443 research outputs found

    A Monitor Function for Spectral Moving Mesh Methods Applied to Nonlinear Acoustics

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    Spectral methods have made linear acoustics simulations highly computationally efficient, but they currently lose their efficiency when modelling nonlinear waves with regular grids. Moving mesh methods can address this by distributing mesh nodes to minimise the number of nodes needed to represent a waveform. In this paper, a monitor function is presented which is designed specifically for spectral moving mesh methods. In comparison with past monitor functions, this new monitor function significantly improves the convergence rate of the spectral moving mesh method when applied to Burgers’ equation

    Bandwidth-based mesh adaptation in multiple dimensions

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    Spectral methods are becoming increasingly prevalent in solving time-varying partial differential equations due to their fast convergence properties. However, they typically use regular computational meshes that do not account for spatially varying resolution requirements. This can significantly increase the overall grid density when resolution requirements vary sharply over the modelled domain. Moving mesh methods offer a remedy for this, by allowing the position of mesh nodes to adapt to the simulated model solution. In this paper, a mesh specification is presented that is based on a local measure of the spatial bandwidth of the model solution. This addresses the rate of decay of the model solution's frequency components by producing high-sampling rates when this decay is slow. The spatial bandwidth is computed using a combination of the original solution and its Riesz transformed counterparts. It is then integrated into a Fourier spectral moving mesh method, using the parabolic Monge–Ampère equation for mesh control. This method is used to solve a multidimensional version of the viscous Burgers equation, and a heterogeneous advection equation. The performance of bandwidth-based mesh adaptation is compared with arclength- and curvature-based adaptation, and against a static mesh. These numerical experiments show that the bandwidth-based approach produces superior convergence rates, and hence requires fewer mesh nodes for a given level of solution accuracy

    Mesh Density Functions Based on Local Bandwidth Applied to Moving Mesh Methods

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    Moving mesh methods provide an efficient way of solving partial differential equations for which large, localised variations in the solution necessitate locally dense spatial meshes. In one-dimension, meshes are typically specified using the arclength mesh density function. This choice is well-justified for piecewise polynomial interpolants, but it is only justified for spectral methods when model solutions include localised steep gradients. In this paper, one-dimensional mesh density functions are presented which are based on a spatially localised measure of the bandwidth of the approximated model solution. In considering bandwidth, these mesh density functions are well-justified for spectral methods, but are not strictly tied to the error properties of any particular spatial interpolant, and are hence widely applicable. The bandwidth mesh density functions are demonstrated by applying periodic spectral and finite-difference moving mesh methods to a number of model problems in acoustics. These problems include a heterogeneous advection equation, the viscous Burgers' equation, and the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Simulation results demonstrate solution convergence rates that are up to an order of magnitude faster using the bandwidth mesh density functions than uniform meshes, and around three times faster than those using the arclength mesh density function

    Staircase-free acoustic sources for grid-based models of wave propagation

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    The k-Wave MATLAB toolbox is widely used to conduct medical ultrasound simulations. It uses a Fourier collocation method to numerically solve the governing model equations, and introduces sources by adding acoustic pressure at points on an orthogonal grid. This approach introduces two errors when sources don't exactly align with the grid. These are phase errors arising from shifting source points to nearby grid nodes, and amplitude errors arising from an angular dependence in the density of source points. These two errors are collectively referred to as `staircasing'. Staircasing errors can be overcome by considering the band-limited representation of sources that arises from the use of a Fourier collocation method. To do so, sources are discretised by convolving a band-limited point source with the desired source geometry. To validate this approach, a comparison is made with current k-Wave source algorithms and with the FOCUS ultrasound simulation code. The new sources are shown to eliminate staircasing errors

    Multiplexed, High Density Electrophysiology with Nanofabricated Neural Probes

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    Extracellular electrode arrays can reveal the neuronal network correlates of behavior with single-cell, single-spike, and sub-millisecond resolution. However, implantable electrodes are inherently invasive, and efforts to scale up the number and density of recording sites must compromise on device size in order to connect the electrodes. Here, we report on silicon-based neural probes employing nanofabricated, high-density electrical leads. Furthermore, we address the challenge of reading out multichannel data with an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) performing signal amplification, band-pass filtering, and multiplexing functions. We demonstrate high spatial resolution extracellular measurements with a fully integrated, low noise 64-channel system weighing just 330 mg. The on-chip multiplexers make possible recordings with substantially fewer external wires than the number of input channels. By combining nanofabricated probes with ASICs we have implemented a system for performing large-scale, high-density electrophysiology in small, freely behaving animals that is both minimally invasive and highly scalable

    Differential Regulation of the Period Genes in Striatal Regions following Cocaine Exposure

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    Several studies have suggested that disruptions in circadian rhythms contribute to the pathophysiology of multiple psychiatric diseases, including drug addiction. In fact, a number of the genes involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms are also involved in modulating the reward value for drugs of abuse, like cocaine. Thus, we wanted to determine the effects of chronic cocaine on the expression of several circadian genes in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) and Caudate Putamen (CP), regions of the brain known to be involved in the behavioral responses to drugs of abuse. Moreover, we wanted to explore the mechanism by which these genes are regulated following cocaine exposure. Here we find that after repeated cocaine exposure, expression of the Period (Per) genes and Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 2 (Npas2) are elevated, in a somewhat regionally selective fashion. Moreover, NPAS2 (but not CLOCK (Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput)) protein binding at Per gene promoters was enhanced following cocaine treatment. Mice lacking a functional Npas2 gene failed to exhibit any induction of Per gene expression after cocaine, suggesting that NPAS2 is necessary for this cocaine-induced regulation. Examination of Per gene and Npas2 expression over twenty-four hours identified changes in diurnal rhythmicity of these genes following chronic cocaine, which were regionally specific. Taken together, these studies point to selective disruptions in Per gene rhythmicity in striatial regions following chronic cocaine treatment, which are mediated primarily by NPAS2. © 2013 Falcon et al

