187 research outputs found

    Kafirin structure and functionality

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    The structural and functional properties of kafirins are reviewed. Three classes of kafirin: the a, ß and ? forms have been identified at the protein level and one, the d, has been identified only at the gene and transcript levels. All forms show high homology with the equivalent zein proteins. By analogy with the zeins it is believed that the a-kafirins probably have an extended hairpin structure in solution, comprising elements of a-helix, ß-sheet and turns folded back on itself. Kafirins are the most hydrophobic of the prolamins as shown by their solubility, and calculated hydration free energies. The proteins exhibit extensive cross-linking by disulphide bonds and on cooking form indigestible aggregates which are not solubilised by reduction of disulphide bonds. In spite of continuing studies, the reasons for the low digestibility of the protein remain uncertain and there may be several factors involved. Other research has shown that kafirins may have non-food uses and may be used to form films

    In vivo and in vitro synthesis of CM-proteins (A-hordeins) from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    CM-proteins from barley endosperm (CMa, CMb, CMc, CMd), which are the main components of the A-hordein fraction, are synthesized most actively 10 to 30 d after anthesis (maximum at 15–20 d). They are synthesized by membranebound polysomes as precursors of higher apparent molecular weight (13,000–21,000) than the mature proteins (12,000–16,000). The largest in vitro product (21,000) is the putative precursor of protein CMd (16,000), as it is selected with anti-CMd monospecific IgG's, and is coded by an mRNA of greater sedimentation coefficient (9 S) than those encoding the other three proteins (7.5 S). CM-proteins always appear in the soluble fraction, following different homogenization and subcellular fractionation procedures, indicating that these proteins are transferred to the soluble fraction after processing

    Estimation of the iron bioavailability in green vegetables using an in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model

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    It is estimated that over 30% of the global population is anaemic, half of which is due to iron deficiency. The bioavailability of iron from vegetables is low and variable, and influenced by food composition and matrix. We have therefore determined the relative bioavailability of iron in five types of green vegetable, spinach, broccoli, savoy cabbage, curly kale and green pepper, by measuring the ferritin response in a simulated digestion/Caco-2 cell model. Savoy cabbage gave the highest ferritin response and analysis of the digest showed that the iron was present in low molecular weight fractions which contained glucose, fructose, organic acids and amino acids. The addition of fructose 1,6-biphosphate to the Caco-2 cells increased iron uptake 2-fold. These results demonstrate that cabbage was the best source of bioavailable iron out of the vegetables studied and suggest that the formation of complexes with fructose derivatives contribute to increase the iron bioavailability

    Infuence of the year and HMW glutenin subunits on end-use quality predictors if bread wheat waxy lines

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    The effects of environment and the high molecular weight glutenins on some quality properties (sedimentation volume, % protein content, and starch pasting viscosity) of bread wheat mutant waxy lines were evaluated. Thirty-eight 100% amylose-free F 2 derived F 6 and F 7 lines were used. The results indicated that the environment did not influence sedimentation volume, mixograph parameters and starch viscosity parameters of waxy flour. Variation in the % protein content was determined mainly by the environment. The sedimentation volume and the mixograph peak development time were influenced by the variation at over expression of Bx7 and the mixograph peak development time was influenced by the Glu-D1 locus. One starch viscosity parameter, time to peak viscosity, was influenced by variation at the Glu-A1 locus. This parameter is significantly lower in the waxy lines than the parent line, which shows the influence of the waxy loci. No significant correlation was observed for sedimentation volume, mixograph parameters, protein content and viscosity parameters of waxy line

    Analysis of the modes of energy consumption of the complex of an incoherent scattering of the institute of ionosphere of national academy of sciences and the ministry of education and science of Ukraine

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    У даній статті представлені результати аналізу режимів енергоспоживання комплексу некогерентного розсіяння Інституту іоносфери НАН і МОН України з метою вирішення проблеми підвищення енергоефективності науково-дослідного комплексу та створення енергоефективної системи електропостачання, яка забезпечить стійку роботу наукового обладнання для виконання дослідницьких програм НАН України. Описана система електроживлення комплексу та режими енергоспоживання комплексу. Описано пристрої радарної системи, а також найбільш потужні споживачі електроенергії, які споживають електроенергію на експериментальні і господарські потреби. Проаналізовано енергоспоживання комплексу некогерентного розсіяння за 2013 р. Отримано і представлено графіки середньої споживаної потужності (середньодобовий показник) і середньої споживаної потужності в режимі вимірювань. Описана доцільність проведення робіт з оптимізації енергопостачання науково-дослідного комплексу Інституту іоносфери. Запропоновано можливі заходи для зниження економічної вартості проведення експериментів з дослідження іоносфери науково-дослідного комплексу некогерентного розсіяння. Проведено аналіз робіт сучасних авторів з метою показати, що підвищення ефективності функціонування систем електропостачання є актуальною проблемою сучасних досліджень.This article presents the results of the analysis of the energy consumption modes of the incoherent scattering complex of the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to solve the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of a research complex and creating an energy efficient power supply system that will ensure the sustainability of scientific equipment for research programs of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The system of power supply of the complex and modes of power consumption of the complex are described. The devices of the radar system are described, as well as the most powerful consumers of electricity, which consume electricity for experimental and economic needs. The energy consumption of the incoherent scattering complex in 2013 is analyzed. Graphs of the average power consumption (daily average) and average power consumption in measurement modes were obtained and presented. The feasibility of work to optimize the energy supply of the research complex of the institute of the ionosphere is described. Possible measures are proposed to reduce the economic cost of conducting experiments on the study of the ionosphere of an incoherent scattering research complex. The analysis of the works of modern authors i s carried out in order to show that increasing the efficiency of the power supply systems is an actual problem of modern research