637 research outputs found

    Absence of an embryonic stem cell DNA methylation signature in human cancer.

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    BackgroundDifferentiated cells that arise from stem cells in early development contain DNA methylation features that provide a memory trace of their fetal cell origin (FCO). The FCO signature was developed to estimate the proportion of cells in a mixture of cell types that are of fetal origin and are reminiscent of embryonic stem cell lineage. Here we implemented the FCO signature estimation method to compare the fraction of cells with the FCO signature in tumor tissues and their corresponding nontumor normal tissues.MethodsWe applied our FCO algorithm to discovery data sets obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and replication data sets obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) data repository. Wilcoxon rank sum tests, linear regression models with adjustments for potential confounders and non-parametric randomization-based tests were used to test the association of FCO proportion between tumor tissues and nontumor normal tissues. P-values of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.ResultsAcross 20 different tumor types we observed a consistently lower FCO signature in tumor tissues compared with nontumor normal tissues, with 18 observed to have significantly lower FCO fractions in tumor tissue (total n = 6,795 tumor, n = 922 nontumor, P < 0.05). We replicated our findings in 15 tumor types using data from independent subjects in 15 publicly available data sets (total n = 740 tumor, n = 424 nontumor, P < 0.05).ConclusionsThe results suggest that cancer development itself is substantially devoid of recapitulation of normal embryologic processes. Our results emphasize the distinction between DNA methylation in normal tightly regulated stem cell driven differentiation and cancer stem cell reprogramming that involves altered methylation in the service of great cell heterogeneity and plasticity

    Análisis sistemático de literatura del uso y apropiación de las tic en los medios de comunicación trandicionales, a partir de las rede sociales, en Colombia en los últimos 10 años

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    Este documento analiza el panorama de las TIC en cuanto a la apropiación que han tenido los medios de comunicación, tradicionales, en todo el país a partir de las redes sociales. Este bajo los parámetros de cómo las TIC han sido apropiadas por los medios de comunicación, pero también de cómo las redes sociales, que son una de las vertientes más importantes de las TIC, han tenido una adaptación e inserción a los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Colombia ha hecho hincapié en la postura de las TIC, con varias iniciativas dentro de su agenta en la cartera del MinTic. Este documento de investigación realiza el estudio de lo que se ha abordado en la apropiación y uso de estas tecnologías en los medios de comunicación. También muestra cómo han cambiado los medios, lo que ha llevado a la creación de diferentes estrategias para continuar con el contacto con el público que se han venido modificando.This document analyzes the ICT panorama in terms of the appropriation that the traditional media have had throughout the country, starting with social networks. This is under the parameters of how ICTs have been appropriated by the media, but also how social networks, which are one of the most important aspects of ICTs, have had an adaptation and insertion to traditional media. Colombia has emphasized the position of ICT, with several initiatives within its agent in the MinTic portfolio. This research paper conducts the study of what has been addressed in the appropriation and use of these technologies in the media. It also shows how the media have changed, which has led to the creation of different strategies to continue contact with the public that have sold changing.1. Tabla de contenido. -- 2. Introducción. -- 2.1. Propósito. -- 3. Justificación. -- 4. Metodología. -- 5. Categorías de análisis. -- 5.1. Tic y medios de comunicación. – 5.2. Redes sociales y medios de comunicación. -- 6. CAP1: Tic y medios de comunicación. -- 7. CAP2: Fact Checking en el periodismo. -- 8. CAP3: Redes sociales y medios de comunicación. -- 9. Conclusiones. -- 10. Bibliografí

    In silico Guided Drug Repurposing: Discovery of New Competitive and Non-competitive Inhibitors of Falcipain-2

