96 research outputs found

    The Ethics of Health Care Reform: Impact on Emergency Medicine

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    The recent enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, and the ongoing debate over reform of the U.S. health care system, raise numerous important ethical issues. This article reviews basic provisions of the ACA; examines underlying moral and policy issues in the U.S. health care reform debate; and addresses health care reform’s likely effects on access to care, emergency department (ED) crowding, and end-of-life care. The article concludes with several suggested actions that emergency physicians (EPs) should take to contribute to the success of health care reform in America

    Multiplicity dependence of light (anti-)nuclei production in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV

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    The measurement of the deuteron and anti-deuteron production in the rapidity range −1 < y < 0 as a function of transverse momentum and event multiplicity in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV is presented. (Anti-)deuterons are identified via their specific energy loss dE/dx and via their time-of- flight. Their production in p–Pb collisions is compared to pp and Pb–Pb collisions and is discussed within the context of thermal and coalescence models. The ratio of integrated yields of deuterons to protons (d/p) shows a significant increase as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity of the event starting from values similar to those observed in pp collisions at low multiplicities and approaching those observed in Pb–Pb collisions at high multiplicities. The mean transverse particle momenta are extracted from the deuteron spectra and the values are similar to those obtained for p and particles. Thus, deuteron spectra do not follow mass ordering. This behaviour is in contrast to the trend observed for non-composite particles in p–Pb collisions. In addition, the production of the rare 3He and 3He nuclei has been studied. The spectrum corresponding to all non-single diffractive p-Pb collisions is obtained in the rapidity window −1 < y < 0 and the pT-integrated yield dN/dy is extracted. It is found that the yields of protons, deuterons, and 3He, normalised by the spin degeneracy factor, follow an exponential decrease with mass number

    Erratum to: Insight into particle production mechanisms via angular correlations of identified particles in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV

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    We have identified a mistake in how Fig. 1 is referenced in the text of the article Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no. 8, 569 which affected three paragraphs of the results section. The corrected three paragraphs as well as the unmodified accompanying figure are reproduced in this document with the correct labeling. In addition, an editing issue led to a missing acknowledgements section. The missing section is reproduced at the end of this document in the manner in which it should have appeared in the published article

    Measurement of the production of high-pTp_{\rm T} electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\mathbf{\sqrt{\it s_{\rm{NN}}}} = 2.76 TeV

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    Electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays (charm and beauty) were measured with the ALICE detector in Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass of energy sNN=2.76 TeV . The transverse momentum ( pT ) differential production yields at mid-rapidity were used to calculate the nuclear modification factor RAA in the interval 3<pT<18 GeV/ c . The RAA shows a strong suppression compared to binary scaling of pp collisions at the same energy (up to a factor of 4) in the 10% most central Pb–Pb collisions. There is a centrality trend of suppression, and a weaker suppression (down to a factor of 2) in semi-peripheral (50–80%) collisions is observed. The suppression of electrons in this broad pT interval indicates that both charm and beauty quarks lose energy when they traverse the hot medium formed in Pb–Pb collisions at LHC

    Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions at the LHC

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    The measurement of azimuthal correlations of charged particles is presented for Pb-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√= 2.76 TeV and p-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√= 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. These correlations are measured for the second, third and fourth order flow vector in the pseudorapidity region |η|<0.8 as a function of centrality and transverse momentum pT using two observables, to search for evidence of pT-dependent flow vector fluctuations. For Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV, the measurements indicate that pT-dependent fluctuations are only present for the second order flow vector. Similar results have been found for p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. These measurements are compared to hydrodynamic model calculations with event-by-event geometry fluctuations in the initial state to constrain the initial conditions and transport properties of the matter created in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions

    Centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at midrapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    The pseudorapidity density of charged particles (dNch/dη) at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions has been measured at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV. It increases with centrality and reaches a value of 1943±54 in |η|<0.5 for the 5% most central collisions. A rise in dNch/dη as a function of sNN−−−√ for the most central collisions is observed, steeper than that observed in proton-proton collisions and following the trend established by measurements at lower energy. The centrality dependence of dNch/dη as a function of the average number of participant nucleons, ⟹Npart⟩, calculated in a Glauber model, is compared with the previous measurement at lower energy. A constant factor of about 1.2 describes the increase in 2⟹Npart⟩⟚dNch/dη⟩ from sNN−−−√ = 2.76 TeV to sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV for all centrality intervals, within the measured range of 0-80% centrality. The results are also compared to models based on different mechanisms for particle production in nuclear collisions

    Measurement of deuteron spectra and elliptic flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV at the LHC

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    The transverse momentum (pT) spectra and elliptic flow coefficient (v2) of deuterons and anti-deuterons at mid-rapidity (|y|1.8 GeV/c within the experimental uncertainties. The measurement of the coalescence parameter B2 is performed, showing a pT dependence in contrast with the simplest coalescence model, which fails to reproduce also the measured v2 coefficient. In addition, the coalescence parameter B2 and the elliptic flow coefficient in the 20-40% centrality interval are compared with the AMPT model which is able, in its version without string melting, to reproduce the measured v2(pT) and the B2(pT) trend

    W and Z boson production in p-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    The W and Z boson production was measured via the muonic decay channel in proton-lead collisions at sNN=5.02 \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider with the ALICE detector. The measurement covers backward (−4.46 10 GeV/c are determined. The results are compared to theoretical calculations both with and without including the nuclear modification of the parton distribution functions. The W-boson production is also studied as a function of the collision centrality: the cross section of muons from W-boson decays is found to scale with the average number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions within uncertainties
