Online Journal Universitas Advent Indonesia
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    1889 research outputs found

    Sense of Gloominess and Despair in Edgar Allan Poe’s Selected Poems: : An Analytical Approach

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    Edgar Allan Poe's life was plagued by melancholy and disaster, which is evident in all of his writings. Among the many other poets of his generation, his solitude and individuality set him apart from the rest. He gave the Gothic genre a completely new meaning, making it both dark and significant at the same time. First, as an overview is given, of the 19th century, Edgar Allan Poe, and the tragedies that influenced his poetry. This study employs a comprehensive methodology focusing on the close reading of three of Poe's well-known poems: "The Raven," "A Dream within a Dream," and "Alone." By analyzing how sadness and sorrow are portrayed in these poems, the paper investigates the extent to which these emotions impacted Poe's writing. The analytical approach involves delving into the thematic and stylistic nuances of the selected poems, shedding light on the intricate ways in which Poe articulates his emotions. The purpose of this study is to tackle the sense of gloominess and sadness by employing textual and analytical approaches. The significance of the feelings of loss and sorrow in Poe's writings is addressed, drawing connections to Poe's life story. The findings demonstrate that Poe's writings occasionally converge with personal catastrophes, tragedies from his own life, and stories about death sadness, and grief come together on multiple occasions over the course of his demanding career. Concluding that sadness, sorrow, and everything that comes with it were indeed lurking in every one of his statements, this paper contributes to the existing literature by portraying the semi-autobiographical image of the author within the realm of his poetry. The textual and analytical approaches used in this study provide a nuanced understanding of how personal experiences influenced Poe's poetic expression, enriching our comprehension of the intricate relationship between his life and art.

    Application of the React Learning Model in Developing Students' Conceptual Understanding of Inverse Functions

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    Conceptual understanding is the students’ skill to understand and explain the material concept based on their thinking. The researcher's finding in one of the schools in Tangerang shows the low students' conceptual understanding of grade XI on the topic Inverse Function with an average of 39%. Meanwhile, the concept in Mathematics is related to one another and becomes fundamental to solving the mathematics problem. In Mathematics, the concept is like a spiral since it's connected between the new learning and prior knowledge. Thus, the concept of understanding is really important to bridge the next material. Therefore, the solution to solve that issue is by applying the REACT learning model as contextual learning that emphasizes conceptual understanding with constructivism philosophy in each stage. The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the REACT learning model to develop students’ conceptual understanding in Grade XI in the topic Inverse Function with descriptive qualitative research. REACT learning model is started by linking the lesson with a real-world situation or students' prior knowledge (relating), then continued by finding the concept (experiencing), then applying it in solving the problem (applying), which can be done by discussing with teacher and friends (cooperating), then the students solve the Mathematics problem based on the new context for deeper understanding (transferring). By those steps, REACT learning model has been proven to develop students' concept understanding become 70% with high criteria.Pemahaman konsep adalah kemampuan siswa dalam memahami dan menjelaskan konsep materi berdasarkan pemikiran siswa. Temuan penulis di salah satu sekolah di Tangerang menunjukkan rendahnya pemahaman konsep siswa kelas XI pada topik fungsi invers dengan rata-rata pemahaman konsep adalah 39%. Sementara itu, konsep pada topik matematika saling berkaitan dan menjadi landasan berpikir dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika. Tuhan telah menganugerahkan rasio untuk berpikir dan mengembangkan pemahaman agar siswa mengerti keindahan dan keteraturan ciptaan Tuhan dalam ilmu matematika. Oleh sebab itu, solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yakni menerapkan model pembelajaran REACT yang merupakan pembelajaran kontesktual dengan filsafat konstruktivisme sehingga menekankan pemahaman konsep melalui setiap tahapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan penerapan model pembelajaran REACT dalam mengembangkan pemahaman konsep siswa kelas XI pada topik fungsi invers dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah model pembelajaran REACT yang terdiri dari tahap relating (mengaitkan pembelajaran dengan kehidupan nyata atau pengetahuan sebelumnya), experiencing (menemukan konsep), applying (menerapkan konsep dalam penyelesaian latihan soal), cooperating (berdiskusi bersama guru maupun teman), dan transferring (menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika berdasarkan konteks baru untuk pemahaman yang mendalam) dapat mengembangkan rata-rata pemahaman konsep siswa menjadi 70% dengan kriteria tinggi


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    This study aims to evaluate the ability of intellectual capital to predict the performance of banking sector companies in 2018-2021 period using a purposive sampling method. Intellectual capital was measured using the Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient method which considers the elements of Human Capital Efficiency, Structural Capital Efficiency and Capital Employed Efficiency. The results of this study indicated that intellectual capital could predict company performance. The three elements of intellectual capital simultaneously influenced the performance of banking sector companies as measured by return on assets and 84% of the variation in company performance was determined by intellectual capital. Partially, Human Capital Efficiency and Capital Employed Efficiency had a significant positive effect on company performance which stated that the higher the Human Capital Efficiency and Capital Employed Efficiency the better the company performance, while Structural Capital Efficiency had a significant negative effect on company performance stating that the greater the investment in structural capital, the lower the company's performance. Furthermore, it was found that variations in Indonesian banking performance depended heavily on human resources (standardized beta = 0.729), followed by physical and financial assets (standardized beta = 0.207), and finally on structural capital (standardized beta = -0.098). The role of human resources was still very large in the Indonesian banking sector. This study had limitations; therefore, it is recommended for further research to add all non-bank financial sectors because a larger sample size is expected to provide better results. Furthermore, it is recommended that COVID-19 is added as a moderating variable

    Mengidentifikasi Faktor-Faktor Learning Loss pada Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII

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    Long-term home learning can lead to a decline in students' academic knowledge and skills, resulting in a delay in the learning process known as learning loss. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the learning outcomes of junior high school students after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research design used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study consist of 120 students. The study employs purposive sampling technique, resulting in 34 research subjects. Data collection methods include interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Three data analysis techniques are utilized: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study focuses on four issues: preparation for learning, the learning process, learning tools or media, and students' final outcomes. The research findings indicate that the condition of learning loss in eighth-grade students at junior high school is still relatively high. Therefore, it is expected that this research can identify the factors causing the decline in learning among junior high school students with the goal of improving the quality of educationPembelajaran di rumah dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan penurunan pengetahuan dan keterampilan akademik siswa, yang dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan proses pembelajaran yang dikenal dengan istilah learning loss. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki berbagai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa SMP setelah pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Ada 120 siswa yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Studi ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yang menghasilkan sampel akhir sebanyak 34 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, wawancara, observasi, dan angket digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Dalam penelitian ini, ada tiga teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data diantaranya: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. penelitian ini berfokus pada empat masalah seperti persiapan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, media atau alat bantu pembelajaran, dan hasil akhir siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi learning loss pada siswa kelas VIII di SMP Plus Darul Amanah Ciwidey masih tergolong tinggi. Sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini dapat mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan penurunan pembelajaran pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di seluruh Indonesia dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan


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    This study aims to examine the Effect of Convenience, Service Quality and Product Features on Livin By Mandiri Mobile Banking User Satisfaction (Case Study of PT Bank Mandiri Kcp Sumbawa Besar). This study uses a quantitative method with an associative approach. Determination of the sample in this study using the Paul Leddy formula through non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method and obtained a total of 96 research samples. The data analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression analysis and the analysis tool used was the application of the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) 25 for Windows. The results of the analysis in this study showed that convenience did not have a significant effect while service quality partially had a positive effect and significant and product features partially have a positive and significant effect on user satisfactio

    Pengembangan Komik Digital berbasis Canva untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Proporsional Peserta Didik SMP

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    Digital comics are a medium presented in the form of illustrated stories with certain characters which can be used to convey information or messages via electronic media. The aim of this research is to improve the proportional reasoning abilities of junior high school students through learning using Canva-based digital comic media. This type of research is R & D (Research & Develop) with the ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop, implementation, evaluation). The instruments used are test and non-test instruments. The subjects in this research were class VII students at one of the Tasikmalaya Regency Middle Schools. The results of this Research and Development were then analyzed for the effectiveness of the learning media, resulting in a "strong effect" on the learning media used and tested at the pretest and posttest stages.Komik digital merupakan suatu media yang disajikan dalam bentuk cerita bergambar dengan tokoh karakter tertentu yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan melalui media elektronik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran proporsional peserta didik SMP melalui pembelajaran menggunakan media komik digital berbasis canva. Jenis penelitian ini adalah R & D (Research & Develop) dengan dengan model ADDIE (analysis, design, develop, implementation, evaluation). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrument tes dan non tes. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII di salah satu SMP Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan ini yang kemudian dianalisis efektivitas media pembelajaran, mengahasilkan “strong effect” pada media pembelajaran yang digunakan dan diuji pada tahap pretest dan posttest

    BUSINESS PLAN USAHA KULINER OLAHAN DAGING AYAM TASUU KATSU DI KOTA SEMARANG: Analisis kelayakan bisnis dan analisis kelayakan usaha

