653 research outputs found

    Automated calibration of a flight particle spectrometer

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    A system for calibrating both electron and ion imaging particle spectrometers was devised to calibrate flight instruments in a large vacuum facility in the Space Science Laboratory at the Marshall Space Flight Center. An IBM-compatible computer was used to control, via an IEEE 488 buss protocol, a two-axis gimbled table, constructed to fit inside the tank. Test settings of various diagnostic voltages were also acquired via the buss. These spectrometers constructed by the author at UCSD were calibrated in an automatic procedure programmed on the small computer. Data was up-loaded to the SSL VAX where a program was developed to plot the results

    International Solar-Terrestrial Program Data Processing Consortium

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    The present conception of the data processing scheme is described including the Main Processing Units (MPU) and Satellite Processing Units (SPU) which will acquire the data for the instruments presently planned in the International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Project

    Numerical Algorithm for Detecting Ion Diffusion Regions in the Geomagnetic Tail with Applications to MMS Tail Season May 1 -- September 30, 2017

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    We present a numerical algorithm aimed at identifying ion diffusion regions (IDRs) in the geomagnetic tail, and test its applicability. We use 5 criteria applied in three stages. (i) Correlated reversals (within 90 s) of Vx and Bz (at least 2 nT about zero; GSM coordinates); (ii) Detection of Hall electric and magnetic field signatures; and (iii) strong (>10 mV/m) electric fields. While no criterion alone is necessary and sufficient, the approach does provide a robust, if conservative, list of IDRs. We use data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) spacecraft during a 5-month period (May 1 to September 30, 2017) of near-tail orbits during the declining phase of the solar cycle. We find 148 events satisfying step 1, 37 satisfying steps 1 and 2, and 17 satisfying all three, of which 12 are confirmed as IDRs. All IDRs were within the X-range [-24, -15] RE mainly on the dusk sector and the majority occurred during traversals of a tailward-moving X-line. 11 of 12 IDRs were on the dusk-side despite approximately equal residence time in both the pre- and post-midnight sectors (56.5% dusk vs 43.5% dawn). MMS could identify signatures of 4 quadrants of the Hall B-structure in 3 events and 3 quadrants in 7 of the remaining 12 confirmed IDRs identified. The events we report commonly display Vx reversals greater than 400 km/s in magnitude, normal magnetic field reversals often >10 nT in magnitude, maximum DC |E| which are often well in excess of the threshold for stage 3. Our results are then compared with the set of IDRs identified by visual examination from Cluster in the years 2000-2005.Comment: In Submission at JGR:Space Physic

    Anomalously high potentials observed on ISEE

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    Data from two electric field experiments and from the plasma composition experiment on ISEE-1 are used to show that the spacecraft charged to close to -70 V in sunlight at 0700 UT on March 17, 1978. Data from the electron spectrometer experiment show that there was a potential barrier of -10 to -20 V about the spacecraft during this event. The potential barrier was effective in turning back emitted photoelectrons to the spacecraft. The stringent electrostatic cleanliness specifications imposed on ISEE make the presence of differential charging unlikely. Modeling of this event is required to determine if the barrier was produced by the presence of space charge

    Observational aspects of IMF draping-related magnetosheath accelerations for northward IMF

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    Acceleration of magnetosheath plasma resulting from the draping of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) around the magnetosphere can give rise to flow speeds that exceed that of the solar wind (VSW) by up to ~60%. Three case event studies out of 34 identified events are described. We then present a statistical study of draping-related accelerations in the magnetosheath. Further, we compare the results with the recent theory of Erkaev et al. (2011, 2012). We present a methodology to help distinguish draping-related accelerations from those caused by magnetic reconnection. To rule out magnetopause reconnection at low latitudes, we focus mainly on the positive Bz phase during the passage of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), as tabulated in Richardson and Cane (2010) for 1997–2009, and adding other events from 2010. To avoid effects of high-latitude reconnection poleward of the cusp, we also consider spacecraft observations made at low magnetic latitudes. We study the effect of upstream Alfvén Mach number (MA) and magnetic local time (MLT) on the speed ratio V/VSW. The comparison with theory is good. Namely, (i) flow speed ratios above unity occur behind the dawn–dusk terminator, (ii) those below unity occur on the dayside magnetosheath, and (iii) there is a good general agreement in the dependence of the V ratio on MA

    A Vortical Dawn Flank Boundary Layer for Near-Radial IMF: Wind Observations on 24 October 2001

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    We present an example of a boundary layer tailward of the dawn terminator which is entirely populated by rolled-up flow vortices. Observations were made by Wind on 24 October 2001 as the spacecraft moved across the region at the X plane approximately equal to 13 Earth radii. Interplanetary conditions were steady with a near-radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Approximately 15 vortices were observed over the 1.5 hours duration of Wind's crossing, each lasting approximately 5 min. The rolling up is inferred from the presence of a hot tenuous plasma being accelerated to speeds higher than in the adjoining magnetosheath, a circumstance which has been shown to be a reliable signature of this in single-spacecraft observations. A blob of cold dense plasma was entrained in each vortex, at whose leading edge abrupt polarity changes of field and velocity components at current sheets were regularly observed. In the frame of the average boundary layer velocity, the dense blobs were moving predominantly sunward and their scale size along the X plane was approximately 7.4 Earth radii. Inquiring into the generation mechanism of the vortices, we analyze the stability of the boundary layer to sheared flows using compressible magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz theory with continuous profiles for the physical quantities. We input parameters from (i) the exact theory of magnetosheath flow under aligned solar wind field and flow vectors near the terminator and (ii) the Wind data. It is shown that the configuration is indeed Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) unstable. This is the first reported example of KH-unstable waves at the magnetopause under a radial IMF

    EMIC Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere: Observations of an Off-Equator Source Region.

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    Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves at large L shells were observed away from the magnetic equator by the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission nearly continuously for over four hours on 28 October 2015. During this event, the wave Poynting vector direction systematically changed from parallel to the magnetic field (toward the equator), to bidirectional, to antiparallel (away from the equator). These changes coincide with the shift in the location of the minimum in the magnetic field in the southern hemisphere from poleward to equatorward of MMS. The local plasma conditions measured with the EMIC waves also suggest that the outer magnetospheric region sampled during this event was generally unstable to EMIC wave growth. Together, these observations indicate that the bidirectionally propagating wave packets were not a result of reflection at high latitudes but that MMS passed through an off-equator EMIC wave source region associated with the local minimum in the magnetic field

    Alfvén waves in the near-PSBL lobe: Cluster observations

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    Electromagnetic low-frequency waves in the magnetotail lobe close to the PSBL (Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer) are studied using the Cluster spacecraft. The lobe waves show Alfvénic properties and transport their wave energy (Poynting flux) on average toward the Earth along magnetic field lines. Most of the wave events are rich with oxygen (O+) ion plasma. The rich O+ plasma can serve to enhance the magnetic field fluctuations, resulting in a greater likelihood of observation, but it does not appear to be necessary for the generation of the waves. Taking into account the fact that all events are associated with auroral electrojet enhancements, the source of the lobe waves might be a substorm-associated instability, i.e. some instability near the reconnection site, or an ion beam-related instability in the PSBL