290 research outputs found

    Standardization and validation of methods of detection of dysorthography in general secondary school children

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    В статье подробно анализируются современные приемы выявления дизорфографии у учащихся начальных классов

    Understanding Terms and Expressions in our Special Report (Summer 2012 Issue of Pédagogie collégiale)

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Quelques termes et expressions utiles pour la lecture du dossier thématique du numéro d'été 2012 de Pédagogie collégiale"What is meant by a “functional impairment” or an “emerging population?” What exactly is a “learning disability”? The author has compiled a glossary of terms used in our special report entitled Disabilities and Higher Education to help readers fully understand the issues involved

    Developmental learning disorders in children with prenatal/perinatal exposure to hypoxia: A systematic review protocol

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    Background Developmental learning disorder (DLD) belongs to neurodevelopmental disorders because it results from the developmental neurodiversity of the brain. The main causes of DLD are genetics, but environmental factors, like inadequate supply of oxygen during pregnancy or labor, are considered. Methods Our search strategy will consist of electronic databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library) and hand searching. The observational studies including cohort and case-control studies will be included. The primary outcome will be (DLD). Screening and eligibility will be done independently by two reviewers based on pre-specified eligibility criteria. Data extraction will be based on a pre-pilot data extraction form, and conducted by two authors independently. Study quality will be assessed by two authors independently. Any discrepancies identified at any stage of the review will be resolved by discussion or/and consultation with another reviewer. We plan a narrative and tabular summary of the findings. Discussion This systematic review of aetiology follows the traditional approach to evidence-based healthcare. This secondary research will assess the association between hypoxia and DLD by assessing the relationship of health-related event and outcome and examining the association between them. This review can provide information for healthcare professionals and policymakers indicating whether taking into account information about hypoxia should be permanently included in the diagnostic ontogenetic interview in the process of diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorders.publishedVersio

    Derivational analysis as a reflection of the meta-language potential of schoolchildren with dysorthography

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    В статье представлена характеристика основных направлений логопедической работы по формированию навыка словообразовательного анализа у школьников с дизорфографией

    Language-Related Skills in Bilingual Children With Specific Learning Disorders

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand the characteristics of the language-related skills of bilingual children with specific learning disorders (SLD). The aim is achieved by analyzing language-related skills in a sample of bilingual (Italian plus another language) and Italian monolingual children, with and without SLD. Patients and methods: A total of 72 minors aged between 9 and 11 were recruited and divided into four groups: 18 Italian monolingual children with SLD, 18 bilingual children with SLD, 18 Italian monolingual children without SLD, and 18 bilingual children without SLD. Each child underwent tests to evaluate different aspects of language skills: lexical and grammar, metalanguage and executive functions. Results: With regard to lexical and grammatical skills, the conditions of SLD and bilingualism both impact naming in terms of total number of errors for words with low frequency of use, while the condition of SLD has an effect on semantic errors for words with low frequency of use. The condition of bilingualism impacts on the total errors for words with high frequency of use and on circumlocution-type errors for words with low frequency of use. There were significant effects of bilingualism and SLD on the metalinguistic test for understanding implicit meaning, and an impact of SLD on phonological awareness was also found. Conclusion: The results suggest that both SLD and bilingualism have an effect on some lexical skills, in particular for words with low frequency of use. Both conditions, bilingualism and SLD, seem to impact on metalinguistic abilities that depend on lexical knowledge. These findings reinforce the importance of improving understanding of the neuropsychological profile of bilingual children with SLD

    What About Inclusive Education and ICT in Italy: a Scoping Study

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    Strategies and approaches to inclusion in the classroom are important in developing a high quality, inclusive experience for students with Special Education Needs. Generally, strategies are not geared towards specific exceptionalities, but are instead designed to be implemented across exceptionality categories. Pavone (2014) and de Anna, Gaspari, Mura (2015) determined through their systematic literature review and research results that co-operation among staff, commitment and accountability to the teaching of all students, differentiation of instruction, and recognizing “that social interaction is the means through which student knowledge is developed” are key to successful inclusion of students with SEN. This paper looks at the issue of school inclusion by referring to the most recent laws about the inclusive education of students with special educational needs in Italy. Inclusive education means that all students attend and are welcomed by their neighbourhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school. Inclusive education is about how we develop and design our schools, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students learn and participate together. So ICT should be considered as a key tool for promoting equity in educational opportunities, that is using ICT to support the learning of learners with disabilities and special educational needs in inclusive settings within compulsory education. The paper also argues how the Italian teachers can realized good practices for inclusion through the use of ICT

    How many tests do you need to diagnose Learning Disabilities?

