132 research outputs found


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    Pungutan liar merupakan Tindakan pidana yang sering terjadi di kalangan masyarakat terutama di sektor pelayanan publik.Pelaku pungutan liar dari kalangan pegawai negeri dan pejabat negara dengan meminta minta kepada masyarakat di luar ketentuan biaya yang sudah ada. Tindak korupsi terjadi karena praktek kekuaasan yang monopolistik dengan peluang untuk melakukan Tindakan diskresi yang cukup besar, tetapi tidak ada pengawasan yang meamadai melalui kinerja sistem akuntabilititas. Wajar apabila di Indonesia korupsi merajalelah terlebih dalam pelayanan sektor public yang hampir semuanya menggunakan pendekatan monopoli. Pungli sebenarnya sudah menjadi sebuah gejala sosial yang keberadaanya telah ada sejak Indonesia masih dalam masa penjajahan dan bahkan jauh sebelum itu, bisa dikatakan kalau pungutan liar sudah menjadi budaya dalam kehidupan masyarakat terutama dalam sebuah sistem pelayanan publik. Oknum tersangka dalam tindakan pungutan liar adalah pegawai negeri atau pejabat negara dengan modus operandi yang dilakukan membuat masyarakat dipaksa membayar sejumlah uang untuk menjadi pelicin segala bentuk proses dan mengakibatkan kinerja birokrasi menjadi buruk. Dalam hal ini Pelaku Pungutan liar akan di hukum menurut Undang-Undang No Tahun 2001 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi.   Kata Kunci : Pungutan liar, Sektor Pelayanan Publik, Undang- Undang No 20 Tahun 200

    Analysis of Information Quality at Klabat University’s Academic Information System

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    Academic Information System of Klabat University (SIAU) is an information system used in Klabat University to record academic information but the information quality of SIAU has not been measure. Goal of this research is to measure and to know what variable has affected the information quality of SIAU. In measuring, researchers used six variables from Cobit 5 as independent variables and quality as dependent variable. The six independent variables are: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Confidentiality, Availability, Compliance, and Reliability. Sample of this research is students in each faculty and is done by distributing questionnaires. Researchers used SPSS version 24 to perform calculations. As result, Effectiveness doesn’t influence SIAU while the other variables influence SIAU because they have Significan smaller than 0.05. But, simultaneously of all independent variables have influenced dependent variable about 34,6%. In conclusion, simultaneously the quality of information produced by SIAU doesn’t have good quality, therefore the quality of information SIAU need to be improved and developed

    Strategi Pemerintah Indonesia Terhadap Perlindungan Masyarakat Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao, Filipina Selatan

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    Problematika perbatasan Indonesia - Filipina, yang mengacu pada aktivitas lintas batas, menciptakan permasalahan status kewarganegaraan. Terkhusus kepada Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao, Filipina Selatan yang berjumlah 8.745 orang (warga dari Sangihe - Talaud). Bagaimana kemudian strategi pemerintah Indonesia dalam menangani permasalahan perlindungan terhadap Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao?. Penelitian ini menggunakan welfare state theory sebagai acuan analisis sikap pemerintah Indonesia untuk pengambilan langkah terhadap perlindungan Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao, penelitian ini juga menggunakan konsep kewarganegaraan yang diambil dari hukum atau konstitusi Indonesia maupun Filipina untuk memudahkan alur pikir dalam melihat permasalahan status kewarganegaraan Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao. Penelitian ini kemudian menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan historiografis antara warga Sangihe - Talaud, dengan warga Mindanao, sebagai dasar pemahaman sumber permasalahan lintas batas dan status kewarganegaraan. Selain itu penelitian ini juga kemudian menjelaskan Joint Commision for Bilateral Cooperation Indonesia - Filipina 2014 yang menjadi momen terciptanya Mandatory Consular Notification dan program Pendaftaran dan Konfirmasi WNI, yang mana kedua instrumen tersebut adalah jalur pemerintah Indonesia untuk menciptakan perlindungan yang sustainable dan masif terhadap Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Filipina. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa, pemerintah Indonesia dengan segala kompetensinya, menciptakan akses terhadap perlindungan Warga Keturunan Indonesia di Mindanao, melalui JCBC Indonesia - Filipina 2014, dan untuk hasil maksimal atas tugas perlindungan pemerintah Indonesia, maka Warga Keturunan Indonesia perlu mendapatkan status WNI sehingga dapat terhubung dengan segala akses jaminan kesejahteraan sebagai perlindungan.The Indonesia - Philippines border problem, which refers to cross-border activities, creates problems of citizenship status. Especially for Persons of Indonesian Descent in Mindanao, Southern Philippines, included 8,745 people (Sangihe - Talaud). What is the Indonesian government's strategy in dealing with the problem of protecting Persons of Indonesian Descent in Mindanao?. This study uses welfare state theory as a reference for analyzing the strategy of the Indonesian government to take steps towards the protection of Indonesian Descent in Mindanao, this research also uses the citizenship concept, taken from Indonesian and Philippines constitutions, to facilitate understanding in looking at issues of citizenship status of PIDs. This study then explains the historiographical relationship between the Sangihe - Talaud residents, and the Mindanao people, as basis to understanding the sources of cross-border problems and citizenship status. This research also explains the 2014 Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines, which became the moment for the creation of the Mandatory Consular Notification and the Pendaftaran dan Konfirmasi WNI Program, both agreement are the Indonesian government's path to create sustainable and massive protection for PID in Philippines. Results of this study reveal that, the Indonesian government with all its power, creates access to the protection of PIDs in Mindanao, through JCBC Indonesia - Philippines 2014, and for maximum protection duties, Indonesian Citizens need to obtain citizenship status as WNI, so they can connected with all access to welfare insurance as protection

    Using ontologies in the domain analysis of domain-specific languages

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    The design stage of domain-specific language development, which includes domain analysis, has not received as much attention compared to the subsequentstage of language implementation. This paper investigates the use of ontology in domain analysis for the development of a domain-specific language. The standard process of ontology development is investigated as an aid to determine the pertinent information regarding the domain (e.g., the conceptualization of the domain and the common and variable elements of the domain) that should be modeled in a language for the domain. Our observations suggest that ontology assists in the initial phase of domain understanding and can be combined with further formal domain analysis methods during the development of a domain-specific language

    Single Women’s Potency to Achieve Psychological Well-being

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    This research aims to explore the personal and social context of single women that can contribute to psychological well-being. It is necessary as the percentage of single women has been increasing and previous research showed that single women can achieve happiness in life, despite negative stigma from environment. There is lack of explanation on the process and protective factors, especially in Indonesia. Data collected from forty-one Indonesian single women aged 25-70 years old help us to understand the psychological well-being accomplishment of single women. Respondent were gathered through purposive sampling. An open-ended questionnaire was used as measurement tool. Respondents were tasked to answer about the reason to stay single, emotional experience, thoughts about their life, social judgement toward the status, how they cope with problems, effort to gain a purpose and meaningful life and the reason to be happy. Data gathered were analyzed by a descriptive content analysis. Results showed that personal and social context of single women are potential to support them to achieve psychological well-being

    Phoenix-based clone detection using suffix trees

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    A code clone represents a sequence of statements that are duplicated in multiple locations of a program. Clones often arise in source code as a result of multiple cut/paste operations on the source, or due to the emergence of crosscutting concerns. Programs containing code clones can manifest problems during the maintenance phase. When a fault is found or an update is needed on the original copy of a code section, all similar clones must also be found so that they can be fixed or updated accordingly. The ability to detect clones becomes a necessity when performing maintenance tasks. However, if done manually, clone detection can be a slow and tedious activity that is also error prone. A tool that can automatically detect clones offers a significant advantage during software evolution. With such an automated detection tool, clones can be found and updated in less time. Moreover, restructuring or refactoring of these clones can yield better performance and modularity in the program. This paper describes an investigation into an automatic clone detection technique developed as a plug-in for Microsoft’s new Phoenix framework. Our investigation finds function-level clones in a program using abstract syntax trees (ASTs) and suffix trees. An AST provides the structural representation of the code after the lexical analysis process. The AST nodes are used to generate a suffix tree, which allows analysis on the nodes to be performed rapidly. We use the same methods that have been successfully applied to find duplicate sections in biological sequences to search for matches on the suffix tree that is generated, which in turn reveal matches in the code

    Adaptation and Validation of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) in Indonesian Version

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    The aim of this research is to adapt and validate the Indonesian version of CERQ for adult samples. CERQ consists of nine emotional regulation strategies, with a total of 36 items. CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) was used to analyse the data. The results of the study showed that based on the measurement model using CFA, CERQ totaling 36 items, through the item selection process, the remaining 17 items have high loading factor. Based on the results of the evaluation of the fit of model indicated by the parameters: chi square = 103.115 (p = 0.101), GFI = 0.895, AGFI = 0.814, CFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.967 and RMSEA = 0.044 explaining the existence of good goodness of fit. CERQ Indonesian version also has Composite Reliability (CR) in the range of 0.707-0.925 and AVE in the range of 0.786-0.927, also explaining and providing evidence of good convergent validity. The confirmed CERQ measurement model has a fit model according to empirical data. Thus, the Indonesian version of CERQ is accepted as a measure of emotion regulation, especially for young adult respondents (aged 20-40 years).

    Validation of Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) on Adolescents

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    Abstract The objective of this study is to determine the validity and reliability level of Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) on adolescents in Senior High School of Surabaya city. Participants consisted of 204 students of Senior High School from several regions in Surabaya. They were between 16 and 19 years old. Confirmatory Factors Analysis (CFA) was used for the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) of Robinson, at all (1995). From 62 items in this measurement found 52 items that meet the validity requirements for father's parenting measurement and 52 items that meet the validity requirements for mother's parenting measurement. Keywords: Parenting styles, psychometric validation, adolescence

    Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Proses Belajar Mengajar Di Universitas Airlangga

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    Penelitian ini untuk melihat: 1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan Evaluasi Hasil Belajar (EHB) dan Evaluasi Proses Belajar Mengajar (EPBM) yang diterapkan para dosen di Universitas Airlangga; 2) Apakah ada perbedaan yang berarti dalam pelaksanaan EHB dan PBM antara dosen yang pernah ikut Pelatihan Kualitas Pengajaran (Applied approach) dengan yang belum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menjajagi bagaimana EHB dan EPBM yang diterapkan para dosen di Universitas Airlangga dan melihat apakah ada perbedaan yang berarti dalam pelaksanaan EHB an EPBM antar dosen yang pernah ikut Pelatihan Kualitas Pengajaran (Applied approach) dengan yang belum


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    This research was about the Social Perspective Taking instrument which was adapted from a instrument developed by Diazgranados and friends in 2016, by adjusting the setting of the Indonesian Navy. Procedures used with the cross-cultural adaptation stage started from the process of translating to field testing (Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin, & Ferraz, 2000). Subject involved 120 Navy officers with the rank of major. Sampling using simple random sampling techniques and statistical tests were SEM analysis. The results of the study were all valid items (loading factor> 0.5) and reliable indicators. Goodness of fit model was quite good. This instrument is expected to detect the right candidate for officers and assist the process of preparing officers to become leaders whose decisions are not solely based on knowledge from military education, but also consider perspectives on the thoughts, feelings and behavior of others. The weakness of this instrument is the item in the form of open questions, so it requires more time and effort compared to similar tests with answer choices. Keywords: social perspective taking, instrument, office
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