49 research outputs found

    A tribute to Øivind Nissen

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    There, there is nothing angst

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    Bacheloroppgave i faglærerutdanning i musikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet 2018.Norsk: Denne bacheloroppgaven knytter ‘musikk’ og ‘psykisk’ helse opp mot hverandre, for å utforske hvordan musikk kan påvirke hverdagen til mennesker med psykiske utfordringer. Oppgaven baserer seg på intervjuer av tre musikkstudenter med ulike psykiske lidelser og plager, hvor de deler sine erfaringer rundt bruk av musikk som en form for terapi. Dataene fra disse intervjuene blir her presenter og senere drøftet opp mot relevant teori. Funnene viser at musikken ofte kan ha en terapeutisk effekt, og at den kan hjelpe mennesker til å kunne takle hverdagens utfordringer og oppleve mening og mestring. Dette blir også sett i lys av læreryrket og understreker viktigheten av kunnskap om psykisk helse og musikk for å kunne utføre god, kvalitativ musikkpedagogikk.English: This bachelor thesis connects ‘music’ and ‘mental health’ and explores how music can affect the everyday life of people with mental challenges. The assignment is based on three interviews of people with different mental illnesses, where they share their experiences with using music as a form of therapy. The data from these interviews will here be presented and later discussed against relevant theory. The findings show that music often can have a therapeutic effect, and that it can help people to cope with everyday challenges and experience meaning and mastery. This will also be seen in the light of the teaching profession and emphasizes the importance of knowledge about mental health and music in order to perform good, qualitative music education

    Insect, Mite, and Nematode Pests of Oat

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    NT5 Næringsmiddelteknolog

    Der er det ingenting angst

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    Norsk: Denne bacheloroppgaven knytter ‘musikk’ og ‘psykisk’ helse opp mot hverandre, for å utforske hvordan musikk kan påvirke hverdagen til mennesker med psykiske utfordringer. Oppgaven baserer seg på intervjuer av tre musikkstudenter med ulike psykiske lidelser og plager, hvor de deler sine erfaringer rundt bruk av musikk som en form for terapi. Dataene fra disse intervjuene blir her presenter og senere drøftet opp mot relevant teori. Funnene viser at musikken ofte kan ha en terapeutisk effekt, og at den kan hjelpe mennesker til å kunne takle hverdagens utfordringer og oppleve mening og mestring. Dette blir også sett i lys av læreryrket og understreker viktigheten av kunnskap om psykisk helse og musikk for å kunne utføre god, kvalitativ musikkpedagogikk

    Nurses experiences of working with person-centered care in nursing homes - A qualitative interview study

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    Bakgrund Personcentrerad vård innebär att vården utgår från patienten och dess upplevelse av ohälsa och sjukdom, sociala sammanhang och dess närstående. Personcentrerad vård utgår från tre nyckelbegrepp som Centrum för personcentrerad vård arbetat fram och dessa är; partnerskap, patientberättelsen och dokumentation. Syfte Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hur de arbetar med personcentrerad vård; partnerskap, patientberättelsen och dokumentation, på somatiska avdelningar på vård- och omsorgsboenden.  Metod Deskriptiv studie med kvalitativ deduktiv ansats. Studien baserades på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Analysen resulterade i ett tema; Samtal som redskap för att praktisera personcentrerad vård. Tre kategorier var förutbestämda och sju subkategorier identifierades: Partnerskap; ta del av den äldres kunskap, ta del av anhörigas kunskap, omvårdnadspersonalens kunskap, sjuksköterskans kunskap, Patientberättelsen och Dokumentation; dokumentation i levnadsberättelsen, dokumentation i genomförandeplan och dokumentation i dokumentationssystemet utifrån personcentrerad vård.  Konklusion Samtalet är en av sjuksköterskans viktigaste redskap för att praktisera personcentrerad vård. Genom samtal bygger sjuksköterskan en relation till den äldre och utvecklar ett partnerskap. Samtal är även en förutsättning för att skapa relation till anhöriga samt för ett välfungerande teamarbete. Dock visade det sig att sjuksköterskorna upplevde att de arbetade för långt från den äldre personen och att de inte alltid hade tid för fördjupade samtal.Background In person-centered care the patient and his/her experience of illness, disease, social content and close relationships is central. Person-centered care emanates from three keywords developed at University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centered Care (GPCC): Partnership, the patient narrative and documentation. Purpose To describe the experiences nurses have from person-centered care and how they work with partnership, the patient narrative and documentation at general units in nursing homes. Method Descriptive study conducted with a qualitative deductive approach. The study was based upon eight semi-structured interviews and data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results One theme was identified: The communicative conversation used as a tool in order to perform person-centered care. Three categories were predetermined and the analysis resulted in seven subcategories: Partnership; to utilize the patient´s knowledge, to utilize the knowledge held by relatives, caregivers and the nurse, The patient narrative and Documentation; documentation of the story of the patient´s life, documentation in individualized care-plans and documentation in the system of documentation from a personal- centered perspective. Conclusion The communicative conversation was essential in order to perform person-centered care. Within this conversation, the nurse will be able to develop a relationship with the patient and from that relationship a partnership will evolve. In addition, a communicative conversation is of crucial importance in order to evolve relationships with relatives and to maintain functional cooperation. However, it turned out that the nurses experienced that they worked too far from the older person and that they did not always have time for in-depth conversations

