2,179 research outputs found

    Estudi crític de l'obra científica de Ramon Turró

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    Hipertensión arterial sistémica en 3 gatos

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    En nuestro país, la medición de la presión arterial sistémica aún no es una práctica rutinaria en la mayoría de clínicas veterinarias. Por otro lado, en la literatura española la bibliografía sobre hipertensión sistémica felina es escasa. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar tres casos con hipertensión arterial sistémica.

    Rigid systems of second-order linear differential equations

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    We say that a system of differential equations d^2x(t)/dt^2=Adx(t)/dt+Bx(t)+Cu(t), in which A and B are m-by-m complex matrices and C is an m-by-n complex matrix, is rigid if it can be reduced by substitutions x(t)=Sy(t), u(t)=Udy(t)/dt+Vy(t)+Pv(t) with nonsingular S and P to each system obtained from it by a small enough perturbation of its matrices A,B,C. We prove that there exists a rigid system if and only if m<n(1+square_root{5})/2, and describe all rigid systems.Comment: 22 page

    Cooperative games and inclusion in physical education

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    De acuerdo con los principios teóricos de la praxeología motriz este estudio examinó cuatro tipos de conductas motrices cooperativas: ajustadas [AJUS], desajustadas [DESAJ], perversas [PER]) y de pacto (PACT) de 40 niños (18 con discapacidades and 22 sin discapacidades) de 8-11 años que participaron en un programa diseñado para promover la inclusión a través de juegos cooperativos. Las conductas motrices más frecuentes (24%) fueron las AJUS. Modelos de regresión múltiple mostraron que las variables dependientes tuvieron un considerable poder de explicación: AJUS, 34%; DESAJ, el 22%; PERV, 30% y 3% PACT. Con respecto a las variables independientes analizadas, es decir, la edad, el género y si la persona tenía discapacidad, sólo esta última explicó algunas de las conductas observadas.Based on the theoretical principles of motor praxeology this study examined four types of cooperative motor behaviours, namely well-matched [WMAT], mismatched [MISMAT], destructive [DEST] and cooperative agreement (PACT), among 40 children aged 8-11 years (18 children with disabilities and 22 without disabilities) who were taking part in a workshop designed to promote inclusion through cooperative games. The most commonly observed motor behaviour (24%) was WMAT. Multiple regression models showed that the dependent variables had considerable explanatory power: WMAT, 34%; MISMAT, 22%; DEST, 30%; and PACT 3%. With respect to the independent variables analysed, namely age, gender and whether or not the child had disabilities, only the latter explained some of the observed behaviour

    The Math Gender Gap: The Role of Culture

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    This paper investigates the effect of gender-related culture on the math gender gap by analysing math test scores of second-generation immigrants, who are all exposed to a common set of host country laws and institutions. We find that immigrant girls whose parents come from more gender-equal countries perform better (relative to similar boys) than immigrant girls whose parents come from less gender-equal countries, suggesting an important role of cultural beliefs on the role of women in society on the math gender gap. The transmission of cultural beliefs accounts for at least two thirds of the overall contribution of gender-related factors

    Reduction to versal deformations of matrix pencils and matrix pairs with application to control theory

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    Matrix pencils under the strict equivalence and matrix pairs under the state feedback equivalence are considered. It is known that a matrix pencil (or a matrix pair) smoothly dependent on parameters can be reduced locally to a special typically more simple form, called the versal deformation, by a smooth change of parameters and a strict equivalence (or feedback equivalence)transformation. We suggest an explicit recurrent procedure for finding the change of parameters and equivalence transformation in the reduction of a given family of matrix pencils (or matrix pairs) to the versal deformation. As an application, this procedure is applied to the analysis of the uncontrollability set in the space of parameters for a one-input linear dynamical system. Explicit formulae for a tangent plane to the uncontrollability set at its regular point and the perturbation of the uncontrollable mode are derived. A physical example is given and studied in detail

