760 research outputs found

    Distribución de epífitos algales en las hojas de una pradera de Posidonia oceanica (L.) De lile en el sureste de la Península Ibérica.

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    Soro MoReNo, J. 1992. Distribución de epífitos algales en las hojas de una pradera de Posidonia oceanica <L.) Delile en el sureste de la Península tbérica. Bat. Comp!utensis 17: 55-63. Se hace un estudio sobre la distribución longitudinal en las hojas de Posidonia ocean,ca de las algas epífitas mediante el uso de varios parámetros de análisis. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de un neto cambio longitudinal regulado por el propio crecimiento de la fanerógama y perturbado por factores externos

    A calalogue mi benthic marine algae of Almería (S.L. of Spain)

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    Soro. J. & CONDE. F. 1989. Catálogo tiorístico de las algas betónicas marinas en el litoral de Almería (Sureste de España). Bol, Comp/u/en sU 15: 61-83. En este trabajo se da una lista de 325 táxones de algas bentónicas marinas del litoral de Almeria. aportándose 138 nuevas citas de las que 12 son nuevas para el litoral ibérico: Audouine/la subpinnata. Lithophy//um incrustans f. depressa, L. incrustans E ilabe/lata, Po/ystrata compacta. Nithophyllum fiabellatum. Lophoc/adia Ial/emandii, Po/ysiphonia atra. Feldmannia padinae, Glifordia ovata. Streb/onema sti/ophorae. Ochlocha etc histrix y Chaetosiphon molin~/brmis y una no habla sido citada en el Medí ter-Aneo español: Symphyocarpus strangu/au.vSoio. J. & CONOE. F. 1989. A catalogue on benthic marine algae of Almeria <5. E. of Spain). Bo!. (omplutensis 15: 61--83 (i n Spanish). The number of taxa of algae in Almería coasts are 325. 12 of them, are new records for Iberian Peninsula coasts: Audouinella subpinnata, Lithophyl/um incrus/ans f. depressa, L. incrus¡uns f.flabe//ata. Polystrata compactes, Nithophy/lumflabellatum, Lophocladia la//em andiL Polysiphonia atra, Feldmannia padinaé Glifordia o rata, Streb/onema sti/ophoraé; Ochlochaete histrix y Chaetosiphon mo/iniformis. Symphyocarpus strangulans is a new record for Spanish Mediterranean coast

    Aproximación a la vegetación algal dominada por "Laurencia papillosa" (C. Agardh) Greville, en la zona mediolitoral del sureste de España

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    Aproximación a la vegetación algal dominada por Laurencia papillosa (C. Agardh) Greville, en la zona mediolitoral del Sureste de España. Se estudia la comunidad de la zona mediolitoral inferior constituida por Laurencia papillosa (C. Agardh) Greville en base a 21 inventarios realizados durante un ciclo anual en las costas de Murcia y Almería. Se constata una alta riqueza florística con una estratificación algal en cinco niveles así como la existencia de una dominancia neta de las algas mediolitorales e infralitorales fotófilas sobre otros grupos ecológicos, un elevado grado de equitabilidad específica y una estacionalidad netamente marcada. Finalmente se postulan argumentos que individualizan esta comunidad de otras de la zona mediolitoral inferior del Mediterráneo Occidental

    5G in airports: challenges and use cases.

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    5G is the new generation of cellular communications that aims to provide high-throughput high-reliability connectivity to greatly diversified scenarios. With this objective, it shall act as a viable solution for environments as complex as an airport terminal, whose daily work cycle includes a wide range of diversified activities. As such, in this paper, 5G capacities are assessed, identifying those airport processes that can benefit from its application. From the proposed use cases, the monitoring of luggage trolleys is identified as a key use case that poses a problematic that is usually approached in a very inefficient way, due to the lack of information about the position and state of the trolleys. In this sense, a management system for the luggage trolleys using NarrowBand Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is proposed.This work has been partially funded by: Junta de Andalucía and EDRF in the framework of 5G-SCARF: 5G Smart Communications for the AiRport of the Future (Ref. UMACEIATECH- 17) project, Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital and European Union – NextGenerationEU within the framework “Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” under the project MAORI and Universidad de Málaga through the “II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica”. The authors are grateful to Aertec Solutions’ Airport Area for their support and collaboration in this work