    How do oil prices affect oilrig activity? : an empirical investigation

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    Resume "How do oil prices affect oilrig activity? An empirical investigation" by Guro Børnes Ringlund. Supervisors: Knut Einar Rosendahl and Terje Skjerpen. In this thesis, I analyse the relationship between oilrig activity and oil price changes for several oil-producing regions in the world. Rig activity is a preparation for future production of oil, through exploration for new fields or development of existing fields, and is thus an indicator for the future level of oil production. Few studies have discussed this relationship before. I want to find out whether oil price changes have any effects on oilrig activity in the short run, and what are the effects in the long run. Some of the regions include OPEC-countries, and as OPEC rather are price-makers than price-takers, these regions have also been estimated with the OPEC-countries removed, to see if this gives any different effects. I use oilrig data from the Baker Hughes Rig Counts, whereas the price data have been collected from Petroleum Intelligence Weekly. The estimation period is 1992:1-2002:7 for the US region, and 1995:1-2002:7 for the rest of the regions. Since the data are time series data, I test the variables for stationarity, and find that they are integrated of order 1 (I(1)). Thus, to obtain valid inference, the variables need to be cointegrated, and I test this by way of the ECM-method (Equilibrium Correction Model). I find that the variables are cointegrated for most of the regions. The thesis is organised as follows: Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the topic, and presents some facts about the oilrig market and the oil market in general. Chapter 2 presents the econometric theory of non-stationarity, unit roots and cointegration. I also present the concept of a stochastic trend, which turned out to be important for the cointegration properties of the variables. Chapter 3 gives a more thorough description of the data, and presents the empirical model used in the analysis. The point of departure is an ADL-model (Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model), which is reparameterised into an ECM-model (Equilibrium Correction Model), as this makes it easier to test for cointegration. I also introduce a stochastic trend in the empirical model. Chapter 4 reports the results of the estimations. First I discuss the short-term effects of oil price changes on the oilrig activity for each region, and then I go on to discussing the long-run price elasticities, and compare the size of these for the different regions. I find that, in the short run, only the US, Latin America and Non-OPEC Middle East regions show significant reactions to oil price changes, whereas in the long run, the US has a long -run price elasticity of 1.5, which e.g. is more than twice the size of the European long-run elasticity, at 0.6. A crude oil price increase from 25to25 to 30 (20 per cent increase) will thus in the long run lead to a 30 per cent increase in oilrig activity in the US, whereas the same price increase only will give a 12 per cent increase in European oilrig activity. Possible explanations for this may be the different degree of governmental involvement in the different regions (governmental regulation may delay the decision-making process), and varying flexibility of the rig markets (changing the number of rigs may be difficult in some regions, due to long-term contracts or lack of "spare" rigs). Also, for a couple of the regions (most notably Africa), it proves difficult to come up with a model specification that works. Finally, Chapter 5 concludes. The model is estimated in STAMP 6.2. Unit root tests of the variables and evaluation of the stability of the dynamic models are performed in TSP 4.5

    Oiling the War Machine: Examination of Oil Prices' Emboldening Effect on Petrostates

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    This thesis seeks to contribute to the nascent literature of oil prices and interstate aggression. Building on the contribution of Cullen Hendrix, the main assumption is that higher oil prices embolden petrostates to behave more aggressively abroad. However, to advance the literature, this thesis asks why higher oil prices may entail such effect. The aim is to nuance the claims made by Hendrix with regards to the emboldening oil price effect. This thesis hypothesizes that this effect applies under certain conditions. First, it is likely that the effect is more present in the period after the impactful transformations of the oil market structures in the 1970s. Second, that this effect is likely to be more applicable to petrostates that have aggressively inclined leaders, operationalized as revolutionary or personalist regimes, as such regimes are expected to be more risk-tolerant. Furthermore, the role of military spending is argued to be a plausible mechanism. To test this plausibility the thesis hypothesizes that military spending is affected by oil prices. The analysis presents interesting findings. Most importantly, further tests of Hendrix’ original claims, indicate some problematic aspects of his results and conclusions. The main issue is that the original findings are more uncertain than first expected. His original results are highly impacted by Libyan and Iranian aggression, which explain how the results indicate an effect at first glance but are uncertain. The rest of the analysis explains that this uncertainty is due to lack of data, it also broadens the knowledge on how the oil price effect functions. Findings indicate that there is a difference in effect before and after the transformation of market structures in the 1970s, which was theoretically expected. Results related to the potential conditioning role of aggressively inclined regimes suffer from the same problems of uncertainty as the original findings, thus we cannot conclude regarding this hypothesized conditioning role. Finally, the findings indicate that military spending is affected by oil prices in petrostates, and that there does not seem to be a difference between revolutionary and non-revolutionary petrostates in this regard. Thus, these findings add to our understanding of how petrostates may be emboldened by oil prices by testing some conditioning aspects. Due to the implications of the uncertainty in the original findings similar research in the future would benefit from adding more data from recent years. This would be beneficial as the oil price effect was likely to be more present in the last decades, and adding such data would likely improve the precision of the estimated effect