59 research outputs found


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    Teaching learning process in laboratory is obligatory in engineering education especially for course in information technology (IT).  To make laboratory activities become more interesting for the students, lecturers must build application-based exercise for the student, but after students accomplished their short exercise, it is found that lecturers got difficulty to compile and grade all the exercises. This paper is based on the idea how to overcome the problem above, in order to make activities in the laboratory comfortable for both lectures and student. It is expected that the lectures will able to fully control all practical activity and save the time automatically. To make approach to solve the problem in IT, a modeling process must be conducted first. There for, firstly, this paper explain the model approach for the problem above, then the IT design for practices in laboratory is described. The IT design to overcome the problem has been effectively applied in the real teaching learning process


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    The application of affectiveeducation forcollegestudent cannotbe explicitlydone bylecturers or parents alone, butneeds aspecial strategyin order to havea significant impact on their character development. Based on experience in the relevant fields, the impact of affectiveeducationis oftenoverlookedby teachersand researchersbecause they thoughtthe affectivedomainis verydifficult to measureandhighlydependentonotherfactors. This paperpresents someimplementationstrategiesbased on theaffectivedomain ofliterature reviewtofind astrategy to implementthe affectivedomainforcollegestudent groups. The results ofthis studyis expected tobe afoundation forfutureempiricalresearch


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    Online customer relationship management (CRM) implementation is becoming such terrifying activity for most firms, especially those which are categorized as SME (Small and Medium size Enterprise). Since that SME often lack of technical expertise and they really care for cost spending especially in internet connection cost. However, those barriers actually can be released when its implementation is being done with proper technology that can reduce cost while it will not reduce customer satisfaction in using online CRM. This paper tries to explain online CRM implementation in SME that will break all worries of SME’s management. On the other hand, brief literature review can bring clear explanation for importance of online CRM implementation in many level of industry


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    Remote form field fillin usually being done by institutions for many purposes. Common method that has been used for remote form field fillin  in a web page. However, in many cases, there are abundant difficulties to do this job such as : slow or limited internet connection. Therefore some users can not fill the form easily. To resolve this problem, this research tried to solve remote form field fillin with secure login using Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web Service. XML Web Service itself is being injected in Visual Basic for Application at Microsoft Word document.  Microsoft Word document was chosen because its flexibility and its widespread usage in Indonesian users, and also the consideration of easiness in applying disconnected concept  in it.  While XML Web Service can do submitting process for remote form field fillin, it also can server severe security in data trasfer process

    Implementasi RSS Pada Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi Dalam Tim Virtual

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    Virtual team collaboration in information system project has always been such catastrophe for project manager. There are abundant of constraints that will come across in implementation process. Especially in a project, that needs to be done efficiently. Using push technology such RSS, hopefully, will help project manager to rearrange his team into such strong collaboration system. This paper will promote RSS implementation in such global scale information system project using virtual team, based on RSS as one of the kind push technology that can help all team members to keep updating project progress

    Decoding the Magic Formula: Navigating the Complex World of Stock Trading

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    Stock trading is complicated and risky. Investors' conditions, aspirations, and viewpoints shape their journeys. This article examines stock trading and investing, focusing on Joel Greenblatt's "The Little Book That Beats the Market" and "Magic Formula" investment technique. Greenblatt's book argues that stock trading is better than saving. The "Magic Formula" focuses on return on capital and earnings yield and is simple but effective. The Magic Formula helps investors find cheap, high-quality firms by evaluating them by these two ratios. The Magic Formula, like every investment approach, has limitations. Its success depends on the investor's goals, risk tolerance, and situation. The Magic Formula works for some investors but not others. This emphasizes the need of personalizing one's financial approach and knowing that one size does not fit all. Greenblatt also stresses the significance of knowing and believing in the Magic Formula, even when it seems to be failing. He believes that effective investing requires both picking the correct companies and sticking to your strategy, even when it's hard. This emphasizes the significance of patience and discipline in investing, which are often neglected but essential for long-term success. The Magic Formula is one of several investment techniques and theories, each with its own assumptions, methods, and risk profiles. From buy-and-hold to complicated quantitative models, these methods cover it all. Investors' goals, risk tolerance, and circumstances should determine their strategy.  In conclusion, stock trading demands cautious navigation and intelligent decision-making. Joel Greenblatt's Magic Formula helps guide investors. Its effectiveness depends on the investor and is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Thus, each individual must establish their own stock trading success route with the correct knowledge, method, and mindset

