particularly high in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa, prurigo, blistering disorders, psoriasis, urticaria, eczema, infections of the skin, or pruritus. Sexual impact was strongly associated with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. It was generally more frequent in younger patients and was positively correlated with clinical severity and itch. It is important to address the issue of sexual well-being in the evaluation of patients with skin conditions, since it is often linked to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Exploring the development of school readiness in kindergarten in Norway : A case study of the implementation of the Gausdal Model

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    English abstract: Background: This research was initiated by a request from Gausdal municipality to have a master’s thesis written about the sensori-motoric project the Gausdal Model. One of the aims of the Gausdal Model is to better prepare children for school through a programme based on proportionate universalism. Aim: The aim was to explore key stakeholders understandings of school readiness and generate in-depth knowledge about their processes of implementation of the Gausdal Model. This could shed light on processes that develop children’s motor proficiency and its possible relation to school readiness. Methods: A case study of the implementation of the Gausdal Model was carried out in order to explore key stakeholders’ understanding of school readiness. The sample was strategic and the nine kindergarten teachers and parent informants were recruited from four municipal kindergartens in Gausdal. The health nurse connected to the programme was also an informant. Data were collected through qualitative interviews, partly informed by prior observations of the activities in the programme. The data analysis was inspired by principles from grounded theory as described by Charmaz (2014). The analysis aimed to identify components that could shed light on the processes that was studied. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and Bandura’s social cognitive theory (SCT) and concept self-efficacy (SE), in particular were used as sensitising concepts in order to analyse the data and generate an understanding of how the Gausdal Model could develop children’s motor proficiency, and how this might be related to children’s school readiness. Results: The findings from the implementation of the Gausdal Model show that children’s motor proficiency can be understood as being developed through a process of socialisation where support through strong mesosystems and significant others, in this case kindergarten teachers and parents, could help develop the children’s mastery of their own bodies. At the mesosystem-level, quality and quantity of communication and aiming consistently towards the same goals was important. At the microsystem level, a combination of the four sources of SE and relational qualities between the kindergarten teachers and children seemed to develop children’s motoric SE and mastery of their own bodies. Motor proficiency seems to be related to school readiness through both the transferability of certain components of motoric SE as well as a social dimension, as social inclusion was an important component of school readiness. Hence, motor proficiency was related to a multidimensional understanding of school readiness. Conclusion: The Gausdal Model is in line with public health recommendations of early intervention and proportionate universalism, and has the potential to better prepare children for school as well as contributing to children’s socialization in general.Norsk sammendrag: Bakgrunn: Denne forskningen ble initiert av en forespĂžrsel fra Gausdal kommune om Ă„ skrive en masteroppgave om det sanse-motoriske programmet Gausdalsmodellen. Et av mĂ„lene for Gausdalsmodellen er Ă„ gi barn et bedre utgangspunkt for skolestart gjennom tiltak for alle – for Ă„ nĂ„ de fĂ„ og styrke alle. MĂ„l: Å utforske barnehagelĂŠrere, foreldre og helsesĂžsters forstĂ„else av hva det vil si Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt og generere kunnskap om gjennomfĂžringen av Gausdalsmodellen. Dette kan belyse prosesser som utvikler barnas motoriske ferdigheter, samt en mulig sammenheng mellom dette og det Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt. Metoder: En kasus-studie av gjennomfĂžringen av Gausdalsmodellen og barnehagelĂŠrere, foreldre og helsesĂžsters forstĂ„else av hva det vil si Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt. Utvalget er strategisk og ni informanter (barnehageansatte og foreldre) ble rekruttert fra fire kommunale barnehager i Gausdal. En helsesĂžster som arbeider med Gausdalsmodellen er ogsĂ„ informant. Data ble samlet inn gjennom kvalitative intervjuer som blant annet ble utarbeidet pĂ„ bakgrunn av observasjoner av aktiviteter i Gausdalsmodellen. Analysen av datamaterialet er inspirert av prinsipper fra grounded theory beskrevet av Charmaz (2014). Analysen tar sikte pĂ„ Ă„ identifisere komponenter som kan kaste lys over de prosessene som ble studert. Bronfenbrenners utviklingsĂžkologiske modell og Banduras sosial kognitive teori og konseptet mestringsforventning, ble brukt for Ă„ for analysere datamaterialet og forstĂ„ hvordan gjennomfĂžringen av Gausdalsmodellen kan utvikle barnas motoriske ferdigheter, samt hvordan disse ferdighetene kan knyttes til det Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt. Resultater: Funnene viser at barns motoriske ferdigheter kan forstĂ„s som Ă„ bli utviklet i en sosialiseringsprosess der stĂžtte fra sterke mesosystemer og signifikante andre, i dette tilfellet barnehagelĂŠrere og foreldre, er av betydning. PĂ„ mesosystem-nivĂ„ gjennom kvantitet og kvalitet pĂ„ kommunikasjon og en felles mĂ„lsetning rundt barnets utvikling. PĂ„ mikronivĂ„ synes en kombinasjon av relasjonelle kvaliteter mellom barnehagelĂŠrerne og barna, og kilder til utvikling av barnas mestringsforventning, Ă„ bidra til barnas motoriske utvikling og kroppslige mestring. Motoriske ferdigheter synes Ă„ vĂŠre knyttet til det Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt, bĂ„de gjennom overfĂžrbarhet av visse komponenter av motorisk mestringsforventning, samt gjennom en sosial dimensjon hvor sosial inkludering var viktig for at barna skal vĂŠre skoleforberedt. Derfor er motoriske ferdigheter knyttet til en helhetlig forstĂ„else av hva det vil si Ă„ vĂŠre skoleforberedt. Konklusjon: Gausdalsmodellen er i trĂ„d med folkehelseanbefalinger om tidlig intervensjon og proposjonell universalisme og har potensiale til Ă„ forberede barna til skolestart i tillegg til Ă„ bidra i en generell sosialiseringsprosess

