17 research outputs found

    In utero undernutrition in male mice programs liver lipid metabolism in the second-generation offspring involving altered lxra DNA methylation

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    SummaryObesity and type 2 diabetes have a heritable component that is not attributable to genetic factors. Instead, epigenetic mechanisms may play a role. We have developed a mouse model of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) by in utero malnutrition. IUGR mice developed obesity and glucose intolerance with aging. Strikingly, offspring of IUGR male mice also developed glucose intolerance. Here, we show that in utero malnutrition of F1 males influenced the expression of lipogenic genes in livers of F2 mice, partly due to altered expression of Lxra. In turn, Lxra expression is attributed to altered DNA methylation of its 5′ UTR region. We found the same epigenetic signature in the sperm of their progenitors, F1 males. Our data indicate that in utero malnutrition results in epigenetic modifications in germ cells (F1) that are subsequently transmitted and maintained in somatic cells of the F2, thereby influencing health and disease risk of the offspring

    Increasing breast milk betaine modulates Akkermansia abundance in mammalian neonates and improves long-term metabolic health

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    Accelerated postnatal growth is a potentially modifiable risk factor for future obesity. To study how specific breast milk components contribute to early growth and obesity risk, we quantified one-carbon metabolism-related metabolites in human breast milk and found an inverse association between milk betaine content and infant growth. This association was replicated in an independent and geographically distinct cohort. To determine the potential role of milk betaine in modulating offspring obesity risk, we performed maternal betaine supplementation experiments in mice. Higher betaine intake during lactation increased milk betaine content in dams and led to lower adiposity and improved glucose homeostasis throughout adulthood in mouse offspring. These effects were accompanied by a transient increase in Akkermansia spp. abundance in the gut during early life and a long-lasting increase in intestinal goblet cell number. The link between breast milk betaine and Akkermansia abundance in the gut was also observed in humans, as infants exposed to higher milk betaine content during breastfeeding showed higher fecal Akkermansia muciniphila abundance. Furthermore, administration of A. muciniphila to mouse pups during the lactation period partially replicated the effects of maternal breast milk betaine, including increased intestinal goblet cell number, lower adiposity, and improved glucose homeostasis during adulthood. These data demonstrate a link between breast milk betaine content and long-term metabolic health of offspring.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Multi-ancestry GWAS reveals excitotoxicity associated with outcome after ischaemic stroke

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    During the first hours after stroke onset, neurological deficits can be highly unstable: some patients rapidly improve, while others deteriorate. This early neurological instability has a major impact on long-term outcome. Here, we aimed to determine the genetic architecture of early neurological instability measured by the difference between the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) within 6 h of stroke onset and NIHSS at 24 h. A total of 5876 individuals from seven countries (Spain, Finland, Poland, USA, Costa Rica, Mexico and Korea) were studied using a multi-ancestry meta-analyses. We found that 8.7% of NIHSS at 24 h of variance was explained by common genetic variations, and also that early neurological instability has a different genetic architecture from that of stroke risk. Eight loci (1p21.1, 1q42.2, 2p25.1, 2q31.2, 2q33.3, 5q33.2, 7p21.2 and 13q31.1) were genome-wide significant and explained 1.8% of the variability suggesting that additional variants influence early change in neurological deficits. We used functional genomics and bioinformatic annotation to identify the genes driving the association from each locus. Expression quantitative trait loci mapping and summary data-based Mendelian randomization indicate that ADAM23 (log Bayes factor = 5.41) was driving the association for 2q33.3. Gene-based analyses suggested that GRIA1 (log Bayes factor = 5.19), which is predominantly expressed in the brain, is the gene driving the association for the 5q33.2 locus. These analyses also nominated GNPAT (log Bayes factor = 7.64) ABCB5 (log Bayes factor = 5.97) for the 1p21.1 and 7p21.1 loci. Human brain single-nuclei RNA-sequencing indicates that the gene expression of ADAM23 and GRIA1 is enriched in neurons. ADAM23, a presynaptic protein and GRIA1, a protein subunit of the AMPA receptor, are part of a synaptic protein complex that modulates neuronal excitability. These data provide the first genetic evidence in humans that excitotoxicity may contribute to early neurological instability after acute ischaemic stroke. Ibanez et al. perform a multi-ancestry meta-analysis to investigate the genetic architecture of early stroke outcomes. Two of the eight genome-wide significant loci identified-ADAM23 and GRIA1-are involved in synaptic excitability, suggesting that excitotoxicity contributes to neurological instability after ischaemic stroke.Peer reviewe

    The role of nutrition on epigenetic modifications and their implications on health

