104 research outputs found

    Combined treatment of exudative age related macular degeneration with photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone

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    Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to age related macular degeneration is among the leading causes of legal blindness in developed countries. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin induces CNV closure causing little damage to healthy tissue, but the need to re-treat may lead to low final visual acuity at an unacceptable cost. The association of intravitreous triamcinolone or antiangiogenic drugs with PDT has been used in order to reduce these limitations of the therapy. The combination of PDT and intravitreous triamcinolone, its complications and outcome at one and two-year follow-up are discussed

    In vitro antimicrobial activity of immobilised essential oil components against Helicobacter pylori

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    [EN] Available disinfection methods and therapies against Helicobacter pylori have multiple disadvantages, such as increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant strains, which requires the search for novel effective antimicrobial agents against H. pylori. Among them, naturally-occurring antimicrobial compounds, like essential oil components (EOCs), have been reported as substances with anti-H. pylori potential. To avoid the disadvantages associated with using EOCs in their free form, including volatility, low water solubility and intense sensory properties, their immobilisation in inert supports has recently been developed. This study sought to evaluate the inhibitory properties of EOCs immobilised on silica microparticles against H. pylori and to elucidate the mechanism of action of the immobilised antimicrobials. After the preparation and characterisation of the antimicrobial supports, the susceptibility of H. pylori in the presence of the immobilised compounds was assessed by plate count, fluorescent viability staining and direct viable count-fluorescent in situ hybridisation analyses. The antimicrobial supports were found to inhibit H. pylori growth, and to induce morphological and metabolic alterations to the H. pylori membrane, with a minimum bactericidal concentration value between 25 and 50 mu g/ml according to the tested EOC. These findings indicate that immobilised EOCs can be used as potential antimicrobial agents for H. pylori clearance and treatment.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and FEDER-EU (Project RTI2018-101599-B-C21). M.R.R. acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana for their Postdoctoral Fellowship (APOSTD/2019/118).Ruiz Rico, M.; Moreno Trigos, MY.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2020). In vitro antimicrobial activity of immobilised essential oil components against Helicobacter pylori. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 36(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11274-019-2782-yS19361Adams BL, Bates TC, Oliver JD (2003) Survival of Helicobacter pylori in a natural freshwater environment. Appl Environ Microbiol 69:7462–7466. https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.69.12.7462-7466.2003Ali S, Khan A, Ahmed I et al (2005) Antimicrobial activities of eugenol and cinnamaldehyde against the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob 4:20. https://doi.org/10.1186/1476-0711-4-20Altiok D, Altiok E, Tihminlioglu F (2010) Physical, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of chitosan films incorporated with thyme oil for potential wound healing applications. 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J Food Sci. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.14211Santiago P, Moreno Y, Ferrús MA (2015) Identification of viable Helicobacter pylori in drinking water supplies by cultural and molecular techniques. Helicobacter 20:252–259. https://doi.org/10.1111/hel.12205Takeuchi H, Trang VT, Morimoto N et al (2014) Natural products and food components with anti-Helicobacter pylori activities. World J Gastroenterol 20:8971–8978. https://doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v20.i27.8971Turek C, Stintzing FC (2013) Stability of essential oils: a review. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 12:40–53. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12006Vesga F-J, Moreno Y, Ferrús MA et al (2018) Detection of Helicobacter pylori in drinking water treatment plants in Bogotá, Colombia, using cultural and molecular techniques. 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    Orienteering in bachelor

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe presenta una propuesta didáctica sobre la carrera de orientación deportiva para la etapa del Bachillerato, con el fin de que los docentes que deseen ponerla en práctica, puedan incluirla en sus programaciones didácticas. La propuesta cuenta con cuatro sesiones que se desarrollan de forma progresiva. En primer lugar se realizará una sesión teórica y una orientación en el centro escolar para comenzar a tomar contacto con la actividad. Tras esto se llevará a cabo una orientación en el medio urbano. Por último, se realizará una carrera de orientación en el Valle Perdido (Murcia) donde el alumno pondrá en práctica los conocimientos aprendidos tomando contacto con el medio natural. Una de las ventajas de ésta propuesta es que accesible para todos los docentes que quieran llevarla a cabo e incluye un contenido multidisciplinar relacionado con otras asignaturas de la etapa, consiguiendo una enseñanza más completa.ES