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    The diagnosis of Learning Disabilities (LD) is frequently subject to cognitive biases. In Italy, minimal diagnostic standards have been identified during a national Consensus Conference (2010). However, specialists use different protocols to assess reading and cognitive abilities. Thus, we propose to support LDs diagnosis with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Clinical results from 203 reports were input to investigate which ones can predict LD diagnosis. In addition, correlations among LDs were explored. Preliminary results show that ANNs can be useful to support a clinical diagnosis of LDs with an 81.93% average accuracy, and, under certain conditions, with a 99% certainty. Additionally, the 10 most meaningful tests for each LD have been identified and significant correlations between dyscalculia and dyslexia were found

    Facial emotion recognition in children and adolescents with specific learning disorder

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    (1) Background: Some recent studies suggest that children and adolescents with different neurodevelopmental disorders perform worse in emotions recognition through facial expressions (ER) compared with typically developing peers. This impairment is also described in children with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), compromising their scholastic achievement, social functioning, and quality of life. The purpose of our study is to evaluate ER skills in children and adolescents with SLD compared to a control group without learning disorders, and correlate them with intelligence and executive functions. (2) Materials and Methods: Our work is a cross-sectional observational study. Sixty-three children and adolescents aged between 8 and 16 years, diagnosed with SLD, and 32 sex/age-matched controls without learning disorders were recruited. All participants were administered standardized neuropsychological tests, evaluating facial emotion recognition (NEPSY-II), executive functions (EpiTrack Junior), and intelligence profile (WISC-IV). (3) Results: Emotion recognition mean score was significantly lower in the SLD group than in the controls group on the Mann–Whitney U test for unpaired samples (p < 0.001). The SLD group performed significantly lower than the control group in their abilities to identify neutral expressions, happiness, sadness, anger, and fear compared to controls (p < 0.001). ER scores were positively correlated to the executive functions scores. There was no correlation with the Total Intelligence Quotient scores but there is a significant positive correlation with Working Memory Index and Processing Speed Index measured by WISC.IV. (4) Conclusions: Our study showed that children and adolescents with Specific Learning Disorders have facial emotion recognition impairment when compared with a group of peers without learning disorders. ER abilities were independent of their global intelligence but potentially related to executive functions

    Výuka angličtiny u žáka s dysortografií

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    NÁZEV: Výuka angličtiny u žáka s dysortografií AUTOR: Bc. Monika Reslerová KATEDRA: Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: Mgr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D. ABSTRAKT Práce přibližuje téma dysortografie ve výuce angličtiny se zvláštním zřetelem k druhému stupni základních škol. Teoretická část práce obsahuje přehled základních informací o specifických vzdělávacích potřebách, dále o specifických poruchách učení, jejich příčinách a projevech. Následuje popis dysortografie a jejích možných dopadů na osvojování anglického hláskování a gramatiky, společně se seznamem doporučených přístupů, metod, technik a pomůcek, které mohou být užitečné při výuce angličtiny u žáků s dysortografií. Praktická část práce představuje vícečetnou případovou studii, která byla provedena mezi zkušenými učiteli angličtiny na školách, které věnují zvláštní pozornost dětem se specifickými vzdělávacími potřebami. Výzkum je zaměřen na zkušenosti a know-how učitelů a porovnává je s doporučeními popsanými v teoretické části. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA specifické poruchy učení, dysortografie, výuka anglického jazyka, gramatika, pravopisTITLE: Teaching English to Pupils With Dysorthography AUTHOR: Bc. Monika Reslerová DEPARTMENT: Department of English Language and Literature SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis relates the issue of dysorthography in connection to EFL instruction with a special attention paid to lower secondary schools. The theoretical part of the text contains basic information on special educational needs, followed by a chapter on Specific Learning Difficulties, their causes and symptoms. The concept of dysorthography is explained and its possible consequences on acquisition of English spelling and grammar described, followed by a list of recommended approaches, methods, techniques and aids which can be useful for teaching English to dysorthographic pupils. The practical part of the text gives an account of a multiple-case study which was carried out among experienced English teachers at schools that pay special attention to children with SEN. The research is focused on the teachers' experience and know-how and compares the obtained data to the recommendations given in the theoretical part. KEYWORDS Specific Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Dysorthography, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, grammar, spellingKatedra anglického jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Self-Esteem and Quality of Family Relationships in Children with Learning Disabilities

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    The paper deals with the differences in the levels of self-esteem between children with learning disabilities and children with no learning disabilities and the differences in the assessment of the quality of relationships with parents between these two groups. The research was conducted on N= (60) pupils of higher school age, the group of children with learning disabilities N = (25) AM = (13.5), children without learning disabilities N = (35) AM = (13.8). The Rosenberg´s Self Esteem Scale constructed by the author was used to determine the levels of self-esteem in participating children while the Miglierini Personal Questionnaire, subscale of family relationships,was used to ascertain the family climate. The results indicate that both subgroups assess their relationships with parents positively, however a significant difference in the quality of relationships with parents can be found in favor of the group of children without learning disabilities. No differences between the groups were found in the levels of self-esteem