    Role of the mesoamygdaloid dopamine projection in emotional learning

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    Amygdala dopamine is crucially involved in the acquisition of Pavlovian associations, as measured via conditioned approach to the location of the unconditioned stimulus (US). However, learning begins before skeletomotor output, so this study assessed whether amygdala dopamine is also involved in earlier 'emotional' learning. A variant of the conditioned reinforcement (CR) procedure was validated where training was restricted to curtail the development of selective conditioned approach to the US location, and effects of amygdala dopamine manipulations before training or later CR testing assessed. Experiment 1a presented a light paired (CS+ group) or unpaired (CS- group) with a US. There were 1, 2 or 10 sessions, 4 trials per session. Then, the US was removed, and two novel levers presented. One lever (CR+) presented the light, and lever pressing was recorded. Experiment 1b also included a tone stimulus. Experiment 2 applied intra-amygdala R(+) 7-OH-DPAT (10 nmol/1.0 A mu l/side) before two training sessions (Experiment 2a) or a CR session (Experiment 2b). For Experiments 1a and 1b, the CS+ group preferred the CR+ lever across all sessions. Conditioned alcove approach during 1 or 2 training sessions or associated CR tests was low and nonspecific. In Experiment 2a, R(+) 7-OH-DPAT before training greatly diminished lever pressing during a subsequent CR test, preferentially on the CR+ lever. For Experiment 2b, R(+) 7-OH-DPAT infusions before the CR test also reduced lever pressing. Manipulations of amygdala dopamine impact the earliest stage of learning in which emotional reactions may be most prevalent

    The use of quality information by general practitioners: does it alter choices? A randomized clustered study

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    Background: Following the introduction of elements of managed competition in the Netherlands in 2006, General Practitioners (GPs) and patients were given the role to select treatment hospital using public quality information. In this study we investigate to what extent hospital preferences of GP's are affected by performance indicators on medical effectiveness and patient experiences. We selected three conditions: breast cancer, cataract surgery, and hip and knee replacement. Methods. After an inquiry 26 out of 226 GPs in the region signed up to participate in our study. After a 2:1 randomization, we analyzed the referral patterns in the region using three groups of GPs: GPs (n=17) who used the report cards and received personal clarification, GPs that signed up for the study but were assigned to the control group (n=9), and the GPs outside the study (n=200).We conducted a difference in differences analysis where the choice for a particular hospital was the dependent variable and time (2009 or 2010), the sum score of the CQI, the sum score of the PI's and dummy variables for the individual hospitals were used as independent variables. Results: The analysis of the conditions together and cataract surgery and hip and knee replacement separately, showed no significant relationships between the scores on the report cards and the referral patterns of the GPs. For breast cancer our analysis revealed that GPs in the intervention group refer 1.0% (p=0.01) more to hospitals that score one percent point better on the indicators for medical effectiveness. Conclusion: Our study provides empirical evidence that GP referral patterns were unaffected by the available quality information, except for the outcome indicators for breast cancer care that were presented. This finding was surprising since our study was designed to identify changes in hospital preference (1) amongst the most motivated GP's, (2) that received personal clarification of the performance indicators, and (3) selected indicators/conditions from a large set of indicators that they believed were most important. This finding may differ when quality information is based on outcome indicators with a clinically relevant difference, as shown by our indicators for breast cancer treatment. We believe that the current set of (largely process) hospital quality indicators do not serve the GP's information needs and consequently quality plays little role in the selection of hospitals for treatment. © 2013 Ikkersheim and Koolman; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Semi-viviparous embryo development and dehydrin expression in the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Lam.

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    Rhizophora mucronata Lam. is a tropical mangrove with semi-viviparous (cotyledon body protrusion before shedding), non-quiescent and non-desiccating (recalcitrant) seeds. As recalcitrance has been thought to relate to the absence of desiccation-related proteins such as dehydrins, we for the first time systematically described and classified embryogenesis in R. mucronata and assessed the presence of dehydrin-like proteins. Embryogenesis largely follows the classic pattern till stage eight, the torpedo stage, with the formation of a cotyledonary body. Ovule and embryo express radical adaptations to semi-vivipary in the saline environment: (1) A large, highly vacuolated and persistent endosperm without noticeable food reserves that envelopes the developing embryo. (2) Absence of vascular tissue connections between embryo and maternal tissue, but, instead, transfer layers in between endosperm and integument and endosperm and embryo. Dehydrin-like proteins (55–65 kDa) were detected by the Western analysis, in the ovules till stage 10 when the integuments are dehisced. An additional 50 kDa band was detected at stages 6–8. Together these results suggest a continuous flow of water with nutrients from the integument via the endosperm to the embryo, circumventing the vascular route and probably suppressing the initially induced dehydrin expression