430 research outputs found

    Properties of Mosquito Repellent-Plasticized Poly(lactic acid) Strands

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Thermal and Rheological Characterization of Polymeric Materials[Abstract] Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is an attractive candidate for replacing petrochemical polymers because it is fully biodegradable. This study investigated the potential of PLA as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative material that can be developed into commercially viable wearable mosquito repellent devices with desirable characteristics. PLA strands containing DEET and IR3535 were prepared by twin screw extrusion compounding and simultaneously functioned as plasticizers for the polymer. The plasticizing effect was investigated by thermal and rheological studies. DSC studies showed that the addition of DEET and IR3535 into PLA strands reduced the glass transition temperature consistent with predictions of the Fox equation, thus proving their efficiency as plasticizers. The rheology of molten samples of neat PLA and PLA/repellents blends, evaluated at 200 °C, was consistent with shear-thinning pseudoplastic behaviour. Raman studies revealed a nonlinear concentration gradient for DEET in the PLA strand, indicating non-Fickian Type II transport controlling the desorption process. Release data obtained at 50 °C showed initial rapid release followed by a slower, near constant rate at longer times. The release rate data were fitted to a novel modification of the Peppas-Sahlin desorption modelThis work was financially supported from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany [Grant number AN 212/22-2] and University of Pretoria (UP) Postdoctoral Fellowship programme. The research has been also supported by Spanish MINECO grant MTM2017-82724-R through the ERDFDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); AN 212/22-2https://www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules/special_issues/Thermal_Rheological_Polymeric_Material

    USA Observation of Spectral and Timing Evolution During the 2000 Outburst of XTE J1550-564

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    We report on timing and spectral observations of the 2000 outburst of XTE J1550-564 made by the Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) Experiment on board the Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite (ARGOS). We observe a low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation (LFQPO) with a centroid frequency that tends to increase with increasing flux and a fractional rms amplitude which is correlated with the hardness ratio. The evolution of the hardness ratio (4--16 keV/1--4 keV) with time and source flux is examined. The hardness-intensity diagram (HID) shows a cyclical movement in the clockwise direction and possibly indicates the presence of two independent accretion flows. We observe a relationship between the USA 4--16 keV count rate and radio observations and discuss this in the context of previously observed correlations between X-ray, radio, optical and IR data. We examine our results in the context of models invoking two accretion flows: a thin disk and a hot sub-Keplerian flow.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Initial low/hard state, multiple jet ejections and X-ray/radio correlations during the outburst of XTE J1859+226

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    We have studied the 1999 soft X-ray transient outburst of XTE J1859+226 at radio and X-ray wavelengths. The event was characterised by strong variability in the disc, corona and jet - in particular, a number of radio flares (ejections) took place and seemed well-correlated with hard X-ray events. Apparently unusual for the `canonical soft' X-ray transient, there was an initial period of low/hard state behaviour during the rise from quiescence but prior to the peak of the main outburst - we show that not only could this initial low/hard state be an ubiquitous feature of soft X-ray transient outbursts but that it could also be extremely important in our study of outburst mechanisms.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Measurements of the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission at Intermediate Galactic Latitudes

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    The diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission is produced by cosmic rays (CRs) interacting with the interstellar gas and radiation field. Measurements by the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instrument on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory indicated excess gamma-ray emission > 1 GeV relative to diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission models consistent with directly measured CR spectra (the so-called ``EGRET GeV excess''). The excess emission was observed in all directions on the sky, and a variety of explanations have been proposed, including beyond-the-Standard-Model scenarios like annihilating or decaying dark matter. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has measured the diffuse gamma-ray emission with improved sensitivity and resolution compared to EGRET. We report on LAT measurements of the diffuse gamma-ray emission for energies 100 MeV to 10 GeV and Galactic latitudes 10 deg. <= |b| <= 20 deg. The LAT spectrum for this region of the sky is well reproduced by a diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission model that is consistent with local CR spectra and inconsistent with the EGRET GeV excess.Comment: 2 figures, 1 table, accepted by Physical Review Letters, available online Dec. 18th, 200

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Cosmic-Ray Induced gamma-ray Emission of the Earth's Atmosphere

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    We report on measurements of the cosmic-ray induced gamma-ray emission of Earth's atmosphere by the Large Area Telescope onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The LAT has observed the Earth during its commissioning phase and with a dedicated Earth-limb following observation in September 2008. These measurements yielded 6.4 x 10^6 photons with energies >100MeV and ~250hours total livetime for the highest quality data selection. This allows the study of the spatial and spectral distributions of these photons with unprecedented detail. The spectrum of the emission - often referred to as Earth albedo gamma-ray emission - has a power-law shape up to 500 GeV with spectral index Gamma = 2.79+-0.06.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Constraints on dark matter models from a Fermi LAT search for high-energy cosmic-ray electrons from the Sun

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    During its first year of data taking, the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope has collected a large sample of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons and positrons (CREs). We present the results of a directional analysis of the CRE events, in which we searched for a flux excess correlated with the direction of the Sun. Two different and complementary analysis approaches were implemented, and neither yielded evidence of a significant CRE flux excess from the Sun. We derive upper limits on the CRE flux from the Sun's direction, and use these bounds to constrain two classes of dark matter models which predict a solar CRE flux: (1) models in which dark matter annihilates to CREs via a light intermediate state, and (2) inelastic dark matter models in which dark matter annihilates to CREs.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review D - contact authors: Francesco Loparco ([email protected]), M. Nicola Mazziotta ([email protected]) and Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins ([email protected]

    Fermi LAT Observation of Diffuse Gamma-Rays Produced Through Interactions between Local Interstellar Matter and High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Observations by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the \textit{Fermi} mission of diffuse γ\gamma-rays in a mid-latitude region in the third quadrant (Galactic longitude ll from 200\arcdeg to 260\arcdeg and latitude b| b | from 22\arcdeg to 60\arcdeg) are reported. The region contains no known large molecular cloud and most of the atomic hydrogen is within 1 kpc of the solar system. The contributions of γ\gamma-ray point sources and inverse Compton scattering are estimated and subtracted. The residual γ\gamma-ray intensity exhibits a linear correlation with the atomic gas column density in energy from 100 MeV to 10 GeV. The measured integrated γ\gamma-ray emissivity is (1.63 \pm 0.05) \times 10^{-26} {\rm photons s^{-1} sr^{-1} H\mathchar`-atom^{-1}} and (0.66 \pm 0.02) \times 10^{-26} {\rm photons s^{-1} sr^{-1} H\mathchar`-atom^{-1}} above 100 MeV and above 300 MeV, respectively, with additional systematic error of 10\sim 10%. The differential emissivity in 100 MeV--10 GeV agrees with calculations based on cosmic ray spectra consistent with those directly measured, at the 10% level. The results obtained indicate that cosmic ray nuclei spectra within 1 kpc from the solar system in regions studied are close to the local interstellar spectra inferred from direct measurements at the Earth within 10\sim 10%.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Revised according to the author proof.(correction of typos and minor revisions

    Fermi LAT Observations of LS I +61 303: First detection of an orbital modulation in GeV Gamma Rays

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    This Letter presents the first results from the observations of LSI +61 303 using Large Area Telescope data from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope between 2008 August and 2009 March. Our results indicate variability that is consistent with the binary period, with the emission being modulated at 26.6 +/- 0.5 days. This constitutes the first detection of orbital periodicity in high-energy gamma rays (20 MeV-100 GeV, HE). The light curve is characterized by a broad peak after periastron, as well as a smaller peak just before apastron. The spectrum is best represented by a power law with an exponential cutoff, yielding an overall flux above 100 MeV of 0.82 +/- 0.03(stat) +/- 0.07(syst) 10^{-6} ph cm^{-2} s^{-1}, with a cutoff at 6.3 +/- 1.1(stat) +/- 0.4(syst) GeV and photon index Gamma = 2.21 +/- 0.04(stat) +/- 0.06(syst). There is no significant spectral change with orbital phase. The phase of maximum emission, close to periastron, hints at inverse Compton scattering as the main radiation mechanism. However, previous very high-energy gamma ray (>100 GeV, VHE) observations by MAGIC and VERITAS show peak emission close to apastron. This and the energy cutoff seen with Fermi suggest the link between HE and VHE gamma rays is nontrivial.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters 21 July 200

