227 research outputs found

    Cause and Effect of Feedback: Multiphase Gas in Cluster Cores Heated by AGN Jets

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    Multiwavelength data indicate that the X-ray emitting plasma in the cores of galaxy clusters is not cooling catastrophically. To large extent, cooling is offset by heating due to active galactic nuclei (AGN) via jets. The cool-core clusters, with cooler/denser plasmas, show multiphase gas and signs of some cooling in their cores. These observations suggest that the cool core is locally thermally unstable while maintaining global thermal equilibrium. Using high-resolution, three-dimensional simulations we study the formation of multiphase gas in cluster cores heated by highly-collimated bipolar AGN jets. Our key conclusion is that spatially extended multiphase filaments form only when the instantaneous ratio of the thermal instability and free-fall timescales (t_TI/t_ff) falls below a critical threshold of \approx 10. When this happens, dense cold gas decouples from the hot ICM phase and generates inhomogeneous and spatially extended Halpha filaments. These cold gas clumps and filaments `rain' down onto the central regions of the core, forming a cold rotating torus and in part feeding the supermassive black hole. Consequently, the self-regulated feedback enhances AGN heating and the core returns to a higher entropy level with t_TI/t_ff > 10. Eventually the core reaches quasi-stable global thermal equilibrium, and cold filaments condense out of the hot ICM whenever t_TI/t_ff \lesssim 10. This occurs despite the fact that the energy from AGN jets is supplied to the core in a highly anisotropic fashion. The effective spatial redistribution of heat is enabled in part by the turbulent motions in the wake of freely-falling cold filaments. Increased AGN activity can locally reverse the cold gas flow, launching cold filamentary gas away from the cluster center. Our criterion for the condensation of spatially extended cold gas is in agreement with observations and previous idealized simulations.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 16 pages, 11 figure

    AGN heating, thermal conduction and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in galaxy groups and clusters

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    (abridged) We investigate in detail the role of active galactic nuclei on the physical state of the gas in galaxy groups and clusters, and the implications for anisotropy in the CMB from Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. We include the effect of thermal conduction, and find that the resulting profiles of temperature and entropy are consistent with observations. Unlike previously proposed models, our model predicts that isentropic cores are not an inevitable consequence of preheating. The model also reproduces the observational trend for the density profiles to flatten in lower mass systems. We deduce the energy E_agn required to explain the entropy observations as a function of mass of groups and clusters M_cl and show that E_agn is proportional to M_cl^alpha with alpha~1.5. We demonstrate that the entropy measurements, in conjunction with our model, can be translated into constraints on the cluster--black hole mass relation. The inferred relation is nonlinear and has the form M_bh\propto M_cl^alpha. This scaling is an analog and extension of a similar relation between the black hole mass and the galactic halo mass that holds on smaller scales. We show that the central decrement of the CMB temperature is reduced due to the enhanced entropy of the ICM, and that the decrement predicted from the plausible range of energy input from the AGN is consistent with available data of SZ decrement. We show that AGN heating, combined with the observational constraints on entropy, leads to suppression of higher multipole moments in the angular power spectrum and we find that this effect is stronger than previously thought.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Interferometric Detection of Linear Polarization from Sagittarius A* at 230 GHz

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    We measured the linear polarization of Sagittarius A* to be 7.2 +/- 0.6 % at 230 GHzusing the BIMA array with a resolution of 3.6 x 0.9 arcsec. This confirms the previously reported detection with the JCMT 14-m antenna. Our high resolution observations demonstrate that the polarization does not arise from dust but from a synchrotron source associated with Sgr A*. We see no change in the polarization position angle and only a small change in the polarization fraction in four observations distributed over 60 days. We find a position angle 139 +/- 4 degrees that differs substantially from what was found in earlier JCMT observations at the same frequency. Polarized dust emission cannot account for this discrepancy leaving variability and observational error as the only explanations. The BIMA observations alone place an upper limit on the magnitude of the rotation measure of 2 x 10^6 rad m^-2. These new observations when combined with the JCMT observations at 150, 375 and 400 GHz suggest RM =-4.3 +/- 0.1 x 10^5 rad m^-2. This RM may be caused by an external Faraday screen. Barring a special geometry or a high number of field reversals, this RM rules out accretion rates greater than ~ 10^-7 M_sun y^-1. This measurement is inconsistent with high accretion rates necessary in standard advection dominated accretion flow and Bondi-Hoyle models for Sgr A*. It argues for low accretion rates as a major factor in the overall faintness of Sgr A*.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 4 figure

