96 research outputs found

    Penyakit Hemolitik pada Bayi Baru Lahir

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    Penyakit hemolitik pada bayi baru lahir adalah sindrom anemia hemolitik dan ikterus yang terjadi akibat destruksi eritrosit yang sudah dilapisi oleh antibodi. Patofisiologi pada penyakit ini adalah karena adanya proses imun yang dimulai saat terjadi sensitisasi pada kehamilan pertama saat darah janin yang memasuki sirkulasi ibu. Adanya ketidakcocokan golongan darah atau rhesus tersebut memicu proses imun ibu membentuk antibodi sehingga menyebabkan penghancuran eritrosit bayi. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh adanya ketidakcocokan golongan darah ABO, rhesus, atau golongan darah lainnya. Perbedaan golongan darah antara ibu dan bayi terjadi saat ada faktor golongan darah janin yang diwariskan dari ayahnya tidak dimiliki oleh ibu. Gejala yang timbul antara lain hiperbilirubinemia, anemia, hepatosplenomegali, dan lainnya. Pemeriksaan laboratorium yang berfungsi sebagai pemeriksaan penyaring adalah: Uji Rossete, uji Kleihauer-Betke (KB), flowsitometri dan tes antiglobulin indirek. Pemeriksaan rutin lainnya adalah pemeriksaan darah rutin, kadar bilirubin, golongan darah dan rhesus. Penatalaksanaan saat kehamilan dapat berupa transfusi intrauterin atau imunomodulasi, sementara penatalaksanaan paska kelahiran dapat dengan transfusi tukar, fototerapi atau pemberian imunoglobulin Kata kunci : Penyakit hemolitik pada bayi baru lahir, sensitisasi, antibodi, imunoglobuli


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    Tujuan Penelitian yaitu :1) Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kebugaran jasmani dengan kemampuan motorik murid kelas V SDN 03 Sampano Desa Dadeko Kecamatan Larompong Selatan Kabupaten Luwu. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan variabel bebas kebugaran jasmani variabel terikat kemampuan motorik. Dengan demikian yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh murid SDN 03 Sampano Desa Dadeko Kecamatan larompong Selatan Kabupaten Luwu, yang berusia 10 – 12 tahun. Jumlah populasi adalah 225 murid. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 murid laki – laki SDN 03 Sampano Desa Dadeko Kecamatan larompong Selatan Kabupaten Luwu yang berusia 10 – 12 tahun dengan teknik random sampling (acak). Hasil penelitian ini mengemukakan kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Tingkat kebugaran jasmani murid SDN 03 Sampano Desa Dadeko Kecamatan larompong Selatan Kabupaten Luwu dalam kategori sedang. Dan masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan di upayakan untuk dapat membuat kegiatan agar siswa dapat bergerak maksimal dalam aktivitas kegiatan olahraga dan kegiatan aktivitas lingkungan sekolah. 2) Ada hubungan tingkat kesegaran jasmani terhadap kemampuan motorik SDN 03 Sampano Desa Dadeko Kecamatan larompong Selatan Kabupaten Luwu Kata kunci : Kebugaran Jasmani, Kemampuan Motori

    Pengaruh Chemical Treatment NaOH pada Natural Cellulose Fiber Reinforcement From Oil Palm Frond

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    Pada penelitian ini berfokus tentang pengaruh perlakuan alkali pada karakterisasi ikatan serat Oil Palm Frond Fiber (OPFF) dalam matriks polimer, dan kemampuan matriks membasahi serat (wettability). OPFF menjalani proses perlakuan alkali dengan presentase konsentrasi NaOH yang berbeda dengan variasi 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Semua perlakuan dilakukan pada kondisi suhu kamar dengan lama perendaman 2 jam. Dimensi serat meliputi diameter serat, densitas serat dan wettability dari OPFF yang diberi perlakuan kimia untuk dilakukan pengujian. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan alkali dapat secara efektif menghilangkan bahan non selulosa dan meningkatkan bonding serat antarmuka. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa sifat antarmuka OPFF-Resin Epoxy meningkat setelah perlakuan alkali dan berkurangnya diameter serat yang dapat meningkatkan keseragaman serat untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dari serat. Memang konsentrasi alkali optimal dihasilkan pada konsentrasi 5% karena memiliki sudut kontak terkecil yaitu 26,49° dan diamater terkecil didapatkan dari variasi NaOH konsentrasi 15% yaitu 0,31±0,08  dan density tertinggi didapatkan pada variasi NaOH konsentrasi 15% sebesar 1,537±0,045 g/cm3 dalam hal karakterisasi ikatan dan terutama disebabkan oleh pengurangan bagian amorf dari sera