    Food distribution influences social organization and population growth in a small rodent

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    This is the postprint version of the article. The published article can be located at the publisher's websiteIn polygynous mammals, the spatial clumping and predictability of food should influence spacing behavior of females whose reproductive success depends to a great extent on food availability, which would in turn affect male spacing behavior. Changes in the social and mating systems can then influence individual fitness and population dynamics. To test these hypotheses, we manipulated food distribution and predictability in enclosed populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and monitored spacing behavior, survival, and reproduction of adult females and males over 3 months. Food was either spread out (dispersed treatment), spatially clumped and highly predictable (clumped treatment) or spatially clumped but less predictable (variable treatment). We found that females in the clumped treatment were more aggregated and had more overlapping home ranges compared with females in the dispersed and variable treatments. Male spacing behavior followed the same patterns. Despite different social organizations between treatments, no differences in home range size and mating systems were found in females and males. In addition, we found that females in the clumped food treatment had a higher probability of successfully producing weaned offspring, likely due to lower infanticide rates. This led to higher population growth compared with the other 2 treatments. These results suggest a tight relationship between the spatiotemporal distribution of food, social organization, and population dynamics.2014-04-3

    Innbyggernes tilfredshet med kommunale tjenester og kommunestĂžrrelse

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    Hovedbegrunnelsen for Ä slÄ sammen og fÄ stÞrre kommuner bÞr vÊre at det vil Þke innbyggernes tilfredshet med kommunale tjenester. I denne artikkelen analyseres forholdet mellom innbyggernes tilfredshet med kommunale tjenester og stÞrrelsen pÄ kommunen mÄlt i innbyggertall. Dataene fra innbyggerundersÞkelsene i 2010, 2013 og 2015 viser at innbyggernes tilfredshet med de viktigste kommunale tjenestene innenfor pleie og omsorg, sosialomsorg, oppvekst og grunnskole synker med Þkende kommunestÞrrelse. NÊrmere 80 prosent av kommunenes utgifter gÄr til disse tjenesteomrÄdene. Alle analyser av innbyggernes tilfredshet med disse kommunale tjenestene som vi har hatt tilgang til, viser at innbyggernes tilfredshet synker med Þkende kommunestÞrrelse


