29 research outputs found


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    Abstract .The subject of the research is word-formative chains of Russian nouns in typological andlinguodidactic aspects. These language units can be a methodically optimal means of teaching Russian as a second or as a foreign language. The aim of the work is to construct a methodically relevant typology of these formations on the basis of studying the structural and semantic properties of word – formative chains in the sphere of nouns. In the course of linguistic analysis, the system-structural and functional-semantic methods were used, which allowed to describe all groups of derivatives which are the part of word-formative chains. The paper proves that the word-formative chain, being a complex unit, is one of the most important ways of organizing the derivational-semantic space of the Russian language. System-structural reproducibility of these units allows to distinguish binary and polynary, linear and ring chains. In addition, the model should include complete and incomplete chains, and chains with monomotivated and polymotivated derivatives. The specificity of the morphemic structure and idiomatic semantics of derivatives creating the word-formative chain testify to the peculiarities of the nomination process in the Russian language. The study of the phenomenon of consistent productivity of Russian words in a foreign language audience contributes to a more active perception of lexical, grammatical and word-forming phenomena and also the activation of the vocabulary of students.Key words: Russian language, methodology, word formation, noun, word-formation chain, derivationalrelations

    Zeolite-Assisted Lignin-First Fractionation of Lignocellulose: Overcoming Lignin Recondensation through Shape-Selective Catalysis