    Fermi Observations of the Very Hard Gamma-ray Blazar PG 1553+113

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    We report the observations of PG 1553+113 during the first ~200 days of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope science operations, from 4 August 2008 to 22 February 2009 (MJD 54682.7-54884.2). This is the first detailed study of PG 1553+113 in the GeV gamma-ray regime and it allows us to fill a gap of three decades in energy in its spectral energy distribution. We find PG 1553+113 to be a steady source with a hard spectrum that is best fit by a simple power-law in the Fermi energy band. We combine the Fermi data with archival radio, optical, X-ray and very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray data to model its broadband spectral energy distribution and find that a simple, one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model provides a reasonable fit. PG 1553+113 has the softest VHE spectrum of all sources detected in that regime and, out of those with significant detections across the Fermi energy bandpass so far, the hardest spectrum in that energy regime. Thus, it has the largest spectral break of any gamma-ray source studied to date, which could be due to the absorption of the intrinsic gamma-ray spectrum by the extragalactic background light (EBL). Assuming this to be the case, we selected a model with a low level of EBL and used it to absorb the power-law spectrum from PG 1553+113 measured with Fermi (200 MeV - 157 GeV) to find the redshift which gave the best fit to the measured VHE data (90 GeV - 1.1 TeV) for this parameterisation of the EBL. We show that this redshift can be considered an upper limit on the distance to PG 1553+113.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (28 pages, 5 figures

    Search for extended gamma-ray emission from the Virgo galaxy cluster with Fermi-LAT

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    Galaxy clusters are one of the prime sites to search for dark matter (DM) annihilation signals. Depending on the substructure of the DM halo of a galaxy cluster and the cross sections for DM annihilation channels, these signals might be detectable by the latest generation of γ\gamma-ray telescopes. Here we use three years of Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) data, which are the most suitable for searching for very extended emission in the vicinity of nearby Virgo galaxy cluster. Our analysis reveals statistically significant extended emission which can be well characterized by a uniformly emitting disk profile with a radius of 3\deg that moreover is offset from the cluster center. We demonstrate that the significance of this extended emission strongly depends on the adopted interstellar emission model (IEM) and is most likely an artifact of our incomplete description of the IEM in this region. We also search for and find new point source candidates in the region. We then derive conservative upper limits on the velocity-averaged DM pair annihilation cross section from Virgo. We take into account the potential γ\gamma-ray flux enhancement due to DM sub-halos and its complex morphology as a merging cluster. For DM annihilating into bbb\overline{b}, assuming a conservative sub-halo model setup, we find limits that are between 1 and 1.5 orders of magnitude above the expectation from the thermal cross section for mDM100GeVm_{\mathrm{DM}}\lesssim100\,\mathrm{GeV}. In a more optimistic scenario, we exclude σv3×1026cm3s1\langle \sigma v \rangle\sim3\times10^{-26}\,\mathrm{cm^{3}\,s^{-1}} for mDM40GeVm_{\mathrm{DM}}\lesssim40\,\mathrm{GeV} for the same channel. Finally, we derive upper limits on the γ\gamma-ray-flux produced by hadronic cosmic-ray interactions in the inter cluster medium. We find that the volume-averaged cosmic-ray-to-thermal pressure ratio is less than 6%\sim6\%.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ; corresponding authors: T. Jogler, S. Zimmer & A. Pinzk