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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, yang dilakukan pada peserta didik kelas XI TP 4 semester genap SMKN 2 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian yang dilakukan terdiri dari dua siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar rata-rata peserta didik, serta mengetahui ketuntasan belajar yang diperoleh peserta didik dengan menggunakan penerapan belajar tuntas (mastery learning). Jumlah peserta didik yang lulus KKM pada tiap siklus, dijadikan sebagai ukuran ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar klasikal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, hasil belajar rata-rata pada siklus I berada pada kategori baik dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal yang diperoleh peserta didik berada pada kategori sangat tinggi, sedangkan hasil belajar rata-rata yang dicapai pada siklus II berada pada kategori sangat baik dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal yang diperoleh peserta didik berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat terlihat bahwa menerapkan belajar tuntas dapat mencapai ketuntasan hasil belajar peserta didik. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, bahwa pembelajaran dengan menerapkan konsep belajar tuntas dapat mengantarkan peserta didik mencapai penguasaan materi pada standar kompetensi Membaca Gambar Teknik (Dasar). ---------- This research is a Classroom Action Research that was conducted to students in Class XI TP 4 in even semester (2013/2014) in SMKN 2 Bandung. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research which consisting of two cycles namely cycle I and cycle II. This main aims of this research are to know the students’ average learning outcome and to discover the students’ completeness of learning outcomes (KKM) through the implementation of Mastery Learning.The number of students who passed the KKM were used as the indicator of achieving the classical learning completeness. The result of the research shows that the average learning outcome in cycle I was good and the classical learning completeness was very high; In cycle II, the average learning outcome was excellent and the classical learning completeness was still very high.Based on the result, it indicates that the implementation of Mastery Learning can help students in achieving the completeness of learning outcomes. Thoroughly, it can be concluded that the learning with Mastery Learning has the great contribution for students to master the lesson, specifically in competency standard of Reading Engineering Drawing (Basics)

    Younger stroke survivors' experiences of family life in a long-term perspective: a narrative hermeneutic phenomenological study

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    The psychosocial consequences following a stroke are known to be challenging, influencing the stroke survivors’ ability to participate in and carry out the taken-for-granted roles and activities in family life. This study explored how living with the consequences of stroke impacted on family life in the late recovery phase, that is, six months or more after stroke onset. Twentytwo stroke survivors aged 20–61 years were interviewed in-depth six months to nine years after stroke onset. The interviews were analyzed applying a narrative, hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The findings revealed challenges that varied with time, from an initial struggle to suffice in and balance the relationships and roles within the family early after the stroke, towards a more resigned attitude later on in the stroke trajectory. The struggles are summarized in two main themes: “struggling to reenter the family” and “screaming for acceptance.” Nonestablished people living with stroke and stroke survivors in parental roles seem to be particularly vulnerable. Being provided with opportunities to narrate their experiences to interested and qualified persons outside the home context might be helpful to prevent psychosocial problem

    The art of motivating for a lifestyle change

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    Bakgrunn: Antallet som rammes av hjerte- og karsykdommer Þker stadig, og er den vanligste dÞdsÄrsaken i Norge. Det har vÊrt en tydelig Þkning av fedme blant menn i Norge i 40- 45 Ärs alderen fra 1965 og frem til i dag. Halvparten av de som rammes av hjerteinfarkt er under 70 Är, og menn er mest utsatt. I den norske befolkningen har halvparten for lavt aktivitetsnivÄ i forhold til anbefalingene til Helsedirektoratet. Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er Ä finne en tilnÊrmingsmÄte til hvordan man kan skape et mellommenneskelig forhold mellom sykepleier og pasient, og hvordan dette kan bidra til Ä finne motiverende faktorer hos den enkelte pasient. Ved Ä overfÞre kunnskap om helse og risikofaktorer, vil dette bidra til at pasienten forstÄr hvorfor en endring mÄ til, og selvbestemmelse blir viktig for Ä gi Þkt mestringstillitt. Metode: Metoden vi har brukt for Ä besvare problemstillingen er litteraturstudie. Vi har innhentet litteratur fra pensum og selvvalgt litteratur. I tillegg baserer vi oss pÄ forsknings- og fagartikler som har benyttet bÄde kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsmetoder. Konklusjon: Et godt planlagt arbeid som tilpasses etter individet gjÞr det lettere Ä skape tillitt og gode relasjoner. Ved Ä ha fokus pÄ Ä overfÞre kunnskap og gi pasienten selvbestemmelse blir han mer delaktig i endringsarbeidet. Ut ifra pasientens tanker og meninger om situasjonen, kan sykepleier og pasient samarbeide mot et felles mÄl for pasienten. Dette kan skape en indre motivasjon og mestringstillitt, som gjÞr at pasienten fÄr et Þnske om Ä endre livsstilen
