1,349 research outputs found

    Forest Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Worldwide Research

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    The relevance of forests to sustain human well-being and the serious threats they face have led to a notable increase of research works on forest ecosystem services during the last few years. This paper analyses the worldwide research dynamics on forest ecosystem services in the period from 1998 to 2017. A bibliometric analysis of 4284 articles was conducted. The results showed that the number of published research articles has especially increased during the last five years. In total, 68.63% of the articles were published in this period. This research line experiences a growing trend superior to the general publishing trend on forest research. In spite of this increase, its relative significance within the forest research is still limited. The most productive subject areas corresponded to Environmental Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences and Social Sciences Economic topics are understudied. The scientific production is published in a wide range of journals. The three first publishing countries are United States, China and the United Kingdom. The most productive authors are attached to diverse research centres and their contributions are relatively recent. A high level of international cooperation has been observed between countries, institutions and authors. The findings of this study are useful for researchers since they give them an overview of the worldwide research trends on forest ecosystem services

    Analysis of the consumption of sports supplements in elite fencers according to sex and competitive level.

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the consumption of sports supplements (SS) in competitive level fencers and compare differences based on sex and competitive level (international and national). Methods: A total of 49 fencers (18 men and 31 women) of national (n = 16) and international (n = 33) level completed a questionnaire with questions about SS consumption and the possible repercussions on health and / or sports performance. The results were analyzed based on the different categorizations established by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), as well as by sex and level of competence to which the participants belonged to. Results: 46.9% of fencers have consumed SS with the main motivation being performance improvement (34.2%). Medical doctors were the individuals who were more likely to advise men to consume SS (50.0% vs 5.6%; OR = 3.29 [1.50–7.20]). Friends were most likely to advise women (38.9% vs 8.3%; OR = 1.75 [1.05–2.93]). The most consumed SS were sport drinks (44.9%), vitamin C (43.4%), sport bars (38.8%), and caffeine (28.6%). In regards to the SS categories, it was observed differences in the interaction level·sex in medical supplements (p = 0.017). In addition, there was a higher prevalence of whey protein consumption in women (25.8% vs 0%; p = 0.020) and iron consumption in men (33% vs 6.5%; p = 0.039). Conclusions: The prevalence of SS use in fencers is within the values previously reported in athletes of the same competitive level. There were no differences by sex and competitive level in the total consumption of SS, nor in each of the groups of level of evidence, being sport drinks, bars and caffeine the most consumed SS.post-print572 K

    AIRPA: An Architecture to Support the Execution and Maintenance of AI-Powered RPA Robots

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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has quickly evolved from automating simple rule-based tasks. Nowadays, RPA is required to mimic more sophisticated human tasks, thus implying its combina tion with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, i.e., the so-called intelli gent RPA. Putting together RPA with AI leads to a challenging scenario since (1) it involves professionals from both fields who typically have different skills and backgrounds, and (2) AI models tend to degrade over time which affects the performance of the overall solution. This paper describes the AIRPA project, which addresses these challenges by proposing a software architecture that enables (1) the abstraction of the robot development from the AI development and (2) the monitor, con trol, and maintain intelligent RPA developments to ensure its quality and performance over time. The project has been conducted in the Serv inform context, a Spanish consultancy firm, and the proposed prototype has been validated with reality settings. The initial experiences yield promising results in reducing AHT (Average Handle Time) in processes where AIRPA deployed cognitive robots, which encourages exploring the support of intelligent RPA development.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-105455GB-C31Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial EXP00118029/IDI-20190524Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial P011-19/E0

    Parallel Two-Stage Least Squares algorithms for Simultaneous Equations Models on GPU

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    Today it is usual to have computational systems formed by a multicore together with one or more GPUs. These systems are heterogeneous, due to the di erent types of memory in the GPUs and to the di erent speeds of computation of the cores in the CPU and the GPU. To accelerate the solution of complex problems it is necessary to combine the two basic components (CPU and GPU) in the heterogeneous system. This paper analyzes the use of a multicore+multiGPU system for solving Simultaneous Equations Models by the Two-Stage Least Squares method with QR decomposition. The combination of CPU and GPU allows us to reduce the execution time in the solution of large SEM.Ramiro Sánchez, C.; López-Espín, JJ.; Giménez, D.; Vidal, AM. (2012). Parallel Two-Stage Least Squares algorithms for Simultaneous Equations Models on GPU. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1496

