3,040 research outputs found

    Closed loop interactions between spiking neural network and robotic simulators based on MUSIC and ROS

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    In order to properly assess the function and computational properties of simulated neural systems, it is necessary to account for the nature of the stimuli that drive the system. However, providing stimuli that are rich and yet both reproducible and amenable to experimental manipulations is technically challenging, and even more so if a closed-loop scenario is required. In this work, we present a novel approach to solve this problem, connecting robotics and neural network simulators. We implement a middleware solution that bridges the Robotic Operating System (ROS) to the Multi-Simulator Coordinator (MUSIC). This enables any robotic and neural simulators that implement the corresponding interfaces to be efficiently coupled, allowing real-time performance for a wide range of configurations. This work extends the toolset available for researchers in both neurorobotics and computational neuroscience, and creates the opportunity to perform closed-loop experiments of arbitrary complexity to address questions in multiple areas, including embodiment, agency, and reinforcement learning

    Induced pluripotent stem cell line (INSAi001-A) from a Gaucher disease type 3 patient compound heterozygote for mutations in the GBA1 gene

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    Gaucher Disease (GD) type 3 is a neurological form of a multisystemic autosomal recessive disorder belonging to the group of lysosomal storage diseases. Causal mutations in the glucocerebrosidase 1 (GBA1) commonly lead to abnormal protein and GD, heterozygosity is a genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease. This work describes the use of a non-integrative approach using Sendai Virus delivery to establish induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts from a GD type 3 patient. Differentiation of iPSCs can be employed to generate a variety of complex cell types with a high degree of genetic complexity that would otherwise be unattainable.Funding Agency Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PTDC/BIM-MEC/4762/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A 5G urban computing framework service model / Um modelo de serviço da estrutura de computação urbana 5G

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    This paper is about a fifth generation (5G) network technology structure model that is a facilitator that can provide new services to several segments in smart cities. It was verified that applications in smart cities include citizens and pervasive devices interaction which requires continuous monitoring to provide collaborative support and to raise environmental awareness. In order to implement the expected goals from the 5G ecosystem, this model incorporates software defined network and virtualized controllers to support new services. Examples of smart city services are traffic efficiency, security, surveillance, localization, healthcare services, infrastructure support among others. Any of these services will be able to get information from their users and from the network through our model, once an important issue in smart city is the challenge to collect or deliver useful and processed data to stakeholders. In this proposal, the evaluation of the model was conducted through emulations on Mininet and POX controllers. The results were analyzed using the Gephi tool, and they have demonstrated that the proposed model is applicable to support and provide new services such as intelligent transportation, road monitoring, energy consumption, public safety among others in smart cities

    Heterogeneidade no setor informal: um estudo de microunidades produtivas em Aracajú e Teresina

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    This work analyses the informal sector from the perspective of the production microunits. Based of information drawn from field research carried out In two middle-sized towns in Northeastern Brazil, it presents the characteristics of those forms of production organization, inter- and intrasectors, for five economic sectores: Industry, commerce, services, transport and construction. The research reveals a marked heterogeneity inter- and Intra sectores regarding, among other aspects, the average number of workers employed, the working week, the average monthly revenues and the pricing policy. Additfonally, the results point to the importance of the informal sector as a survival strategy during economic crises, and underlines the factthatthe average size of the Informal microunits is proportional to the size of the urban economy.O estudo analisa o setor informal, a partir da ótica das microunidades de produção, e detalha, com base em informações procedentes de um estudo de campo em duas cidades nordetinas de orte médio, as características dessas formas de organização da produção entre e intra cinco setores econômicos: indústria, comércio, serviços, transporte e construção. . A pesquisa demonstra que exlste uma grande heterogeneidade entre e intra-setores no que se refere ao númeromédio de trabalhadores empregados, A jornada semanal de trabalho, ao faturamento médio mensal, à política de flxação de preços, entre outras. Além disso, os resultados apontam a Importãncia do setor Informal como estratégia de sobrevlvência em períodos de crlse econômlca e que o tamanho médio da microunidade Informal guarda proporclonalldade com o tamanho da economia urbana.

