381 research outputs found

    Ekosistem Yang Mempengaruhi Pengembangan Pustakawan

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    The development of a library is strongly influenced by the environment of the users has to be serve. This environment is currently known as the VUCA ecosystem, namely Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. VUCA itself emerged as a result of technological developments which are currently called the industrial revolution 4.0. This paper is a literature review that discusses the influence of the VUCA ecosystem in library development based on the literature and related research reports. Literature is collected both online and printed literature and then discussed. Various papers relevant to the VUCA ecosystem were collected from books, journals, and websites, then analyzed descriptively. Various library developments must consider the VUCA ecosystem so that the services provided by libraries are in accordance with the needs of users in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Libraries are entities that are strongly influenced by the VUCA environment or ecosystem. Therefore, in order for libraries to survive in the era of destructive technology that causes VUCA, the librarian as the driving force of the library must have a service breakthrough that can get out of the VUCA trap.Pengembangan perpustakaan sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan pemustaka yang akan dilayaninya. Lingkungan tersebut saat ini dikenal dengan ekosistem VUCA yaitu Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity dan Ambiguity. VUCA sendiri muncul akibat dari perkembangan teknologi yang saat ini disebut revolusi industri 4.0. Karya tulis ini merupakan literature review atau tinjauan literatur yang membahas pengaruh ekosistem VUCA dalam pengembangan perpustakaan berdasarkan kepada literatur dan laporan hasil penelitian terkait. Literur dikumpulkan baik melalui daring maupun literatur tercetak kemudian dibahas. Berbagai karya tulis yang relevan dengan ekosistem VUCA dikumpulkan dari buku, jurnal, maupun situs web, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berbagai pengembangan perpustakaan harus mempertimbangkan ekosistem VUCA agar layanan yang diberikan oleh perpustakaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemustaka di era revolusi industri 4.0. Perpustakaan termasuk entitas yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan atau ekosistem VUCA. Karena itu agar perpustakaan bisa survive di era teknologi desruptive yang menyebabkan VUCA tersebut, maka pustakawan sebagai motor penggerak perpustakaan harus mempunyai terobosan layanan yang bisa keluar dari jebakan VUCA


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    Cassava is one of the farm’s product that is located in West Kalimantan, especially in Sekadau District. In Mr. Abu’s home industry of cassava chips which it used manual cutting tool, the cutting process often got pain on skeletal muscle such us waist, brisket, necklace, arm, and got work accident because position was not ergonomic. Based on problems, the solution that can do is using cassava cutting machine design. Therefore, this research is needed to decrease pain problems and work accident in the cutting process of cassava. The method that was used in this research is Nordic Body Map with antropometri approach. Nordic Body Map is the method of subject assessment which the results depend on condition who is gotten by worker to know the level of injury risk on moskuleskeletal system. Antropometric was used to determine the size of machine which it will be built depends on operator body dimention. In order to the cassava cutting machine will be ergonomic and can improve the result of operator work. The results showed that the using method of Nordic Body Map got the low level of injury risk on muscle in amount of 458,75%. The comparasion result in before and after designing increases in amount of 105 %. The dimention of choosing machine is the height of seat of 45 cm, the height of back seat of 53 cm, the height of machine of 97 cm, the depth of back seat of 47 cm, the depth and length maximum of machine around from 73 cm. Keyword – Antropometry, Cutting Machine Cassava, Design, Ergonomy, Nordic Body Map

    Rekonstruksi Peran Perpustakaan dan Intervensi Pustakawan kepada Pemustaka

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    Pendahuluan. Dalam era teknologi informasi yang kemudian melahirkan teknologi disruptive perpustakaan menghadapi tantangan yang sangat berat. Banyak unit-unit usaha yang akhirnya gulung tikar atau setidaknya mengurangi karyawannya akibat teknologi disruptive ini. Sebagian pekerjaan mereka sudah digantikan oleh mesin atau robot. Perpustakaan harus “menciptakan” layanan-layanan baru agar tidak termakan oleh teknologi ini. Sebagian kerja perpustakaan sudah diambil alih oleh mesin, seperti transaksi peminjaman bahan perpustakaan pada perpustakaan konvensional dan bahkan perpustakaan digital saat ini sudah mulai beroperasi. Dengan perpustakaan digital maka pemustaka memang tidak perlu lagi mendatangi secara fisik perpustakaan sebab semua layanannya sudah dapat dilakukan melalui gawai. Kajian ini merupakan kajian literatur yang membahas tingkatan layanan atau mediasi menurut Kuhlthau untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi pemustaka Metode dan Pengumpulan Data. Literatur dikumpulkan dari akses ke internet dan koleksi cetak perpustakaan. Analisis Data. Dari literatur yang dikumpulkan dibuatkan catatan poin penting yang kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Kuhlthau memperkenalkan layanan informasi yang disebutnya sebagai intervensi kepada pemustaka. Menurut Kuhlthau ada dua layanan perpustakaan dasar di mana pustakawan profesional terlibat dalam intervensi tersebut yaitu referensi dan instruksi bibliografi. Layanan referensi adalah mediasi kepada pemustaka untuk membantu lokasi dan penggunaan sumber dan informasi. Mediasi seperti ini bisa mediasi sederhana, tetapi juga bisa mediasi yang panjang yang melibatkan proses pencarian informasi yang rumit dan sangat panjang. Konsep zona intervensi ditentukan oleh sifat masalah pemustaka dan tahapan proses pemustaka mengarah pada identifikasi tingkat mediasi dan pendidikan. Menurut Kuhlthau ada lima level mediasi yaitu: organizer (pengatur), locator (pencari lokasi), identifier (pengidentifikasi), advisor (penasihat), dan counselor (konselor). Jika pemustaka bisa bekerja sendiri dalam mencari informasi maka pustakawan tidak perlu melakukan intervensi untuk memediasi pemustaka tersebut. Namun jika pemustaka tidak mampu melakukan pencarian sendiri maka kehadiran pustakawan untuk mengintervensi yaitu memediasi pemustaka sangat diperlukan Kesimpulan. Ada lima level mediasi menurut Kuhlthau yaitu: organizer (pengatur), locator (pencari lokasi), identifier (pengidentifikasi), advisor (penasihat), dan counselor (konselor).Introduction. In the era of information technology that causes the emergence of disruptive technology, libraries face very formidable challenges. Many businesses have gone bankrupt or at least reduced their employees due to this disruptive technology. Many of their jobs have been replaced by machines or robots. Libraries must develop new services so as not to be affected by this technology. Some libraries work has been taken over by machines, such as circulation of library materials and even digital libraries are now starting to operate. The concept of an intervention zone is determined by the nature of the user's problem and the stages of the user process leading to the identification of mediation and education levels. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselor. If the user can work alone in finding information, then the librarian does not need to intervene to mediate the user. With a digital library, users no longer need to physically visit the library because all services can be done through devices. This study is a literature review that discusses the level of service or mediation according to Kuhlthau to meet the information needs of users. Methods and Data Collection. The literature was collected from the internet and the library's print collection. Data analysis. From the collected literature, notes of important points were made which were then analyzed descriptively. Results and Discussion. Kuhlthau introduced an information service that he called intervention to users. According to Kuhlthau, there are two basic library services in which professional librarians are involved in the intervention, namely bibliographic reference and instruction. Reference services are mediation to users to assist with the location and use of resources and information. This kind of mediation can be a simple mediation, but it can also be a lengthy mediation that involves a complex and very lengthy information search process. The concept of an intervention zone is determined by the nature of the user's problem and the stages of the user process leading to the identification of mediation and education levels. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselor. If the user can work alone in finding information, then the librarian does not need to intervene to mediate the user. However, if the user is not able to do the search on his own, then the presence of the librarian to intervene, namely mediating the user is very necessary Conclusion. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselo


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    Abstrak Pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan (penjasorkes) memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani siswa. Dalam hal ini dapat kita masukan kedalam program kurikulum sekolah khususnya pada Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Kebugaran jasmani mengandung pengertian tentang kemampuan jasmani seseorang dalam melakukan tugas kejasmanian sehari – hari secara optimal dan masih dapat melakukan kegiatan jasmani lainya tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan yang berarti. Pembelajaran penjasorkes di SMAN 1 Kediri dilakukan di semua kelas, karena jam pembelajaran fullday dari jam 06.45 – 16.00 maka untuk pembelajaran penjasorkes dibagi menjadi dua yaitu jam pagi dan jam siang. Kelas pagi pembelajaran dilakukan pukul 06.45 – 08.15 dan 08.15 – 09.45 WIB. Sedangkan kelas jam siang pembelajaran dilakukan pukul 14.40 – 16.00 WIB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Untuk mengetahui perbandingan kemampuan daya tahan jantung dan paru-paru antara siswa kelas XI pada pembelajaran penjasorkes pagi hari dengan siang hari di SMAN 1 Kediri.  2. Untuk mengetahui manakah yang lebih baik kemampuan daya tahan jantung dan paru-paru antara siswa kelas XI pada pembelajaran penjasorkes pagi hari dengan siang hari di SMAN 1 Kediri. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan perbandingan (Comparative Research). Instrument dalam penelitian ini menggunakan MFT, dengan analisa data menggunakan uji Mann Whithey Test. Berdasarkan hasil MFT siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Kediri pada kelas jam pagi dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 20 dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 30.025 dan nilai standar deviasi sebesar 7.34051. Sedangkan kelas jam siang dengan jumlah siswa 20 dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 26.825 dan nilai standar deviasi sebesar 4.54855. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menggunakan uji Mann Whitney Test menunjukkan bahwa Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak sebab sig 0,155 < alpha 0,05. Jadi tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan tingkat kemampuan daya tahan jantung dan paru-paru antara siswa kelas XI jam pagi dan jam siang, tetapi apabila dilihat dari nilai rata-rata kelas jam pagi mempunyai rata-rata yang lebih besar daripada kelas jam siang, dengan selisih rata-rata 3,2. Kata Kunci : Daya tahan jantung dan paru-paru, siswa kelas pagi dan siang Abstract Physical education, sport and health ( penjasorkes ) give opportunity to student to involved their physical healthy. In this case, we can be present at work of school curriculum, especially in senior high school. Physical healthy has a meaning about personal physical ability when doing tasks of physically in daily life optimally and still capable to doing another tasks without meaningless jaded. Physical education in Senior High School 1 Kediri did in every class because of fullday, started on 6.45 – 16.00. That is why they have to split the time of physical education in two, between morning class and afternoon class. Morning class started on 06.45 – 08.15 and 08.15 – 09.45, while afternoon class began on 14-40 – 16.00. The purpose of this research is, 1) For knowing about comparison cardiovascular and lungs endurance between class XI within physical education of morning class and afternoon class in Senior High School 1 Kediri. The type of research is using comparative research. Having MFT as a research instrument with data analysis using Mann Whitney Test. Based on the result of MFT, class XI students of Senior High School 1 Kediri at morning class have 20 students with average value, 30.025 and 7.34051 on standart deviation value. Meanwhile, at afternoon class which have 20 students, got 26.825 on average value and standart deviation, 4.54855. Mann Whitney Test showed up that Ha was accepted and Ho was denied because of sig 0.155 < alpha 0.05. With the result that analysis, there is no significant difference in cardiovascular and lungs ability between morning class and afternoon class, but if viewed from class average value, morning class got higher value than afternoon class, with average difference 3,2. Keywords : Cardiovascular and Lungs Endurance, students of morning class and afternoon class

    Pengembangan Perangkat Perkuliahan Berbasis IT (Suatu Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa)

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    Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah dikembangkannya perangkat perkuliahan yang berbasis IT yang dapat diakses oleh mahasiswa kapan saja dan dimana saja tanpa adanya batasan waktu dan lokasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar matematika. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangan perangkat perkuliahan Berbasis IT yang berkualitas (valid, praktis, dan efektif) sebagai suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar matematika. Perangkat perkuliahan yang akan dikembangkan yaitu : RPP/Silabus/SAP, Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa, Buku Mahasiswa, dan Tes Hasil Belajar. Selain tujuan jangka panjang dan tujuan utama, terdapat pula tujuan pendukung dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk memperoleh informasi yang valid mengenai beberapa aspek terkait dengan penerapan pembelajaran berbasi IT, yaitu : (1) penguasaan mahasiswa terhadap bahan ajar dan (2) aktivitas mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka proses pengambangan perangkat ini akan menggunakan Model Pengembangan Plomp (1997) terdiri dari fase investigasi awal (prelimenary investigation); fase desain (design); fase realisasi/konstruksi (realization/construction); fase tes, evaluasi dan revisi (test, evaluation and revision); dan implementasi (implementation). Dan untuk menilai kualitas perangkat pembelajaran maka dilakukan uji validitas oleh validator ahli sehingga diperoleh perangkat yang valid, praktis, dan efektif

    Forecasting of primary energy consumption data in the United States: A comparison between ARIMA and Holter-Winters models

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    This research has a purpose to compare ARIMA Model and Holt-Winters Model based on MAE, RSS, MSE, and RMS criteria in predicting Primary Energy Consumption Total data in the US. The data from this research ranges from January 1973 to December 2016. This data will be processed by using R Software. Based on the results of data analysis that has been done, it is found that the model of Holt-Winters Additive type (MSE: 258350.1) is the most appropriate model in predicting Primary Energy Consumption Total data in the US. This model is more appropriate when compared with Holt-Winters Multiplicative type (MSE: 262260,4) and ARIMA Seasonal model (MSE: 723502,2)

    Studi Bibliometrik dan Sebaran Topik Penelitian pada Jurnal Hayati Terbitan 2012-2016

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    ABSTRAKJurnal ilmiah merupakan sumber informasi primer yang sangat penting  karena di dalamnya memuat hasil penelitian para ahli di bidangnya, kemudian dari hasil penelitian tersebut dituangkan ke dalam tulisan ilmiah dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah.  Jurnal Hayati (HAYATI Journal of Bioscience) sebagai salah satu jurnal ilmiah Indonesia yang yang memiliki reputasi sangat baik dikaji pada tulisan yang berjudul Studi Bibliometrik dan Sebaran Topik Penelitian pada Jurnal Hayati terbitan 2012-2016. Tujuan kajian tersebut adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran bidang ilmu/topik penelitian, produktifitas kepengarangan, derajat kolaborasi kepengarangan, informasi referensi yang digunakan, serta keusangan (obsolescence) informasi yang dijadikan referensi oleh penulis. Data kajian di ambil dari seluruh artikel Jurnal Hayati selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu terbitan tahun 2012-2016. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan bantuan aplikasi Microsoft Excel serta tabel pivot yang ada pada MS Excel. Hasil olahan tersebut akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Sebaran cabang ilmu yang menjadi bahasan dalam penelitian mengenai keaneka ragaman hayati, biosystematics, ekologi, fisiologi, genetika, bioteknologi dan semua betuk kehidupan dipetakan. Produktifitas pengarang dicari dan dibandingkan dengan dalil Lotka. Derajat kolaborasi pengarang dipetakan serta indeks kolaborasi pengarang dicari. Hasil kajian ini menggambarkan peta penelitian di bidang ilmu hayati dan diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi peneliti dan pengambil keputusan untuk menetapkan bidang-bidang apa saja yang perlu menjadi prioritas penelitian di bidang ilmu hayati.ABSTRACTScientific journals are a primary source of information that is very important, especially for the university community, because that journal contains the results of research from experts in their fields, then from the results of the research is written into scientific writing in the form of scientific articles. Jurnal Hayati (HAYATI Journal of Bioscience) is one of the Indonesia's scientific journals that have well reputation the field of Biology. The Bibliometric Study on that journal, of which 153 articles from 2012-2016 publications were studied, have been conducted. The purpose of the study was to identify the distribution of science/ research topics, productivity of authorship, degree of author collaboration, reference information used, and obsolescence of reference sited by the authors. The data was taken from all articles of  Jurnal HAYATI for the last five years which is published in 2012-2016. The data obtained is processed by Microsoft Excel software and pivot table of the MS Excel. The processed products will be displayed in table form and analyzed using descriptive analysis. Distribution of research topics on biodiversity, biosystematics, ecology, physiology, genetics, biotechnology and all life mapped. The productivity of the author is sought and compared with Lotka's proposition. The degree of author collaboration is mapped and the collaborative index of the author is sought. The results of this study illustrate the research map in the field of biological sciences and is expected to be input for researchers and decision makers to determine what areas will be the research priorities in the field of life sciences

    Pemetaan Informasi Sebaran Bidang Ilmu Pada Skripsi Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Lulusan IPB University Tahun 2015-2019 Berdasarkan Standar Universal Decimal Classification: Suatu Kajian Bibliometrika

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    Introduction. Agriculture is an important sector for Indonesia. One of the agricultural sub-sectors is industry and agricultural mechanization. Progress in this field cannot be separated from research activities carried out by lecturers, researchers and students. IPB as one of the leading agricultural universities has certainly produced a lot of research in its field. To find out and photograph the research conducted by undergraduate students, this research was conducted. Methods and Data Collection. The sample is limited to the thesis of the last 5 years (2015-2019) which is taken from the IPB repository. Data analysis. Mapping is reviewed based on the UDC Classification. The table was analyzed descriptively and mapped using VosViewer. Results and Discussion. The number of thesis researches of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB during 2015-2019 is 2,055 titles. The most researched topics were “production and preservation of solid food” totaling 461 studies and the least were “ventilation and air conditioning” and “rubber industry” with only 2 studies each. The most common keyword is "food preservation techniques" with 278 occurrences. The keyword that has the most correlation is "food preservation techniques" with a total of 605 relationships. Keyword analysis using VosViewer is divided into 16 clusters with the largest cluster consisting of 69 keywords. Furthermore, the main supervisor who was the most productive in guiding students was Arif Sabdo Yuwono (31 mentors), while the most productive supervisors were Muhammad Arif Darmawan and Didah Nur Faridah (19 each). Conclusion. The topic of most interest is “production and preservation of solid foods” (461 titles). The most common keyword is "food preservation techniques" with 278 occurrences. The most productive main supervisor is Arif Sabdo Yuwono with a total of 31 students.Pendahuluan. Pertanian merupakan sektor penting bagi Indonesia. Salah satu sub sektor pertanian adalah industri dan mekanisasi pertanian. Kemajuan di bidang tersebut tidak terlepas dari kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen, peneliti dan mahasiswa. IPB sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi pertanian terkemuka tentu telah banyak menghasilkan penelitian di bidangnya. Untuk mengetahui dan memotret penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa program sarjana maka penelitian ini dilakukan. Metode dan Pengumpulan Data. Sampel dibatasi hanya pada skripsi 5 tahun terakhir (2015-2019) yang diambil dari repositori IPB. Analisis Data. Pemetaan dilakukan berdasar pada Klasifikasi UDC. Tabel skripsi dianalisis secara deksriptif dan dipetakan menggunakan VosViewer. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Jumlah penelitian skripsi Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB selama 2015-2019 adalah 2.055 judul. Topik paling banyak diteliti adalah “produksi dan pengawetan makanan padat” berjumlah 461 penelitian dan paling sedikit adalah “ventilasi dan penyejukan udara” dan “industri karet” masing-masing hanya 2 penelitian. Kata kunci paling banyak adalah “teknik pengawetan makanan” dengan jumlah kemunculan sebanyak 278 kali. Kata kunci yang memiliki keterhubungan paling banyak adalah “teknik pengawetan makanan” dengan jumlah keterhubungan sebanyak 605 hubungan. Analisis kata kunci menggunakan VosViewer terbagi menjadi 16 kluster dengan kluster terbesar terdiri dari 69 kata kunci. Selanjutnya dosen pembimbing utama yang paling produktif membimbing mahasiswa adalah Arif Sabdo Yuwono (31 bimbingan), sedangkan sebagai pembimbing anggota paling produktif adalah Muhammad Arif Darmawan dan Didah Nur Faridah (masing-masing 19 bimbingan). Kesimpulan. Topik paling diminati adalah “produksi dan pengawetan makanan padat” (461 judul). Kata kunci paling banyak adalah “teknik pengawetan makanan” dengan kemunculan sebanyak 278 kali. Dosen pembimbing utama paling produktif adalah Arif Sabdo Yuwono dengan jumlah bimbingan sebanyak 31 mahasiswa

    Team Building Activities

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    This study sought to determine the potential impact of team building activities on anti-social behaviors in an urban fifth grade classroom. Team building activities are a pleasurable way to engage students in meaningful learning that has benefits on social, emotional, and academic development. The research was conducted in an urban elementary school in Western New York. The entire class participated in the team building activities. However, five students were selected for observational data collection. Various research tools were utilized to collect and analyze data such as: observation checklists, surveys, interviews, student response sheets, and a researcher\u27s journal. Data illustrated that team building activities contributed to a decrease in anti-social behaviors in the classroom

    The Role of Memorizing the Holy Qur'an in Relieving Psychological Pressures an Applied Analytical Study of the Prophet's Hadith (The Example of the Believer Who Reads the Qur'an)

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    The Holy Quran is the book revealed by the God Almighty, to guide human beings and reform the life of individuals and the Muslim community in all aspects of life, and to have a great place in them as the word of God. The Muslim knows that reading and memorizing the Qur'an is a reason for its higher rank in the highest place in the presence of the Lord of the two Worlds. He accepts Iqbal al-Muhabib, who requests more knowledge, recitation, reflection, and memorization. He preferred to remember the Holy Qur'an and recite it many times in the talks of the Prophet (the example of a believer who reads the Qur'an as an example), hence the idea of our research to see the importance of the Qur'an for the Muslims in alleviating psychological stress, as it appeared that the psychological field ranked first, and the social and family spheres received the same rank. In other words, memorizing the Qur'an is directly proportional to the amount of memorization. The greater the amount of memorization, the less the person will suffer from psychological stress. Keywords: the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet's hadith, relieving psychological stress
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