6,422 research outputs found

    Competition between public and private universities: quality, prices and exams

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    The rapid growth of private higher education in response to high demand is a recent phenomenon in most European countries. This paper provides a theoretical model of the higher education market in which a public and a private university compete for students in the presence of borrowing constraints. We find that there exists a unique equilibrium in which the public institution is of higher quality than the private institution. This result supports the observation across many European countries that public universities have usually higher quality and admission standards than their private competitors

    Prices versus Exams as Strategic Instruments for Competing Universities

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    In this paper we investigate the optimal choice of prices and/or exams by universities in the presence of credit constraints. We first compare the optimal behavior of a public, welfare maximizing, monopoly and a private, profit maximizing, monopoly. Then we model competition between a public and a private institution and investigate the new role of exams/prices in this environment. We find that, under certain circumstances, the public university may have an interest to rise tuition fees from minimum levels if it cares for global welfare. This will be the case provided that (i) the private institution has higher quality and uses only prices to select applicants, or (ii) the private institution has lower quality and uses also exams to select students. When this is the case, there are efficiency grounds for raising public prices.Analysis of Education


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    The rapid growth of private higher education in response to high demand is a recent phenomenon in most European countries. This paper provides a theoretical model of the higher education market in which a public and a private university compete for students in the presence of borrowing constraints. We find that there exists a unique equilibrium in which the public institution is of higher quality than the private institution. This result supports the observation across many European countries that public universities have usually higher quality and admission standards than their private competitors.

    Le Dantec Valenzuela, Paulina. Chile y las operaciones de paz. Estudio comparado de la política exterior de los tres gobiernos concertacionistas. De la reinserción internacional a la participación en Haití. Santiago de Chile, ANEPE, 2006. (172 p.) Registr

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    Le Dantec Valenzuela, Paulina. Chile y las operaciones de paz. Estudio comparado de la política exterior de los tres gobiernos concertacionistas. De la reinserción internacional a la participación en Haití. Santiago de Chile, ANEPE, 2006. (172 p.) Registro ISBN: 956-8478-13-2 (volumen 15)

    Autoestima’t. Taller d’Educació Emocional per a la millora de l’autoestima dels alumnes d’E.S.O.

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    Màster en Educació Emocional i Benestar, Facultat de Pedagogia, Departament de Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2010-2011, Tutora: Montserrat Deulofeu FontanillasLa publicació centra el seu interès en la importància en el reforç de l’autoestima en els adolescents. A partir d’un marc teòric, es planteja un taller que té el propòsit de treballar l’autoestima de manera profunda i aportant recursos tant personals com per a aplicar a l’aula

    Spanish vs. English mediated lectures: A contrastive approach to the use of evidential markers

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    In the last ten years, Spanish universities have started to incorporate English as a means of instruction. As a consequence, many lecturers –who regularly use their mother tongue for their teaching activity– have adapted their syllabus contents into English, resulting in lectures that show evidence of cross-linguistic influence (Odlin, 1993). The goal of this paper is to analyze the use and distribution of evidentials in Spanish and English mediated lectures by the same teachers and to evaluate the extent to which linguistic interference is made visible when it comes to the use of evidentiality. To this aim, a corpus of three Engineering lectures delivered in English and three Engineering lectures delivered in Spanish by the same native speakers of Spanish lecturers has been used as a means of exemplification.

    Análisis de Enfoques de Model Based Testing para Pruebas Funcionales orientados a Aplicaciones Web

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    En los últimos años las aplicaciones web han ido incrementando en número y a la vez en complejidad debido a la incorporación de nueva tecnología. Esto ha repercutido en un aumento de complejidad de la fase de pruebas dentro del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software, la cual nos permite asegurar la calidad del producto desarrollado. Esta fase representa un mayor costo y esfuerzo. Con otro tipo de aplicaciones no se le asignaba el tiempo ni esfuerzo necesario. Sin embargo, debido al impacto que puede tener una aplicación web mal probada durante la puesta en marcha de la aplicación, han surgido diversas investigaciones en técnicas para la simplificación de la fase de pruebas. Una de estas técnicas es model based testing, que mediante la representación del comportamiento esperado de la aplicación, genera automáticamente los casos de prueba, incluso permite la ejecución automática de los mismos y su evaluación. El presente trabajo presenta una revisión analítica de los enfoques en model based testing para aplicaciones web orientados a pruebas funcionales, identificando para ello los enfoques existentes dentro de este contexto y realizando un esquema de caracterización para el análisis de las principales características, herramientas y documentación disponible para la aplicación de los enfoques.Universidad de Sevilla. Master Universitario en Ingeniería y Tecnología del Softwar