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: E. Subbotina, A. Velty, J. S. M. Samec, A. Corma, ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 4528, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202000330. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Organosolv pulping releases reactive monomers from both lignin and hemicellulose by the cleavage of weak C-O bonds. These monomers recombine to form undesired polymers through the formation of recalcitrant C-C bonds. Different strategies have been developed to prevent this process by stabilizing the reactive monomers (i.e., lignin-first approaches). To date, all reported approaches rely on the addition of capping agents or metal-catalyzed stabilization reactions, which usually require high pressures of hydrogen gas. Herein, a metal- and additive-free approach is reported that uses zeolites as acid catalysts to convert the reactive monomers into more stable derivatives under organosolv pulping conditions. Experiments with model lignin compounds showed that the recondensation of aldehydes and allylic alcohols produced by the cleavage of beta-O-4 ' bonds was efficiently inhibited by the use of protonic beta zeolite. By applying a zeolite with a preferred pore size, the bimolecular reactions of reactive monomers were effectively inhibited, resulting in stable and valuable monophenolics. The developed methodology was further extended to birch wood to yield monophenolic compounds and value-added products from carbohydrates.This work was supported by the Swedish Energy Agency, Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggm~stare, and the European Union through ERC-AdG-2014-671093-SynCatMatch.Subbotina, E.; Velty, A.; Samec, JSM.; Corma Canós, A. (2020). Zeolite-Assisted Lignin-First Fractionation of Lignocellulose: Overcoming Lignin Recondensation through Shape-Selective Catalysis. ChemSusChem. 13(17):4528-4536. https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202000330S452845361317Adler, E. (1977). Lignin chemistry?past, present and future. Wood Science and Technology, 11(3), 169-218. doi:10.1007/bf00365615Galkin, M. V., & Samec, J. S. M. (2016). Lignin Valorization through Catalytic Lignocellulose Fractionation: A Fundamental Platform for the Future Biorefinery. ChemSusChem, 9(13), 1544-1558. doi:10.1002/cssc.201600237Schutyser, W., Renders, T., Van den Bosch, S., Koelewijn, S.-F., Beckham, G. T., & Sels, B. F. (2018). Chemicals from lignin: an interplay of lignocellulose fractionation, depolymerisation, and upgrading. Chemical Society Reviews, 47(3), 852-908. doi:10.1039/c7cs00566kSun, Z., Fridrich, B., de Santi, A., Elangovan, S., & Barta, K. (2018). Bright Side of Lignin Depolymerization: Toward New Platform Chemicals. Chemical Reviews, 118(2), 614-678. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00588Sturgeon, M. R., Kim, S., Lawrence, K., Paton, R. S., Chmely, S. C., Nimlos, M., … Beckham, G. T. (2013). A Mechanistic Investigation of Acid-Catalyzed Cleavage of Aryl-Ether Linkages: Implications for Lignin Depolymerization in Acidic Environments. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2(3), 472-485. doi:10.1021/sc400384wShuai, L., Amiri, M. T., Questell-Santiago, Y. M., Héroguel, F., Li, Y., Kim, H., … Luterbacher, J. S. (2016). Formaldehyde stabilization facilitates lignin monomer production during biomass depolymerization. Science, 354(6310), 329-333. doi:10.1126/science.aaf7810Questell-Santiago, Y. M., Zambrano-Varela, R., Talebi Amiri, M., & Luterbacher, J. S. (2018). Carbohydrate stabilization extends the kinetic limits of chemical polysaccharide depolymerization. Nature Chemistry, 10(12), 1222-1228. doi:10.1038/s41557-018-0134-4Deuss, P. J., Scott, M., Tran, F., Westwood, N. J., de Vries, J. G., & Barta, K. (2015). Aromatic Monomers by in Situ Conversion of Reactive Intermediates in the Acid-Catalyzed Depolymerization of Lignin. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(23), 7456-7467. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b03693Lahive, C. W., Deuss, P. J., Lancefield, C. S., Sun, Z., Cordes, D. B., Young, C. M., … Barta, K. (2016). Advanced Model Compounds for Understanding Acid-Catalyzed Lignin Depolymerization: Identification of Renewable Aromatics and a Lignin-Derived Solvent. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(28), 8900-8911. doi:10.1021/jacs.6b04144Barta, K., & Ford, P. C. (2014). Catalytic Conversion of Nonfood Woody Biomass Solids to Organic Liquids. Accounts of Chemical Research, 47(5), 1503-1512. doi:10.1021/ar4002894Deuss, P. J., Lahive, C. W., Lancefield, C. S., Westwood, N. J., Kamer, P. C. J., Barta, K., & de Vries, J. G. (2016). Metal Triflates for the Production of Aromatics from Lignin. ChemSusChem, 9(20), 2974-2981. doi:10.1002/cssc.201600831Kaiho, A., Kogo, M., Sakai, R., Saito, K., & Watanabe, T. (2015). In situ trapping of enol intermediates with alcohol during acid-catalysed de-polymerisation of lignin in a nonpolar solvent. Green Chemistry, 17(5), 2780-2783. doi:10.1039/c5gc00130gJastrzebski, R., Constant, S., Lancefield, C. S., Westwood, N. J., Weckhuysen, B. M., & Bruijnincx, P. C. A. (2016). Tandem Catalytic Depolymerization of Lignin by Water-Tolerant Lewis Acids and Rhodium Complexes. ChemSusChem, 9(16), 2074-2079. doi:10.1002/cssc.201600683Zhang, L., Xi, G., Yu, K., Yu, H., & Wang, X. (2017). Furfural production from biomass–derived carbohydrates and lignocellulosic residues via heterogeneous acid catalysts. Industrial Crops and Products, 98, 68-75. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.01.014Anderson, E. M., Stone, M. L., Katahira, R., Reed, M., Beckham, G. T., & Román-Leshkov, Y. (2017). Flowthrough Reductive Catalytic Fractionation of Biomass. Joule, 1(3), 613-622. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2017.10.004Kumaniaev, I., Subbotina, E., Sävmarker, J., Larhed, M., Galkin, M. V., & Samec, J. S. M. (2017). Lignin depolymerization to monophenolic compounds in a flow-through system. Green Chemistry, 19(24), 5767-5771. doi:10.1039/c7gc02731aVan den Bosch, S., Renders, T., Kennis, S., Koelewijn, S.-F., Van den Bossche, G., Vangeel, T., … Sels, B. F. (2017). Integrating lignin valorization and bio-ethanol production: on the role of Ni-Al2O3catalyst pellets during lignin-first fractionation. Green Chemistry, 19(14), 3313-3326. doi:10.1039/c7gc01324hDusselier, M., Van Wouwe, P., Dewaele, A., Jacobs, P. A., & Sels, B. F. (2015). Shape-selective zeolite catalysis for bioplastics production. Science, 349(6243), 78-80. doi:10.1126/science.aaa7169Zhang, L., Xi, G., Chen, Z., Jiang, D., Yu, H., & Wang, X. (2017). Highly selective conversion of glucose into furfural over modified zeolites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 307, 868-876. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2016.09.001Cui, J., Tan, J., Deng, T., Cui, X., Zhu, Y., & Li, Y. (2016). Conversion of carbohydrates to furfural via selective cleavage of the carbon–carbon bond: the cooperative effects of zeolite and solvent. Green Chemistry, 18(6), 1619-1624. doi:10.1039/c5gc01948

    Assessment of the Possibilities of Transition to Sustainable Environmental Management Models in the Arctic Regions

