21 research outputs found

    Interleukin-4 downregulates TNFĪ±-induced IL-8 production in keratinocytes

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    AbstractInterleukin (IL)-8 is a CXC chemokine induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNFĪ±, IL-1Ī² and IL-6 in different cell types including keratinocytes. IL-4 regulation of TNFĪ±-induced IL-8 expression is cell-type specific. In this study, we show that in the keratinocyte cell line HaCaT, IL-4 decreases TNFĪ±-induced IL-8 mRNA expression. We then investigated the mechanism of IL-4 effect and showed that IL-4 downregulates TNFĪ±-induced IL-8 promoter activity in luciferase reporter assays. Moreover, overexpression of either the endogenous JAK inhibitor SOCS-1 or a dominant negative form of the STAT6 transcription factor (STAT6Ī”C) interferes with the IL-4 inhibitory effect on IL-8 promoter. Finally we demonstrate, using a NF-ĪŗB-dependent promoter luciferase construct that IL-4 interferes, at least in part, with NF-ĪŗB transcriptional activity. Overall our results suggest that IL-4 regulates TNFĪ±-induced IL-8 expression at a transcriptional level and this mechanism involves STAT6 and NF-ĪŗB transcription factors

    The SH3ā€“SAM Adaptor HACS1 is Up-regulated in B Cell Activation Signaling Cascades

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    HACS1 is a Src homology 3 and sterile alpha motif domainā€“containing adaptor that is preferentially expressed in normal hematopoietic tissues and malignancies including myeloid leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Microarray data showed HACS1 expression is up-regulated in activated human B cells treated with interleukin (IL)-4, CD40L, and antiā€“immunoglobulin (Ig)M and clustered with genes involved in signaling, including TNF receptorā€“associated protein 1, signaling lymphocytic activation molecule, IL-6, and DEC205. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that HACS1 is up-regulated by IL-4, IL-13, anti-IgM, and anti-CD40 in human peripheral blood B cells. In murine spleen B cells, Hacs1 can also be up-regulated by lipopolysaccharide but not IL-13. Induction of Hacs1 by IL-4 is dependent on Stat6 signaling and can also be impaired by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and nuclear factor ĪŗB. HACS1 associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins after B cell activation and binds in vitro to the inhibitory molecule paired Ig-like receptor B. Overexpression of HACS1 in murine spleen B cells resulted in a down-regulation of the activation marker CD23 and enhancement of CD138 expression, IgM secretion, and Xbp-1 expression. Knock down of HACS1 in a human B lymphoma cell line by small interfering ribonucleic acid did not significantly change IL-4ā€“stimulated B cell proliferation. Our study demonstrates that HACS1 is up-regulated by B cell activation signals and is a participant in B cell activation and differentiation

    Mutations associated with progression in follicular lymphoma predict inferior outcomes at diagnosis: Alliance A151303

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    Follicular lymphoma (FL) is clinically heterogeneous, with select patients tolerating extended watch-and-wait, whereas others require prompt treatment, suffer progression of disease within 24 months of treatment (POD24), and/or experience aggressive histologic transformation (t-FL). Because our understanding of the relationship between genetic alterations in FL and patient outcomes remains limited, we conducted a clinicogenomic analysis of 370 patients with FL or t-FL (from Cancer and Leukemia Group B/Alliance trials 50402/50701/50803, or real-world cohorts from Washington University School of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, or University of Miami). FL subsets by grade, stage, watch-and-wait, or POD24 status did not differ by mutation burden, whereas mutation burden was significantly higher in relapsed/refractory (rel/ref) FL and t-FL than in newly diagnosed (dx) FL. Nonetheless, mutation burden in dx FL was not associated with frontline progression-free survival (PFS). CREBBP was the only gene more commonly mutated in FL than in t-FL yet mutated CREBBP was associated with shorter frontline PFS in FL. Mutations in 20 genes were more common in rel/ref FL or t-FL than in dx FL, including 6 significantly mutated genes (SMGs): STAT6, TP53, IGLL5, B2M, SOCS1, and MYD88. We defined a mutations associated with progression (MAP) signature as ā‰„2 mutations in these 7 genes (6 rel/ref FL or t-FL SMGs plus CREBBP). Patients with dx FL possessing a MAP signature had shorter frontline PFS, revealing a 7-gene set offering insight into FL progression risk potentially more generalizable than the m7-Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (m7-FLIPI), which had modest prognostic value in our cohort. Future studies are warranted to validate the poor prognosis associated with a MAP signature in dx FL, potentially facilitating novel trials specifically in this high-risk subset of patients

    STAT5 in Cancer and Immunity

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    Signal transducers and activators of transcription 5 (STAT5a and STAT5b) are highly homologous proteins that are encoded by 2 separate genes and are activated by Janus-activated kinases (JAK) downstream of cytokine receptors. STAT5 proteins are activated by a wide variety of hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cytokines and growth factors, all of which use the JAK-STAT signalling pathway as their main mode of signal transduction. STAT5 proteins critically regulate vital cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, and survival. The physiological importance of STAT5 proteins is underscored by the plethora of primary human tumors that have aberrant constitutive activation of these proteins, which significantly contributes to tumor cell survival and malignant progression of disease. STAT5 plays an important role in the maintenance of normal immune function and homeostasis, both of which are regulated by specific members of IL-2 family of cytokines, which share a common gamma chain (Ī³c) in their receptor complex. STAT5 critically mediates the biological actions of members of the Ī³c family of cytokines in the immune system. Essentially, STAT5 plays a critical role in the function and development of Tregs, and consistently activated STAT5 is associated with a suppression in antitumor immunity and an increase in proliferation, invasion, and survival of tumor cells. Thus, therapeutic targeting of STAT5 is promising in cancer

    p160/SRC/NCoA coactivators form complexes via specific interaction of their PAS-B domain with the CID/AD1 domain

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    Transcriptional activation involves the ordered recruitment of coactivators via direct interactions between distinct binding domains and recognition motifs. The p160/SRC/NCoA coactivator family comprises three members (NCoA-1, -2 and -3), which are organized in multiprotein coactivator complexes. We had identified the PAS-B domain of NCoA-1 as an LXXLL motif binding domain. Here we show that NCoA family members are able to interact with other full-length NCoA proteins via their PAS-B domain and they specifically interact with the CBP-interaction domain (CID/AD1) of NCoA-1. Peptide competition, binding experiments and mutagenesis of LXXLL motifs point at distinct binding motif specificities of the NCoA PAS-B domains. NMR studies of different NCoA-1-PAS-B/LXXLL peptide complexes revealed similar although not identical binding sites for the CID/AD1 and STAT6 transactivation domain LXXLL motifs. In mechanistic studies, we found that overexpression of the PAS-B domain is able to disturb the binding of NCoA-1 to CBP in cells and that a CID/AD1 peptide competes with STAT6 for NCoA-1 in vitro. Moreover, the expression of an endogenous androgen receptor target gene is affected by the overexpression of the NCoA-1 or NCoA-3 PAS-B domains. Our study discloses a new, complementary mechanism for the current model of coactivator recruitment to target gene promoters

    System-wide approaches to uncover Th2 cell lineage commitment

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    T helper (Th) cells are vital regulators of the adaptive immune system. When activated by presentation of cognate antigen, Th cells demonstrate capacity to differentiate into functionally distinct effector cell subsets. The Th2 subset is required for protection against extracellular parasites, such as helminths, but is also closely linked to pathogenesis of asthma and allergies. The intracellular molecular signal transduction pathways regulating T helper cell subset differentiation are still incompletely known. Moreover, great majority of studies regarding Th2 differentiation have been conducted with mice models, while studies with human cells have been fewer in comparison. The goal of this thesis was to characterize molecular mechanisms promoting the development of Th2 phenotype, focusing specifically on human umbilical cord blood T cells as an experimental model. These primary cells, activated and differentiated to Th2 cells in vitro, were investigated by complementary system-wide approaches, targeting levels of mRNA, proteins, and lipid molecules. Specifically, the results indicated IL4-regulated recruitment of nuclear protein, and described novel components of the Th2-promoting STAT6 enhanceosome complex. Furthermore, the development of the activated effector cell phenotype was found to correlate with remodeling of the cellular lipidome. These findings will hopefully advance the understanding of human Th2 cell lineage commitment and development of Th2-associated disease states.Siirretty Doriast

    Regulation of lymphocyte response in vitro and in vivo

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    CD4+ T helper (Th) cells have an important role in the defence against diverse pathogens. Th cells can differentiate into several functionally distinct subtypes including Th1 and Th2 cells. Th1 cells are important for eradicating intracellular pathogens, whereas Th2 cells proĀ¬tect our body against extracellular parasites. However if uncontrolled, Th cells can mediate immunopathology such as asthma or allergies, but inappropriate Th response can also lead to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis or type 1 diabetes. Deeper knowledge of the regulation of the lymphocyte response both in vitro and in vivo is important for unĀ¬derstanding the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases and microbe-host interactions. In the work presented in this thesis, the first goal was to elucidate the role of novel factors, PIM kinases and c-FLIP in the regulation of human Th cell differentiation. The oncogenic serine-threonine kinases of the PIM family were shown to be preferentially expressed in Th1 cells and in addition, by using RNA interference, they were also shown to be positive regulators of Th1 differentiation. The PIM depletion experiments suggest that PIM kinases promote the expression of the hallmark cytokine of Th1 cells, IFNĪ³, and influence the IL12/STAT4 pathway during the early Th1 cell differentiation. In addition to cytokine and T cell receptor (TCR) induced pathways, caspase activity has been shown to regulate Th cell proliferation. In the work presented in this thesis, the two isoforms of the caspase regulator protein, c-FLIP, were shown to be differentially exĀ¬pressed in Th1 and Th2 cells. Both of the isoforms were up-regulated in response to TCR activation, but the expression of the short isoform was selectively induced by IL4, the Th2 inducing cytokine. Furthermore, the c-FLIP isoforms had distinct and opposite roles during the early differentiation of Th1 and Th2 cells. The knockdown of the long isoform of c-FLIP led to the induction of Th1 marker genes, such as IFNĪ³ and TBET, whereas the depletion of c-FLIP short down-regulated Th2 marker genes IL-4 and GATA3. The third goal was to elucidate the gene expression profiles characterizing the T- and B-lymphocyte responses in vivo during experimental infection by intracellular bacteĀ¬rium Chlamydia pneumoniae. Previously, it has been shown that CD8+ and CD4+ T cells are important for the protection against Chlamydia pneumoniae. In this study, the analysis revealed up-regulation of interferon induced genes during recurrent infection underlining the importance of IFNĪ³ secreted by Th1 and CD8+ T cells in the protection against this pathogen. Taken together, in this study novel regulators of Th cell differĀ¬entiation were discovered and in addition the gene expression profiles of lymphocytes induced by Chlamydia pneumoniae infection were characterized.Siirretty Doriast