360 research outputs found

    Neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder

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    In this article, the authors review relevant aspects related to the neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder. This illness has been associated with complex biochemical and molecular changes in brain circuits linked to neurotransmission and intracellular signal transduction pathways, and changes on neurons and glia have been proposed to be directly associated with clinical presentation of mania and depression. In the same context, dysfunctions on brain homeostasis and energy metabolism have been associated with alterations on circadian rythms, behavior and mood in human and animal models of bipolarity. In the recent years, advances on techniques of neuroimaging, molecular biology and genetics has provided new insights about the biology of bipolarity. The authors emphasize that bipolar disorder has been shown to be directly associated with dysfunctions on neural adaptative mechanisms, promoting neural stress. The resulted stress, even that do not lead to cell death, may limit the neuroplasticity and neurotrophism in neurons and glia, which in turn may facilitate the arousal of this pervasive illness.Neste artigo, os autores revisam importantes aspectos associados às bases biológicas do transtorno de humor bipolar (THB). O THB está relacionado com o surgimento de diversas alterações bioquímicas e moleculares em sistemas de neurotransmissão e vias de segundos-mensageiros geradores de sinais intracelulares. Essas modificações em neurônios e glia parecem estar associadas com o surgimento de sintomas maníacos e depressivos. Ainda neste contexto, disfunções na homeostasia e no metabolismo energético cerebral tem sido associado com alterações comportamentais, na modulação do humor e ritmo circadiano em humanos e em modelos animais da doença. Assim, alterações metabólicas em neurônios e células gliais têm sido associadas com quadros depressivos e maníacos. Nos últimos anos, avanços nas técnicas de neuroimagem, genéticos e de biologia moleculares têm gerado novos conhecimentos acerca das bases biológicas da bipolaridade. Os autores destacam que a doença parece estar relacionada diretamente com disfunções em diferentes mecanismos adaptativos a estresse em células neurais, gerando perda na capacidade celular de induzir neuroplasticidade e neurotrofismo, facilitando assim o surgimento da doença.Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre Programa de Transtornos de HumorHospital Presidente VargasStanley Foundation Research Unit of Porto AlegreHospital EspíritaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Psiquiatria Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neuroimagem e CogniçãoInstitute of Psychiatry, King's College LondonUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Departamento de BioquímicaUniversity of Texas Health Science Center Department of Psychiatry Division of Mood and Anxiety DisordersUNIFESP, Depto. de Psiquiatria Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neuroimagem e CogniçãoSciEL

    Investigação da ocorrência de contaminante nas águas superficiais e subterrâneas no lixão do Novo Gama (GO) por meio de métodos geofísicos, qualidade da água e modelagem hidrológica

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2019.Como uma das principais formas de disposição final de resíduos sólidos no Brasil, os lixões são reconhecidos como uma das maiores ameaças para as águas superficiais, solos e águas subterrâneas que o cercam, em função do escoamento e infiltração de lixiviado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a contaminação de chorume proveniente do Lixão do Novo Gama (GO) nas águas superficiais, por meio de análises físicas, químicas e biológicas (método direto), e no subsolo, por meio de perfilagens elétricas horizontais utilizando o método geofísico da eletrorresistividade (método indireto). Para isso foram monitoradas 2 córregos próximos da área de deposição de resíduos, e 4 Linhas de levantamento geofísico a montante das nascentes, de forma que os métodos fossem complementares e possibilitassem uma avaliação conjunta dos dados. Foi determinada a resistividade de 50 Ω.m como valor de referência para a provável presença de contaminante no subsolo, e foram definidos o cloreto, pH, DQO, Condutividade Elétrica e nitrato como principais parâmetros utilizados na determinação da contaminação nas nascentes. Os resultados mostraram que um dos córregos está com indícios de lixiviado proveniente de escamento superficial, no mesmo lado em que dois prováveis fluxos de contaminantes ultrapassaram poucos metros do limite do Lixão. No outro lado, o córrego monitorado não apresentou evidências de mistura com chorume, entretanto foi identificado o principal fluxo do suposto contaminante no subsolo, que já registra avanço de cerca de 150 metros a jusante de antigas lagoas de chorume do local. Para comprovação da presença de chorume nos fluxos de umidade subterrânea identificados, ainda se faz necessária a aplicação de um método direto de análise. A fim de complementar a geração de dados com enfoque de primeira aproximação sobre os impactos na área, também foi executada uma simulação hidrológica preliminar pelo SWAT, com o levantamento, em linhas gerais, de algumas grandezas relacionadas com a recarga de águas subterrâneas no aquífero local. O entendimento dos limites da área contaminada na região, propiciado pela pesquisa, é extremamente importante para alertar a população direta e indiretamente afetada sobre os riscos do consumo da água local. Além disso, os resultados servem de alerta ao Poder Público a fim de que sejam observados possíveis impactos ainda maiores que podem ocorrer caso a situação permaneça descontrolada, e também para auxiliar em eventuais ações de remedição da área

