74 research outputs found

    Enfoques feministas del uso del hiyab-velo. Herramientas para el profesorado

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es ofrecer al profesorado una herramienta de acercamiento y comprensión de los múltiples significados, contextos, sentimientos, tipos y usos del hiyab-velo, que le permita superar los prejuicios que resultan de la visión simplista, colonial y etnocéntrica dominante en nuestro entorno y, además, suplir la ausencia de un material educativo feminista que aporte una perspectiva de género. En un entorno cada vez más intercultural, es prioritaria la formación del personal docente sobre un tema tan confuso y polémico como el hiyab, aplicando las teorías pedagógicas en formación del profesorado y las competencias del tema en los centros escolares. Para la consecución de este fin, se recopila un abanico de informaciones y material que trata de mostrar una fotografía realista, práctica y útil, tanto del empoderamiento de muchas mujeres árabes y/o musulmanas con independencia del uso o no del velo, como de los enfoques feministas árabes y/o musulmanes sobre el uso del hiyab, esbozando un desarrollo de la historia del feminismo árabe y/o musulmán y sus activistas.Se pretende que, en manos del profesorado, constituya una herramienta válida de formación intelectual y, en consecuencia,repercuta en el aula

    Ganancia de peso y modificación de la composición corporal después de un trasplante renal

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    Introducción: Esta constatado un aumento de peso postrasplante renal, entre otros factores, por una reducción de la actividad física en los primeros meses, aumento del apetito y toma de inmunosupresores y corticoides. Objetivo: Conocer la ganancia de peso postrasplante. Determinar relación entre ganancia de peso y comorbilidades. Evaluar la modificación de la composición corporal. Material y Método: Estudio prospectivo, septiembre 2020-abril 2023. Se realizaron mediciones de peso a los 0, 3, 6, 12 meses. Resultados: Se analizaron 92 pacientes, 68,5% varones, edad 58±18,5 años. Peso pretrasplante 72,5 (±5,8), a los 12 meses: 75,10 (±15,7) kg. Se encontraron diferencias entre primero y trasplantes previos (p=0,020). En el análisis de las varianzas de medidas repetidas de peso (p=0,022), las diferencias se mostraron entre el mes 0 y el tercero, el mes 0 y el año y, entre el tercer mes y el año. En la masa muscular (p<0,001), se vieron al comparar el mes 0 con 3º, con 6º y con 12 meses. La masa grasa al comparar 3er mes con 12 meses y la grasa visceral (p=0,032), al comparar 3er mes con 6º y con 12 meses. Conclusión: Tras el trasplante renal se produce un aumento de peso, especialmente a partir del 6º mes, situándose en un 5% al año. La masa muscular aumenta en mayor medida que la masa grasa. Las personas trasplantadas de donante vivo, trasplante previos, con hipertensión y/o enfermedad cardiovascular tienen mayor ganancia de peso

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos del Cesar, Córdoba y Guajira

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    La violencia en el país ha sido una larga lucha por el cual las víctimas han tenido que atravesar durante muchos años dejando como mayor consecuencia el desplazamiento forzoso; situación que los ha conllevado a adaptarse y aprender a vivir en una sociedad en donde son invisibles y también señalados, el cual va arraigado a las duras experiencias que han pasado dejando en ellos memorias colectivas. Las comunidades víctimas de la guerra han sido por mucho tiempo recuperadas a partir de objetivos claros que llevaron a fomentar la reconstrucción de sus tejidos sociales, es por ello que los diferentes escenarios de violencia pueden estar muy unidos por la gran memoria colectiva que han compartido, eventos traumáticos difíciles de olvidar, además de que la mayoría les ha costado superar sus diferentes situaciones como el destierro o la perdida de seres queridos, de tal forma que el acompañamiento social y comunitario son indispensables para minimizar estas duras situaciones, ya que la víctima no solo se debe recuperar a nivel emocional sino también a nivel social y familiar. Una forma de conocer las constantes experiencias vividas de las víctimas del conflicto armado es por medio de la narrativa, en donde se les da el espacio para que ellos puedan expresar los hechos de forma subjetiva; en el siguiente informe se evaluará eventos psicosociales traumáticos mediante la narrativa del relato N° 3 de Alfredo campos, tomado de Banco Mundial, (2009), el cual se analizará para luego proponer una serie de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas orientadas hacia un acercamiento psicosocial y a la superación de condiciones de victimización. De igual forma, también se planteará el caso de Peñas Coloradas tomado de “El estado declaró al ejército dueño temporal de nuestro caserío y nos condenó al destierro” Comisión de la verdad, (2009) con la finalidad de crear estrategias psicosociales que faciliten la potenciación de recursos de afrontamientos a la situación expresada.Violence in our country has been a long struggle through which the victims have had to go through for many years, leaving forced displacement as a major consequence, a situation that has led them to adapt and learn to live in a society where they are invisible and also mentioned, which is rooted in the harsh experiences that have passed, leaving them with collective memories. The communities victims of the war have been recovered for a long time based on clear objectives that led to promoting the reconstruction of their social fabric, which is why the different scenarios of violence can be very united by the great collective memory they have shared, traumatic events that are difficult to forget, in addition to the fact that most of them have had a hard time overcoming their different situations such as exile or the loss of loved ones, in such a way that social and community accompaniment are essential to minimize these harsh situations, since the victim does not It should only be recovered on an emotional level but also on a social and family level. One way of knowing the constant lived experiences of the victims of the armed conflict is through the narrative, where they are given the space so that they can express the facts subjectively; In the following report, traumatic psychosocial events will be evaluated through the narrative of the story No. 3 by Alfredo Campos, taken from the World Bank, (2009), which will be analyzed to then propose a series of circular, reflective and strategic questions oriented towards an approach psychosocial and overcoming conditions of victimization. Similarly, the case of Peñas Coloradas will also be considered, taken from "The state declared the army temporary owner of our village and sentenced us to exile" Truth Commission, (2009) with the aim of creating psychosocial strategies that facilitate empowerment of coping resources to the expressed situation

    Black list and Alert list of the Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula: an action of the LIFE INVASAQUA

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en VI Congreso Nacional sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras y I Congreso Ibérico sobre EEI (EEI 2022) celebrado en Navarra del 20 al 23 de abril de 2022.One of the objectives of LIFE INVASQUA project is to develop tools that will be more efficient the Early Warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) framework for Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula. Horizon scanning for high-risk IAS is basic in implementing measures to reduce new invasions, developing Alert lists, and to focus effort in the species already established, for instance making a Black list. We developed a trans national horizon scanning exercise focused on inland waters of Spain and Portugal in order to provide a prioritized lists (Black list and Alert list) of aquatic IAS that may pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems and socio economic sectors in the future. We followed a step approach of existing information about IAS (Plants, Freshwater Invertebrates, Estuarine Invertebrates and Vertebrates; 127 established taxa in Black list; 90 non established taxa in Alert list) combining with an expert scoring of prioritized taxa. IAS established in the Iberian aquatic system consistently highlighted as the worst included vertebrates (e.g. Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Silurus glanis), freshwater and estuarine invertebrates (e.g. Procambarus clarkii, Dreissena polymorpha, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Callinectes sapidus, Corbicula fluminea) and plants (e.g. Eichhornia crassipes, Azolla filiculoides, Ludwigia grandiflora). Amongst taxa not yet established (Alert list), expert pointed to Perna viridis, Hydroides dirampha, Dreissena bugensis, Procambarus fallax f. virginallis, Perccottus glenii with higher risk of invasion, ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Over 20.6% of the taxa in the preliminary black list received no votes (no prioritization) by experts, 17.8% in the innitial alert list. Our horizon scanning approach is inclusive of all-taxa, prioritizes both established and emerging biological threats across trans-national scales, and considers not only the ecological impact, but also potential direct economic consequences as well as the manageability of invasive species.This work received funds from the LIFE Programme (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515)

    Effectiveness of a strategy that uses educational games to implement clinical practice guidelines among Spanish residents of family and community medicine (e-EDUCAGUIA project):A clinical trial by clusters

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias FIS Grant Number PI11/0477 ISCIII.-REDISSEC Proyecto RD12/0001/0012 AND FEDER Funding.Background: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been developed with the aim of helping health professionals, patients, and caregivers make decisions about their health care, using the best available evidence. In many cases, incorporation of these recommendations into clinical practice also implies a need for changes in routine clinical practice. Using educational games as a strategy for implementing recommendations among health professionals has been demonstrated to be effective in some studies; however, evidence is still scarce. The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a teaching strategy for the implementation of CPGs using educational games (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) to improve knowledge and skills related to clinical decision-making by residents in family medicine. The primary objective will be evaluated at 1 and 6months after the intervention. The secondary objectives are to identify barriers and facilitators for the use of guidelines by residents of family medicine and to describe the educational strategies used by Spanish teaching units of family and community medicine to encourage implementation of CPGs. Methods/design: We propose a multicenter clinical trial with randomized allocation by clusters of family and community medicine teaching units in Spain. The sample size will be 394 residents (197 in each group), with the teaching units as the randomization unit and the residents comprising the analysis unit. For the intervention, both groups will receive an initial 1-h session on clinical practice guideline use and the usual dissemination strategy by e-mail. The intervention group (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) strategy will consist of educational games with hypothetical clinical scenarios in a virtual environment. The primary outcome will be the score obtained by the residents on evaluation questionnaires for each clinical practice guideline. Other included variables will be the sociodemographic and training variables of the residents and the teaching unit characteristics. The statistical analysis will consist of a descriptive analysis of variables and a baseline comparison of both groups. For the primary outcome analysis, an average score comparison of hypothetical scenario questionnaires between the EDUCAGUIA intervention group and the control group will be performed at 1 and 6months post-intervention, using 95% confidence intervals. A linear multilevel regression will be used to adjust the model. Discussion: The identification of effective teaching strategies will facilitate the incorporation of available knowledge into clinical practice that could eventually improve patient outcomes. The inclusion of information technologies as teaching tools permits greater learning autonomy and allows deeper instructor participation in the monitoring and supervision of residents. The long-term impact of this strategy is unknown; however, because it is aimed at professionals undergoing training and it addresses prevalent health problems, a small effect can be of great relevance. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02210442.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 16 No. 34 Junio de 1998

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    La revista temas Socio-Jurídico llega a su edición número 34, en la cual se divulgan los trabajos presentados por los profesores y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho, en el primer semestre del año en curso.The Socio-Legal issues magazine reaches its 34th edition, in which the works presented by the professors and students of the Faculty of Law are disclosed, in the first semester of the current year

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    Guía Mexicana para el Diagnóstico y el Tratamiento de la Urticaria

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    La urticaria es una enfermedad que padece una quinta parte de la población en algún momento de su vida. Las guías inter- nacionales recientes han propuesto unos cambios de fondo en su diagnóstico y tratamiento, por lo que había la necesidad de crear una guía nacional y multidisciplinaria, con base amplia en los gremios de especialistas y médicos de primer contacto en México. ABSTRACT Urticaria is a disease that a fifth of the population shall suffer once in a lifetime. Recent clinical guidelines have proposed some fundamental changes in the diagnosis and treatment of urticaria, making the development of a national, multidisciplinary guideline, with wide acceptability among different professional groups –both specialists and primary health care workers–, necessary in Mexico