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    Malaria is among the leading causes of death worldwide. The emergence of Plasmodium falciparum resistant strains with reduced sensitivity to the first line combination therapy and suboptimal responses to insecticides used for Anopheles vector management have led to renewed interest in novel therapeutic options. Here, we report the development and validation of an ensemble of ligand-based computational models capable of identifying falcipain-2 inhibitors, and their subsequent application in the virtual screening of DrugBank and Sweetlead libraries. Among four hits submitted to enzymatic assays, two (odanacatib, an abandoned investigational treatment for osteoporosis and bone metastasis, and the antibiotic methacycline) confirmed inhibitory effects on falcipain-2, with Ki of 98.2 nM and 84.4 μM. Interestingly, Methacycline proved to be a non-competitive inhibitor (α = 1.42) of falcipain-2. The effects of both hits on falcipain-2 hemoglobinase activity and on the development of P. falciparum were also studied.Fil: Alberca, Lucas Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Chuguransky, Sara Rocío. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Cora Lilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Talevi, Alan. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Salas Sarduy, Emir. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas; Argentin

    Salud y mercado: algunos datos

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    En estos tiempos de austeridad presupuestaria, muchos piensan que nuestro sistema público de salud es demasiado caro (más de un tercio del total de los gastos de los presupuestos de la Generalitat de Catalunya en 2012). Se nos dice que nos hemos dotado de una asistencia sanitaria pública que no nos podemos permitir dado nuestro nivel de renta. Algunos creen que la solución más importante y general, puede venir de la privatización del sistema o del establecimiento de formas de gestión que acerquen la gestión pública de nuestra sanidad a formas privadas basadas en los indicadores que proporciona el mercado.Postprint (published version

    Profiles and risk factors for teen dating violence in Spain

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    Teen dating violence (TDV) refers to a wide range of partner-directed harmful behaviors among adolescents. Since it was first documented in the 1980s, there is a growing interest in TDV due to its potentially devastating mid- and long-term consequences. Aiming at the early detection of TDV onset with prevention purposes, research has focused on the detection of typologies of perpetrators and/or victims as well as on identifying risk and protective factors for its occurrence. Research with Spanish adolescents, however, is very limited. To fill this gap, we recruited a total of 2,319 adolescents from different regions in Spain, out of which, 1,079 reported having had a romantic partner during the last year. These filled out measures of TDV (perpetration and victimization), school aggression, hostile and benevolent sexism, empathy, assertiveness, psychological inflexibility (general measures), and psychological inflexibility with prejudice thoughts. A cluster analysis revealed that adolescents could be divided into two clusters as a function of their TDV profile: Cluster 1, including close to 76% of the sample (boys and girls), presented low TDV perpetration and victimization; Cluster 2, including 24% of the sample (boys and girls), presented higher TDV perpetration and victimization. Regression analyses revealed that, as compared to those in Cluster 1, adolescents in Cluster 2 were more likely to be older boys who scored high in benevolent sexism, overt and relational school aggression, and personal distress, and low in behavior regulation skills, perspective taking, and practical personal ability. We discuss the implications of these findings for the design of evidence-based TDV prevention campaigns

    Newborn and childhood differential DNA methylation and liver fat in school-age children

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    Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common chronic liver disease in children in western countries. Adverse early-life exposures are associated with higher liver fat percentages in children. Differential DNA methylation may underlie these associations. We aimed to identify differential DNA methylation in newborns and children associated with liver fat accumulation in childhood. We also examined whether DNA methylation at 22 cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites (CpGs) associated with adult non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with liver fat in children. Within a population-based prospective cohort study, we analyzed epigenome-wide DNA methylation data of 785 newborns and 344 10-year-old children in relation to liver fat fraction at 10 years. DNA methylation was measured using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Illumina). We measured liver fat fraction by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Associations of single CpG DNA methylation at the two-time points with liver fat accumulation were analyzed using robust linear regression models. We also analyzed differentially methylation regions using the dmrff package. We looked-up associations of 22 known adult CpGs at both ages with liver fat at 10 years. Results: The median liver fat fraction was 2.0% (95% range 1.3, 5.1). No single CpGs and no differentially methylated regions were associated with liver fat accumulation. None of the 22 known adult CpGs were associated with liver fat in children. Conclusions: DNA methylation at birth and in childhood was not associated with liver fat accumulation in 10-year-old children in this study. This may be due to modest sample sizes or DNA methylation changes being a consequence rather than a determinant of liver fat