    Enhancement of the catalytic activity of Mg/Al layered double hydroxide for glycerol oligomers production

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    In this study, the impact of rehydration on the catalytic properties of Mg/Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) for glycerol ligomerization was assesed. Although previous works have employed other LDH derived materials in this reaction, little information on recyclability is published. After observing the initial results on how basicity and surface area were related to the catalytic activty, an LDH modification strategy was developed with the addition of acetic acid. Changes on the basic site distribution were noticed and consequently, selectivity to diglycerol was improved. The best catalytic performance (reaction with 4 wt% cat., at 240 °C for 8 hours) led to 64% of glycerol conversion (XGly) and 37% of diglycerol selectivity (Sdi). Aditionally, reciclying of modified LDH was better than the non acid treated material, presenting higher yield of diglycerol. Catalyst deactivation was related to the harsh reaction conditions and to the blockage of active species by impurities. Loss of metallic species by leaching to the reaction products was not oberseved, an advantage in comparison with previous works.Funding for this research was provided by: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (APQ-1015-3.06/14, E1-0079-0004301) Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (P20_00375, UMA18-FEDERJA-126) Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    As bases neurobiológicas do transtorno bipolar

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    In this article, the authors review relevant aspects related to the neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder. This illness has been associated with complex biochemical and molecular changes in brain circuits linked to neurotransmission and intracellular signal transduction pathways, and changes on neurons and glia have been proposed to be directly associated with clinical presentation of mania and depression. In the same context, dysfunctions on brain homeostasis and energy metabolism have been associated with alterations on circadian rythms, behavior and mood in human and animal models of bipolarity. In the recent years, advances on techniques of neuroimaging, molecular biology and genetics has provided new insights about the biology of bipolarity. The authors emphasize that bipolar disorder has been shown to be directly associated with dysfunctions on neural adaptative mechanisms, promoting neural stress. The resulted stress, even that do not lead to cell death, may limit the neuroplasticity and neurotrophism in neurons and glia, which in turn may facilitate the arousal of this pervasive illness.Neste artigo, os autores revisam importantes aspectos associados às bases biológicas do transtorno de humor bipolar (THB). O THB está relacionado com o surgimento de diversas alterações bioquímicas e moleculares em sistemas de neurotransmissão e vias de segundos-mensageiros geradores de sinais intracelulares. Essas modificações em neurônios e glia parecem estar associadas com o surgimento de sintomas maníacos e depressivos. Ainda neste contexto, disfunções na homeostasia e no metabolismo energético cerebral tem sido associado com alterações comportamentais, na modulação do humor e ritmo circadiano em humanos e em modelos animais da doença. Assim, alterações metabólicas em neurônios e células gliais têm sido associadas com quadros depressivos e maníacos. Nos últimos anos, avanços nas técnicas de neuroimagem, genéticos e de biologia moleculares têm gerado novos conhecimentos acerca das bases biológicas da bipolaridade. Os autores destacam que a doença parece estar relacionada diretamente com disfunções em diferentes mecanismos adaptativos a estresse em células neurais, gerando perda na capacidade celular de induzir neuroplasticidade e neurotrofismo, facilitando assim o surgimento da doença

    Adverse effects of medicinal herbs on the human kidney

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    More than half of world’s population rely on medicinal herbs (MH) as a source of self care, which is often associated with traditions or misconceptions regarding natural products. However, MH contain many active principles that can induce adverse effects on the kidney, most of which underestimated. This manuscript, part of a Medicine graduate school subject, aims to study the adverse effects of MH on the human kidneys. Using the keywords “medicinal herbs”, “kidney” and “adverse effects” on PubMed, LILACS and Scopus, 11 scientific publications were selected in order to provide a better understanding of this matter. Most of these publications consisted of case-report, whereas only one consisted of a more scientifically strict study, a randomized controlled trial in this case, corroborating with the scientific literature regarding it. There was also no scientific paper that reflected more the subject’s reality in Brazil. Hence, health public policies should be directed to provide health professionals with scientific knowledge about the subject’s relevance, thus allowing them to guide the population on how to take MH in a safer and more efficient way.Mais da metade da população mundial utiliza ervas medicinais (EM) no cuidado da sua saúde devido a tradições ou a crenças falsas relacionadas a produtos naturais. Entretanto, as EM contêm princípios ativos que podem causar efeitos adversos nos rins, muitos dos quais subestimados. Esse manuscristo, parte de uma disciplina do curso de graduação de medicina, objetiva estudar os efeitos adversos de EM nos rins humanos. Assim, com o uso dos unitermos medicinal herbs, kidney e adverse effects nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS e Scopus, 11 trabalhos científicos foram selecionados com o objetivo de se delinear um melhor entendimento sobre o assunto. A maior parte das publicações eram relatos de caso, enquanto apenas uma se tratava de um ensaio de maior rigor, no caso um estudo randomizado controlado, ressoando com dados da literatura. Além disso, nenhum estudo que refletisse mais a realidade brasileira em relação ao tema foi encontrado. Assim, políticas públicas em saúde devem ser direcionadas para orientar os profissionais da saúde sobre a relevância do assunto, capacitando-os a orientar a população sobre o uso das EM de maneira mais segura e eficiente

    Precision and accuracy of sampling methods in thinned Pinus taeda L. stands

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    Different sampling methods can be used in forest surveys. It is important to know the precision and accuracy of these sampling methods, and which one is the most appropriate in specific conditions of the forest population. The aim of this study was to compare estimates of a forest inventory performed by different sampling methods with forest census results. The sampling methods evaluated were the fixed-area method and the variable-area methods of Bitterlich, Prodan, and Strand. The data were obtained in a 15-year-old thinned stand of Pinus taeda L., located in the municipality of Teixeira Soares, southern Brazil, with a total area of 12.80 ha. Initially, the forest census was carried out, and subsequently, the sample units for each sampling method were distributed in the stand, with a common starting point. The variables used to compare the sample results with the census means were quadratic diameter, number of trees, basal area, and volume, per hectare. Precision and accuracy were evaluated by sampling error and whether the confidence intervals covered the population means, respectively. The fixed-area and Bitterlich methods stood out in precision for all variables analysed. The fixed-area, Bitterlich and Strand methods with proportion to height provided more accurate estimates. The Prodan method provided inaccurate and imprecise estimates for the variables under analysis, except for the quadratic diameter

    Expedition on the Lower São Francisco: An X-ray of fisheries and agriculture, pollution, silting and saline intrusion / Expedição no Baixo São Francisco: um raio-X da pesca e agricultura, poluição, assoreamento e intrusão salina

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    The São Francisco River represents 2/3 of the Northeast Region freshwater availability. Its basin is divided into Upper São Francisco, Middle São Francisco, Sub-Middle São Francisco, and Lower São Francisco. The Lower São Francisco is one of the most impacted regions of the Northeast, considering factors related to fishing, electric power generation and city sewage pollution. The first Scientific Expedition of the Lower São Francisco aimed at evaluating the water quality, pollution, silting, deforestation of the ciliary forest, socio-economic survey, environmental education, ictiofaunal composition, analysis of metals in fish, fishing and catching and salt intrusion. The samples were collected in seven coastal municipalities in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe. The results indicate that all the municipalities studied have water pollution problems from household and diffuse sewages, pesticides, and organic matter deposited in the sediment. Much of the crops are dependent on the use of agrochemical in crops on the banks of the river, with a prevailing environmental degradation scenario. There was a decrease in the number of native fish species and predominance of exotic and invasive marine species. In addition, it was possible to detect the occurrence of catch methods with high impact on the fishes. The saline wedge is already 16 km from the river mouth, replacing agricultural activities by shrimp farming. Fish show metal content, but a large part of them are within acceptable limits and a georeferenced database with the results of the expedition was made available for consultation

    Intraspecies Polymorphisms in the Lipophosphoglycan of L. braziliensis Differentially Modulate Macrophage Activation via TLR4

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    International audienceLipophosphoglycan (LPG) is the major Leishmania surface glycoconjugate having importance during the host-parasite interface. Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis displays a spectrum of clinical forms including: typical cutaneous leishmaniasis (TL), mucocutaneous (ML), and atypical lesions (AL). Those variations in the immunopathology may be a result of intraspecies polymorphisms in the parasite's virulence factors. In this context, we evaluated the role of LPG of strains originated from patients with different clinical manifestations and the sandfly vector. Six isolates of L. braziliensis were used: M2903, RR051 and RR418 (TL), RR410 (AL), M15991 (ML), and M8401 (vector). LPGs were extracted and purified by hydrophobic interaction. Peritoneal macrophages from C57BL/6 and respective knock-outs (TLR2-/- and TLR-4-/-) were primed with IFN-γ and exposed to different LPGs for nitric oxide (NO) and cytokine production (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-α). LPGs differentially activated the production of NO and cytokines via TLR4. In order to ascertain if such functional variations were related to intraspecies polymorphisms in the LPG, the purified glycoconjugates were subjected to western blot with specific LPG antibodies (CA7AE and LT22). Based on antibody reactivity preliminary variations in the repeat units were detected. To confirm these findings, LPGs were depolymerized for purification of repeat units. After thin layer chromatography, intraspecies polymorphisms were confirmed especially in the type and/size of sugars branching-off the repeat units motif. In conclusion, different isolates of L. braziliensis from different clinical forms and hosts possess polymorphisms in their LPGs that functionally affected macrophage responses