29 research outputs found

    Modelling spatial patterns of correlations between concentrations of heavy metals in mosses and atmospheric deposition in 2010 across Europe

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    Background: This paper aims to investigate the correlations between the concentrations of nine heavy metals in moss and atmospheric deposition within ecological land classes covering Europe. Additionally, it is examined to what extent the statistical relations are affected by the land use around the moss sampling sites. Based on moss data collected in 2010/2011 throughout Europe and data on total atmospheric deposition modelled by two chemical transport models (EMEP MSC-E, LOTOS-EUROS), correlation coefficients between concentrations of heavy metals in moss and in modelled atmospheric deposition were specified for spatial subsamples defined by ecological land classes of Europe (ELCE) as a spatial reference system. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression (LR) were then used to separate moss sampling sites regarding their contribution to the strength of correlation considering the areal percentage of urban, agricultural and forestry land use around the sampling location. After verification LDA models by LR, LDA models were used to transform spatial information on the land use to maps of potential correlation levels, applicable for future network planning in the European Moss Survey. Results: Correlations between concentrations of heavy metals in moss and in modelled atmospheric deposition were found to be specific for elements and ELCE units. Land use around the sampling sites mainly influences the correlation level. Small radiuses around the sampling sites examined (5 km) are more relevant for Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn, while the areal percentage of urban and agricultural land use within large radiuses (75–100 km) is more relevant for As, Cr, Hg, Pb, and V. Most valid LDA models pattern with error rates of < 40% were found for As, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and V. Land use-dependent predictions of spatial patterns split up Europe into investigation areas revealing potentially high (= above-average) or low (= below-average) correlation coefficients. Conclusions: LDA is an eligible method identifying and ranking boundary conditions of correlations between atmospheric deposition and respective concentrations of heavy metals in moss and related mapping considering the influence of the land use around moss sampling sites

    Modelling and mapping heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in moss in 2010 throughout Europe by applying Random Forests models

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    Objective: This study explores the statistical relations between the concentration of nine heavy metals(HM) (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb),vanadium (V), zinc (Zn)), and nitrogen (N) in moss and potential explanatory variables (predictors)which were then used for mapping spatial patterns across Europe. Based on moss specimens collected in 2010 throughout Europe, the statistical relation between a set of potential predictors (such as the atmospheric deposition calculated by use of two chemical transport models (CTM), distance from emission sources, density of different land uses, population density, elevation, precipitation, clay content of soils) and concentrations of HMs and nitrogen (N) in moss (response variables) were evaluated by the use of Random Forests (RF) and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Four spatial scales were regarded: Europe as a whole, ecological land classes covering Europe, single countries participating in the European Moss Survey (EMS), and moss species at sampling sites. Spatial patterns were estimated by applying a series of RF models on data on potential predictors covering Europe. Statistical values and resulting maps were used to investigate to what extent the models are specific for countries, units of the Ecological Land Classification of Europe (ELCE), and moss species. Results: Land use, atmospheric deposition and distance to technical emission sources mainly influence the element concentration in moss. The explanatory power of calculated RF models varies according to elements measured in moss specimens, country, ecological land class, and moss species. Measured and predicted medians of element concentrations agree fairly well while minima and maxima show considerable differences. The European maps derived from the RF models provide smoothed surfaces of element concentrations (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, N, Ni, Pb, Hg, V, Zn), each explained by a multivariate RF model and verified by CART, and thereby more information than the dot maps depicting the spatial patterns of measured values. Conclusions: RF is an eligible method identifying and ranking boundary conditions of element concentrations in moss and related mapping including the influence of the environmental factors

    Modelling spatial patterns of correlations between concentrations of heavy metals in mosses and atmospheric deposition in 2010 across Europe

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    BackgroundThis paper aims to investigate the correlations between the concentrations of nine heavy metals in moss and atmospheric deposition within ecological land classes covering Europe. Additionally, it is examined to what extent the statistical relations are affected by the land use around the moss sampling sites. Based on moss data collected in 2010/2011 throughout Europe and data on total atmospheric deposition modelled by two chemical transport models (EMEP MSC-E, LOTOS-EUROS), correlation coefficients between concentrations of heavy metals in moss and in modelled atmospheric deposition were specified for spatial subsamples defined by ecological land classes of Europe (ELCE) as a spatial reference system. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression (LR) were then used to separate moss sampling sites regarding their contribution to the strength of correlation considering the areal percentage of urban, agricultural and forestry land use around the sampling location. After verification LDA models by LR, LDA models were used to transform spatial information on the land use to maps of potential correlation levels, applicable for future network planning in the European Moss Survey.ResultsCorrelations between concentrations of heavy metals in moss and in modelled atmospheric deposition were found to be specific for elements and ELCE units. Land use around the sampling sites mainly influences the correlation level. Small radiuses around the sampling sites examined (5km) are more relevant for Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn, while the areal percentage of urban and agricultural land use within large radiuses (75-100km) is more relevant for As, Cr, Hg, Pb, and V. Most valid LDA models pattern with error rates of <40% were found for As, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and V. Land use-dependent predictions of spatial patterns split up Europe into investigation areas revealing potentially high (=above-average) or low (=below-average) correlation coefficients.ConclusionsLDA is an eligible method identifying and ranking boundary conditions of correlations between atmospheric deposition and respective concentrations of heavy metals in moss and related mapping considering the influence of the land use around moss sampling sites

    Information gain in environmental monitoring through bioindi-cation and biomonitoring methods ("B & B technologies") and phytoremediation processes : with special reference to the Biological System of Chemical Elements (BSCE) under specific consideration of Lithium

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    Different definitions for the concepts of information, information transfer, i.e. communication and its effect and efficiency of false, but also correct information, especially from the environmental sector, are given. "THE TEN ECOLOGICAL COMMANDMENTS"developed by Menke-Glückert at the end of the 1960s, the 9th commandment "Do not pollute information", in particular, is examined in more detail and understood practically as a currently unchanging law in our existing world societies. The "Ethics Consensus", derived from "THE TEN ECOLOGICAL COMMANDMENTS"and developed by Markert at the end of the 1990s, reflects both theoretical and practical levels of action that many people in our highly diverse world societies can support. From a scientific point of view, this article deals with the so-called B &amp; B technologies, i.e. bioindication and biomonitoring of chemical elements, their chemical speciation as well as organic substances. B &amp; B technologies, which deals with the biological detection of atmospheric deposition of chemical substances on a regional, national, and international level, are taken into account. From both an academic and a practical point of view, mosses have prevailed here in the last decades in addition to lichens. The use of mosses is a major focus of international air monitoring, especially in Europe. Furthermore, the phytoremediation of chemical substances in water, soil and air is described as a biological and sustainable biological process, which does not yet have the full scope as it is used in bioindication and biomonitoring, as shown in the example of mosses. However, the phytoremediation is considered to be an excellent tool to have the leading role in the sustainable pollutant "fight". In the future qualitative and quantitative approaches have been further developed to fit scientifically and practically B&amp;B Technologies as well the different forms of phytotechnological approaches. Finally, the example of lithium, which is optionally derived from the Biological System of Chemical Elements (BSCE), becomes a chemical example that the administration of lithium to ALL mentally conditioned diseases such as manic depression to smoking cigarettes becomes one of the most valuable services for the recovery of human society on a global level. As a conclusion of these tremendous effects of lithium can be considered: Pulled out, to make clear that only this chemical element beside a psychiatric care and the involvement of family members, friends, physicians, psychologists and psychiatrists. In addition, it is a must that there is a strong relationship between patient, psychiatrist(s) and strongly related persons to the patient. First an intensive information transfer via communication must be guaranteed. After it, psychological support by doctors and, only if it seems necessary Lithium is to be given in a patient specific dose.RST/Applied Radiation & Isotope

    Spatiotemporal Changes in Atmospheric Deposition Rates Across The Czech Republic Estimated in The Selected Biomonitoring Campaigns. Examples of Results Available For Landscape Ecology and Land Use Planning

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    Several large-scale and fine-scale biomonitoring surveys were carried out in the Czech Republic to estimate current and long-term accumulated atmospheric deposition rates using moss, spruce bark and forest floor humus as bioindicators since the end of 1980s. The results of the bioindicator analyses significantly correlated with available figures of deposition rates detected at the EMEP or Czech national measurement stations

    Určení úrovně znečištění významných lesních oblastí ČR kovy pomocí analýzy mechů a lesního humusu

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    Zpráva podává přehled o úrovni atrmosférické depozice devíti kovů na území Čech. Byly získány údaje o spadu kovů v příhraničních oblastech Polsku. Jsou uvedeny úrovně kontaminace mechu, surového jehličnatého odpadu a lesního humusu těžkými kovy (arzen, kadmium, chrom, měď, železo, nikl, olovo, vanad, zinek)

    Downward migration of Cs-137 within the humus layer under temperate coniferous stands in the Czech Republic

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    This study examined the current distribution and downward migration of Cs-137 in the humus horizon under temperate coniferous stands in the Czech Republic. Depth distribution profiles of lithogenic alkali metals (K, Rb, and Cs) were also traced to find any indication regarding the Cs-137 dynamics within the humus horizon. Soil (bulk soil) samples were collected manually from the uppermost down to a depth of 20 cm at three points situated 10-20 m apart in three locations diversely affected by the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Humus samples (about 6 cm in thickness) were separately collected at three points adjacent to the bulk soil sampling. The humus samples were divided into three fractions (upper, middle, and lower) denoted to H-u, H-m, and H-l, respectively, depending on their depths. Activity concentration of Cs-137 and the amount of alkali metals (K, Rb, and Cs) in each humus fraction were determined with gamma spectrometry and ICP spectrometry, respectively. Some properties (pH, density, SOM, and identification of clay minerals), of both bulk soils and humus horizons were also investigated. The highest activity concentration of Cs-137 (Bq kg(-1)) appeared in the upper portion of the soil (mainly humus horizon) under three coniferous stands about 30 years after the Chernobyl accident. Increasing activity of Cs-137 (Bq) was found in the lower humus fraction (H-l, 4 similar to 6-cm depth range) with no appreciable amounts of clay minerals like illite and smectite in the investigated sites. The findings suggest that the fallout Cs-137 moves downward at a speed of 0.13 similar to 0.19 cm year(-1) with degrading organic matter within the humus horizon. Possible association of Cs-137 with alkali metals (K, Rb, and Cs) was suggested by depth distribution profiles of lithogenic alkali metals (K, Rb, and Cs) in humus. The humus horizon under temperate coniferous stands plays an important role in retaining fallout Cs-137 for a long time. Comparing the depth distributions of the fallout radionuclide Cs-137 with the depth distributions of lithogenic alkali metals (K, Rb, and Cs) gives valuable information for clarifying mechanism of Cs-137 movement in humus. Further investigation is needed to elucidate mechanism of Cs-137 migration within humus horizon by tracing Cs-137 speciation and decomposing soil organic matter simultaneously

    Ověření účinnosti některých chemických prostředků ke snížení úrovně stresu u mladých výsadeb smrku v podmínkách vybraných imisních holin KRNAPu

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    Na imisních holinách u Horní Malé Úpy byly zvoleny dva pokusné bloky s desetiletými výsadbami smrku ve výšce 950 a 1150 m n.m. V každém bloku byly zjištěny půdní charakteristiky v celém profilu kopaných sond (půdní reakce, vodivost výluhu, obsah chloridů, celkový COx, N, zrnitostní složení a obsah těžkých kovů). Byl sledován chod znečištění ovzduší metodou SAM (sírany, dusičnany, chloridy, fluoridy) a paralelně byla sledována celková depozice polutantů. Výsadby smrku byly ošetřeny tabletovým hnojivem a dolomitským vápencem. Úroveň stresu byla sledována pomocí určení aktivity listových peroxidáz a měřením charakteristik fluorescence jehlic smrků. Výsledky vykazují na průkazné zvýšení účinnosti asimilačního aparátu u přihnojovaných smrků. Snížení úrovně stresu nebylo průkazné. Zlepšení výsledků se očekává v následujících letech

    Revitalizace systémů trvalé vegetace v zemědělské krajině:Revitalizace systému trvalé vegetace

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    Práce představuje na úrovni studie řešení revitalizace systému trvalé vegetace v povodí Poráku v okrese Jičín. Území analyzuje z pohledu hospodářského, ekologického a sociálního se zvláštním zřetelem k úloze trvalé vegetace v tvorbě a využití krajiny. Vyvozuje předpoklady pro budoucí funkci a uspořádání zájmového území

    Možnosti využití kalů z čistíren odpadních vod pro okrasné a lesnické školkařství

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    Projekt ověřuje možnosti využití čistírenských kalů jako půdního substrátu pro pěstování okrasných nebo lesnicky významných rostlin. Je testován vstup cizorodých látek do přirozených půdních pokryvů a potravinového řetězce člověka. Jsou specifikovány podmínky, za jakých je možné čistírenské kaly pro tento účel používat