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora extremeña (España)

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    New floristic records for Valladolid province. IIPalabras clave. Corología, flora vascular, España, Valladolid.Key words. Chorology, vascular flora, Spain, Valladolid

    Ceniza de cáscara de café para mejora de la resistencia en subrasante con suelos arcillosos, Jaén

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    En el presente estudio se tuvo como propósito usar ceniza de cáscara de café para mejorar la resistencia en subrasante con suelos arcillosos en Jaén, determinando el efecto que tiene las adiciones de cenizas de cascarilla de café en subrasante con CBR menor al 6%, la investigación es de tipo aplicada y tiene un diseño experimental, para ello se elaboraron dos grupos de investigación, el grupo control con muestras patrón de suelo arcillo, y el grupo experimental con la adición del 10%, 12%, 15%, 17% y 20% de ceniza de cáscara de café a las muestras del suelo patrón. Se logró finalmente determinar los efectos que tiene la adición del 10%, 12%, 15%, 17% y 20% de ceniza de cáscara de café en las muestras del suelo patrón, los cuales fueron evaluados en un laboratorio de suelos; cuyos resultados fueron que con la adición del 10%, 12%, 15%, 17% y 20% si se mejoró el CBR de las muestras del suelo patrón, obteniéndose con la adición del 15% de ceniza de cáscara de café una mejora del CBR de 8.9% y 8.5%. Concluyendo de esta manera que se logró mejorar la resistencia en subrasante de un suelo arcillo con todas las adiciones de ceniza de cáscara de café, siendo la más óptima el 15%

    Utilización de componentes neutros de construcción en Latinoamérica

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    Self-help construction is a popular and diverse practice in Latin America. In the case of low income housing, in some countries self-help construction loses its condition of exception to become the main form of housing production. Different technologies or adaptations of formal procedures are used when building these units. However, the authors of this research pose that there are more suitable techniques that could be adopted. Components and products cannot work independently from processes. The need for improvement of low-income housing explains the constant, growing and considerable demand for raw materials and neutral construction materials. Users themselves point out some of the requirements of these technologies: materials that are affordable, lightweight and easy to handle. Moreover, there is a large number of local microworkshops or small productive centers attempting to make a step forward. This may be the time to acknowledge contributions from entities or individual professionals which through neutral, tangible and affordable elements, and by means of simple assemblies, provide highly technical solutions with the potential to become cornerstone practices for the construction of low-income housing in Latin America.En Latinoamérica la autoconstrucción es un hecho de gran extensión y diversidad, que en el caso del hábitat popular pierde su carácter de excepción para pasar a ser en algunos países vía mayoritaria de producción del hábitat. En la ejecución de estos alojamientos se emplean tecnologías tradicionales o adaptaciones de métodos y sistemas formales. Sin embargo, en opinión de los autores, podrían utilizarse tecnologías aun más apropiadas para este ámbito. Los componentes y productos no pueden ser independientes de los procesos. Las necesidades de mejoramiento del hábitat popular explican el volumen constante, creciente y muy considerable de la demanda de materias primas y de componentes neutros de construcción. Los propios usuarios señalan algunos de los requerimientos de estas tecnologías: materiales asequibles de poco peso y manejables. Por otra parte, existe una pléyade de microtalleres o gérmenes industriales locales con experiencia adquirida y vocación de crecer. Quizás sea el momento de señalar aportes válidos de entidades o de profesionales que partiendo de componentes neutros, tangibles y asequibles, mediante acoples o ensambles sencillos aportan soluciones tecnificadas, capaces de convertirse en prácticas de referencia para la construcción del hábitat popular en el entorno latinoamericano