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    Masyarakat Indoineisia dapat dikatakan masyarakat deingan tingkat koinsumtifnya teirbilang cukup tinggi. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan deingan tingginya minat koinsumsi para masyarakat Indoineisia, mulai makanan hingga pakaian. Semarang merupakan salah satu kota besar yang menjadi lahan tumbuhnya kuliner, khususnya di wilayah Tembalang yang menjadi kawasan padat mahasiswa. Tingginya permintaan kuliner ditandai dengan meningkatnya mahasiswa dan kurangnya ketersediaan warung makan yang murah. Munculnya peluang pasar yang ada saat ini, dapat menjadi peluang usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian untuk melihat analisis lingkungan usaha, kelayakan usaha, serta strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan usaha melalui desain bussiness plan pada usaha Tasuu Katsu. Pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah analisis lingkungan usaha yang dilihat dari segi lingkungan internal maupun segi lingkungan eksternal. Dari segi analisis kelayakan usaha didapatkan hasil bahwa keseluruhan perhitungan BEP dan Payback Period hasilnya bernilai positif sehingga usaha ini dinilai layak untuk dijalankan. Selain itu, Tasuu Katsu telah melakukan strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan usaha melalui desain business plan


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    Assessing the financial performance of a company is important because it can show and measure the extent to which a company's financial condition is through financial statement analysis. Financial statement analysis can be done using several analytical techniques, one of which is financial ratio analysis. This study aims to assess the financial performance of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) using financial ratio analysis. The research method used is descriptive comparative with a quantitative approach. This study utilizes secondary data sources, namely, financial reports for 2018, 2019 and 2020 obtained from the official website of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The data were analyzed using financial ratio analysis and compared with previous years. The financial ratios used are liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios and activity ratios. The results of the study using the liquidity ratio measured using the current ratio and quick (acid-test) ratio indicate that there is poor liquidity performance from year to year. The solvency ratio as measured by the debt to equity and debt to asset ratios shows that the solvency performance is not good and is increasing every year. Profitability ratios measured using net profit margin, return on equity, return on assets and operating profit margins show that profitability performance is not good and is decreasing every year. The activity ratio shows that activity performance is decreasing as seen from total asset turnover and fixed asset turnover. The four groups of ratios show a declining financial performance from year to year. However, the four ratio groups in 2020 experienced a sharp decline due to COVID-19


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    The audit committee plays a vital role in financial performance.  This study aims to determine the effect of audit committee size and audit committee activity on the financial performance of IDX30 index companies. This research was conducted on companies in the IDX30 index, which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016–2018. This study used the annual report of the IDX30 company from 2016 until 2018. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Based on this method, 18 companies are acquired as a sample, with a 3-year observation period, resulting in 54 firm-year observations. Multiple regression was applied in processing the data.  The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, correlation, and regression analysis.  The results of the study showed that audit committee size did not have a significant effect on firm financial performance. Meanwhile, audit committee activity had a significant negative effect on firm financial performance. Simultaneously, audit committee size and audit committee activity have a significant negative effect on financial performance.  The result implies that the audit committee size does not guarantee a good return on assets, while audit committee activity if done moderately it gives a good impact on the financial performance of the company. &nbsp

    Penerapan Metode Project Based Learning dikombinasikan Flipped Classroom Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

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    Education must keep up and adapt to continue to meet global challenges and the needs of individuals and society. This includes a more flexible approach, integrating technology, and focusing on skill development to suit the modern world. Therefore, educational practitioners must be able to meet these needs so that the teaching and learning process can always go hand in hand. This study used a pseudo-experimental design with a population of all 5th semester students and hypothesis testing using the t test. The test results with a two-sample t test obtained the results of Thitung 4.71 and Ttabel 3.21, this shows that at the sig level of 0.05, the value of Thitung > Ttabel. This means that H0 is rejected, and H1 so it can be concluded that there is an effect of applying the PjBL model combined with FC on students' critical thinking skills.Pendidikan harus mengikuti perkembangan dan terus beradaptasi untuk terus menjawab tantangan global dan kebutuhan individu dan masyarakat. Hal ini mencakup pendekatan yang lebih fleksibel, mengintegrasikan teknologi, dan fokus pada perkembangan keterampilan yang sesuai dengan dunia modern. Oleh karena itu, para praktisi pendidikan harus mampu memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut agar proses belajar mengajar dapat selalu berjalan secara beriringan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen semu dengan populasi seluruh mahasiswa semester 5 dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji t. Hasil pengujian dengan uji t dua sampel diperoleh hasil Thitung  4,71 dan Ttabel 3,21, hal ini menunjukan bahwa pada taraf sig 0,05, nilai Thitung < Ttabel. Hal ini berarti H0 ditolak, dan H1 diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penerapan model PjBL dikombinasikan FC  terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik


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