    "INTERGROWTH21st vs customized fetal growth curves in the assessment of the neonatal nutritional status: a retrospective cohort study of gestational diabetes"

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    Background Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with increased incidence of adverse perinatal outcomes including newborns large for gestational age, macrosomia, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, stillbirth, and neonatal morbidity. Thus, fetal growth should be monitored by ultrasound to assess for fetal overnutrition, and thereby, its clinical consequence, macrosomia. However, it is not clear which reference curve to use to define the limits of normality. Our aim is to determine which method, INTERGROWTH21st or customized curves, better identifies the nutritional status of newborns of diabetic mothers. Methods This retrospective cohort study compared the risk of malnutrition in SGA newborns and the risk of overnutrition in LGA newborns using INTERGROWTH21st and customized birth weight references in gestational diabetes. The nutritional status of newborns was assessed using the ponderal index. Additionally, to determine the ability of both methods in the identification of neonatal malnutrition and overnutrition, we calculate sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and likelihood ratios. Results Two hundred thirty-one pregnant women with GDM were included in the study. The rate of SGA indentified by INTERGROWTH21st was 4.7% vs 10.7% identified by the customized curves. The rate of LGA identified by INTERGROWTH21st was 25.6% vs 13.2% identified by the customized method. Newborns identified as SGA by the customized method showed a higher risk of malnutrition than those identified as SGA by INTERGROWTH21st. (RR 4.24 vs 2.5). LGA newborns according to the customized method also showed a higher risk of overnutrition than those classified as LGA according to INTERGROWTH21st. (RR 5.26 vs 3.57). In addition, the positive predictive value of the customized method was superior to that of INTERGROWTH21st in the identification of malnutrition (32% vs 27.27%), severe malnutrition (22.73% vs 20%), overnutrition (51.61% vs 32.20%) and severe overnutrition (28.57% vs 14.89%). Conclusions In pregnant women with DMG, the ability of customized fetal growth curves to identify newborns with alterations in nutritional status appears to exceed that of INTERGROWTH21s

    Adaptive Asymmetric Least Squares baseline estimation for analytical instruments

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    Automated signal processing in analytical instrumentation is today required for the analysis of highly complex biomedical samples. Baseline estimation techniques are often used to correct long term instrument contamination or degradation. They are essential for accurate peak area integration. Some methods approach the baseline estimation iteratively, trying to ignore peaks which do not belong to the baseline. The proposed method in this work consists of a modification of the Asymmetric Least Squares (ALS) baseline removal technique developed by Eilers and Boelens. The ALS technique suffers from bias in the presence of intense peaks (in relation to the noise level). This is typical of diverse instrumental techniques such as Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) or Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry (GC-IMS). In this work, we propose a modification (named psalsa) to the asymmetry weights of the original ALS method in order to better reject large peaks above the baseline. Our method will be compared to several versions of the ALS algorithm using synthetic and real GC signals. Results show that our proposal improves previous versions being more robust to parameter variations and providing more accurate peak areas

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de los carritos portaequipajes en un aeropuerto

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    Collecting luggage trolleys at an airport poses aproblematic that is usually done in a very inefficient way dueto the lack of information about the position and state of thetrolleys. In this sense, a management system for the luggagetrolleys using NB-IoT and BLE is proposed. Based on a capillaryarchitecture, this system can track the trolleys and distinguishthrough some sensors whether they are being used or not, aswell as if they are in their correspondent storage and displaysthe information in a dashboard created with Grafana.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mejorar las competencias matemáticas en los profesores de la enseñanza primaria de Porto Amboim, Cuanza Sur, Angola. Una propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la Geometría basada en el modelo de Van Heile y fundamentada en el uso de las TIC

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    El tema sobre las habilidades profesionales del docente de primaria en Angola es una materia que ha traído varias reflexiones, especialmente cuando las analizamos desde el punto de vista de las prácticas de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Estudiar estas prácticas y sugerir metodologías más participativas y modelos constructivistas es una forma de avanzar para permitir el aprendizaje con una mejor calidad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal, analizar las competencias profesionales centradas en la enseñanza de los docentes de la 6ª clase de tres grupos pedagógicos, en Porto Amboim, Angola.La metodología es mixta y se basa en un estudio de caso, del tipo descriptivo "que tiene como propósito esencial describir, es decir, simplemente decir tal como es” (Ponte, 2006, p.6).El estudio concluyó que los profesores de estos grupos usan metodologías expositivas, no usan recursos de enseñanza y no siguen el modelo pedagógico en la enseñanza de la geometría

    Composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo, México-Belice, con base en el uso del arpón

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    ResumenSe determinó la composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo y la variación espacial de éstas en función de los parámetros ambientales. Se realizaron 3 muestreos durante marzo, abril y mayo de 2012, en 6 sitios a lo largo del río. Los datos usados para determinar la estructura se obtuvieron con ayuda de un arpón de 58.5cm, utilizado durante 2h de buceo libre en cada punto de muestreo. Para complementar la lista de especies se utilizaron redes agalleras, palangres, nasas y anzuelos. Además, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica y se consultó material de la colección de peces de ECOSUR en Chetumal. La lista sistemática se conformó por 40 especies en 33 géneros, 18 familias y 11 órdenes. La familia mejor representada fue Cichlidae, incluida la especie exótica Oreochromis niloticus. Los parámetros ambientales que mejor describieron la variación de la distribución y abundancia en los peces en el río Hondo fueron: la anchura del río, distancia a la boca, transparencia, profundidad, concentración de oxígeno disuelto y conductividad. La relación entre las especies y las variables ambientales fue alta en ambos ejes (0.89 y 0.79). Ambientalmente, el río se puede zonificar en 3 partes, aunque su ictiofauna puede dividirse en 2 conjuntos principales.AbstractComposition and structure of the Hondo River ichthyofauna and its spatial variation were determined as a function of environmental parameters. Six sites along the river were sampled in March, April and May 2012. Data for estimating structure of fish assemblages was obtained by means of a 58.5cm harpoon during 2 hours of free diving at each sampling site. The species list for the study area was completed with the aid of gillnets, longlines, double-cone traps, and hook-and-line. In addition, a bibliographical research performed as well as the ichthyological collection of ECOSUR at Chetumal was checked. The systematic list includes 40 species in 33 genera, 18 families and 11 orders. The richest family was Cichlidae, including the exotic Oreochromis niloticus. The environmental parameters that best described distribution and abundance of fish in the Hondo River were river width, distance to mouth, transparency, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration, and conductivity. Correlation between species and environmental parameters was high in both axis (0.89 and 0.79). The river was classified into 3 environmental zones, although its fish fauna could be divided in 2 main assemblages

    Neurocognitive Function in Acromegaly after Surgical Resection of GH-Secreting Adenoma versus Naïve Acromegaly

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    Patients with active untreated acromegaly show mild to moderate neurocognitive disorders that are associated to chronic exposure to growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) hypersecretion. However, it is unknown whether these disorders improve after controlling GH/IGF-I hypersecretion. The aim of this study was to compare neurocognitive functions of patients who successfully underwent GH-secreting adenoma transsphenoidal surgery (cured patients) with patients with naive acromegaly. In addition, we wanted to determine the impact of different clinical and biochemical variables on neurocognitive status in patients with active disease and after long-term cure. A battery of six standardized neuropsychological tests assessed attention, memory and executive functioning. In addition, a quantitative electroencephalography with Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) solution was performed to obtain information about the neurophysiological state of the patients. Neurocognitive data was compared to that of a healthy control group. Multiple linear regression analysis was also conducted using clinical and hormonal parameters to obtain a set of independent predictors of neurocognitive state before and after cure. Both groups of patients scored significantly poorer than the healthy controls on memory tests, especially those assessing visual and verbal recall. Patients with cured acromegaly did not obtain better cognitive measures than naïve patients. Furthermore memory deficits were associated with decreased beta activity in left medial temporal cortex in both groups of patients. Regression analysis showed longer duration of untreated acromegaly was associated with more severe neurocognitive complications, regardless of the diagnostic group, whereas GH levels at the time of assessment was related to neurocognitive outcome only in naïve patients. Longer duration of post-operative biochemical remission of acromegaly was associated with better neurocognitive state. Overall, this data suggests that the effects of chronic exposure to GH/IGF-I hypersecretion could have long-term effects on brain functions. © 2013 Martín-Rodríguez et al.Funding for this project was provided by an R&D grant from Novartis Oncology and the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (CTS-444). DAC was supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” program (RYC-2006-001071) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe