1,725 research outputs found

    Bresto katekizmas (1553 m.). Pirmojo Bresto spaustuvės leidinio konfesinis ir kultūrinis kontekstas

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    The aim of the article is to answer the question about the sources of inventio of the so-called Katechizm brzeski [Brest Catechism] showing the confessional and cultural basis of this print published in Brest-Litovsk in the first year of this publishing house’s operation. Printed in 1553, and created by an unknown writer, Katechizm brzeski is a product of various confessional tendencies and aspirations – religious, cultural and political – of the Lithuanian political class in the second half of the 16th century. The conclusions of the article are as following: 1. Katechizm brzeski was published in the second half of 1553. 2. This theologically eclectic catechism is an attempt to find iunctim between Martin Luther’s and John Calvin’s influences. The Lutheran influences prevail. 3. Katechizm brzeski’s author used not only the catechism of Jan Seklucjan (1544), but also two works by Urban Rhegius (catechism from 1543, Medicina animae in the Polish translation, 1551) and Catechismus minor (1527–1528) by Johannes Brenz. 4. The compiler was well versed in the Osiandrian controversy taking place in the 1550s in the nearby Ducal Prussia. As a supporter of Andreas Osiander, the compiler applied to the Katechizm brzeski his optimistic anthropology to the newest – formally Calvinist – catechism.Šio straipsnio tikslas yra atsakyti į klausimą, kokie yra galimi vadinamojo Katechizm brzeski [Bresto katekizmo] kilmės šaltiniai. Atskleidžiamas šio spausdinto leidinio, publikuoto Lietuvos Brastoje pirmaisiais šio miesto spaustuvės veikimo metais, konfesinis ir kultūrinis pagrindas. Katechizm brzeski buvo išspausdintas 1553 metais, o jo autorius nežinomas. Tai yra įvairių XVI a. antrosios pusės lietuvių politinės klasės konfesinių tendencijų bei ambicijų – religinių, kultūrinių ir politinių – rezultatas. Straipsnyje prieinama prie šių išvadų: 1. Katechizm brzeski publikuotas antrojoje 1553 m. pusėje. 2. Šis teologiškai margas katekizmas yra bandymas atrasti jungtį tarp Martino Lutherio ir Jeano Cauvino ideologijų. Jame dominuoja liuteroniškoji ideologija. 3. Katechizm brzeski autorius naudojosi ne tik Jano Seklucjano katekizmu (išleistu 1544 m.), bet taip pat ir dviem Urbano Rhegiuso kūriniais (1543 m. katekizmu; Medicina animae 1551 metų vertimu į lenkų kalbą) bei Johanneso Brenzo Catechismus minor (1527–1528 m.). 4. Šis sudarytojas buvo gerai susipažinęs su Osiandro kontroversija, kuri XVI a. 6-ajame dešimtmetyje buvo plačiai svarstoma kaimyninėje Prūsijos Kunigaikštystėje. Kadangi sudarytojas buvo Andreaso Osianderio gerbėjas, jis Katechizm brzeski pateikė optimistinę Osiandro antropologiją, taip sudarydamas naujausią formaliai kalvinistinių pažiūrų katekizmą

    Prolegomena to research on the "Brest catechism" in the light of the origins of the Brest printing press

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    The authors of the article attempt to present current research into the Brest Catechism, the sixteenth-century text reprinted in 1908 and edited by Franciszek Pułaski as part of the Collectanea Series by the Krasiński Estate Library. It was prefaced by Pułaski, and reviewed by Aleksander Woyde and Aleksander Brückner. The article presents background to the publication of the Catechism, i.e. the activity of Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł, specifically setting up the printing house in Brest in 1553 and engaging Bernard Wojewódka in it. The authors also attempt to establish the reasons for the Catechism’s dual composition

    Notes on the Role of the Basel Manuscripts in Sixteenth-Century Protestant Literature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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    This study is an analysis of the text and sources of the Calvinistic catechism printed in the Nieśwież hymn book (1563), which was previously regarded as a compilation from Sz. Budny’s cyrillic text (1562). The given catechism is a revised translation of the most influential of the Basel Manuscripts, prepared by I. Oekolampad ca. 1525–1529 and edited by his successor O. Myconius as Institutio Christiana in 1544. The Polish version of the Basel Manuscripts reflects the progress of this dogmatic profile of Calvinism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the influences of anti-Trinitarianism in Calvinistic instructive and catechetical literature

    Od Kompendium Katechizmu Kościoła katolickiego do YOUCAT. Uwagi o modelach pytań katechizmowych

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    A common feature of the researched publications: Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2005) and YOUCAT. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (2011), being a form of popularization of Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), is a return to the traditional catechism composition based on blocks consisting of questions and answers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the questions used on YOUCAT pages. The analysis covers three aspects: 1. the status of catechism questions, 2. their typology, and 3. selected characteristics, such as the presence of presupposition, diversification of originator-recipient relations, and stylistic heterogeneity. The author draws conclusions regarding the servile, didactic and persuasive function of dialogue forms, qualifies catechism questions as only seeming questions and describes their linguistic specificity, boiling down to the use of several schematic solutions.Jednym z założeń, towarzyszących ogłoszonemu w 1992 roku Katechizmowi Kościoła katolickiego, jest powstanie opracowań doktrynalnych przeznaczonych dla zawężonego kręgu odbiorców. Przykładem publikacji o charakterze popularyzatorskim są m.in. Kompendium Katechizmu Kościoła katolickiego (wyd. 2005) oraz YOUCAT. Katechizm Kościoła katolickiego dla młodych (wyd. 2011, wierny przekład z języka niemieckiego). Pozycje te łączy powrót do tradycyjnej kompozycji katechizmowej, opartej na blokach składających się z pytania i odpowiedzi (z formy tej zrezygnowano w Katechizmie Kościoła katolickiego). Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza pytań, zastosowanych na kartach YOUCAT, obejmująca 3 aspekty: (1) status pytań katechizmowych, (2) ich typologię oraz (3) wybrane cechy charakterystyczne, takie jak obecność presupozycji, zróżnicowanie relacji nadawczo-odbiorczych oraz niejednorodność stylistyczna. Autorka wysuwa wnioski dotyczące służebnej, dydaktycznej i perswazyjnej funkcji form dialogowych, kwalifikuje pytania katechizmowe jako pozorne i opisuje ich językową specyfikę, sprowadzającą się do korzystania z kilku schematycznych rozwiązań

    Defensio verae translationis corporis Catechismi in linguam Polonicam, adversus calumnias Joannis Secluciani Jana Maleckiego – przekład wraz z komentarzem

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    The response written by Jan Sandecki-Malecki provides extremely important information on the sixteenth century Polish language as it is the only meta-linguistic statement from the period available in full that has been preserved until our times. The text originated as the response that took the form of a manuscript work A Defense, against the calumnies of jan Seklucjan, of the true translation of the Body of the Catechism into the Polish language in which Malecki answered Seklucjan’s criticism in a debate centered on the proper translation of a number of passages from Scripture and contributed to the controversy between Jan Seklucjan (Seclucianus) and Malecki over the proper translation of Holy Scripture in Polish; it constitutes a polemic against the critical remarks on the Polish translation of the catechism. Being a voice and opinion on the issues related to the contemporary state and needs of the Polish language of the time, given by a member of the then intellectual elite, Defensio… illustrates well the sixteenth century linguistic competence. On the basis of the latter it is possible to reconstruct the Renaissance shape of literary Polish and evaluate its stylistic value

    B. Połeć, Metodyka katechetyczna ks. Walentego Gadowskiego, Wydawnictwo: Poligrafia Redemptorystów w Tuchowie, Tarnów 2002, s. 231

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    Ks. Józef StalarecenzjaPapieska Akademia Teologiczna w Krakowie. Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowi

    Marriage communio in sacramental realization

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    Jesus’s call raising marriage to sacramental dignity points to the inadequacy of the law within the meaning and formation of a special relationship between a man and a woman. On the other hand it does not mean its redundancy. This ratio is considered to be constitutive and results from the creation of man in God’s image and His likeness. This image has not been destroyed even by a human sin that interferes with the relationship with God and between the spouses. It also has not destroyed the covenant with God of which the marriage is the image. Fulfilling this covenant in Jesus Christ, God renews the relation of a man towards a woman as well as the relationship of a man towards God .Resulting from the creation the unity of the spouses in the New Covenant shall be covered by the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ and is a real performing salvation. Beyond , the reality is open to eschatology and immersed in church as the bride of Christ forming the pattern and strengthen the covenant of marriage which is in Jesus Christ, a community of grace and the basis for understanding people.ks. dr hab. EDWARD SIENKIEWICZ, prof. US – kapłan diecezji koszalińsko--kołobrzeskiej. Zatrudniony na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, kierownik Katedry Teologii Fundamentalnej i wykładowca teologii dogmatycznej w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym oraz w Instytucie Teologicznym w Koszalinie. Autor wielu monografii i artykułów naukowych.Uniwersytet SzczecińskiArnold B. T., Choi J. H., A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, Cambridge 2003.Auer J., Die Sakramente der Kirche, Regensburg 1972.Bartnicki R., Poglądy na małżeństwo w początkach ery chrześcijańskiej, [w:] Rodzina drogą Kościoła. Księga Jubileuszowa na 25-lecie posługi pasterskiej Biskupa Łomżyńskiego Stanisława Stefanka, M. Ozorowski, W. Nowacki (red.), Łomża 2005.Bartnik S. 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    Divinization in The Perspective of Theology and Mysticism. Synthesis of Two Wisdoms “Inconfusedly and Indivisibly”

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    SŁAWOMIR ZATWARDNICKI – absolwent teologii na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym we Wrocławiu, obecnie doktorant na tej uczelni, laureat nagrody „Pro Redemptione” (2014 r.), publicysta, autor wielu artykułów oraz sześciu książek; ostatnio wydał: "Pomoc przeciw nieprzyjaciołom Twoim, czyli jak chwalić Maryję i bronić Jej godności" (Kraków 2014).Benedict XVI showed the mistery of divinization in the Christological perspective. It takes place similarly to the way two natures are united in one Person of the Son of God (the Council of Chalcedon). The way two wills (human and divine) are united in one in Christ is a condition and model of communion of God’s will and a man’s one (the Third Council of Constantinople). The article deals with the coherence between dogmatic statements and saints as well as mistics’ experience (John of the Cross, Faustyna Kowalska, Maksymilian Kolbe). Synthesis of dogmatics and mysticism allows to better understand what theosis is and how it takes place.Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu13/119322

    The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards people living in extra-marital relationships

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    The aim of this paper is to show the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards extra-marital relationships. This approach is based on two pillars of the Church: theology and the Canon Law, where the second one is subjected to the first one. In the Orthodox Church the sacrament of marriage is neither a contract nor a promise, but it is the beginning of a new community that orthodox theology describes as a Little Church. Just as Christians cannot live outside the community and truly be Christians, so does the believing husband or wife, living without the sacramental marriage, cannot be a true Christian [email protected] w Białymstok