    Implementasi Profil Multimedia SMK Nurul Haromain Pujon

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    SMK Nurul terletak di Pujon, Kabupaten Malang yang berbatasan langsung dengan kotamadya Batu, juga memiliki lokasi yang cukup nyaman dengan dikelilingi oleh area persawahan serta pemandangan pegunungan, namun tetap dekat dengan akses jalan raya. SMK tersebut merupakan bagian dari Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haromain, sehingga proses belajar mengajar yang ada didalamnya memiliki integrasi dengan akhlak Al Quran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Meski telah berdiri lama, namun masih memiliki siswa antara 20 – 40 per tahun dengan dua jurusan yang dimiliki, yakni tata busana dan Teknik Komputer Jaringan, maka pihak sekolah berniat untuk melakukan inovasi dalam proses promosi penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) di tahun ajaran berikutnya. Salah satu proses promosi yang akan ditempuh adalah melalui pemasangan iklan dan sebaran informasi melalui internet. Profil multimedia berupa video singkat dengan alokasi waktu antara 3 hingga 5 menit bertujuan untuk menunjang kepentingan proses promosi dalam PPDB. Video profile juga dapat menjadi sarana komunikasi satu arah yang sangat efektif bagi pihak sekolah dengan stakeholders seperti dewan pengawas sekolah, pihak yayasan maupun orang tua siswa. Selain itu juga dapat menjadi sarana pengikat bagi para alumni untuk bisa menyebarluaskan informasi yang tepat mengenai keunggulan kompetitif atau competitive advantage dari almamater kepada khalayak secara luas. Sehingga hal tersebut dapat menjadi justifikasi mengenai kepentingan pembuatan video profile ini bagi SMK Nurul Haromain..&nbsp

    Groupware Untuk Pengelolaan Dan Penjadwalan Kegiatan Pemeriksaan Pajak (Studi Kasus: Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Malang Selatan)

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    Modernisasi perpajakan yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak merupakan wujud dari reformasi perpajakan yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2002. Dalam penerapannya, salah satu seksi pada KPP Pratama yaitu seksi Pemeriksaan dan Kepatuhan Internal (RIKI) menerapkan integrasi sistem dalam proses bisnisnya. Pemeriksaan pajak harus melewati tahapan proses dengan menggunakan administrasi surat-menyurat sesuai prosedur yang telah ditetapkan. Penyelesaian kegiatan pemeriksaan pajak dengan tepat waktu menjadi indikator kedisiplinan kinerja suatu KPP Pratama yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Kementrian Keuangan setiap tahunnya. Dalam alur kerja, sering terjadi kerancuan dokumen dan terjadi kesalahpahaman antar tim fungsional pemeriksa karena dokumen tidak terdistribusi dengan baik. Karenanya dibutuhkan pengembangan groupware pada pengelolaan dan penjadwalan kegiatan pemeriksaan pajak agar terintegrasi. Melalui groupware, KPP Pratama (dengan menggunakan studi kasus KPP Pratama Malang Selatan) menerapkan workflow untuk mengontrol alur dokumen agar sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku. Aplikasi yang dibuat  dapat memfasilitasi tim fungsional pemeriksaan pajak untuk dapat bekerja sama antar tim dengan lebih baik, menyelesaikan pemeriksaan dengan efektif, tepat waktu serta efisien dengan pengintegrasian antara web pengelolaan dengan  aplikasi perkantoran (Microsoft Word) menggunakan XML Web Service

    Pelatihan Videografi Balai Latihan Kerja Al Ittihad dengan Model Project Based Learning

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    The pandemic outbreak has had an impact on the field of employment in general, so the Al Ittihad BLK (Balai Latihan Kerja or Work Training Centre) is trying to improve the digital skills of the learning participants to be more competitive during and after the pandemic. BLK, whose participants are the majority of alumni from the Al Ittihad Islamic boarding school, is expected to get additional ability to increase competitiveness in the world of work. The Ma Chung University community service team, which had discussed in a brainstorming session with the BLK managers, then agreed to provide videography training with the PBL (Project Based Learning) model with the assumption that the model was better able to increase the enthusiasm for learning and optimize the creative potential of the participants. The training, which was carried out offline for a limited time in the Poncokusumo area, Malang Regency, was proven to be able to improve the skills of the participants in learning and more visible learning outcomes based on the video project made by the participants. So it can be concluded that the implementation of the PBL model in this training process can be more effective in the limited training period

    Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Efektivitas Produksi BerbasisWeb (Studi Kasus : PT. Beiersdorf Indonesia)

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    The effectiveness of the production is a must knowledge in a manufacture company, because it is closelylinked to the success level of a company, if effectiveness reaching high level, it will lead to be successful interms of meeting production targets. It is also happened at PT Beiersdorf Indonesia which requires method tomeasure the effectiveness of production in their companies, particularly in Elastoplast production division.PT Beiersdorf Indonesia requires certain method IPC computerized checklist which the system can giveinformation related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of production. Based upon these problems, it is clearlystated that they need to use innovation in Effectiveness Level Measurement Information System Production.This information system is designed to help the all involved employees the process, documenting, and directlycontrols the activity of production. in this study, by creating the new system will help the company to conductan evaluation of the production process
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