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    Nutrition plays a key role in many aspects of health and dietary imbalances are major determinants of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Adequate nutrition is particularly essential during critical periods in early life (both pre- and postnatal). In this regard, there is extensive epidemiologic and experimental data showing that early sub-optimal nutrition can have health consequences several decades later. The hypothesis that epigenetic mechanisms may link such nutritional imbalances with altered disease risk has been gaining acceptance over recent years. Epigenetics can be defined as the study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic marks include DNA methylation, histone modifications and a variety of non-coding RNAs. Strikingly, they are plastic and respond to environmental signals, including diet. Here we will review how dietary factors modulate the establishment and maintenance of epigenetic marks, thereby influencing gene expression and, hence, disease risk and health. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    GSDMD drives canonical inflammasome-induced neutrophil pyroptosis and is dispensable for NETosis

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    Neutrophils are the most prevalent immune cells in circulation, but the repertoire of canonical inflammasomes in neutrophils and their respective involvement in neutrophil IL-1 beta secretion and neutrophil cell death remain unclear. Here, we show that neutrophil-targeted expression of the disease-associated gain-of-function Nlrp3(A350V) mutant suffices for systemic autoinflammatory disease and tissue pathology in vivo. We confirm the activity of the canonical NLRP3 and NLRC4 inflammasomes in neutrophils, and further show that the NLRP1b, Pyrin and AIM2 inflammasomes also promote maturation and secretion of interleukin (IL)-1 beta in cultured bone marrow neutrophils. Notably, all tested canonical inflammasomes promote GSDMD cleavage in neutrophils, and canonical inflammasome-induced pyroptosis and secretion of mature IL-1 beta are blunted in GSDMD-knockout neutrophils. In contrast, GSDMD is dispensable for PMA-induced NETosis. We also show that Salmonella Typhimurium-induced pyroptosis is markedly increased in Nox2/Gp91(Phox)-deficient neutrophils that lack NADPH oxidase activity and are defective in PMA-induced NETosis. In conclusion, we establish the canonical inflammasome repertoire in neutrophils and identify differential roles for GSDMD and the NADPH complex in canonical inflammasome-induced neutrophil pyroptosis and mitogen-induced NETosis, respectively

    Epigenetic programming at the Mogat1 locus may link neonatal overnutrition with long-term hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance

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    Postnatal overfeeding increases the risk of chronic diseases later in life, including obesity, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and type 2 diabetes. Epigenetic mechanisms might underlie the long-lasting effects associated with early nutrition. Here we aimed to explore the molecular pathways involved in early development of insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis, and we examined the potential contribution of DNA methylation and histone modifications to long-term programming of metabolic disease. We used a well-characterized mouse model of neonatal overfeeding and early adiposity by litter size reduction. Neonatal overfeeding led to hepatic insulin resistance very early in life that persisted throughout adulthood despite normalizing food intake. Up-regulation of monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase (Mogat)1 conceivably mediates hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance through increasing intracellular diacylglycerol content. Early and sustained deregulation of Mogat1 was associated with a combination of histone modifications that might favor Mogat1 expression. In sum, postnatal overfeeding causes extremely rapid derangements of hepatic insulin sensitivity that remain relatively stable until adulthood. Epigenetic mechanisms, particularly histone modifications, could contribute to such long-lasting effects. Our data suggest that targeting hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase activity during early life might provide a novel strategy to improve hepatic insulin sensitivity and prevent late-onset insulin resistance and fatty liver disease.Ramon-Krauel, M., Pentinat, T., Bloks, V. W., Cebria, J., Ribo, S., Perez-Wienese, R., Vila, M., Palacios-Marin, I., Fernandez-Perez, A., Vallejo, M., Tellez, N., Rodriguez, M. ., Yanes, O., Lerin, C., Diaz, R., Plosch, T., Tietge, U. J. F., Jimenez-Chillaron, J. C. Epigenetic programming at the Mogat1 locus may link neonatal overnutrition with long-term hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance

    Discovery of NVP-LEQ506, a second generation inhibitor of Smoothened

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    Inhibition of the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway targeting the Smoothened receptor has proven therapeutic benefit for the treatment of Hh-dependent cancers. Lead optimization provided a novel type of Smoothened inhibitor based on a pyridazine core resulting in the clinical compound NVP-LEQ506. This new agent combines high intrinsic potency and good pharmacokinetic properties resulting in excellent efficacy in preclinical rodent tumor models of medulloblastoma. Activity against a Smo mutant conferring resistance observed in a clinical trial with a competitor compound suggests additional therapeutic potential