    Methodology for the integration of information, communication and automation technologies in housing rehabilitation

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    This paper addresses the integration of Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) in the dwelling space in order to meet the user’s needs. We describe an ongoing PhD research which deals with the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock in order to fulfil the new needs of dwellers in the current Information Society as well as the impact of the integration of ICAT in dwellings. For this purpose we establish a rehabilitation methodology which enables architects to fulfil the client’s needs and requirements in home automation, from the beginning of the architectural process. This will enable the creation of a compatible and properly integrated ICAT infrastructure in homes,paving the way for ambient intelligence and promoting sustainable strategies at the environmental and social levels.The research described in this paper project was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) with grant SFRH / BD / 18225 / 2004

    Firing rate homeostasis counteracts changes in stability of recurrent neural networks caused by synapse loss in Alzheimer's disease

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    The impairment of cognitive function in Alzheimer's is clearly correlated to synapse loss. However, the mechanisms underlying this correlation are only poorly understood. Here, we investigate how the loss of excitatory synapses in sparsely connected random networks of spiking excitatory and inhibitory neurons alters their dynamical characteristics. Beyond the effects on the network's activity statistics, we find that the loss of excitatory synapses on excitatory neurons shifts the network dynamic towards the stable regime. The decrease in sensitivity to small perturbations to time varying input can be considered as an indication of a reduction of computational capacity. A full recovery of the network performance can be achieved by firing rate homeostasis, here implemented by an up-scaling of the remaining excitatory-excitatory synapses. By analysing the stability of the linearized network dynamics, we explain how homeostasis can simultaneously maintain the network's firing rate and sensitivity to small perturbations

    Aparência, presentação e objeto. Notas sobre a ambivalência de "Erscheinung" na teoria kantiana da experiência

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    O artigo considera a caracterização da aparência (Erscheinung) como o "objeto indeterminado de uma intuição empírica", no início da Estética Transcendental, para explorar uma ambivalência no uso do termo por Kant. Meu propósito é esclarecer a distinção entre dois sentidos da palavra no corpus kantiano durante o assim chamado período crítico. No sentido empírico, proponho, o termo designa a presentação sensória de um objeto de experiência. No sentido transcendental, o termo designa um objeto de experiência possível, categorialmente determinado e passível de reconhecimento sob os conceitos apropriados. Embora não sejam extensionalmente exclusivos, os sentidos empírico e transcendental de "aparência" não são coextensivos. No tocante ao primeiro ponto, toda presentação sensória é um objeto de experiência (interna) possível. No tocante ao segundo, embora objetos de experiência externa só possam ser reconhecidos através de presentações sensórias, eles não podem ser tomados como tais.

    AS SECAS NO NORDESTE: recorrência climática e descontinuidade

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    Neste artigo, o autor procura estudar o comportamento dos governantes e dos flagelados da seca na zona semi-árida do Nordeste, considerando as atitudes por eles tomadas antes e no decorrer das duas grandes estiagens de 1993 e 1998. Sendo a seca um fenômeno natural episódico, a idéia central do artigo foi de identificar os preparativos (ou a ausência deles) feitos por aqueles agentes para o enfrentamento da seca. Para o autor deste artigo, a situação de pobreza em que vive grande parte da população rural da zona semi-árida explica a recorrência do flagelo da seca e a necessidade de medidas emergenciais por parte dos governantes se deve à falta de soluções de natureza estrutural que reduzissem a vulnerabilidade do sertanejo aos efeitos da seca. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Nordeste, zona semi-árida, secas, políticas emergenciais, frentes produtivas. THE DROUGHTS IN THE NORTHEAST: climatic recurrence and public measures discontinuity Renato Santos Duarte In this article, the author tries to study the behavior of both government and drought victims in the Northeastern semi-arid region, bearing in mind the attitudes adopted by them before and during the course of the two great periods of lack of rain in 1993 and 1998. Since the drought is a natural episodic phenomenon, the central idea of this article was to identify whether the agents got or not prepared for facing the drought. According to the author, the poverty situation experienced by great part of the rural populations in the semi-arid region explains the recurrence of the sufferings imposed by the droughts, as well as the need of urgent measures to be adopted by the governing authorities to overcome the lack of structural solutions. Thus the vulnerability of the ‘sertanejo’, “the inlander”, to the drought effects can be reduced. KEYWORDS: Northeast, semi-arid regions, droughts, urgent measures, productive fronts. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    Plano de Comunicação Integrada de Marketing para a marca "The best chocolate cake in the world"

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    Mestrado em MarketingNeste trabalho é proposto um plano de Comunicação Integrada de Marketing para a marca de pastelaria The Best Chocolate Cake in the World (BCCW), braço de negócio da insígnia portuguesa O Melhor Bolo de Chocolate do Mundo (MBCM), que está a dar os primeiros passos no mercado britânico. O plano que se segue tem em vista a abertura de um ponto de venda próprio naquele mercado, bem como a construção de uma rede de revendedores - tendo este processo já sido iniciado pela marca.This paper proposes an Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for the brand The Best Chocolate Cake in the World (BCCW), a business extension of the Portuguese brand O Melhor Bolo de Chocolate do Mundo, which is now giving its first steps in the British market. The following plan foresees the launching of a point of sale for BCCW in the above mentioned market, as well as the building of a resellers network ? bearing in mind that the latter process has already been initiated by the brand

    Migration and urban poverty in northeast Brazil

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    Summary available: p. iv-vi