    Immunology: Investigations on the cell type responsible for the endometrial secretion of complement component 3 (C3)

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    It has been shown that and human endometria have the capacity to produce complement component 3 (C3). In rats, endometrial C3 is an oestrogen-dependent protein produced and secreted by glandular cells. The cell responsible for the synthesis and secretion of human endometrial C3 has not been clearly defined. Our study was aimed at answering this question. Samples of endometrium obtained from hysterectomies were either immunostained for C3 or digested with collagenase; then the stromal and glandular cells were separated and immunopurified (or not) with an antibody to CD45 coupled to magnetic beads to eliminate the endometrial lymphomyeloid cells. Cells were cultured for 2 weeks and C3 measured in the medium by an in-house radioimmunoassay. Glandular as well as stromal cells stained positively for C3 and released C3 in vitro. The release of C3 from both cell types could be inhibited by cycloheximide. Epithelial cells produced significantly more C3 than stromal cells, and endometrial C3 production was higher for both cell types when these were obtained from secretory as compared to proliferative endometria. Lymphomyeloid cells were possibly a source of C3 since after immunoadsorption of these cells, the remaining stromal or glandular cells produced significantly less C3. We conclude that endometrial stromal, glandular and lymphomyeloid cells all produce C

    Adaptive Dispersion Compensation for Remote Fiber Delivery of NIR Femtosecond Pulses

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    We report on remote delivery of 25 pJ broadband near-infrared femtosecond light pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser through 150 meters of single-mode optical fiber. Pulse distortion due to dispersion is overcome with pre-compensation using adaptive pulse shaping techniques, while nonlinearities are mitigated using an SF10 rod for the final stage of pulse compression. Near transform limited pulse duration of 130 fs is measured after the final compression.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Functional output-controllability of time-invariant singular linear systems

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    In the space of finite-dimensional singular linear continuous-time-invariant systems described in the form \begin{equation}\label{eq1}\left . \begin{array}{rl} E \dot x(t)&= Ax(t)+Bu(t)\\ y(t)&=Cx(t)\end{array}{\kern-1mm}\right \}\end{equation} where E,AM=Mn(C)E,A\in M=M_{n}(\mathbb{C}), BMn×m(C)B\in M_{n\times m}(\mathbb{C}), CMp×n(C)C\in M_{p\times n}(\mathbb{C}), functional output-controllability character is considered. A simple test based in the computation of the rank of a certain constant matrix that can be associated to the system is presentedPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Seahorse aquaculture, biology and conservation: knowledge gaps and research opportunities

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    11 páginas, 6 figuras, 1 tablaSeahorses are currently experiencing an unprecedented level of anthropogenic pressure promoted by habitat destruction and increasing fishing effort to supply premium markets. This study provides an overview of the scientific literature on seahorses in the 21st century and critically discusses five major knowledge gaps and research opportunities to advance the state of the art on this research field. The average number of publications per year increased from 10 (2001–2002) to ∼40 (2001–2015), the majority addressing issues on seahorse ecology, biology, and aquaculture, with the most studied species being Hippocampus kuda, H. guttulatus, H. reidi, H. abdominalis, H. erectus, H. hippocampus, and H. trimaculatus. This study explores the opportunity of using seahorses as flagship species to foster mangrove conservation and decrease trawling fisheries. It also suggests that further scientific studies are needed to better understand and manage the populations of the most heavily traded seahorse species, as well as the need to monitor their vulnerability to emerging pollutants and climate change. Sustainable seahorse aquaculture can play an important role in seahorse conservation, as well as in the development of reliable traceability tools to fight the illegal trade of these highly priced organismsWe thank the São Paulo Research Foundation–FAPESP (grants nos. 2013/22260-6 and 2015/18050-0) and The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development–CNPq (grant nos. 441356/2014-1) for the financial support provided. Thanks also to FCT/MEC through national funds, and the cofunding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020 for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2013)Peer reviewe