    Natural antimicrobial compounds immobilised on silica microparticles as filtering materials: Impact on the metabolic activity and bacterial viability of waterborne microorganisms

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    [EN] The aim of this work was to assess the capability of filtering materials based on silica microparticles functionalised with essential oil components (EOCs) to remove waterborne bacteria from water, and to elucidate the mechanism of action of the inhibitory effect of the filtering materials on the metabolic activity and viability of the studied pathogens. Different silica microparticles (25, 50, 75, 200 or 375 mu m) were functionalised with carvacrol, eugenol, thymol and vanillin to obtain filtering materials which removal capability was evaluated using distilled water inoculated with Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, Legionella pneumophila or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10(4)-10(7) cells/mL). Water samples were filtered through different layer thicknesses (0.5, 1 or 1.5 cm) of the filtering materials and the microbial load retained was determined by plate count. In addition, fluorescent viability staining, determination of cellular ATP content, direct viable count-fluorescent in situ hybridisation (DVC-FISH) and propidium monoazide-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PMA-qPCR) analyses were performed to prove the materials' antimicrobial properties. The results exhibited that EOC-functionalised supports were capable of eliminating waterborne microorganisms from water with log reduction values falling within the 3-5 range, whereas the non-functionalised materials did not present relevant inhibitory capacity. The irreversible effect of the EOC-functionalised supports on the viability and metabolic activity of treated bacteria was confirmed by fluorescent staining (absence or red stained cells) and DVC-FISH (no elongated cells). Cellular ATP content was significantly reduced after filtering the inoculated water samples through the EOC-functionalised supports (cATP values below 10 pg/mL). Similarly, the concentration of viable bacteria determined by PMA-qPCR showed the inhibitory effect of the developed materials with negative quantification values for H. pylori and values of 7.98 . 10(1)-6.07 .10(3) GU/mL for L. pneumophila water samples filtered with the EOC-functionalised supports. Thus, the use of the functionalised filtering materials led to loss of bacterial viability of the treated microorganisms with irreversible morphological and metabolic alterations, which confirms their potential use as filtering aids with additional properties for the biological control of water. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades and FEDER-EU (Project RTC-2017-6100-2). M.R.R. acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana for her Postdoctoral Fellowship (APOSTD/2019/118). Emivasa Company is acknowledged for their participation in the project and technical supportRibes Llop, S.; Ruiz Rico, M.; Moreno-Mesonero, L.; Moreno Trigos, MY.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2021). Natural antimicrobial compounds immobilised on silica microparticles as filtering materials: Impact on the metabolic activity and bacterial viability of waterborne microorganisms. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 21:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2020.101219S1142

    Optimisation of an emulsification process for wheat bran oil encapsulation with proteins

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    Póster presentado en: 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 1 a 5 de octubre de 2017, BarcelonaJunta de Castilla y León and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for financial support of project BU055U1

    Las necesidades formativas docentes de los profesores universitarios

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    En este artículo pretendemos analizar las necesidades formativas docentes de los profesores noveles universitarios y de los profesores en general de las Universidades de Sevilla y Huelva. No resulta extraño decir que la titulación universitaria se ocupa fundamentalmente de preparar a los alumnos para desempeñar tareas en el mundo profesional de la empresa más que para desempeñar tareas en la institución universitaria. Debido a ello, los profesionales que deciden continuar en la vida universitaria encuentran verdaderos problemas a la hora de comenzar su actividad profesional como docentes, detectándose, por tanto, determinadas necesidades formativas en lo que se refiere fundamentalmente a la utilización de estrategias docentes que mejorarían su incorporación al mundo de la docencia universitaria. Estos profesores reclaman formación y asesoramiento pedagógico y didáctico para la mejora de su tarea docente, es decir, propuestas formativas adecuadas al desempeño de su papel como profesionales de la educación superior.In this article we try to analyze educational formative necessities and of the professors' beginner university students advice and of the professors in general at the Universities of Seville and Huelva. The university titulación is in charge of fundamentally of preparing the students to carry out tasks in the professional world of the company more than to carry out tasks in the university institution. Professionals that decide to continue in the university life find true problems when beginning their professional activity as educational, being detected, therefore, certain formative necessities in what refers base to the use of educational strategies that you/they would improve their incorporation to the world of the university docencia. These professors claim formation and pedagogic and didactic advice for the improvement of their educational task, that is to say, appropriate formative proposals to the acting of their paper like professionals of the superior education. The society of the knowledge and of the information in the one that we meet demand every time with more peak the formation of the different professionals that you/they carry out different tasks in the society. A deep concern exists for the formation, what bears, in general, every time a bigger number of formation programs depending on the formative necessities that the professionals present, as well as different forms of consenting to them, mainly the denominated programs and-learning and on-line. In this article the results and conclusions of the necessities of the beginner professors' of University educational formation are exposed. It is necessary to highlight that the publications that have taken place in the last times point out that the university professors, the same as other professionals, require for their improvement as other partners' educational supports and other colleagues' specific advice with more experience professional, as well as certain didactic formation. In this sense, the formation programs for professors contribute to the improvement of the educational quality, and therefore, educational, of the university institutions, helping this way to the professors to carry out, the same as in other professions, their list like educational