    The Effect Of Promotion And Price On Consumer Decision Of Nurayya Muslimah Salon In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    Promotion and price as marketing mix strategy is required to win the competition among the service businesses, this study aims to analyze the effect of promotions and price as the independent variables on consumer decision of Nurraya Muslimah Salon in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. Specific research to observe these two variables in this type of business especially in the pandemic era has not been done before. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to respondents using purposive sampling and processed also analyzed using descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the research hypothesis test, it shows that the promotion does not have a significant effect on consumer decisions but the price has a positive effect on consumer decisions in the Covid 19 pandemic era. It is recommended to Muslimah Salon to maximize promotion by social media and adjust prices to market conditions


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    This research aims to analyze the occurrence of structure shifts in grammatical complexity and voice change in Frank Baum’s The Marvelous Land Of Oz and its translated version. This research also aims to analyze the reason of the occurrence of that structure shifts and the impact of those structure shifts on transferring messages from the source language to the target language. This study is in bilingual translation which includesEnglish text as the source language and Bahasa Indonesiatext as the target language. This research is adescriptive qualitative research. The data of structure shift taken from the English-Indonesian translation The Marvelous Land of Oz. The instruments of this research are the researcher and the data sheets. The discussion of this research is based on the frequency of the occurrence of the grammatical complexity change and the voice change. The result of the research shows that there are many data which contain structure shifts in the two versions of the novel. The most frequency of structureshifts are in grammatical complexity change which constitute78 cases from the total number of 107data.The occurrences of voice shiftare8 cases. There are 21 data which bring about grammatical complexity change and voice shift all together. Among those type of structure shift, the grammatical complexity change is most frequently used by the translator. It is because the grammatical systems between the source language and the target language are different. Then, the data which are collected are analyzed into meaning equivalence. The meaning equivalence is categorized into equivalent (complete, increased, and decreased) and non- equivalent (different). There are 52 data of complete, 9 data of increased, 43 data of decreased, and 3 data of different meaning. It means that the messages of the source language are transferred as equally as possible in the target language. From the explanations, it can conclude that shift are used to make appropriate, to get clearer and natural translation

    The Optimal Condition of Dry-Heat Stabilization using Oven on Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Rice Bran: A Meta-Analysis

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    Rice bran, a beneficial by-product of rice milling, is a rich source of nutrition, containing bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds and exhibiting high antioxidant activity. Due to these properties, rice bran is a valuable ingredient for functional foods and animal feed. However, its short shelf life caused by rapid rancidity often hinders its use. Dry heating is an effective method to increase the longevity of rice bran. It can be stabilized by heating rice bran to the appropriate temperature, retaining its nutritional value and prolonging its shelf life. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the optimal temperature and time duration for dry-heat stabilization using an oven on Free Phenolic Content (FPC), Bound Phenolic Content (BPC), Total Phenolic Content (TPC), and Antioxidant Activity (AA) of rice bran. A total of 7 articles and 34 experiments were included after applying specified screening criteria. Results indicated that temperature and time duration of dry-heat stabilization had a significant effec

    Hubungan Pembelajaran Online Terhadap Kualitas Belajar Mahasiswa Keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pendahuluan: Pandemi Covid-19 membuat metode pembalajaran berpidah ke sistem online, terutama menggunakan google class room. Tujuan: penelitian ini mengidentifikasi hubungan pembelajaran online terhadap kualitas belajar mahasiswa/I keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia selama pandemic Covid-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan Analitik Observasional dengan design cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dari mahasiswa/I keperawatan angkatan 16 Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia.Sampel penelitia ini di tentukan dengan menggunakan teknik Probability Sampling yaitu sebagian dari mahasiswa/I keperawatan angkatan 16 Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket atau kuesioner. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 72 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi-square. Hasil: penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran online google classroom nilai p = 0,000, < sigma a = 0,05 dan kualitas belajar dengan nilai (p= 0,000) < sigma a = 0,05. Hasil analisis ini memenuhi kriteria persyaratan hipotesis ada hubungan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan belajar online google classroom terhadap kualitas belajar mahasiswa/i keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara selama pandemi Covid-19 . Simpulan: Maka dari itu penggunaan google calss room sebagai platform pembelajaran online selama pandemi harus dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar mahasiswa keperawatan

    The Difference in Effect of Arabica Coffee Gayo Beans and Leaf (Coffea Arabica Gayo) Extract on Decreasing Blood Sugar Levels in Healthy Mice

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    BACKGROUND: High incidence rate of diabetes mellitus (DM) and increased incidence of complications from DM as well as the use of less effective antidiabetic drugs and high financing to treat demands alternative therapy. AIM: This study was conducted to determine the difference in the effect of Arabica coffee gayo bean and leaf extract on blood sugar levels in healthy mice before and after the intervention of extract and fasting and postprandial blood glucose level after consumption of glucose. METHODS: This research is an experimental research study. The study used experimental animals which were divided into 8 groups which are the control group (Aquadest), group given Acarbose, the group given the Arabica coffee gayo bean extract with dosage of 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg in healthy mice, the group given the Arabica coffee gayo leaf extract with dosage of 30 mg, 60 mg and 120 mg in healthy mice. RESULTS: The results of the study obtained are before and after the intervention of extract showed the difference of p= 0.523 and after consumption of glucose the fasting and postprandial result showed the difference of p = 0.005. CONCLUSION: The use of Arabica coffee gayo bean and leaf extract showed a high decrease in blood glucose levels (BGL) compared to the control group

    Investigating English Students’ Motivation in Speaking Class during New Normal Era

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    Motivation is one of the most important factors and greatly influences the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine how the level of motivation of students in the speaking class during the new nomal era, namely the second semester students of the English Department of IAIN Bengkulu. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach. The techniques used in collecting data were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire consists of 36 questions divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The data are presented statistically using percentage, frequency, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation division. The results showed that the mean score of intrinsic motivation (3.89) was higher than the average score of extrinsic motivation (3.39). However, the overall motivation average of 3.68 is considered a high level of motivation despite currently studying in the Covid-19 pandemic conditions. The results of this study indicate that the majority of students learn English in the speaking class because of intrinsic motivation. They actively speak and learn English because of their own inner desires. Based on the findings of this study, several relevant learning implications and useful motivations are recommended to increase student motivation

    Hubungan Pembelajaran Online Terhadap Kualitas Belajar Mahasiswa Keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pendahuluan: Pandemi Covid-19 membuat metode pembalajaran berpidah ke sistem online, terutama menggunakan google class room. Tujuan: penelitian ini mengidentifikasi hubungan pembelajaran online terhadap kualitas belajar mahasiswa/I keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia selama pandemic Covid-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan Analitik Observasional dengan design cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dari mahasiswa/I keperawatan angkatan 16 Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia.Sampel penelitia ini di tentukan dengan menggunakan teknik Probability Sampling yaitu sebagian dari mahasiswa/I keperawatan angkatan 16 Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket atau kuesioner. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 72 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi-square. Hasil: penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran online google classroom nilai p = 0,000, < sigma a = 0,05 dan kualitas belajar dengan nilai (p= 0,000) < sigma a = 0,05. Hasil analisis ini memenuhi kriteria persyaratan hipotesis ada hubungan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan belajar online google classroom terhadap kualitas belajar mahasiswa/i keperawatan Universitas Sari Mutiara selama pandemi Covid-19 . Simpulan: Maka dari itu penggunaan google calss room sebagai platform pembelajaran online selama pandemi harus dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar mahasiswa keperawatan
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