    Models of the ICM with Heating and Cooling: Explaining the Global and Structural X-ray Properties of Clusters

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    (Abridged) Theoretical models that include only gravitationally-driven processes fail to match the observed mean X-ray properties of clusters. As a result, there has recently been increased interest in models in which either radiative cooling or entropy injection play a central role in mediating the properties of the intracluster medium. Both sets of models give reasonable fits to the mean properties of clusters, but cooling only models result in fractions of cold baryons in excess of observationally established limits and the simplest entropy injection models do not treat the "cooling core" structure present in many clusters and cannot account for entropy profiles revealed by recent X-ray observations. We consider models that marry radiative cooling with entropy injection, and confront model predictions for the global and structural properties of massive clusters with the latest X-ray data. The models successfully and simultaneously reproduce the observed L-T and L-M relations, yield detailed entropy, surface brightness, and temperature profiles in excellent agreement with observations, and predict a cooled gas fraction that is consistent with observational constraints. The model also provides a possible explanation for the significant intrinsic scatter present in the L-T and L-M relations and provides a natural way of distinguishing between clusters classically identified as "cooling flow" clusters and dynamically relaxed "non-cooling flow" clusters. The former correspond to systems that had only mild levels (< 300 keV cm^2) of entropy injection, while the latter are identified as systems that had much higher entropy injection. This is borne out by the entropy profiles derived from Chandra and XMM-Newton.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Shallow Dark Matter Cusps in Galaxy Clusters

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    We study the evolution of the stellar and dark matter components in a galaxy cluster of 1015M10^{15} \, \rm{M_{\odot}} from z=3z=3 to the present epoch using the high-resolution collisionless simulations of Ruszkowski & Springel (2009). At z=3z=3 the dominant progenitor halos were populated with spherical model galaxies with and without accounting for adiabatic contraction. We apply a weighting scheme which allows us to change the relative amount of dark and stellar material assigned to each simulation particle in order to produce luminous properties which agree better with abundance matching arguments and observed bulge sizes at z=3z=3. This permits the study of the effect of initial compactness on the evolution of the mass-size relation. We find that for more compact initial stellar distributions the size of the final Brightest Cluster Galaxy grows with mass according to rM2r\propto M^{2}, whereas for more extended initial distributions, rMr\propto M. Our results show that collisionless mergers in a cosmological context can reduce the strength of inner dark matter cusps with changes in logarithmic slope of 0.3 to 0.5 at fixed radius. Shallow cusps such as those found recently in several strong lensing clusters thus do not necessarily conflict with CDM, but may rather reflect on the initial structure of the progenitor galaxies, which was shaped at high redshift by their formation process.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Feedback under the microscope: thermodynamic structure and AGN driven shocks in M87

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    (abridged) Using a deep Chandra exposure (574 ks), we present high-resolution thermodynamic maps created from the spectra of \sim16,000 independent regions, each with \sim1,000 net counts. The excellent spatial resolution of the thermodynamic maps reveals the dramatic and complex temperature, pressure, entropy and metallicity structure of the system. Excluding the 'X-ray arms', the diffuse cluster gas at a given radius is strikingly isothermal. This suggests either that the ambient cluster gas, beyond the arms, remains relatively undisturbed by AGN uplift, or that conduction in the intracluster medium (ICM) is efficient along azimuthal directions. We confirm the presence of a thick (\sim40 arcsec or \sim3 kpc) ring of high pressure gas at a radius of \sim180 arcsec (\sim14 kpc) from the central AGN. We verify that this feature is associated with a classical shock front, with an average Mach number M = 1.25. Another, younger shock-like feature is observed at a radius of \sim40 arcsec (\sim3 kpc) surrounding the central AGN, with an estimated Mach number M > 1.2. As shown previously, if repeated shocks occur every \sim10 Myrs, as suggested by these observations, then AGN driven weak shocks could produce enough energy to offset radiative cooling of the ICM. A high significance enhancement of Fe abundance is observed at radii 350 - 400 arcsec (27 - 31 kpc). This ridge is likely formed in the wake of the rising bubbles filled with radio-emitting plasma that drag cool, metal-rich gas out of the central galaxy. We estimate that at least 1.0×106\sim1.0\times10^6 solar masses of Fe has been lifted and deposited at a radius of 350-400 arcsec; approximately the same mass of Fe is measured in the X-ray bright arms, suggesting that a single generation of buoyant radio bubbles may be responsible for the observed Fe excess at 350 - 400 arcsec.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    Rapidly Evolving Circularly Polarized Emission during the 1994 Outburst of GRO J1665-40