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año VII Otoño 1989 n. 3 pp. 727-757]

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    Antoni Segura i Mas (coord.). El Catastro en España, vol. I (1714-1906) (Por Francisco Comín).-- Antonia Heredia Herrera. Sevilla y los hombres del Comercio (1700-1800) (Por Andrés J. Moreno Mengíbar).-- Pedro Tedde de Lorca. El Banco de San Carlos (1782-1829 (Por Javier Cuenca Esteban).-- José Ramón García López. El Banco de Oviedo, 1864-1874 (Por José Luis García Ruiz).-- Enrique Prieto. Agricultura y atraso en la España contemporánea. Estudio sobre el desarrollo del Capitalismo (Por Carlos Barciela López).-- Mª Asunción Sivera Tejerina. Los cambios técnicos de la agricultura en el término rural de Málaga: siglos XVIII-XX (Por Juan Francisco Zambrana Pineda).-- Pablo Martín Aceña. La política monetaria en España, 1919-1935 (Por M. Cruz Manzano Frias).-- Carles Sudria i Triay. Una societat plenament industrial, vol. 4 de Historia Económica de la Catalunya Contemporánia (Por Gabriel Tortella).-- CH. S. Maier. La refundación de la Europa burguesa. Estabilización en Francia, Alemania e Italia en la década posterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial y In Search of Stability Explorations in Historical Political Economy (Por Mercedes Cabrera).-- Michael Sandersona. Eductttional Opportunity and Social Change in England (Por Clara Eugenia Núñez)Publicad

    Uncontrolled donation programs after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. An estimation of potential donors.

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    Objective To determine the number of potential deceased organ donors from out-of- hospital cardiac arrest cases (OHCA) attended by public physician-led emergency medical services in Spain, based on data recorded in the nationwide Spanish OHCA Registry (OHSCAR). Material and methods We analysed OHSCAR data on deceased OHCA patients in Spain during 13 months (1/10/2013 to 31/10/ 2014). Variables included age, sex, estimated OHCA time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) start time and outcome. Inclusion criteria were: age 16–60 years, witnessed OHCA, no return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and time interval <15 min between OHCA occurrence and CPR initiation. Results Of a total 8789 cases, 3290 met the age criteria; of these, CPR was not witnessed in 745 cases. Among the remaining 2545 patients, 141 were included in uncontrolled donation after cardiac death (uDCD) programs, 902 arrived at the hospital with ROSC, 64 arrived with ongoing CPR and 15 cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 1423 without ROSC, CPR initiation time was not recorded in 454 cases and 398 did not meet the time criteria <15 min between OHCA and CPR initiation. Finally, 571 met all the criteria and could have been potential donors. There were significant differences in the actual donors percentage from potential donors percentage between provinces with and without donor programs (141/322 = 43.8% versus 0/390 = 0%), but there were no differences in ROSC between the two types of provinces (418/1320 = 31.7% versus 652/1970 = 33.4%). Conclusions Many potential donors are missed in current clinical practice. uDCD programs are few and underused even in a country with high rates of organs transplantation.pre-print820 K