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    The sustainable development agenda for regional development can be developed in depth and comprehensively if considered in a cluster manner. It is advisable to distinguish the traditional clusters of sustainable development: economic, environmental and social. This paper considers the Environmental cluster, which has taken in the development of several Targets from the SDGs and conducted a study close to the assessment of the state of the environment. The purpose of the study is the possibility of updating the Arctic Council studies for the regions of the Russian Arctic in connection with their authentic regional ecological pressures. Objectives: to determine the actual environmental loads on each of the nine Arctic regions and to develop approaches to the formation of a model of sustainable environmental management within the framework of the existing scientific developments of the Arctic Council working groups and the formation of a scientific agenda for the future. Research methods: analysis of cartographic material, environmental reports of local and federal authorities, non-financial reports of enterprises operating in the Arctic regions, messengers and activity of civil society institutions, the real state of natural environments (atmospheric air, soil, water resources and forests), perspective development plans of the selected regions. As a result, several of the most urgent areas were highlighted in which it is advisable to focus further efforts to improve the state of the environment in each of the regions. The work was carried out during 2021-2022


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    The somatic mutation of JAK2 p. 1849 G> T (V617F) leads to cytokine-independent growth of bone marrow cell lines. It is one of the diagnostic criteria for chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm. Sanger sequencing is the gold standard for analyzing this mutation, but has low sensitivity. The Minor Variant Finder software is able to detect a mutation at the level of allelic load of 5%. To check the sensitivity of the software, the DNA of 7 patients with CMN with an already known level of allelic load were taken. Sanger sequencing and analysis in the Minor Variant Finder confirmed the declared sensitivity of the software.Соматическая мутация JAK2 c.1849 G>T (V617F) приводит к цитокин-независимому росту клеточных линий костного мозга. Она является одним из диагностических критерий хронических миелопролиферативных неоплазм. Секвенирование по Сэнгеру является золотым стандартом для анализа этой мутации, но имеет низкую чувствительность. Программное обеспечение «Minor Variant Finder» способно обнаружить мутацию при уровне аллельной нагрузки от 5%. Для проверки чувствительности ПО, были взяты ДНК 7-ми пациентов с ХМН с уже известным уровнем аллельной нагрузки. Секвенирование по Сэнгеру и анализ в «Minor Variant Finder» подтвердили заявленную чувствительность ПО

    Lignin-first biorefining of Nordic poplar to produce cellulose fibers could displace cotton production on agricultural lands

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    Here, we show that lignin-first biorefining of poplar can enable the production of dissolving cellulose pulp that can produce regenerated cellulose, which could substitute cotton. These results in turn indicate that agricultural land dedicated to cotton could be reclaimed for food production by extending poplar plantations to produce textile fibers. Based on climate-adapted poplar clones capable of growth on marginal lands in the Nordic region, we estimate an environmentally sustainable annual biomass production of similar to 11 tonnes/ha. At scale, lignin-first biorefining of this poplar could annually generate 2.4 tonnes/ha of dissolving pulp for textiles and 1.1 m(3) biofuels. Life cycle assessment indicates that, relative to cotton production, this approach could substantially reduce water consumption and identifies certain areas for further improvement. Overall, this work highlights a new value chain to reduce the environmental footprint of textiles, chemicals, and biofuels while enabling land reclamation and water savings from cotton back to food production

    A combination of experimental and computational methods to study the reactions during a Lignin-First approach

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    AbstractCurrent pulping technologies only valorize the cellulosic fiber giving total yields from biomass below 50 %. Catalytic fractionation enables valorization of both cellulose, lignin, and, optionally, also the hemicellulose. The process consists of two operations occurring in one pot: (1) solvolysis to separate lignin and hemicellulose from cellulose, and (2) transition metal catalyzed reactions to depolymerize lignin and to stabilized monophenolic products. In this article, new insights into the roles of the solvolysis step as well as the operation of the transition metal catalyst are given. By separating the solvolysis and transition metal catalyzed hydrogen transfer reactions in space and time by applying a flow-through set-up, we have been able to study the solvolysis and transition metal catalyzed reactions separately. Interestingly, the solvolysis generates a high amount of monophenolic compounds by pealing off the end groups from the lignin polymer and the main role of the transition metal catalyst is to stabilize these monomers by transfer hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis reactions. The experimental data from the transition metal catalyzed transfer hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis reactions was supported by molecular dynamics simulations using ReaXFF

    Invertebrates of Siberia, a potential source of animal protein for innovative food production. 1. The keelback slugs (Gastropoda: Limacidae)