    Measurement device design: Rain gauge

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    The need to size large hydraulic infrastructures, exploit extensive agricultural areas or simply arrange water assets for human consumption makes the evaluation of the available water resources essential. Water is a scarce resource that is poorly distributed both, spatially and temporally. Therefore, a set of hydrological networks that allow the evaluation of water quantity and quality is required. In order to achieve this, the first step is to retrieve reliable data on rainfall. To carry out a correct evaluation of water resources, both in the small and large scale, disposing hydrological networks that involve a certain number of measuring devices becomes critical. Despite the great amount of studies that have been developed on measuring devices such as rain gauges, there are still many errors that remain in the measurements and that have not been ruled out yet, thus affecting the accuracy of the measurements. In this sense, the design of a device that provides an accurate measurement of rainfall and also results affordable, could be the key to a product with great acceptance in the market. The aim of this work is to present the design of a measurement device that provides accurate data and can be used in multiple ways: as an ordinary rain gauge, as a rain gauge recorder, or even allowing to carry on both functions simultaneously. The methodology followed for its implementation has consisted in analyzing the techniques and procedures to be trailed at quantifying rainfall, conducting a market study and analyzing specifications to be in accordance to WMO (World Meteorological Organization) [2] [3] to then go through a conceptual design and finally complete the detailed design where materials are valued and simulation tests are performed in order to meet certain accuracy and economical requirements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    High-P metamorphism of rodingites during serpentinite dehydration (Cerro del Almirez, Southern Spain): Implications for the redox state in subduction zones

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    The transition between antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite at Cerro del Almirez (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) exceptionally marks in the field the front of antigorite breakdown at high pressure (~16–19 kbar) and temperature (~650°C) in a paleosubducted serpentinite. These ultramafic lithologies enclose three types of metarodingite boudins of variable size surrounded by metasomatic reaction rims. Type 1 Grandite-metarodingite (garnet+chlorite+diopside+titanite±magnetite±ilmenite) mainly crops out in the antigorite-serpentinite domain and has three generations of garnet. Grossular-rich Grt-1 formed during rodingitization at the seafloor (10 kbar, ~350–650°C, ~FMQ buffer) to influx events of oxidizing fluids (fO ~HM buffer) released by brucite breakdown in the host antigorite-serpentinite. Type 2 Epidote-metarodingite (epidote+diopside+titanite±garnet) derives from Type 1 and is the most abundant metarodingite type enclosed in dehydrated chlorite-harzburgite. Type 2 formed by increasing μSiO (from −884 to −860 kJ/mol) and decreasing μCaO (from −708 to −725 kJ/mol) triggered by the flux of high amounts of oxidizing fluids during the high-P antigorite breakdown in serpentinite. The growth of Grt-4, with low-grandite and high-pyralspite components, in Type 2 metarodingite accounts for progressive reequilibration of garnet with changing intensive variables. Type 3 Pyralspite-metarodingite (garnet+epidote+amphibole+chlorite±diopside+rutile) crops out in the chlorite-harzburgite domain and formed at peak metamorphic conditions (16–19 kbar, 660–684°C) from Type 2 metarodingite. This transformation caused the growth of a last generation of pyralspite-rich garnet (Grt-5) and the recrystallization of diopside into tremolitic amphibole at decreasing fO and μCaO (from −726 to −735 kJ/mol) and increasing μMgO (from −630 to −626 kJ/mol) due to chemical mixing between the metarodingite and the reaction rims. The different bulk Fe/Fe ratios of antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite, and of the three metarodingite types, reflect the highly heterogeneous oxidation state of the subducting slab and likely point to the transfer of localized oxidized reservoirs, such as metarodingites, into the deep mantle.“Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: CGL2012-32067, CGL201675224-R; Junta de Andalucía, Grant/ Award Number: RNM-145, P12-RNM3141; Ramón y Cajal, Grant/Award Number: RYC-2012-11314; MINECO, Grant/Award Number: CGL2016-81085-R, PCIN-2015-05

    Diffusive and Arrestedlike Dynamics in Currency Exchange Markets

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    This work studies the symmetry between colloidal dynamics and the dynamics of the Euro–U.S. dollar currency exchange market (EURUSD). We consider the EURUSD price in the time range between 2001 and 2015, where we find significant qualitative symmetry between fluctuation distributions from this market and the ones belonging to colloidal particles in supercooled or arrested states. In particular, we find that models used for arrested physical systems are suitable for describing the EURUSD fluctuation distributions. Whereas the corresponding mean-squared price displacement (MSPD) to the EURUSD is diffusive for all years, when focusing in selected time frames within a day, we find a two-step MSPD when the New York Stock Exchange market closes, comparable to the dynamics in supercooled systems. This is corroborated by looking at the price correlation functions and non-Gaussian parameters and can be described by the theoretical model. We discuss the origin and implications of this analogy