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    We report the detection of circular polarization during the 1994 outburst of the Galactic microquasar GRO J1655-40. The circular polarization is clearly detected at 1.4 and 2.4GHz, but not at 4.8 and 8.4GHz, where its magnitude never exceeds 5 mJy. Both the sign and magnitude of the circular polarization evolve during the outburst. The time dependence and magnitude of the polarized emission can be qualitatively explained by a model based on synchrotron emission from the outbursts, but is most consistent with circular polarization arising from propagation effects through the relativistic plasma surrounding the object.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figs., A&A accepte

    Impact of Systematic Errors in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Surveys of Galaxy Clusters

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    Future high-resolution microwave background measurements hold the promise of detecting galaxy clusters throughout our Hubble volume through their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signature, down to a given limiting flux. The number density of galaxy clusters is highly sensitive to cluster mass through fluctuations in the matter power spectrum, as well as redshift through the comoving volume and the growth factor. This sensitivity in principle allows tight constraints on such quantities as the equation of state of dark energy and the neutrino mass. We evaluate the ability of future cluster surveys to measure these quantities simultaneously when combined with PLANCK-like CMB data. Using a simple effective model for uncertainties in the cluster mass-SZ flux relation, we evaluate systematic shifts in cosmological constraints from cluster SZ surveys. We find that a systematic bias of 10% in cluster mass measurements can give rise to shifts in cosmological parameter estimates at levels larger than the 1σ1\sigma statistical errors. Systematic errors are unlikely to be detected from the mass and redshift dependence of cluster number counts alone; increasing survey size has only a marginal effect. Implications for upcoming experiments are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; accepted to JCAP; revised to match submitted versio

    Average Heating Rate of Hot Atmospheres in Distant Clusters by Radio AGN: Evidence for Continuous AGN Heating

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    We examine atmospheric heating by radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) in distant X-ray clusters by cross correlating clusters selected from the 400 Square Degree (400SD) X-ray Cluster survey with radio sources in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey. Roughly 30% of the clusters show radio emission above a flux threshold of 3 mJy within a projected radius of 250 kpc. The radio emission is presumably associated with the brightest cluster galaxy. The mechanical jet power for each radio source was determined using scaling relations between radio power and cavity (mechanical) power determined for nearby clusters, groups, and galaxies with hot atmospheres containing X-ray cavities. The average jet power of the central radio AGN is approximately 2×10442\times 10^{44}\ergs. We find no significant correlation between radio power, hence mechanical jet power, and the X-ray luminosities of clusters in the redshift range 0.1 -- 0.6. This implies that the mechanical heating rate per particle is higher in lower mass, lower X-ray luminosity clusters. The jet power averaged over the sample corresponds to an atmospheric heating of approximately 0.2 keV per particle within R500_{500}. Assuming the current AGN heating rate does not evolve but remains constant to redshifts of 2, the heating rate per particle would rise by a factor of two. We find that the energy injected from radio AGN contribute substantially to the excess entropy in hot atmospheres needed to break self-similarity in cluster scaling relations. The detection frequency of radio AGN is inconsistent with the presence of strong cooling flows in 400SD clusters, but does not exclude weak cooling flows. It is unclear whether central AGN in 400SD clusters are maintained by feedback at the base of a cooling flow. Atmospheric heating by radio AGN may retard the development of strong cooling flows at early epochs.Comment: ApJ in pres