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    The use of terrestrial invertebrates occurring in Siberia as a source of nutrients is an innovative form of new quality food production in North Asia. The species available for this production should be qualified by necessary criteria; for example, they should be common in the region and easily obtainable, free from restriction or prohibition as rare or protected species, adapted to regional environmental conditions, and their bodies should be free from toxins and allergens. They should also be unpretentious in terms of housing, consumption of cheap and suitable feed which provides a satisfactory increase in biomass and contains necessary nutrients in the required ratio. Several local species of terrestrial molluscs and insects fit these criteria and have been were selected as model species, such as the yellow slug Limacus flavus (Linnaeus, 1758) which has been studied in detail. Individuals of this slug were collected from a subterranean vegetable store in the city of Novosibirsk, and reared for 5 months under laboratory conditions with different lighting, humidity and temperature. Standard vegetables for winter storage, carrot, cabbage and potato (the preferred ingredient), were provided to the slugs. The most effective factors for the development of body weight and size of the slugs were registered in the dark under moderate humidity and temperature. Average weight and length of slugs at the beginning of the experiment in March 2022 were 0.62 gram and 3.42 mm, and at the end of the experiment in August 2022 were 3.67 gram and 5.76 mm (respectively x 5.9 and x 1.7). Therefore, basement and underground cold premises lacking constant lighting and provided with potato waste as a feeding substrate appear to be optimal for raising and rearing this slug species; naturally this would be of particular interest for food production in regions with cold climate conditions

    Production and transformation of organic compounds from renewable feedstock : Catalytic approaches

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    This thesis is focused on the development of strategies for lignocellulosic biomass valorization. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part of the presented work is related to the catalytic fractionation of biomass (lignin-first approach) and the production of monomeric compounds from lignocellulose. In the first project (Chapter 2) we have established a process to study the transformations occurring during the catalytic organosolv pulping of wood in the presence of Pd/C. This was achieved by performing a fractionation under continuous-flow conditions. In the designed process, the pulping and the transition metal catalyzed reactions were separated in space and time. Thus, the role of the solvolysis and the transfer hydrogenation reactions were studied independently. We discovered that during the solvolysis of wood, a substantial amount of monomeric lignin fragments are released into the solution. The main role of the catalyst is to stabilize these monomers and prevent their repolymerization. Based on the obtained knowledge we developed a new version of the lignin-first approach (Chapter 3). In this process zeolites were used as shape-selective catalysts. We have demonstrated that by tuning the size of pores of the catalyst the undesirable bimolecular reactions can be minimized. Furthermore, the released monomers can be converted into stable products via transfer hydrogenation reactions.   The second part is related to studies of dimeric and trimeric lignin model compounds. In Chapter 4, the reactivity of the dibenzodioxocin motif, which is considered a main branching point in the lignin structure has been investigated. We have designed a protocol for the catalytic reductive cleavage of lignin model compounds representing this motif, in the presence of Pd/C and benign hydride donors. The cleavage of the dibenzodioxocin structure results in the formation of dimeric biaryl compounds. Unlike monomers, the valorization of lignin-derived dimers is less studied. The last chapter is focused on the transformation of biaryls into highly functionalized synthetic building blocks. This was achieved via a visible light induced dearomative spirolactonization of biaryl carboxylic acids. The synthetic value of the obtained products was demonstrated by the conversion of the products into more complex structures.At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p

    The architecture of the corporate training system in the system of non-formal environmental education for sustainable development in Russia

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    The purpose of the study is to analyse the readiness of the education system to educate employees and train the personnel reserve in the system of non-formal environmental education and awareness. Mission: To develop a new integrated policy of environmental education for sustainable development at the federal level in the Russian Federation. Objectives: to evaluate the possibility and necessity of introducing transversal educational courses for Master students and teachers of additional education on the themes of the environmental cluster of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); to substantiate comparability of separate modules, practical works and course as a whole for preparing students in general education for implementing education for sustainable development; to integrate SDG-related topics into existing directions of environmental education and additional education in general education; to promote efficient training of staff reserve in the system of informal education for sustainable development. The main research methods: the end-to-end system modelling of adult education, continuous learning, and professional development systems using ASSURE design algorithm for economic and qualitative assessment of learning outcomes. A novel methodology for the adaptation of corporate training for the system of additional environmental education at the state level was developed and proposed for the first time

    Method of forming nanomers and furfural from lignocellulose

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    The present disclosure relates to a method of producing monophenolicmonomers and furfural from lignocellulosic biomass beating the biomass in a solvent together with a zeolite based catalyst.Peer reviewedKAT2BIZ AB, Universitat Politècnica de València, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic